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Epoxy is a suite of declarative UI APIs for building UIKit applications in Swift


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Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, watchOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.


Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift


Reactive Programming in Swift

The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.

A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.


A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X

Quick Overview

Epoxy is an iOS library that simplifies the process of building complex screens with RecyclerView-like lists. It provides a declarative way to build and manage screens, making it easier to create and maintain complex user interfaces.


  • Declarative UI: Epoxy uses a declarative approach to building UI, which makes it easier to reason about and maintain complex screens.
  • Efficient Rendering: Epoxy automatically handles view recycling and diffing, which can improve the performance of your app.
  • Modular Design: Epoxy encourages a modular design approach, where each component is self-contained and reusable.
  • Testability: Epoxy's modular design makes it easier to write unit tests for your UI components.


  • Learning Curve: Epoxy introduces a new way of thinking about UI development, which may have a steeper learning curve for developers who are more familiar with traditional imperative approaches.
  • Overhead: Epoxy adds some overhead to your project, as it introduces additional abstractions and complexity.
  • Dependency Management: Epoxy is a third-party library, which means you'll need to manage its dependency and updates in your project.
  • Limited Documentation: The Epoxy documentation, while generally good, could be more comprehensive in some areas.

Code Examples

Here are a few examples of how to use Epoxy in your iOS project:

  1. Creating a Simple Model:
struct TextModel: EpoxyModel {
    let text: String

    var id: String { text }

    func buildView(with controller: EpoxyController) -> UIView {
        let label = UILabel()
        label.text = text
        return label
  1. Adding a Model to the Controller:
let controller = EpoxyController()
    TextModel(text: "Hello, Epoxy!"),
    TextModel(text: "This is another model.")
  1. Updating a Model:
controller.update(TextModel(text: "Updated text"))
  1. Handling Interactions:
struct ButtonModel: EpoxyModel {
    let text: String
    let action: () -> Void

    var id: String { text }

    func buildView(with controller: EpoxyController) -> UIView {
        let button = UIButton()
        button.setTitle(text, for: .normal)
        button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonTapped), for: .touchUpInside)
        return button

    @objc private func buttonTapped() {

Getting Started

To get started with Epoxy, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Epoxy dependency to your project using a package manager like CocoaPods or Carthage.
  2. Import the Epoxy framework in your Swift files:
import Epoxy
  1. Create your first Epoxy model by implementing the EpoxyModel protocol:
struct MyModel: EpoxyModel {
    let text: String

    var id: String { text }

    func buildView(with controller: EpoxyController) -> UIView {
        let label = UILabel()
        label.text = text
        return label
  1. Add your model to the Epoxy controller and render the view:
let controller = EpoxyController()
controller.setModels([MyModel(text: "Hello, Epoxy!")])
  1. Explore the Epoxy documentation and sample projects to learn more about advanced features and best practices.

Competitor Comparisons


Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, watchOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.

Pros of Valet

  • Focused on secure data storage, providing a simple API for keychain access
  • Supports synchronization across devices via iCloud Keychain
  • Lightweight and easy to integrate into existing projects

Cons of Valet

  • Limited in scope compared to Epoxy's comprehensive UI framework
  • Lacks UI components and declarative UI building capabilities
  • May require additional libraries for complex UI development

Code Comparison

Valet (Storing data securely):

let myValet = Valet.valet(with: Identifier(nonEmpty: "Secrets")!, accessibility: .whenUnlocked)
try? myValet.setString("12345", forKey: "PIN")
let retrievedPIN = try? myValet.string(forKey: "PIN")

Epoxy (Building UI components):

struct MyView: EpoxyableView {
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      Text("Hello, Epoxy!")
      Button("Tap me") { /* action */ }


Valet focuses on secure data storage using the iOS Keychain, while Epoxy is a comprehensive UI framework for building complex user interfaces. Valet is ideal for projects requiring simple and secure data management, whereas Epoxy is better suited for large-scale UI development with reusable components and declarative syntax.


Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift

Pros of Alamofire

  • Widely adopted and battle-tested networking library for iOS
  • Comprehensive feature set for HTTP networking, including request/response handling, authentication, and parameter encoding
  • Extensive documentation and community support

Cons of Alamofire

  • Focused solely on networking, while Epoxy offers a more comprehensive UI development solution
  • May introduce unnecessary complexity for simple networking tasks
  • Requires additional libraries or custom code for UI-related functionality

Code Comparison

Alamofire (HTTP request):

AF.request("").responseJSON { response in
    switch response.result {
    case .success(let value):
        print("Success: \(value)")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Error: \(error)")

Epoxy (UI component):

final class MyView: UIView, EpoxyableView {
    let titleLabel = UILabel()
    func setContent(_ content: String, state: ViewState) {
        titleLabel.text = content

While Alamofire excels in networking tasks, Epoxy focuses on declarative UI development. Alamofire is ideal for projects requiring robust HTTP functionality, whereas Epoxy shines in creating complex, reusable UI components. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of your iOS project.


Reactive Programming in Swift

Pros of RxSwift

  • Powerful reactive programming paradigm for handling asynchronous events and data streams
  • Extensive ecosystem with many extensions and libraries
  • Strong community support and regular updates

Cons of RxSwift

  • Steeper learning curve, especially for developers new to reactive programming
  • Can lead to complex code if not used carefully
  • Potential performance overhead for simple use cases

Code Comparison


Observable.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    .filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }
    .map { $0 * 2 }
    .subscribe(onNext: { print($0) })


    Section(items: [
        ItemModel(dataID: "1", content: .init(title: "Item 1")),
        ItemModel(dataID: "2", content: .init(title: "Item 2"))

RxSwift focuses on reactive streams and transformations, while Epoxy is designed for declarative UI composition. RxSwift's code demonstrates chaining operations on an observable sequence, whereas Epoxy's example shows how to define a data source for UI components. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of your project and your team's familiarity with reactive programming concepts.

The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.

Pros of SwiftyJSON

  • Lightweight and focused solely on JSON parsing
  • Easy to use with a simple, chainable syntax
  • Extensive error handling and type safety

Cons of SwiftyJSON

  • Limited to JSON parsing, unlike Epoxy's broader UI component management
  • May require additional libraries for more complex data handling
  • Less actively maintained compared to Epoxy

Code Comparison


let json = JSON(data: dataFromNetworking)
if let name = json["user"]["name"].string {
    // Do something with name


struct MySection: EpoxyableSection {
    var epoxyItems: [EpoxyableModel] {
        return [
            DataRow(title: "Name", value:

Key Differences

  • SwiftyJSON focuses on JSON parsing, while Epoxy is a UI component framework
  • Epoxy provides a more comprehensive solution for building complex UIs
  • SwiftyJSON is more suitable for simple data handling tasks
  • Epoxy offers better performance for large-scale applications with many UI components

Use Cases

SwiftyJSON is ideal for:

  • Quick JSON parsing in small to medium-sized projects
  • Prototyping and rapid development

Epoxy is better suited for:

  • Building complex, data-driven UIs
  • Large-scale iOS applications with numerous reusable components
  • Projects requiring high performance and scalability

A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.

Pros of Kingfisher

  • Focused specifically on image downloading and caching, making it more lightweight and efficient for this use case
  • Extensive image processing capabilities, including resizing, blurring, and color adjustments
  • Supports multiple sources for image loading, including URLs, local files, and data objects

Cons of Kingfisher

  • Limited to image-related functionality, unlike Epoxy's broader UI component management
  • May require additional libraries or custom code for complex UI layouts and animations
  • Less suitable for building entire view hierarchies or managing complex data-driven UIs

Code Comparison

Kingfisher (image loading):

let imageView = UIImageView()
imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: ""))

Epoxy (UI component):

let component = ImageComponent(
    image: .url(URL(string: "")!),
    size: .init(width: 100, height: 100)

While both libraries can handle image loading, Kingfisher provides a more straightforward API for this specific task. Epoxy, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive approach to building UI components, which may be beneficial for larger, more complex applications.


A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X

Pros of SnapKit

  • Simpler and more lightweight, focusing solely on Auto Layout constraints
  • Easier to learn and use for developers familiar with Auto Layout concepts
  • More flexible for creating custom layouts without predefined components

Cons of SnapKit

  • Limited to constraint-based layouts, lacking higher-level abstractions
  • Requires more manual work for complex UI structures and data binding
  • Less suitable for large-scale applications with numerous reusable components

Code Comparison


view.snp.makeConstraints { make in


    dataID: "header",
    items: [
            dataID: "title",
            text: "Hello, World!",
            style: .title

SnapKit focuses on creating constraints programmatically, while Epoxy provides a higher-level abstraction for building complex UI components and managing their data. SnapKit is more suitable for smaller projects or custom layouts, whereas Epoxy excels in large-scale applications with reusable components and complex data flows.

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Epoxy logo

Build Status Swift Package Manager compatible Platform Swift Versions

Epoxy is a suite of declarative UI APIs for building UIKit applications in Swift. Epoxy is inspired and influenced by the wonderful Epoxy framework on Android, as well as other declarative UI frameworks in Swift such as SwiftUI.

Epoxy was developed at Airbnb and powers thousands of screens in apps that are shipped to millions of users. It has been developed and refined for years by dozens of contributors.

Below are a few sample screens from the Airbnb app that we've built using Epoxy. Our usages of Epoxy span from our simplest forms and static screens to our most advanced and dynamic features.

Home DetailsHome PhotosMessagingRegistration
Home DetailsHome PhotosMessagingRegistration

Table of contents


Epoxy can be installed using CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager.


To get started with Epoxy using Cocoapods add the following to your Podfile and then follow the integration instructions.

pod 'Epoxy'

Epoxy is separated into podspecs for each module so you only have to include what you need.

Swift Package Manager (SPM)

To install Epoxy using Swift Package Manager you can follow the tutorial published by Apple using the URL for the Epoxy repo with the current version:

  1. In Xcode, select “File” → “Swift Packages” → “Add Package Dependency”
  2. Enter

Epoxy is separated library products for each module so you only have to include what you need.


Epoxy has a modular architecture so you only have to include what you need for your use case:

EpoxyIncludes all of the below modules in a single import statement
EpoxyCollectionViewDeclarative API for driving the content of a UICollectionView
EpoxyNavigationControllerDeclarative API for driving the navigation stack of a UINavigationController
EpoxyPresentationsDeclarative API for driving the modal presentations of a UIViewController
EpoxyBarsDeclarative API for adding fixed top/bottom bar stacks to a UIViewController
EpoxyLayoutGroupsDeclarative API for building composable layouts in UIKit with a syntax similar to SwiftUI's stack APIs
EpoxyCoreFoundational APIs that are used to build all Epoxy declarative UI APIs

Documentation and tutorials

For full documentation and step-by-step tutorials please check the wiki. For type-level documentation, see the Epoxy DocC documentation hosted on the Swift Package Index.

There's also a full sample app with a lot of examples that you can either run via the EpoxyExample scheme in Epoxy.xcworkspace or browse its source.

If you still have questions, feel free to create a new issue.

Getting started


EpoxyCollectionView provides a declarative API for driving the content of a UICollectionView. CollectionViewController is a subclassable UIViewController that lets you easily spin up a UICollectionView-backed view controller with a declarative API.

The following code samples will render a single cell in a UICollectionView with a TextRow component rendered in that cell. TextRow is a simple UIView containing two labels that conforms to the EpoxyableView protocol.

You can either instantiate a CollectionViewController instance directly with sections, e.g. this view controller with a selectable row:

Source Result
enum DataID {
  case row

let viewController = CollectionViewController(
  layout: UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
    .list(using: .init(appearance: .plain)),
  items: {
      dataID: DataID.row,
      content: .init(title: "Tap me!"),
      style: .small)
      .didSelect { _ in
        // Handle selection

Or you can subclass CollectionViewController for more advanced scenarios, e.g. this view controller that keeps track of a running count:

Source Result
class CounterViewController: CollectionViewController {
  init() {
    let layout = UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
      .list(using: .init(appearance: .plain))
    super.init(layout: layout)
    setItems(items, animated: false)

  enum DataID {
    case row

  var count = 0 {
    didSet {
      setItems(items, animated: true)

  var items: [ItemModeling] {
      dataID: DataID.row,
      content: .init(
        title: "Count \(count)",
        body: "Tap to increment"),
      style: .large)
      .didSelect { [weak self] _ in
        self?.count += 1

You can learn more about EpoxyCollectionView in its wiki entry, or by browsing the code documentation.


EpoxyBars provides a declarative API for rendering fixed top, fixed bottom, or input accessory bar stacks in a UIViewController.

The following code example will render a ButtonRow component fixed to the bottom of the UIViewController's view. ButtonRow is a simple UIView component that contains a single UIButton constrained to the margins of the superview that conforms to the EpoxyableView protocol:

Source Result
class BottomButtonViewController: UIViewController {
  override func viewDidLoad() {

  lazy var bottomBarInstaller = BottomBarInstaller(
    viewController: self,
    bars: bars)

  var bars: [BarModeling] {
      content: .init(text: "Click me!"),
      behaviors: .init(didTap: {
        // Handle button selection

You can learn more about EpoxyBars in its wiki entry, or by browsing the code documentation.


EpoxyNavigationController provides a declarative API for driving the navigation stack of a UINavigationController.

The following code example shows how you can use this to easily drive a feature that has a flow of multiple view controllers:

Source Result
class FormNavigationController: NavigationController {
  init() {
    setStack(stack, animated: false)

  enum DataID {
    case step1, step2

  var showStep2 = false {
    didSet {
      setStack(stack, animated: true)

  var stack: [NavigationModel] {
    .root(dataID: DataID.step1) { [weak self] in
      Step1ViewController(didTapNext: {
        self?.showStep2 = true

    if showStep2 {
        dataID: DataID.step2,
        makeViewController: {
          Step2ViewController(didTapNext: {
            // Navigate away from this step.
        remove: { [weak self] in
          self?.showStep2 = false

You can learn more about EpoxyNavigationController in its wiki entry, or by browsing the code documentation.


EpoxyPresentations provides a declarative API for driving the modal presentation of a UIViewController.

The following code example shows how you can use this to easily drive a feature that shows a modal when it first appears:

Source Result
class PresentationViewController: UIViewController {
  override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    setPresentation(presentation, animated: true)

  enum DataID {
    case detail

  var showDetail = true {
    didSet {
      setPresentation(presentation, animated: true)

  var presentation: PresentationModel? {
    if showDetail {
        dataID: DataID.detail,
        presentation: .system,
        makeViewController: { [weak self] in
          DetailViewController(didTapDismiss: {
            self?.showDetail = false
        dismiss: { [weak self] in
          self?.showDetail = false

You can learn more about EpoxyPresentations in its wiki entry, or by browsing the code documentation.


LayoutGroups are UIKit Auto Layout containers inspired by SwiftUI's HStack and VStack that allow you to easily compose UIKit elements into horizontal and vertical groups.

VGroup allows you to group components together vertically to create stacked components like this:

Source Result
// Set of dataIDs to have consistent
// and unique IDs
enum DataID {
  case title
  case subtitle
  case action

// Groups are created declaratively
// just like Epoxy ItemModels
let group = VGroup(
  alignment: .leading,
  spacing: 8)
    dataID: DataID.title,
    content: "Title text",
    style: .title)
    dataID: DataID.subtitle,
    content: "Subtitle text",
    style: .subtitle)
    dataID: DataID.action,
    content: "Perform action",
    behaviors: .init { button in
      print("Button tapped! \(button)")
    style: .standard)

// install your group in a view
group.install(in: view)

// constrain the group like you
// would a normal subview
ActionRow screenshot

As you can see, this is incredibly similar to the other APIs used in Epoxy. One important thing to note is that install(in: view) call at the bottom. Both HGroup and VGroup are written using UILayoutGuide which prevents having large nested view hierarchies. To account for this, we’ve added this install method to prevent the user from having to add subviews and the layout guide manually.

Using HGroup is almost exactly the same as VGroup but the components are now horizontally laid out instead of vertically:

Source Result
enum DataID {
  case icon
  case title

let group = HGroup(spacing: 8) {
    dataID: DataID.icon,
    content: UIImage(systemName: "person.fill")!,
    style: .init(size: .init(width: 24, height: 24)))
    dataID: DataID.title,
    content: "This is an IconRow")

group.install(in: view)
IconRow screenshot

Groups support nesting too, so you can easily create complex layouts with multiple groups:

Source Result
enum DataID {
  case checkbox
  case titleSubtitleGroup
  case title
  case subtitle

HGroup(spacing: 8) {
    dataID: DataID.checkbox,
    content: .init(isChecked: true),
    style: .standard)
    dataID: DataID.titleSubtitleGroup,
    style: .init(spacing: 4))
      dataID: DataID.title,
      content: "Build iOS App",
      style: .title)
      dataID: DataID.subtitle,
      content: "Use EpoxyLayoutGroups",
      style: .subtitle)
IconRow screenshot

You can learn more about EpoxyLayoutGroups in its wiki entry, or by browsing the code documentation.



Pull requests are welcome! We'd love help improving this library. Feel free to browse through open issues to look for things that need work. If you have a feature request or bug, please open a new issue so we can track it. Contributors are expected to follow the Code of Conduct.


Epoxy is released under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for details.


Logo design by Alana Hanada and Jonard La Rosa