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VadimDez logong2-pdf-viewer

📄 PDF Viewer Component for Angular


Top Related Projects


PDF Reader in JavaScript


📄 Create PDF files using React

Quick Overview

ng2-pdf-viewer is an Angular component for rendering PDF files in web applications. It provides a simple way to display PDF documents within Angular projects, offering various customization options and features for interacting with PDF content.


  • Easy integration with Angular projects
  • Supports both client-side and server-side rendering
  • Offers a wide range of customization options (zoom, rotation, page navigation)
  • Regular updates and active maintenance


  • Limited support for older Angular versions
  • May have performance issues with large PDF files
  • Requires additional setup for server-side rendering
  • Some advanced PDF features may not be fully supported

Code Examples

  1. Basic PDF viewer implementation:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-pdf-viewer',
  template: '<pdf-viewer [src]="pdfSrc" [render-text]="true"></pdf-viewer>'
export class PdfViewerComponent {
  pdfSrc = 'assets/sample.pdf';
  1. Customizing viewer options:
  style="width: 100%; height: 600px;"
  1. Handling PDF loading events:

// In component class
onPdfLoaded(pdf: PDFDocumentProxy) {
  console.log('PDF loaded successfully', pdf);

onError(error: any) {
  console.error('Error loading PDF', error);

Getting Started

  1. Install the package:

    npm install ng2-pdf-viewer
  2. Import the module in your app.module.ts:

    import { PdfViewerModule } from 'ng2-pdf-viewer';
      imports: [PdfViewerModule]
    export class AppModule {}
  3. Use the component in your template:

    <pdf-viewer [src]="'assets/sample.pdf'" [render-text]="true"></pdf-viewer>
  4. Customize as needed using available options and event handlers.

Competitor Comparisons


PDF Reader in JavaScript

Pros of pdf.js

  • More comprehensive and feature-rich PDF rendering solution
  • Wider browser compatibility and support
  • Larger community and more frequent updates

Cons of pdf.js

  • Steeper learning curve and more complex implementation
  • Larger file size and potentially higher resource usage
  • Not specifically designed for Angular integration

Code Comparison


<pdf-viewer [src]="pdfSrc" 
            style="width: 400px; height: 500px">


pdfjsLib.getDocument('path/to/document.pdf').promise.then(function(pdf) {
  pdf.getPage(1).then(function(page) {
    var scale = 1.5;
    var viewport = page.getViewport({scale: scale});
    // Render page on canvas

The ng2-pdf-viewer provides a more straightforward integration for Angular applications, while pdf.js offers more flexibility and control over the rendering process. ng2-pdf-viewer is built on top of pdf.js, simplifying its usage within Angular projects. pdf.js, being the underlying library, provides more low-level access to PDF rendering capabilities but requires more setup and configuration.


📄 Create PDF files using React

Pros of react-pdf

  • Cross-platform compatibility (web, mobile, desktop)
  • More extensive rendering capabilities, including custom fonts and annotations
  • Active development with frequent updates and bug fixes

Cons of react-pdf

  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex API
  • Larger bundle size, which may impact performance for smaller projects
  • Requires additional setup for server-side rendering

Code Comparison


<pdf-viewer [src]="pdfSrc" 
            style="width: 400px; height: 500px">


import { Document, Page } from 'react-pdf';

<Document file="sample.pdf">
  <Page pageNumber={1} width={400} />

Both libraries offer straightforward ways to display PDF documents, but react-pdf provides more granular control over individual pages and rendering options. ng2-pdf-viewer has a simpler API, making it easier to implement basic PDF viewing functionality in Angular applications.

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Angular PDF Viewer

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PDF Viewer Component for Angular 5+

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Stackblitz Example

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Angular >= 12

npm install ng2-pdf-viewer

Partial Ivy compilated library bundles.

Angular >= 4

npm install ng2-pdf-viewer@^7.0.0

Angular < 4

npm install ng2-pdf-viewer@~3.0.8


In case you're using systemjs see configuration here.

Add PdfViewerModule to your module's imports

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component';

import { PdfViewerModule } from 'ng2-pdf-viewer';

  imports: [BrowserModule, PdfViewerModule],
  declarations: [AppComponent],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

class AppModule {}


And then use it in your component

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'example-app',
  template: `
  <pdf-viewer [src]="pdfSrc"
              style="width: 400px; height: 500px"
export class AppComponent {
  pdfSrc = "";



[src]string, object, UInt8ArrayRequired

Pass pdf location


For more control you can pass options object to [src]. See other attributes for the object here.

Options object for loading protected PDF would be:

 url: '',
 withCredentials: true


[page] or [(page)]numberRequired with [show-all]="false" or Optional with [show-all]="true"

Page number


supports two way data binding as well


If you want that the two way data binding actually updates your page variable on page change/scroll - you have to be sure that you define the height of the container, for example:

pdf-viewer {
    height: 100vh;



Sticks view to the page. Works in combination with [show-all]="true" and page.




Enable text rendering, allows to select text




Used in combination with [render-text]="true"

Controls if the text layer is enabled, and the selection mode that is used.

0 = RenderTextMode.DISABLED - disable the text selection layer

1 = RenderTextMode.ENABLED - enables the text selection layer

2 = RenderTextMode.ENHANCED - enables enhanced text selection




Used in combination with [render-text]="true"

Link target

  • blank
  • none
  • self
  • parent
  • top



Rotate PDF

Allowed step is 90 degree, ex. 0, 90, 180




Zoom pdf




Defines how the Zoom scale is computed when [original-size]="false", by default set to 'page-width'.

  • 'page-width' with zoom of 1 will display a page width that take all the possible horizontal space in the container

  • 'page-height' with zoom of 1 will display a page height that take all the possible vertical space in the container

  • 'page-fit' with zoom of 1 will display a page that will be scaled to either width or height to fit completely in the container



  • if set to true - size will be as same as original document
  • if set to false - size will be as same as container block



Works in combination with [original-size]="true". You can show your document in original size, and make sure that it's not bigger then container block.




Show single or all pages altogether




Turn on or off auto resize.

!Important To make [autoresize] work - make sure that [original-size]="false" and pdf-viewer tag has max-width or display are set.




Url for non-latin characters source maps.


Default url is:

To serve cmaps on your own you need to copy node_modules/pdfjs-dist/cmaps to assets/cmaps.



Show page borders




Get PDF information with callback

First define callback function "callBackFn" in your controller,

callBackFn(pdf: PDFDocumentProxy) {
   // do anything with "pdf"

And then use it in your template:




Get event when a page is rendered. Called for every page rendered.

Define callback in your component:

pageRendered(e: CustomEvent) {
  console.log('(page-rendered)', e);

And then bind it to <pdf-viewer>:




Get event when the pages are initialized.

Define callback in your component:

pageInitialized(e: CustomEvent) {
  console.log('(pages-initialized)', e);

And then bind it to <pdf-viewer>:




Get event when a text layer is rendered.

Define callback in your component:

textLayerRendered(e: CustomEvent) {
  console.log('(text-layer-rendered)', e);

And then bind it to <pdf-viewer>:




Error handling callback

Define callback in your component's class

onError(error: any) {
  // do anything

Then add it to pdf-component in component's template




Loading progress callback - provides progress information total and loaded bytes. Is called several times during pdf loading phase.

Define callback in your component's class

onProgress(progressData: PDFProgressData) {
  // do anything with progress data. For example progress indicator

Then add it to pdf-component in component's template


Render local PDF file

In your html template add input:

<input (change)="onFileSelected()" type="file" id="file">

and then add onFileSelected method to your component:

onFileSelected() {
  let $img: any = document.querySelector('#file');

  if (typeof (FileReader) !== 'undefined') {
    let reader = new FileReader();

    reader.onload = (e: any) => {
      this.pdfSrc =;


Set custom path to the worker

By default the worker is loaded from

In your code update path to the worker to be for example /pdf.worker.mjs

(window as any).pdfWorkerSrc = '/pdf.worker.mjs';

This should be set before pdf-viewer component is rendered.

If you ever have a (super rare) edge case where you run in an environment that multiple components are somehow loaded within the same web page, sharing the same window, but using different versions of pdf.worker, support has been added. You can do the above, except that you can append the specific version of pdfjs required and override the custom path just for that version. This way setting the global window var won't conflict.

(window as any)["pdfWorkerSrc2.14.305"] = '/pdf.worker.mjs';

Search in the PDF

Use eventBus for the search functionality.

In your component's ts file:

  • Add reference to pdf-viewer component,
  • then when needed execute search() like this:
@ViewChild(PdfViewerComponent) private pdfComponent: PdfViewerComponent;

search(stringToSearch: string) {
  this.pdfComponent.eventBus.dispatch('find', {
    query: stringToSearch, type: 'again', caseSensitive: false, findPrevious: undefined, highlightAll: true, phraseSearch: true




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MIT © Vadym Yatsyuk

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