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FuelLabs logofuels-ts

Fuel Network Typescript SDK


Top Related Projects

Complete Ethereum library and wallet implementation in JavaScript.


Collection of comprehensive TypeScript libraries for Interaction with the Ethereum JSON RPC API and utility functions.


:warning: The Truffle Suite is being sunset. For information on ongoing support, migration options and FAQs, visit the Consensys blog. Thank you for all the support over the years.


Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software.

Quick Overview

FuelLabs/fuels-ts is a TypeScript SDK for interacting with the Fuel blockchain. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and utilities for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) on the Fuel network, offering seamless integration with Fuel's unique features and capabilities.


  • Strongly typed and well-documented, enhancing developer experience and reducing errors
  • Supports both browser and Node.js environments, allowing for versatile application development
  • Includes a wide range of utilities for common blockchain operations, such as wallet management and contract interactions
  • Actively maintained and regularly updated, ensuring compatibility with the latest Fuel network features


  • Specific to the Fuel blockchain, limiting its use for developers working on other networks
  • Learning curve may be steep for developers new to Fuel's unique architecture
  • Documentation, while comprehensive, may be overwhelming for beginners
  • Limited ecosystem compared to more established blockchain platforms

Code Examples

  1. Connecting to a Fuel node:
import { Wallet } from 'fuels';

const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey('0x...your-private-key-here...');
console.log('Address:', wallet.address.toString());
  1. Deploying a contract:
import { Wallet, Contract, ContractFactory } from 'fuels';

const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey('0x...your-private-key-here...');
const factory = new ContractFactory(contractABI, contractBytecode, wallet);
const contract = await factory.deployContract();
console.log('Contract deployed at:',;
  1. Calling a contract function:
import { Wallet, Contract, BN } from 'fuels';

const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey('0x...your-private-key-here...');
const contract = new Contract(contractAddress, contractABI, wallet);

const result = await contract.functions.transfer(recipientAddress, new BN(100)).call();
console.log('Transfer result:', result);

Getting Started

To start using fuels-ts in your project:

  1. Install the package:

    npm install fuels
  2. Import and use in your TypeScript/JavaScript project:

    import { Wallet } from 'fuels';
    const wallet = Wallet.generate();
    console.log('New wallet address:', wallet.address.toString());
  3. Refer to the official documentation for more detailed usage instructions and examples.

Competitor Comparisons

Complete Ethereum library and wallet implementation in JavaScript.

Pros of ethers.js

  • Mature and widely adopted library with extensive documentation
  • Supports multiple Ethereum-compatible networks out of the box
  • Large community and ecosystem of tools and extensions

Cons of ethers.js

  • Limited to Ethereum and EVM-compatible chains
  • May have performance limitations for high-frequency transactions
  • Requires additional libraries for advanced cryptographic operations

Code Comparison


const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider();
const signer = provider.getSigner();
const contract = new ethers.Contract(address, abi, signer);
const tx = await contract.transfer(recipient, amount);
await tx.wait();


const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(privateKey);
const contract = new Contract(address, abi, wallet);
const { transactionId, transactionResponse } = await contract.functions
  .transfer(recipient, amount)

The code snippets demonstrate basic contract interaction. ethers.js uses a provider and signer model, while fuels-ts utilizes a wallet-based approach. fuels-ts offers a more streamlined syntax for function calls and transaction handling, potentially simplifying the development process for Fuel-specific applications.


Collection of comprehensive TypeScript libraries for Interaction with the Ethereum JSON RPC API and utility functions.

Pros of web3.js

  • Mature and widely adopted library for Ethereum development
  • Extensive documentation and community support
  • Supports a broad range of Ethereum-related functionalities

Cons of web3.js

  • Larger bundle size, which can impact application performance
  • Primarily focused on Ethereum, limiting its use for other blockchain platforms
  • Some users report issues with TypeScript support and type definitions

Code Comparison


const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('');
const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance('0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890');
console.log('Balance:', web3.utils.fromWei(balance, 'ether'), 'ETH');


import { Wallet } from 'fuels';
const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey('0x...');
const balance = await wallet.getBalance();
console.log('Balance:', balance.format());

The code examples demonstrate basic balance retrieval operations. web3.js requires more setup and uses utility functions for unit conversion, while fuels-ts provides a more streamlined API with built-in formatting.


:warning: The Truffle Suite is being sunset. For information on ongoing support, migration options and FAQs, visit the Consensys blog. Thank you for all the support over the years.

Pros of Truffle

  • Mature ecosystem with extensive documentation and community support
  • Comprehensive suite of tools for smart contract development, testing, and deployment
  • Integrates well with other Ethereum development tools and frameworks

Cons of Truffle

  • Primarily focused on Ethereum, limiting its use for other blockchain platforms
  • Can be complex for beginners due to its extensive feature set
  • Slower to adopt new Ethereum features compared to some newer alternatives

Code Comparison

Truffle (JavaScript):

const MyContract = artifacts.require("MyContract");

module.exports = function(deployer) {

Fuels-ts (TypeScript):

import { Wallet } from "fuels";
import { MyContract__factory } from "./contracts";

const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey("...");
const contract = MyContract__factory.connect(contractId, wallet);

Key Differences

  • Truffle is designed for Ethereum development, while Fuels-ts is specifically for the Fuel blockchain
  • Truffle provides a full development environment, whereas Fuels-ts focuses on SDK functionality
  • Truffle uses JavaScript, while Fuels-ts is built with TypeScript, offering stronger type safety

Use Cases

  • Choose Truffle for comprehensive Ethereum development projects
  • Opt for Fuels-ts when building applications on the Fuel blockchain

Both tools serve different purposes and ecosystems, making direct comparison challenging. The choice depends on the target blockchain and specific project requirements.


Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software.

Pros of Hardhat

  • Mature ecosystem with extensive documentation and community support
  • Robust testing framework with built-in Ethereum network simulation
  • Flexible plugin system for extending functionality

Cons of Hardhat

  • Primarily focused on Ethereum development, limiting cross-chain compatibility
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners compared to Fuels-ts
  • Requires more configuration for advanced features

Code Comparison

Hardhat (JavaScript):

const { ethers } = require("hardhat");

async function main() {
  const Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory("MyContract");
  const contract = await Contract.deploy();
  await contract.deployed();

Fuels-ts (TypeScript):

import { Wallet } from "fuels";

async function main() {
  const wallet = Wallet.generate();
  const contract = await Contract.deployContract("MyContract", wallet);
  console.log("Contract deployed:",;

Both frameworks provide similar functionality for deploying smart contracts, but Fuels-ts offers a more streamlined approach with built-in wallet integration. Hardhat's example demonstrates its tight integration with the ethers.js library, while Fuels-ts showcases its native TypeScript support and simplified deployment process.

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Typescript SDK for Fuel.

test docs npm discord

Install (docs)

npm install fuels --save

Connect (docs)

LocalhostRunning a local Fuel node
import { Provider } from 'fuels';

const NETWORK_URL = '';

const provider = new Provider(NETWORK_URL);

const chainId = await provider.getChainId();
const gasConfig = await provider.getGasConfig();
const baseAssetId = await provider.getBaseAssetId();

console.log({ chainId, gasConfig, baseAssetId });

Create a new dApp (docs)

$ npm create fuels

◇ What is the name of your project? #
│ my-fuel-project

⚡️ Success! Created a fullstack Fuel dapp at: my-fuel-project.

Enjoy the fuels CLI (docs)

$ npm install fuels --save
$ npm fuels --help

  init [options]      Create a sample `fuel.config.ts` file
  build [options]     Build Sway programs and generate Typescript for them
  deploy [options]    Deploy contracts to the Fuel network
  dev [options]       Start a Fuel node with hot-reload capabilities
  node [options]      Start a Fuel node using project configs
  typegen [options]   Generate Typescript from Sway ABI JSON files
  versions [options]  Check for version incompatibilities
  help [command]      Display help for command

In-depth docs:

  • fuels init — Creates a new fuels.config.ts file
  • fuels build — Build forc workspace and generate Typescript types for everything
  • fuels deploy — Deploy workspace contracts and save their IDs to JSON file
  • fuels dev — Start a Fuel node with hot-reload capabilities

Official Docs

Apps & Ecosystem

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The primary license for this repo is Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.