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可能是我用过的最优雅的 Alipay/WeChat/Douyin/Unipay/江苏银行 的支付 SDK 扩展包了


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📦 一个 PHP 微信 SDK

可能是我用过的最优雅的 Alipay/WeChat/Unipay 的 laravel 支付扩展包了

微信 SDK for Laravel, 基于 overtrue/wechat

Quick Overview

The yansongda/pay project is a PHP package that provides a unified API for various payment gateways, including Alipay, WeChat Pay, and UnionPay. It aims to simplify the integration of payment processing into PHP applications, offering a consistent and easy-to-use interface across different payment providers.


  • Unified API: The package provides a consistent API for interacting with different payment gateways, reducing the complexity of integrating multiple payment methods.
  • Extensive Documentation: The project has detailed documentation, including examples and usage guides, making it easier for developers to get started and understand the library's features.
  • Active Development: The project is actively maintained, with regular updates and bug fixes, ensuring compatibility with the latest payment gateway requirements.
  • Community Support: The project has a growing community of contributors and users, providing a valuable resource for troubleshooting and feature requests.


  • Limited Payment Gateways: While the package supports several popular payment gateways, it may not cover all the payment methods required by some applications.
  • Dependency on External Libraries: The package relies on external libraries, such as guzzlehttp/guzzle and symfony/http-foundation, which may introduce additional complexity and potential compatibility issues.
  • Potential Learning Curve: Developers unfamiliar with the package may need to invest time in understanding its structure and usage, especially if they need to integrate with multiple payment gateways.
  • Potential Vendor Lock-in: By using this package, developers may become more dependent on the project's maintainers, which could lead to vendor lock-in concerns.

Code Examples

Here are a few code examples demonstrating the usage of the yansongda/pay package:

Alipay Payment

use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

$order = [
    'out_trade_no' => time(),
    'total_amount' => '1.00',
    'subject'      => 'test subject - 测试',

$result = Pay::alipay()->web($order)->send();

// 将结果返回给前端
return $result->getContent();

This code demonstrates how to create an Alipay payment order and generate the payment page HTML.

WeChat Pay Payment

use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

$order = [
    'out_trade_no' => time(),
    'body'         => 'test body - 测试',
    'total_fee'    => '1',
    'openid'       => 'openid',

$result = Pay::wechat()->mp($order)->send();

// 将结果返回给前端
return $result->getContent();

This code shows how to create a WeChat Pay payment order and generate the payment page HTML for a WeChat Mini Program.


use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

$refund = [
    'out_trade_no'   => '1514027114',
    'refund_amount'  => '1',
    'out_refund_no'  => time(),

$result = Pay::alipay()->refund($refund)->send();

// 处理结果

This code demonstrates how to initiate a refund for an Alipay payment.

Getting Started

To get started with the yansongda/pay package, follow these steps:

  1. Install the package using Composer:
composer require yansongda/pay
  1. Configure the payment gateway settings in your application:
use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

// Alipay configuration
$config = [
    'app_id'         => 'your-alipay-app-id',
    'ali_public_key' => 'path/to/your/alipay/public/key',
    'private_key'    => 'path/to/your/private/key',
    'log'            => [
        'file'     => './logs/alipay.log',
        'level'    => 'debug',
        'type'     => 'single', // optional

Competitor Comparisons

📦 一个 PHP 微信 SDK

Pros of EasyWechat

  • EasyWechat provides a more comprehensive set of features for WeChat integration, including support for official accounts, mini-programs, and payment gateways.
  • The library is actively maintained and has a larger community of contributors, ensuring regular updates and bug fixes.
  • EasyWechat has better documentation and more detailed examples, making it easier for developers to get started with WeChat integration.

Cons of EasyWechat

  • Pay is a more lightweight and focused library, which may be preferred by developers who only need basic payment functionality.
  • EasyWechat has a larger codebase and may have a steeper learning curve for developers who are new to WeChat integration.
  • The licensing and intellectual property considerations may be more complex with EasyWechat, as it is a commercial product.

Code Comparison


$pay = Pay::wechat([
    'app_id' => 'your-wechat-app-id',
    'mch_id' => 'your-wechat-mch-id',
    'key' => 'your-wechat-key',
    'cert_path' => 'path/to/your/cert.pem',
    'key_path' => 'path/to/your/key.pem',

$order = $pay->order->unify([
    'out_trade_no' => time(),
    'total_fee' => 1,
    'body' => 'test body',
    'openid' => 'openid',


$app = Factory::payment([
    'app_id' => 'your-wechat-app-id',
    'mch_id' => 'your-wechat-mch-id',
    'key' => 'your-wechat-key',
    'cert_path' => 'path/to/your/cert.pem',
    'key_path' => 'path/to/your/key.pem',

$result = $app->order->unify([
    'body' => 'Your cart order',
    'out_trade_no' => time(),
    'total_fee' => 1,
    'trade_type' => 'JSAPI',
    'openid' => 'openid',

可能是我用过的最优雅的 Alipay/WeChat/Unipay 的 laravel 支付扩展包了

Pros of yansongda/laravel-pay

  • Easier Integration: yansongda/laravel-pay provides a Laravel-specific integration, making it more straightforward to use within a Laravel application.
  • Automatic Configuration: The package handles the configuration and setup process, reducing the amount of boilerplate code required.
  • Consistent API: The package follows the Laravel conventions, providing a familiar and consistent API for developers.

Cons of yansongda/laravel-pay

  • Limited to Laravel: yansongda/laravel-pay is specifically designed for Laravel applications, limiting its use in non-Laravel projects.
  • Dependency on Laravel: The package is tightly coupled with the Laravel framework, which may be a drawback for developers who prefer a more framework-agnostic solution.
  • Potentially Slower Updates: The updates and maintenance of yansongda/laravel-pay may be slower compared to the more general yansongda/pay package.

Code Comparison


$config = [
    'alipay' => [
        'app_id' => 'your-alipay-app-id',
        'secret' => 'your-alipay-secret',
        // ...
    'wechat' => [
        'app_id' => 'your-wechat-app-id',
        'mch_id' => 'your-wechat-mch-id',
        // ...

$pay = Pay::alipay($config['alipay'])->web([
    'out_trade_no' => time(),
    'total_amount' => 1,
    'subject'      => 'test subject',


$pay = Pay::alipay()->web([
    'out_trade_no' => time(),
    'total_amount' => 1,
    'subject'      => 'test subject',

微信 SDK for Laravel, 基于 overtrue/wechat

Pros of Laravel-WeChat

  • Provides a comprehensive set of APIs for interacting with WeChat's various services, including official accounts, mini-programs, payment, and more.
  • Integrates seamlessly with the Laravel framework, allowing developers to leverage the framework's features and conventions.
  • Offers a modular design, allowing developers to use only the components they need, reducing the overall project footprint.

Cons of Laravel-WeChat

  • Primarily focused on WeChat integration, which may not be suitable for developers who need to work with other payment gateways or service providers.
  • Requires a deeper understanding of the Laravel framework, which may be a barrier for developers who are not familiar with it.
  • May have a steeper learning curve compared to a more generic payment library like yansongda/pay.

Code Comparison


$pay = Pay::alipay([
    'app_id' => 'your-alipay-app-id',
    'notify_url' => '',
    'return_url' => '',
    'ali_public_key' => 'path/to/alipay/public/key',
    'private_key' => 'path/to/private/key',
    'log' => [
        'file' => './logs/alipay.log',
        'level' => 'debug',
        'type' => 'single',

$result = $pay->web([
    'out_trade_no' => time(),
    'total_amount' => 1,
    'subject' => 'test subject - 测试',


$app = app('wechat.official_account');
$app->server->push(function($message) {
    switch ($message['MsgType']) {
        case 'text':
            return "Hello, I'm WeChat!";
        case 'image':
            return [
                'type' => 'image',
                'media_id' => 'media_id',
    return '';


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v3 版与 v2 版在底层有很大的不同,基础架构做了重新的设计,更易扩展,使用起来更方便。


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  • 多租户支持
  • Swoole 支持
  • 灵活的插件机制
  • 丰富的事件系统
  • 命名不那么乱七八糟
  • 隐藏开发者不需要关注的细节
  • 根据支付宝、微信最新 API 开发而成
  • 高度抽象的类,免去各种拼json与xml的痛苦
  • 文件结构清晰易理解,可以随心所欲添加本项目中没有的支付网关
  • 方法使用更优雅,不必再去研究那些奇怪的的方法名或者类名是做啥用的
  • 内置自动获取微信公共证书方法,再也不用再费劲去考虑第一次获取证书的的问题了
  • 符合 PSR2、PSR3、PSR4、PSR7、PSR11、PSR14、PSR18 等各项标准,你可以各种方便的与你的框架集成




yansongda/pay 100% 兼容 支付宝/微信/银联 所有功能(包括服务商功能),只需通过「插件机制」引入即可。

同时,SDK 直接支持内置了以下插件,详情请查阅文档。


  • 电脑支付
  • 手机网站支付
  • APP 支付
  • 刷卡支付
  • 扫码支付
  • 账户转账
  • 小程序支付
  • ...


  • 公众号支付
  • 小程序支付
  • H5 支付
  • 扫码支付
  • APP 支付
  • 刷卡支付
  • ...


  • 小程序支付
  • ...


  • 手机网站支付
  • 电脑网站支付
  • 刷卡支付
  • 扫码支付
  • ...


  • 聚合扫码支付(微信,支付宝,银联,e融)
  • ...


composer require yansongda/pay:~3.7.0 -vvv




namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

class AlipayController
    protected $config = [
        'alipay' => [
            'default' => [
                // 必填-支付宝分配的 app_id
                'app_id' => '2016082000295641',
                // 必填-应用私钥 字符串或路径
                'app_secret_cert' => '89iZ2iC16H6/6a3YcP+hDZUjiNGQx9cuwi9eJyykvcwhD...',
                // 必填-应用公钥证书 路径
                'app_public_cert_path' => '/Users/yansongda/pay/cert/appCertPublicKey_2016082000295641.crt',
                // 必填-支付宝公钥证书 路径
                'alipay_public_cert_path' => '/Users/yansongda/pay/cert/alipayCertPublicKey_RSA2.crt',
                // 必填-支付宝根证书 路径
                'alipay_root_cert_path' => '/Users/yansongda/pay/cert/alipayRootCert.crt',
                'return_url' => '',
                'notify_url' => '',
                // 选填-第三方应用授权token
                'app_auth_token' => '',
                // 选填-服务商模式下的服务商 id,当 mode 为 Pay::MODE_SERVICE 时使用该参数
                'service_provider_id' => '',
                // 选填-默认为正常模式。可选为: MODE_NORMAL, MODE_SANDBOX, MODE_SERVICE
                'mode' => Pay::MODE_NORMAL,
        'logger' => [ // optional
            'enable' => false,
            'file' => './logs/alipay.log',
            'level' => 'info', // 建议生产环境等级调整为 info,开发环境为 debug
            'type' => 'single', // optional, 可选 daily.
            'max_file' => 30, // optional, 当 type 为 daily 时有效,默认 30 天
        'http' => [ // optional
            'timeout' => 5.0,
            'connect_timeout' => 5.0,
            // 更多配置项请参考 [Guzzle](

    public function web()
        $result = Pay::alipay()->web([
            'out_trade_no' => ''.time(),
            'total_amount' => '0.01',
            'subject' => 'yansongda 测试 - 1',
        return $result;

    public function returnCallback()
        $data = Pay::alipay()->callback(); // 是的,验签就这么简单!

        // 订单号:$data->out_trade_no
        // 支付宝交易号:$data->trade_no
        // 订单总金额:$data->total_amount

    public function notifyCallback()
            $data = Pay::alipay()->callback(); // 是的,验签就这么简单!

            // 请自行对 trade_status 进行判断及其它逻辑进行判断,在支付宝的业务通知中,只有交易通知状态为 TRADE_SUCCESS 或 TRADE_FINISHED 时,支付宝才会认定为买家付款成功。
            // 1、商户需要验证该通知数据中的out_trade_no是否为商户系统中创建的订单号;
            // 2、判断total_amount是否确实为该订单的实际金额(即商户订单创建时的金额);
            // 3、校验通知中的seller_id(或者seller_email) 是否为out_trade_no这笔单据的对应的操作方(有的时候,一个商户可能有多个seller_id/seller_email);
            // 4、验证app_id是否为该商户本身。
            // 5、其它业务逻辑情况
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {

        return Pay::alipay()->success();



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

class WechatController
    protected $config = [
        'wechat' => [
            'default' => [
                // 必填-商户号
                'mch_id' => '',
                // 选填-v2商户私钥
                'mch_secret_key_v2' => '',
                // 必填-v3商户秘钥
                'mch_secret_key' => '',
                // 必填-商户私钥 字符串或路径
                'mch_secret_cert' => '',
                // 必填-商户公钥证书路径
                'mch_public_cert_path' => '',
                // 必填
                'notify_url' => '',
                // 选填-公众号 的 app_id
                'mp_app_id' => '',
                // 选填-小程序 的 app_id
                'mini_app_id' => '',
                // 选填-app 的 app_id
                'app_id' => '',
                // 选填-服务商模式下,子公众号 的 app_id
                'sub_mp_app_id' => '',
                // 选填-服务商模式下,子 app 的 app_id
                'sub_app_id' => '',
                // 选填-服务商模式下,子小程序 的 app_id
                'sub_mini_app_id' => '',
                // 选填-服务商模式下,子商户id
                'sub_mch_id' => '',
                // 选填-微信平台公钥证书路径, optional,强烈建议 php-fpm 模式下配置此参数
                'wechat_public_cert_path' => [
                    '45F59D4DABF31918AFCEC556D5D2C6E376675D57' => __DIR__.'/Cert/wechatpay_45F***D57.pem',
                // 选填-默认为正常模式。可选为: MODE_NORMAL, MODE_SERVICE
                'mode' => Pay::MODE_NORMAL,
        'logger' => [ // optional
            'enable' => false,
            'file' => './logs/wechat.log',
            'level' => 'info', // 建议生产环境等级调整为 info,开发环境为 debug
            'type' => 'single', // optional, 可选 daily.
            'max_file' => 30, // optional, 当 type 为 daily 时有效,默认 30 天
        'http' => [ // optional
            'timeout' => 5.0,
            'connect_timeout' => 5.0,
            // 更多配置项请参考 [Guzzle](

    public function index()
        $order = [
            'out_trade_no' => time().'',
            'description' => 'subject-测试',
            'amount' => [
                 'total' => 1,
            'payer' => [
                 'openid' => 'onkVf1FjWS5SBxxxxxxxx',

        $pay = Pay::wechat()->mp($order);

        // $pay->appId
        // $pay->timeStamp
        // $pay->nonceStr
        // $pay->package
        // $pay->signType

    public function callback()
            $data = Pay::wechat()->callback(); // 是的,验签就这么简单!
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
        return Pay::wechat()->success();



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

class DouyinController
    protected $config = [
        'douyin' => [
            'default' => [
                // 选填-商户号
                // 抖音开放平台 --> 应用详情 --> 支付信息 --> 产品管理 --> 商户号
                'mch_id' => '73744242495132490630',
                // 必填-支付 Token,用于支付回调签名
                // 抖音开放平台 --> 应用详情 --> 支付信息 --> 支付设置 --> Token(令牌)
                'mch_secret_token' => 'douyin_mini_token',
                // 必填-支付 SALT,用于支付签名
                // 抖音开放平台 --> 应用详情 --> 支付信息 --> 支付设置 --> SALT
                'mch_secret_salt' => 'oDxWDBr4U7FAAQ8hnGDm29i4A6pbTMDKme4WLLvA',
                // 必填-小程序 app_id
                // 抖音开放平台 --> 应用详情 --> 支付信息 --> 支付设置 --> 小程序appid
                'mini_app_id' => 'tt226e54d3bd581bf801',
                // 选填-抖音开放平台服务商id
                'thirdparty_id' => '',
                // 选填-抖音支付回调地址
                'notify_url' => '',
        'logger' => [ // optional
            'enable' => false,
            'file' => './logs/alipay.log',
            'level' => 'info', // 建议生产环境等级调整为 info,开发环境为 debug
            'type' => 'single', // optional, 可选 daily.
            'max_file' => 30, // optional, 当 type 为 daily 时有效,默认 30 天
        'http' => [ // optional
            'timeout' => 5.0,
            'connect_timeout' => 5.0,
            // 更多配置项请参考 [Guzzle](

    public function pay()
        $result = Pay::douyin()->mini([
            'out_order_no' => date('YmdHis').mt_rand(1000, 9999),
            'total_amount' => 1,
            'subject' => '闫嵩达 - test - subject - 01',
            'body' => '闫嵩达 - test - body - 01',
            'valid_time' => 600,
            'expand_order_info' => json_encode([
                'original_delivery_fee' => 15,
                'actual_delivery_fee' => 10
        return $result;

    public function callback()
            $data = Pay::douyin()->callback(); // 是的,验签就这么简单!
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {

        return Pay::douyin()->success();



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

class JsbController
    protected $config = [
        'jsb' => [
            'default' => [
                // 服务代码
                'svr_code' => '',
                // 必填-合作商ID
                'partner_id' => '',
                // 必填-公私钥对编号
                'public_key_code' => '00',
                // 必填-商户私钥(加密签名)
                'mch_secret_cert_path' => '',
                // 必填-商户公钥证书路径(提供江苏银行进行验证签名用)
                'mch_public_cert_path' => '',
                // 必填-江苏银行的公钥(用于解密江苏银行返回的数据)
                'jsb_public_cert_path' => '',
                'notify_url'            => '', 
                // 选填-默认为正常模式。可选为: MODE_NORMAL:正式环境, MODE_SANDBOX:测试环境
                'mode' => Pay::MODE_NORMAL,
        'logger' => [ // optional
            'enable' => false,
            'file' => './logs/epay.log',
            'level' => 'info', // 建议生产环境等级调整为 info,开发环境为 debug
            'type' => 'single', // optional, 可选 daily.
            'max_file' => 30, // optional, 当 type 为 daily 时有效,默认 30 天
        'http' => [ // optional
            'timeout' => 5.0,
            'connect_timeout' => 5.0,
            // 更多配置项请参考 [Guzzle](

    public function index()
        $order = [
            'outTradeNo' => time().'',
            'proInfo' => 'subject-测试',
            'totalFee'=> 1,

        $pay = Pay::jsb()->scan($order);

    public function notifyCallback()

            $data = Pay::jsb()->callback(); // 是的,验签就这么简单!
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
        return Pay::jsb()->success();



如果您有其它支付网关的需求,或者发现本项目中需要改进的代码,欢迎 Fork 并提交 PR!





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