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Modern audio compression for the internet.


Top Related Projects


Mirror of


A standalone library of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android.


Library for SRTP (Secure Realtime Transport Protocol)

Quick Overview

Opus is an open-source, highly versatile audio codec designed for interactive speech and music transmission over the Internet. It is standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and combines the best of the SILK and CELT codecs, offering low-latency, high-quality audio compression for a wide range of applications.


  • Excellent audio quality at various bitrates
  • Low latency, suitable for real-time communication
  • Supports both speech and music encoding
  • Royalty-free and open-source


  • Complexity in implementation due to its versatility
  • Higher computational requirements compared to some simpler codecs
  • Limited hardware support in older devices
  • Steep learning curve for developers new to audio codecs

Code Examples

  1. Encoding audio:
#include <opus.h>

int encode_frame(OpusEncoder *encoder, const opus_int16 *audio_frame, 
                 int frame_size, unsigned char *encoded_packet, int max_packet) {
    int nbBytes = opus_encode(encoder, audio_frame, frame_size, encoded_packet, max_packet);
    return nbBytes;
  1. Decoding audio:
#include <opus.h>

int decode_frame(OpusDecoder *decoder, const unsigned char *encoded_packet, 
                 int len, opus_int16 *decoded_frame, int frame_size, int decode_fec) {
    int samples = opus_decode(decoder, encoded_packet, len, decoded_frame, frame_size, decode_fec);
    return samples;
  1. Setting bitrate:
#include <opus.h>

int set_bitrate(OpusEncoder *encoder, int bitrate) {
    int result = opus_encoder_ctl(encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(bitrate));
    return result;

Getting Started

To use Opus in your project:

  1. Install the Opus library:

    sudo apt-get install libopus-dev
  2. Include the Opus header in your C/C++ file:

    #include <opus.h>
  3. Compile your program with the Opus library:

    gcc -o your_program your_program.c -lopus
  4. Initialize an Opus encoder or decoder:

    int error;
    OpusEncoder *encoder = opus_encoder_create(48000, 2, OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP, &error);

Remember to check for errors and properly handle the encoder/decoder lifecycle.

Competitor Comparisons


Mirror of

Pros of FFmpeg

  • Broader functionality: FFmpeg is a comprehensive multimedia framework supporting a wide range of audio and video formats, codecs, and processing tasks
  • Extensive command-line interface: Offers powerful and flexible options for various multimedia operations
  • Large community and extensive documentation: Benefits from widespread adoption and contributions

Cons of FFmpeg

  • Steeper learning curve: Due to its extensive features, FFmpeg can be more complex to use for beginners
  • Larger codebase and dependencies: Requires more resources and may be overkill for simple audio-only projects

Code Comparison

Opus (encoding audio):

opus_encoder_create(48000, 2, OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO, &err);
opus_encode(encoder, pcm, frame_size, cbits, max_packet);

FFmpeg (encoding audio):

avcodec_open2(c, codec, &opt);
avcodec_encode_audio2(c, &pkt, frame, &got_output);


FFmpeg is a versatile multimedia framework with broad capabilities, while Opus focuses specifically on high-quality audio coding. FFmpeg offers more extensive features but may be more complex, whereas Opus provides a simpler, specialized solution for audio compression.


A standalone library of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android.

Pros of FDK-AAC

  • Higher quality at low bitrates for AAC encoding
  • Better compatibility with existing AAC hardware decoders
  • More efficient for certain types of audio content (e.g., speech)

Cons of FDK-AAC

  • Less open licensing model (not fully open-source)
  • Limited support for newer audio coding techniques
  • Slower development and community support

Code Comparison

Opus encoding example:

opus_encoder_create(48000, 2, OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO, &err);
opus_encode(encoder, pcm, frame_size, cbits, max_packet);

FDK-AAC encoding example:

aacEncOpen(&hAacEncoder, 0, 2);
aacEncoder_SetParam(hAacEncoder, AACENC_AOT, AOT_AAC_LC);
aacEncEncode(hAacEncoder, &inBufDesc, &outBufDesc, &inArgs, &outArgs);

Both libraries offer straightforward APIs for encoding audio, but Opus provides a simpler interface with fewer configuration options required for basic usage. FDK-AAC offers more granular control over encoding parameters, which can be beneficial for advanced use cases but may require more setup code.


Library for SRTP (Secure Realtime Transport Protocol)

Pros of libsrtp

  • Specialized for secure RTP, offering robust encryption and authentication
  • Lightweight and efficient, optimized for real-time communications
  • Widely adopted in VoIP and WebRTC applications

Cons of libsrtp

  • Limited to RTP/SRTP protocols, less versatile than Opus
  • Smaller community and less frequent updates compared to Opus
  • Lacks advanced audio coding features present in Opus

Code Comparison

libsrtp (encryption example):

srtp_policy_t policy;
policy.ssrc.type = ssrc_specific;
policy.ssrc.value = ssrc;
policy.key = key;
srtp_create(&session, &policy);

Opus (encoding example):

opus_encoder *encoder;
encoder = opus_encoder_create(48000, 2, OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP, &err);
opus_encoder_ctl(encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(64000));
opus_encode(encoder, pcm, frame_size, cbits, max_packet);

Both libraries serve different purposes: libsrtp focuses on securing RTP streams, while Opus is an audio codec. libsrtp is ideal for adding security to real-time communications, whereas Opus excels in high-quality, low-latency audio encoding and decoding across various applications.

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== Opus audio codec ==

Opus is a codec for interactive speech and audio transmission over the Internet.

Opus can handle a wide range of interactive audio applications, including Voice over IP, videoconferencing, in-game chat, and even remote live music performances. It can scale from low bit-rate narrowband speech to very high quality stereo music.

Opus, when coupled with an appropriate container format, is also suitable for non-realtime stored-file applications such as music distribution, game soundtracks, portable music players, jukeboxes, and other applications that have historically used high latency formats such as MP3, AAC, or Vorbis.

                Opus is specified by IETF RFC 6716:

The Opus format and this implementation of it are subject to the royalty- free patent and copyright licenses specified in the file COPYING.

This package implements a shared library for encoding and decoding raw Opus bitstreams. Raw Opus bitstreams should be used over RTP according to

The package also includes a number of test tools used for testing the correct operation of the library. The bitstreams read/written by these tools should not be used for Opus file distribution: They include additional debugging data and cannot support seeking.

Opus stored in files should use the Ogg encapsulation for Opus which is described at:

An opus-tools package is available which provides encoding and decoding of Ogg encapsulated Opus files and includes a number of useful features.

Opus-tools can be found at: or on the main Opus website:

== Deep Learning and Opus ==

Lossy networks continue to be a challenge for real-time communications. While the original implementation of Opus provides an excellent packet loss concealment mechanism, the team has continued to advance the methodology used to improve audio quality in challenge network environments.

In Opus 1.5, we added a deep learning based redundancy encoder that enhances audio in lossy networks by embedding one second of recovery data in the padding data of each packet. The underlying algorithm behind encoding and decoding the recovery data is called the deep redundancy (DRED) algorithm. By leveraging the padding data within the packet, Opus 1.5 is fully backward compatible with prior revisions of Opus. Please see the README under the "dnn" subdirectory to understand DRED.

DRED was developed by a team that Amazon Web Services initially sponsored, who open-sourced the implementation as well as began the standardization process at the IETF: The license behind Opus or the intellectual property position of Opus does not change with Opus 1.5.

== Compiling libopus ==

To build from a distribution tarball, you only need to do the following:

% ./configure
% make

To build from the git repository, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Set up a development environment:

On an Ubuntu or Debian family Linux distribution:

% sudo apt-get install git autoconf automake libtool gcc make

On a Fedora/Redhat based Linux:

% sudo dnf install git autoconf automake libtool gcc make

Or for older Redhat/Centos Linux releases:

% sudo yum install git autoconf automake libtool gcc make

On Apple macOS, install Xcode and, then in the Terminal enter:

% brew install autoconf automake libtool
  1. Clone the repository:

    % git clone % cd opus

  2. Compiling the source

    % ./ % ./configure % make

On x86, it's a good idea to use a -march= option that allows the use of AVX2.

  1. Install the codec libraries (optional)

    % sudo make install

Once you have compiled the codec, there will be a opus_demo executable in the top directory.

Usage: opus_demo [-e] <sampling rate (Hz)> <channels (1/2)> [options] opus_demo -d <sampling rate (Hz)> <channels (1/2)> [options]

mode: voip | audio | restricted-lowdelay options: -e : only runs the encoder (output the bit-stream) -d : only runs the decoder (reads the bit-stream as input) -cbr : enable constant bitrate; default: variable bitrate -cvbr : enable constrained variable bitrate; default: unconstrained -bandwidth <NB|MB|WB|SWB|FB> : audio bandwidth (from narrowband to fullband); default: sampling rate -framesize <2.5|5|10|20|40|60> : frame size in ms; default: 20 -max_payload : maximum payload size in bytes, default: 1024 -complexity : complexity, 0 (lowest) ... 10 (highest); default: 10 -inbandfec : enable SILK inband FEC -forcemono : force mono encoding, even for stereo input -dtx : enable SILK DTX -loss : simulate packet loss, in percent (0-100); default: 0

input and output are little-endian signed 16-bit PCM files or opus bitstreams with simple opus_demo proprietary framing.

== Testing ==

This package includes a collection of automated unit and system tests which SHOULD be run after compiling the package especially the first time it is run on a new platform.

To run the integrated tests:

% make check

There is also collection of standard test vectors which are not included in this package for size reasons but can be obtained from:

To run compare the code to these test vectors:

% curl -OL
% tar -zxf opus_testvectors-rfc8251.tar.gz
% ./tests/ ./ opus_newvectors 48000

== Compiling libopus for Windows and alternative build systems ==

See cmake/ or meson/

== Portability notes ==

This implementation uses floating-point by default but can be compiled to use only fixed-point arithmetic by setting --enable-fixed-point (if using autoconf) or by defining the FIXED_POINT macro (if building manually). The fixed point implementation has somewhat lower audio quality and is slower on platforms with fast FPUs, it is normally only used in embedded environments.

The implementation can be compiled with either a C89 or a C99 compiler. While it does not rely on any undefined behavior as defined by C89 or C99, it relies on common implementation-defined behavior for two's complement architectures:

o Right shifts of negative values are consistent with two's complement arithmetic, so that a>>b is equivalent to floor(a/(2^b)),

o For conversion to a signed integer of N bits, the value is reduced modulo 2^N to be within range of the type,

o The result of integer division of a negative value is truncated towards zero, and

o The compiler provides a 64-bit integer type (a C99 requirement which is supported by most C89 compilers).