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🎯 React UI animation made easy


Top Related Projects


Open source, production-ready animation and gesture library for React

✌️ A spring physics based React animation library

A spring that solves your animation problems.

🎊 A collection of animations for inline style libraries

An easy way to perform animations when a React component enters or leaves the DOM

Quick Overview

React Simple Animate is a lightweight React animation library that provides an easy-to-use API for creating smooth animations. It offers a declarative approach to animations, allowing developers to create complex animations with minimal code and without relying on CSS keyframes.


  • Simple and intuitive API for creating animations
  • Lightweight and performant, with minimal impact on bundle size
  • Supports both mount/unmount animations and state-based animations
  • Compatible with server-side rendering (SSR)


  • Limited built-in animation effects compared to more comprehensive libraries
  • May require additional effort for complex, multi-step animations
  • Documentation could be more extensive, especially for advanced use cases

Code Examples

  1. Basic animation on mount:
import { AnimateKeyframes } from 'react-simple-animate';

  keyframes={['opacity: 0', 'opacity: 1']}
  <div>Fade in on mount</div>
  1. Animating based on state:
import { Animate } from 'react-simple-animate';

  start={{ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(50px)' }}
  end={{ opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(0px)' }}
  <div>Fade in and slide up when visible</div>
  1. Sequence animation:
import { AnimateGroup } from 'react-simple-animate';

<AnimateGroup play>
    start={{ opacity: 0 }}
    end={{ opacity: 1 }}
    <div>First animation</div>
    start={{ transform: 'scale(0)' }}
    end={{ transform: 'scale(1)' }}
    <div>Second animation</div>

Getting Started

  1. Install the package:

    npm install react-simple-animate
  2. Import and use in your React component:

    import React from 'react';
    import { Animate } from 'react-simple-animate';
    const MyComponent = () => (
        start={{ opacity: 0 }}
        end={{ opacity: 1 }}
        <div>Hello, animated world!</div>
    export default MyComponent;

This setup creates a simple fade-in animation for the div element when the component mounts.

Competitor Comparisons


Open source, production-ready animation and gesture library for React

Pros of Motion

  • More comprehensive animation capabilities, including gestures and complex transitions
  • Larger community and ecosystem, with extensive documentation and examples
  • Built-in layout animations and advanced features like shared layout animations

Cons of Motion

  • Steeper learning curve due to its extensive API and features
  • Larger bundle size, which may impact performance for smaller projects
  • More complex setup and configuration for basic animations

Code Comparison

React Simple Animate:

<Animate play start={{ opacity: 0 }} end={{ opacity: 1 }}>
  <div>Fading content</div>


  initial={{ opacity: 0 }}
  animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
  transition={{ duration: 1 }}
  Fading content

Both libraries offer declarative ways to create animations, but Motion provides more granular control over the animation process. React Simple Animate focuses on simplicity, making it easier to implement basic animations with less code. Motion, on the other hand, offers a more powerful and flexible API at the cost of increased complexity.

✌️ A spring physics based React animation library

Pros of react-spring

  • More powerful and flexible, offering a wide range of animation capabilities
  • Physics-based animations for more natural and realistic motion
  • Large community and ecosystem with extensive documentation and examples

Cons of react-spring

  • Steeper learning curve due to its more complex API
  • Larger bundle size, which may impact performance in smaller projects
  • Overkill for simple animations, potentially leading to unnecessary complexity

Code Comparison


import { useSpring, animated } from 'react-spring'

const AnimatedComponent = () => {
  const props = useSpring({ opacity: 1, from: { opacity: 0 } })
  return <animated.div style={props}>I will fade in</animated.div>


import { Animate } from 'react-simple-animate'

const AnimatedComponent = () => (
  <Animate play start={{ opacity: 0 }} end={{ opacity: 1 }}>
    <div>I will fade in</div>

Both libraries offer ways to create animations in React applications, but react-spring provides more advanced features at the cost of complexity, while react-simple-animate focuses on simplicity and ease of use for basic animations.

A spring that solves your animation problems.

Pros of react-motion

  • More mature and battle-tested library with a larger community
  • Provides physics-based animations for more natural-looking motion
  • Offers more fine-grained control over animation behavior

Cons of react-motion

  • Steeper learning curve due to its physics-based approach
  • More complex API compared to simpler animation libraries
  • Potentially overkill for basic animations or simpler projects

Code Comparison


import { Motion, spring } from 'react-motion';

<Motion defaultStyle={{x: 0}} style={{x: spring(10)}}>
  {({x}) => <div style={{transform: `translateX(${x}px)`}} />}


import { Animate } from 'react-simple-animate';

  start={{ transform: 'translateX(0px)' }}
  end={{ transform: 'translateX(10px)' }}
  <div />

react-motion uses a physics-based approach with springs, while react-simple-animate offers a more straightforward API for basic animations. react-motion provides more control but requires more setup, whereas react-simple-animate is simpler to use for basic transitions.

🎊 A collection of animations for inline style libraries

Pros of react-animations

  • Provides a wide range of pre-defined animations based on popular CSS animation libraries
  • Easily integrates with CSS-in-JS solutions like styled-components or Radium
  • Offers flexibility in applying animations to various CSS properties

Cons of react-animations

  • Requires additional setup and dependencies for CSS-in-JS libraries
  • Limited to predefined animations, less customizable than react-simple-animate
  • May have a steeper learning curve for developers new to CSS-in-JS concepts

Code Comparison


import { bounce } from 'react-animations';
import styled, { keyframes } from 'styled-components';

const Bounce = styled.div`animation: 2s ${keyframes`${bounce}`} infinite`;


import { Animate } from "react-simple-animate";

<Animate play start={{ opacity: 0 }} end={{ opacity: 1 }}>
  <h1>Hello World</h1>

react-animations relies on CSS-in-JS libraries and predefined animations, while react-simple-animate offers a more straightforward, declarative approach with customizable animations. react-simple-animate provides an easier setup and more intuitive API for basic animations, making it potentially more accessible for beginners. However, react-animations offers a broader range of pre-built animations and better integration with CSS-in-JS ecosystems, which may be preferable for more complex projects or those already using styled-components or similar libraries.

An easy way to perform animations when a React component enters or leaves the DOM

Pros of react-transition-group

  • More mature and widely adopted in the React ecosystem
  • Offers fine-grained control over transition stages (enter, exit, etc.)
  • Supports both CSS and JavaScript animations

Cons of react-transition-group

  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex API
  • Requires more boilerplate code for basic animations
  • Larger bundle size compared to react-simple-animate

Code Comparison


  <div>I'm a fading element</div>


  start={{ opacity: 0 }}
  end={{ opacity: 1 }}
  <div>I'm a fading element</div>

react-transition-group provides more granular control over transition stages but requires more setup. react-simple-animate offers a simpler API for basic animations, making it easier to use for straightforward cases. The choice between the two depends on the complexity of animations required and the developer's familiarity with each library.

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React Simple Animate Logo - UI Animation Made Simple

React Simple Animate

React UI animation made easy

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  • Animation from style A to B
  • CSS keyframes animation
  • Chain up animation sequences
  • Tiny size without other dependency


$ npm install react-simple-animate




import React from "react";
import { Animate, AnimateKeyframes, AnimateGroup } from "react-simple-animate";

export default () => (
    {/* animate individual element. */}
    <Animate play start={{ opacity: 0 }} end={{ opacity: 1 }}>
      <h1>React simple animate</h1>
    {/* animate keyframes with individual element. */}
      keyframes={["opacity: 0", "opacity: 1"]}
      <h1>React simple animate with keyframes</h1>
    {/* animate group of animation in sequences */}
    <AnimateGroup play>
      <Animate start={{ opacity: 0 }} end={{ opacity: 1 }} sequenceIndex={0}>
      <Animate start={{ opacity: 0 }} end={{ opacity: 1 }} sequenceIndex={1}>
      <Animate start={{ opacity: 0 }} end={{ opacity: 1 }} sequenceIndex={2}>


import react from 'react';
import { useAnimate, useAnimateKeyframes, useAnimateGroup } from 'react-simple-animate';

export const useAnimateExample = () => {
  const { style, play } = useAnimate({ start: { opacity: 0 }, end: { opacity: 1 } });
  useEffect(() => play(true), []);
  return <div style={style}>useAnimate</div>;

export const useAnimateKeyframesExample = () => {
  const { style, play } = useAnimateKeyframes({ 
    keyframes: ['opacity: 0', 'opacity: 1'], 
    iterationCount: 4 
  useEffect(() => play(true), []);
  return <div style={style}>useAnimate</div>;

export const useAnimateGroup = () => {
  const { styles = [], play } = useAnimateGroup({
    sequences: [
      { start: { opacity: 1 }, end: { opacity: 0 } },
      { start: { background: "red" }, end: { background: "blue" } }
  useEffect(() => play(true), []);

  return { => <div style={style}>useAnimateGroup</div>)};

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