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zTree logozTree_v3

jQuery Tree Plugin


Quick Overview

zTree_v3 is an open-source JavaScript library for creating interactive tree structures in web applications. It provides a flexible and feature-rich solution for displaying hierarchical data, with support for various operations like drag-and-drop, checkboxes, and dynamic loading of nodes.


  • Highly customizable with numerous configuration options
  • Supports both synchronous and asynchronous data loading
  • Provides built-in features like drag-and-drop, checkboxes, and search functionality
  • Extensive documentation and examples available


  • Learning curve can be steep due to the large number of configuration options
  • Performance may degrade with very large trees (thousands of nodes)
  • Styling can be challenging, as it relies on older CSS techniques
  • Limited built-in responsiveness for mobile devices

Code Examples

  1. Basic tree initialization:
var setting = {};
var zNodes = [
    { name: "Parent Node 1", children: [
        { name: "Child Node 1" },
        { name: "Child Node 2" }
    { name: "Parent Node 2" }

    $.fn.zTree.init($("#treeDemo"), setting, zNodes);
  1. Adding checkboxes to nodes:
var setting = {
    check: {
        enable: true
var zNodes = [
    { name: "Node 1", checked: true },
    { name: "Node 2", children: [
        { name: "Child 1" },
        { name: "Child 2" }

$.fn.zTree.init($("#treeDemo"), setting, zNodes);
  1. Implementing drag-and-drop functionality:
var setting = {
    edit: {
        enable: true,
        showRemoveBtn: false,
        showRenameBtn: false
    data: {
        simpleData: {
            enable: true
var zNodes = [
    { id:1, pId:0, name: "Parent 1" },
    { id:11, pId:1, name: "Child 1" },
    { id:12, pId:1, name: "Child 2" }

$.fn.zTree.init($("#treeDemo"), setting, zNodes);

Getting Started

  1. Include the necessary files in your HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/zTreeStyle.css">
<script src="path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/jquery.ztree.all.min.js"></script>
  1. Create a container for the tree:
<div id="treeDemo" class="ztree"></div>
  1. Initialize the tree with JavaScript:
var setting = {
    // Your tree settings here
var zNodes = [
    // Your tree data here

    $.fn.zTree.init($("#treeDemo"), setting, zNodes);

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jQuery Tree Plugin ---- zTree

last version : 3.5.48

zTree API : /api

zTree Demo : /demo


npm install @ztree/ztree_v3

Introduction of zTree (简介)

  • zTree is a multi-functional "tree plug-ins." based on jQuery. The main advantages of zTree includes excellent performance, flexible configuration, and the combination of multiple functions. (zTree 是一个依靠 jQuery 实现的多功能 “树插件”。优异的性能、灵活的配置、多种功能的组合是 zTree 最大优点。)

  • zTree is a free tree plug-in and uses the MIT license. (zTree 是开源免费的软件, 使用 MIT 许可证)

  • The code of zTree v3.x has been separated according to the various functions. You can only load the code you need. (zTree v3.x 将核心代码按照功能进行了分割,不需要的代码可以不用加载)

  • zTree v3.x uses delay loading technique, which can easily load tens of thousands of nodes in seconds even in IE6 browser. (采用了 延迟加载 技术,上万节点轻松加载,即使在 IE6 下也能基本做到秒杀)

  • Compatible with IE, FireFox?, Chrome, Opera, Safari and other browsers. (兼容 IE、FireFox?、Chrome、Opera、Safari 等浏览器)

  • Support for JSON data. (支持 JSON 数据)

  • Support for static and asynchronous data loading node. (支持静态 和 Ajax 异步加载节点数据)

  • Replace the skin / custom icon flexibly. (支持任意更换皮肤 / 自定义图标)

  • Support extremely flexible checkbox or radio selection function. (支持极其灵活的 checkbox 或 radio 选择功能)

  • Provide enough incident response callback. (提供多种事件响应回调)

  • Flexible editing (add / delete / change / search) functions, such as drag and drop nodes,you can even drag and drop multiple nodes. (灵活的编辑(增/删/改/查)功能,可随意拖拽节点,还可以多节点拖拽哟)

  • Enable to generate multiple instances of zTree in one page. (在一个页面内可同时生成多个 Tree 实例)

  • Simple parameters to achieve flexible configuration capabilities. (简单的参数配置实现 灵活多变的功能)

  • To enhance performance, zTree transforms the js & css structure to provide excellent browser compatibility and make the development more easily (zTree v3.x(JQuery Tree 插件),性能全面提升,js & css 架构全面调整,提供更好的兼容性和易开发性)