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PyAV-Org logoPyAV

Pythonic bindings for FFmpeg's libraries.


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Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface


Video editing with Python

Python bindings for FFmpeg - with complex filtering support

Quick Overview

PyAV is a Python binding for FFmpeg libraries, providing a high-level interface for reading, writing, and manipulating multimedia files. It allows developers to work with audio and video data in Python, leveraging the powerful capabilities of FFmpeg while offering a Pythonic API.


  • Provides a Pythonic interface to FFmpeg, making it easier for Python developers to work with multimedia files
  • Supports a wide range of audio and video formats due to its reliance on FFmpeg
  • Offers both high-level and low-level APIs for different levels of control
  • Actively maintained and regularly updated


  • Requires FFmpeg libraries to be installed, which can be complex on some systems
  • May have a steeper learning curve compared to simpler multimedia libraries
  • Performance may be slower than direct C bindings for some operations
  • Documentation could be more comprehensive for advanced use cases

Code Examples

  1. Reading a video file and displaying basic information:
import av

container ='input.mp4')

print(f"Container format: {}")
print(f"Duration: {container.duration / 1000000} seconds")

for stream in container.streams:
    print(f"Stream #{stream.index}: {stream.type}")
  1. Extracting frames from a video:
import av

container ='input.mp4')
video_stream =[0]

for frame in container.decode(video_stream):
    if frame.index == 10:
  1. Resampling audio:
import av

input_container ='input.mp3')
output_container ='output.wav', mode='w')

input_stream =[0]
output_stream = output_container.add_stream('pcm_s16le', rate=44100)

resampler = av.AudioResampler(format='s16', layout='stereo', rate=44100)

for frame in input_container.decode(input_stream):
    resampled_frames = resampler.resample(frame)
    for resampled_frame in resampled_frames:
        packet = output_stream.encode(resampled_frame)


Getting Started

To get started with PyAV, follow these steps:

  1. Install FFmpeg libraries on your system (varies by OS)
  2. Install PyAV using pip:
    pip install av
  3. Import the library in your Python script:
    import av
  4. Open a media file and start working with it:
    container ='input.mp4')
    # Now you can access streams, decode frames, etc.

For more detailed information and advanced usage, refer to the official PyAV documentation.

Competitor Comparisons


Mirror of

Pros of FFmpeg

  • More comprehensive and feature-rich, supporting a wider range of audio/video formats and codecs
  • Highly optimized C codebase, offering superior performance for complex operations
  • Extensive command-line interface for advanced users and scripting

Cons of FFmpeg

  • Steeper learning curve, especially for those unfamiliar with C programming
  • Requires compilation or binary installation, which can be challenging on some systems
  • Less intuitive for Python developers compared to PyAV

Code Comparison

FFmpeg (C):

AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx = NULL;
avformat_open_input(&fmt_ctx, filename, NULL, NULL);
avformat_find_stream_info(fmt_ctx, NULL);

PyAV (Python):

import av
container =
for stream in container.streams:

PyAV provides a more Pythonic interface, making it easier for Python developers to work with audio/video files. However, FFmpeg offers more granular control and better performance for complex operations. PyAV is built on top of FFmpeg, so it inherits many of FFmpeg's capabilities while providing a more accessible API for Python users.


Python library for reading and writing image data

Pros of imageio

  • Broader support for image and video formats, including GIF, TIFF, and various scientific formats
  • Simpler API, making it easier for beginners to use
  • Built-in support for reading images from URLs and other sources

Cons of imageio

  • Less efficient for video processing compared to PyAV
  • Limited low-level control over audio and video streams
  • Fewer advanced features for professional video editing and manipulation

Code Comparison


import imageio
reader = imageio.get_reader('video.mp4')
for frame in reader:
    # Process frame


import av
container ='video.mp4')
for frame in container.decode(video=0):
    # Process frame

Both libraries allow for simple video reading, but PyAV offers more granular control over streams and packets, making it more suitable for advanced video processing tasks. imageio's API is more straightforward, making it a good choice for simpler image and video handling tasks.

Video Editor for Linux

Pros of Flowblade

  • Full-featured video editing application with a graphical user interface
  • Designed for Linux systems, providing a native editing experience
  • Includes a wide range of video and audio editing tools

Cons of Flowblade

  • Limited to video editing tasks, not a general-purpose multimedia library
  • Platform-specific, primarily targeting Linux systems
  • Steeper learning curve for users new to video editing

Code Comparison

Flowblade (Python-based GUI application):

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk
class FlowbladeMainWindow(Gtk.Window):
    def __init__(self):
        Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Flowblade")

PyAV (Python binding for FFmpeg):

import av
container ='input.mp4')
for frame in container.decode(video=0):
    frame.to_image().save('frame-%04d.jpg' % frame.index)

Flowblade is a complete video editing application with a GUI, while PyAV is a library for low-level multimedia processing. Flowblade offers a more user-friendly approach for video editing tasks, whereas PyAV provides programmatic access to multimedia manipulation, suitable for developers building custom applications or scripts.


Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface

Pros of pydub

  • Simple and intuitive API for audio manipulation
  • Supports a wide range of audio formats
  • Lightweight and easy to install with minimal dependencies

Cons of pydub

  • Limited advanced audio processing capabilities
  • Slower performance for complex operations
  • Less comprehensive documentation compared to PyAV

Code Comparison


from pydub import AudioSegment

sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3("input.mp3")
first_5_seconds = sound[:5000]
first_5_seconds.export("output.mp3", format="mp3")


import av

with"input.mp3") as container:
    stream =[0]
    for packet in container.demux(stream):
        for frame in packet.decode():
            # Process audio frame

PyAV offers more low-level control and access to audio frames, while pydub provides a higher-level, more user-friendly interface for common audio operations. PyAV is better suited for complex audio processing tasks and video handling, whereas pydub excels in simple audio manipulations and format conversions.


Video editing with Python

Pros of moviepy

  • Higher-level API, making it easier for beginners to use
  • Built-in support for common video editing tasks like concatenation, overlays, and text insertion
  • Extensive documentation and examples for various use cases

Cons of moviepy

  • Slower performance compared to PyAV, especially for large-scale video processing
  • Limited low-level control over video and audio streams
  • Fewer codec options and less flexibility in handling complex multimedia formats

Code Comparison


from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, TextClip, CompositeVideoClip

video = VideoFileClip("input.mp4")
text = TextClip("Hello World", fontsize=70, color='white')
result = CompositeVideoClip([video, text.set_pos(('center', 'bottom'))])


import av

with"input.mp4") as container:
    stream =[0]
    for frame in container.decode(stream):

Python bindings for FFmpeg - with complex filtering support

Pros of ffmpeg-python

  • Simpler API, focusing on high-level operations
  • Easier to use for basic video processing tasks
  • Lightweight and doesn't require compilation

Cons of ffmpeg-python

  • Less fine-grained control over video processing
  • Depends on external FFmpeg installation
  • Limited access to low-level video properties

Code Comparison


import ffmpeg
stream = ffmpeg.input('input.mp4')
stream = ffmpeg.filter(stream, 'scale', 1280, 720)
stream = ffmpeg.output(stream, 'output.mp4')


import av
with'input.mp4') as input_container:
    with'output.mp4', mode='w') as output_container:
        stream = output_container.add_stream('h264', rate=30)
        stream.width = 1280
        stream.height = 720
        for frame in input_container.decode(video=0):
            frame = frame.reformat(width=1280, height=720)
            packet = stream.encode(frame)

The ffmpeg-python code is more concise and easier to read, focusing on high-level operations. PyAV offers more granular control but requires more code for the same task. PyAV provides direct access to frames and packets, allowing for more complex manipulations if needed.

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PyAV is a Pythonic binding for the FFmpeg libraries. We aim to provide all of the power and control of the underlying library, but manage the gritty details as much as possible.

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PyAV is for direct and precise access to your media via containers, streams, packets, codecs, and frames. It exposes a few transformations of that data, and helps you get your data to/from other packages (e.g. Numpy and Pillow).

This power does come with some responsibility as working with media is horrendously complicated and PyAV can't abstract it away or make all the best decisions for you. If the ffmpeg command does the job without you bending over backwards, PyAV is likely going to be more of a hindrance than a help.

But where you can't work without it, PyAV is a critical tool.


Due to the complexity of the dependencies, PyAV is not always the easiest Python package to install from source. Since release 8.0.0 binary wheels are provided on PyPI for Linux, Mac and Windows linked against a modern FFmpeg. You can install these wheels by running:

pip install av

If you want to use your existing FFmpeg, the source version of PyAV is on PyPI too:

pip install av --no-binary av

Installing from source is not supported on Windows.

Alternative installation methods

Another way of installing PyAV is via conda-forge:

conda install av -c conda-forge

See the Conda install docs to get started with (mini)Conda.

And if you want to build from the absolute source (POSIX only):

git clone
cd PyAV
source scripts/

# Build ffmpeg from source. You can skip this step
# if ffmpeg is already installed.

# Build PyAV

# Testing
make test

# Install globally
pip install .

Have fun, read the docs, come chat with us, and good luck!