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Tencent logobehaviac

behaviac is a framework of the game AI development, and it also can be used as a rapid game prototype design tool. behaviac supports the behavior tree, finite state machine and hierarchical task network(BT, FSM, HTN)


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Artificial Intelligence framework for games based on libGDX or not. Features: Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines

Behavior Trees Library in C++. Batteries included.

Quick Overview

Behaviac is an open-source behavior tree library developed by Tencent. It provides a visual editor and runtime library for creating and executing behavior trees, which are commonly used in game AI and other decision-making systems. The library supports multiple programming languages and platforms, making it versatile for various projects.


  • Visual editor for easy behavior tree creation and modification
  • Supports multiple programming languages (C++, C#, Java) and platforms
  • Extensive documentation and examples available
  • Includes features like blackboards, decorators, and parallel nodes


  • Learning curve for those unfamiliar with behavior trees
  • Visual editor is Windows-only, limiting cross-platform development
  • Some users report occasional stability issues with the editor
  • Limited community support compared to some other AI frameworks

Code Examples

  1. Creating a simple behavior tree:
#include "behaviac/behaviac.h"

// Define a simple action
class SayHello : public behaviac::Action
    BEHAVIAC_DECLARE_DYNAMIC_TYPE("SayHello", behaviac::Action);

    virtual behaviac::EBTStatus execute(behaviac::Agent* pAgent)
        printf("Hello, World!\n");
        return behaviac::BT_SUCCESS;

// Create and run the behavior tree

behaviac::Agent* agent = behaviac::Agent::Create<behaviac::Agent>();
  1. Using a decorator:
// Define a decorator that limits execution count
class LimitDecorator : public behaviac::DecoratorNode
    BEHAVIAC_DECLARE_DYNAMIC_TYPE("LimitDecorator", behaviac::DecoratorNode);

    int m_limit;
    int m_count;

    LimitDecorator() : m_limit(3), m_count(0) {}

    virtual bool Evaluate(behaviac::Agent* pAgent)
        return m_count < m_limit;

    virtual behaviac::EBTStatus Update(behaviac::Agent* pAgent, behaviac::EBTStatus childStatus)
        return childStatus;
  1. Using a blackboard:
// Set and get values from the blackboard
behaviac::Agent* agent = behaviac::Agent::Create<behaviac::Agent>();
agent->SetVariable("health", 100);
int health = agent->GetVariable<int>("health");

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Build the library and tools:

    cd behaviac
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
  3. Include the library in your project:

    #include "behaviac/behaviac.h"
  4. Initialize behaviac in your main function:

  5. Create an agent and run the behavior tree:

    behaviac::Agent* agent = behaviac::Agent::Create<behaviac::Agent>();

Competitor Comparisons


Pros of PyBrain

  • Written in Python, making it more accessible for data scientists and researchers
  • Focuses on neural networks and reinforcement learning, offering specialized tools
  • Includes a variety of pre-implemented algorithms and network architectures

Cons of PyBrain

  • Less actively maintained, with fewer recent updates
  • Limited documentation and community support compared to more modern libraries
  • Primarily designed for research and experimentation, not production-ready systems

Code Comparison

PyBrain example (neural network creation):

from import buildNetwork
from pybrain.structure import TanhLayer

net = buildNetwork(2, 3, 1, hiddenclass=TanhLayer)

behaviac example (behavior tree creation):

#include "behaviac/behaviac.h"

BehaviorTree* bt = BehaviorTree::CreateBehaviorTree("myBT");

While PyBrain focuses on neural networks and machine learning, behaviac is primarily used for behavior trees in game development and AI decision-making. PyBrain offers a higher-level abstraction for machine learning tasks, while behaviac provides more fine-grained control over AI behavior in real-time applications.


Artificial Intelligence framework for games based on libGDX or not. Features: Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines

Pros of gdx-ai

  • Integrated with the popular libGDX game development framework
  • Supports a wider range of AI techniques, including pathfinding, steering behaviors, and state machines
  • More active community and frequent updates

Cons of gdx-ai

  • Less focused on behavior trees compared to behaviac
  • May have a steeper learning curve for developers not familiar with libGDX
  • Limited visual editing tools for AI design

Code Comparison


    BEHAVIAC_REGISTER_METHOD(Move, "void Move()")


public class PlayerAgent extends Agent<Vector2> {
    public PlayerAgent(Steerable<Vector2> owner) {
        this.setSteeringBehavior(new Seek<Vector2>(this, target));

Both libraries offer ways to define agent behaviors, but behaviac focuses on behavior trees with a more declarative approach, while gdx-ai provides a broader set of AI tools with an object-oriented design.

Behavior Trees Library in C++. Batteries included.

Pros of BehaviorTree.CPP

  • Lightweight and efficient C++ implementation
  • Extensive documentation and examples
  • Active community and regular updates

Cons of BehaviorTree.CPP

  • Limited visual editing tools compared to behaviac
  • Fewer built-in decorators and composites
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners

Code Comparison


    BEHAVIAC_REGISTER_METHOD(Move, "void Move()")


static const char* xml_text = R"(
 <root main_tree_to_execute="MainTree">
     <BehaviorTree ID="MainTree">
        <Sequence name="root_sequence">
            <CheckBattery   name="check_battery"/>
            <OpenGripper    name="open_gripper"/>

Both libraries offer powerful behavior tree implementations, but behaviac provides more extensive visual tools and a wider range of built-in nodes, while BehaviorTree.CPP focuses on a lightweight, efficient C++ implementation with better documentation and community support. The code examples showcase the different approaches to defining behavior trees, with behaviac using a property-based system and BehaviorTree.CPP utilizing XML for tree structure.

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  • behaviac是游戏AI的开发框架组件,也是游戏原型的快速设计工具
  • 支持行为树BT,状态机FSM,HTN等多种范式
  • 方便的编辑,实时和离线调试
  • 支持全平台,适用于客户端和服务器,助力游戏快速迭代开发
  • 官方网站是文档,教程,API,FAQ,源码,下载等一切的入口
  • 您可以加入我们的QQ群433547396获得即时的帮助或者信息反馈。
  • BehaviacSetup*.exe是安装包,内含可执行的编辑器及示例。如需要自行构建,需要去官方网站或github behaviac下载或克隆源码,然后可以访问build获取构建帮助

Visist for documents, tutorials, FAQs and all other information

  • behaviac is a framework of the game AI development, and it also can be used as a rapid game prototype design tool

  • behaviac supports the behavior tree, finite state machine and hierarchical task network

  • Behaviors can be designed and debugged in the designer, exported and executed by the game

  • The designer can only run on the Windows platforms, The run time library is implemented with C++ and C#, and it supports all major platforms (Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, Unity etc.) and Unity.

  • The C++ version is suitable for the client and server side.

  • Website for documents, tutorials, API,FAQ,source code, downloads,etc.

  • BehaviacSetup*.exe is the setup package with the binary editor and demo executable. You can download/clone the source code from github behaviac