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A spring that solves your animation problems.


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Declarative Animations Library for React and React Native


A modern animation library for React and JavaScript

✌️ A spring physics based React animation library

🎊 A collection of animations for inline style libraries

Quick Overview

React-Motion is a spring animation library for React applications. It provides a way to create smooth, physics-based animations in React components, offering a more natural feel compared to traditional CSS transitions or animations.


  • Provides natural-feeling animations based on spring physics
  • Integrates seamlessly with React components
  • Allows for fine-tuned control over animation parameters
  • Supports both simple and complex animations


  • Learning curve for developers unfamiliar with spring physics concepts
  • Can be overkill for simple animations that could be achieved with CSS
  • Performance may suffer with a large number of animated elements
  • Limited built-in animation types compared to some other animation libraries

Code Examples

  1. Basic spring animation:
import { Motion, spring } from 'react-motion';

<Motion defaultStyle={{x: 0}} style={{x: spring(100)}}>
  {({x}) => <div style={{transform: `translateX(${x}px)`}}>Hello</div>}
  1. Chained animations:
import { Motion, spring } from 'react-motion';

  defaultStyle={{x: 0, y: 0}}
    x: spring(100, {stiffness: 120, damping: 17}),
    y: spring(50, {stiffness: 120, damping: 17})
  {({x, y}) => (
    <div style={{transform: `translate(${x}px, ${y}px)`}}>
      Chained Animation
  1. Staggered list animation:
import { StaggeredMotion, spring } from 'react-motion';

  defaultStyles={[{h: 0}, {h: 0}, {h: 0}]}
  styles={prevInterpolatedStyles =>, i) => {
    return i === 0
      ? {h: spring(100)}
      : {h: spring(prevInterpolatedStyles[i - 1].h)}
  {interpolatingStyles =>
      {, i) =>
        <li key={i} style={{height: style.h}}>Item {i + 1}</li>

Getting Started

  1. Install react-motion:

    npm install react-motion
  2. Import the necessary components:

    import { Motion, spring } from 'react-motion';
  3. Use the Motion component in your React application:

    function App() {
      return (
        <Motion defaultStyle={{x: 0}} style={{x: spring(100)}}>
          {({x}) => <div style={{transform: `translateX(${x}px)`}}>Animated Div</div>}

Competitor Comparisons

Declarative Animations Library for React and React Native

Pros of Animated

  • More flexible and can be used with non-React projects
  • Supports a wider range of animation types, including spring animations and decay
  • Better performance for complex animations due to its native driver option

Cons of Animated

  • Steeper learning curve compared to React Motion
  • Less intuitive API for React developers
  • Requires more setup and configuration for basic animations

Code Comparison

React Motion:

import { Motion, spring } from 'react-motion';

<Motion defaultStyle={{x: 0}} style={{x: spring(100)}}>
  {({x}) => <div style={{transform: `translateX(${x}px)`}} />}


import { Animated } from 'react-native';

const animatedValue = new Animated.Value(0);
Animated.spring(animatedValue, { toValue: 100 }).start();

<Animated.View style={{transform: [{translateX: animatedValue}]}} />


React Motion is more React-centric and easier to use for simple animations, while Animated offers more flexibility and performance for complex animations across different platforms. React Motion's API is more declarative and intuitive for React developers, but Animated provides more control and a wider range of animation types. The choice between the two depends on the specific project requirements, target platforms, and the developer's familiarity with each library.


A modern animation library for React and JavaScript

Pros of Motion

  • More comprehensive animation toolkit with a wider range of features
  • Better performance due to use of the Web Animations API
  • Easier to use with a more intuitive API

Cons of Motion

  • Larger bundle size due to more features
  • Steeper learning curve for advanced animations
  • Less focused on React-specific implementations

Code Comparison

React Motion:

<Motion defaultStyle={{x: 0}} style={{x: spring(10)}}>
  {({x}) => <div style={{transform: `translateX(${x}px)`}} />}


  initial={{ x: 0 }}
  animate={{ x: 10 }}
  transition={{ type: "spring" }}


Motion offers a more comprehensive animation toolkit with better performance and an easier-to-use API compared to React Motion. However, it comes with a larger bundle size and a steeper learning curve for advanced animations. React Motion is more focused on React-specific implementations and has a simpler API, but may be less performant and offer fewer features. The code comparison shows that Motion's syntax is more declarative and concise, while React Motion requires more setup and uses a render prop pattern.

✌️ A spring physics based React animation library

Pros of react-spring

  • More flexible API with multiple ways to define animations
  • Better performance due to native animation drivers
  • Supports a wider range of animation types, including physics-based animations

Cons of react-spring

  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex API
  • Larger bundle size compared to react-motion

Code Comparison


<Motion defaultStyle={{x: 0}} style={{x: spring(10)}}>
  {({x}) => <div style={{transform: `translateX(${x}px)`}} />}


const props = useSpring({from: {x: 0}, to: {x: 10}})
return <animated.div style={{transform: props.x.interpolate(x => `translateX(${x}px)`)}} />

Both libraries aim to provide smooth animations in React applications, but they differ in their approach and feature set. react-spring offers more flexibility and performance at the cost of complexity, while react-motion provides a simpler API with a focus on spring animations. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of your project and your familiarity with animation concepts.

🎊 A collection of animations for inline style libraries

Pros of react-animations

  • Simpler API with predefined animation styles
  • Easy integration with CSS-in-JS libraries
  • Lightweight and focused solely on animation keyframes

Cons of react-animations

  • Less flexible for complex, physics-based animations
  • Limited control over animation timing and behavior
  • No built-in support for interrupting or reversing animations

Code Comparison


import { fadeIn } from 'react-animations';
import styled, { keyframes } from 'styled-components';

const fadeInAnimation = keyframes`${fadeIn}`;
const FadeInDiv = styled.div`animation: 1s ${fadeInAnimation};`;


import { Motion, spring } from 'react-motion';

<Motion defaultStyle={{opacity: 0}} style={{opacity: spring(1)}}>
  {interpolatingStyle => <div style={interpolatingStyle}>Content</div>}

react-motion offers more granular control over animation physics and behavior, allowing for smoother, more natural-feeling animations. It's particularly useful for interactive animations that respond to user input. However, it has a steeper learning curve and requires more code for basic animations.

react-animations, on the other hand, provides a simpler approach with predefined animation styles. It's easier to use for basic animations and integrates well with CSS-in-JS libraries. However, it lacks the flexibility and fine-tuned control offered by react-motion, making it less suitable for complex, physics-based animations or those requiring precise timing control.

Pros of Motion One

  • Supports both React and vanilla JavaScript, offering more flexibility
  • Provides a more modern API with better TypeScript support
  • Offers a wider range of animation features, including SVG path morphing and scroll-linked animations

Cons of Motion One

  • Larger bundle size, which may impact performance for smaller projects
  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex API and additional features
  • Less focused on React-specific optimizations compared to React Motion

Code Comparison

React Motion:

import { Motion, spring } from 'react-motion';

<Motion defaultStyle={{x: 0}} style={{x: spring(10)}}>
  {({x}) => <div style={{transform: `translateX(${x}px)`}} />}

Motion One:

import { animate } from "motion";

animate(".box", { x: 100 }, { duration: 1 });


Motion One offers a more versatile and feature-rich animation solution, supporting multiple frameworks and providing advanced animation capabilities. However, it comes at the cost of a larger bundle size and potentially more complex implementation. React Motion, while more focused on React and simpler to use, may be limited in terms of animation options and modern API design. The choice between the two depends on project requirements, performance considerations, and developer preferences.

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import {Motion, spring} from 'react-motion';
// In your render...
<Motion defaultStyle={{x: 0}} style={{x: spring(10)}}>
  {value => <div>{value.x}</div>}

Animate a counter from 0 to 10. For more advanced usage, see below.


  • Npm: npm install --save react-motion

  • Bower: do not install with bower install react-motion, it won't work. Use bower install --save Or in bower.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "react-motion": ""

then include as

<script src="bower_components/react-motion/build/react-motion.js"></script>
  • 1998 Script Tag:
<script src=""></script>
(Module exposed as `ReactMotion`)

Works with React-Native v0.18+.


Check the wiki for more!

Try the Demos Locally

git clone
cd react-motion
npm install
  • With hot reloading (slow, development version): run npm start.
  • Without hot reloading (faster, production version): run npm run build-demos and open the static demos/demo_name/index.html file directly. Don't forget to use production mode when testing your animation's performance!

To build the repo yourself: npm run prepublish.

What does this library try to solve?

My React-Europe talk

For 95% of use-cases of animating components, we don't have to resort to using hard-coded easing curves and duration. Set up a stiffness and damping for your UI element, and let the magic of physics take care of the rest. This way, you don't have to worry about petty situations such as interrupted animation behavior. It also greatly simplifies the API.

This library also provides an alternative, more powerful API for React's TransitionGroup.



  • spring
  • Motion
  • StaggeredMotion
  • TransitionMotion
  • presets

Here's the well-annotated public Flow type definition file (you don't have to use Flow with React-motion, but the types help document the API below).

P.S. using TypeScript? Here are the React-motion TypeScript definitions!


- spring: (val: number, config?: SpringHelperConfig) => OpaqueConfig

Used in conjunction with the components below. Specifies the how to animate to the destination value, e.g. spring(10, {stiffness: 120, damping: 17}) means "animate to value 10, with a spring of stiffness 120 and damping 17".

  • val: the value.

  • config: optional, for further adjustments. Possible fields:

    • stiffness: optional, defaults to 170.
    • damping: optional, defaults to 26.
    • precision: optional, defaults to 0.01. Specifies both the rounding of the interpolated value and the speed (internal).

    It's normal not to feel how stiffness and damping affect your spring; use Spring Parameters Chooser to get a feeling. Usually, you'd just use the list of tasteful stiffness/damping presets below.

- Presets for {stiffness, damping}

Commonly used spring configurations used like so: spring(10, presets.wobbly) or spring(20, {...presets.gentle, precision: 0.1}). See here.

<Motion />


<Motion defaultStyle={{x: 0}} style={{x: spring(10)}}>
  {interpolatingStyle => <div style={interpolatingStyle} />}


- style: Style

Required. The Style type is an object that maps to either a number or an OpaqueConfig returned by spring() above. Must keep the same keys throughout component's existence. The meaning of the values:

  • an OpaqueConfig returned from spring(x): interpolate to x.
  • a number x: jump to x, do not interpolate.
- defaultStyle?: PlainStyle

Optional. The PlainStyle type maps to numbers. Defaults to an object with the same keys as style above, whose values are the initial numbers you're interpolating on. Note that during subsequent renders, this prop is ignored. The values will interpolate from the current ones to the destination ones (specified by style).

- children: (interpolatedStyle: PlainStyle) => ReactElement

Required function.

  • interpolatedStyle: the interpolated style object passed back to you. E.g. if you gave style={{x: spring(10), y: spring(20)}}, you'll receive as interpolatedStyle, at a certain time, {x: 5.2, y: 12.1}, which you can then apply on your div or something else.

  • Return: must return one React element to render.

- onRest?: () => void

Optional. The callback that fires when the animation comes to a rest.

<StaggeredMotion />

Animates a collection of (fixed length) items whose values depend on each other, creating a natural, springy, "staggering" effect like so. This is preferred over hard-coding a delay for an array of Motions to achieve a similar (but less natural-looking) effect.


  defaultStyles={[{h: 0}, {h: 0}, {h: 0}]}
  styles={prevInterpolatedStyles =>, i) => {
    return i === 0
      ? {h: spring(100)}
      : {h: spring(prevInterpolatedStyles[i - 1].h)}
  {interpolatingStyles =>
      {, i) =>
        <div key={i} style={{border: '1px solid', height: style.h}} />)

Aka "the current spring's destination value is the interpolating value of the previous spring". Imagine a spring dragging another. Physics, it works!


- styles: (previousInterpolatedStyles: ?Array<PlainStyle>) => Array<Style>

Required function. Don't forget the "s"!

  • previousInterpolatedStyles: the previously interpolating (array of) styles (undefined at first render, unless defaultStyles is provided).

  • Return: must return an array of Styles containing the destination values, e.g. [{x: spring(10)}, {x: spring(20)}].

- defaultStyles?: Array<PlainStyle>

Optional. Similar to Motion's defaultStyle, but an array of them.

- children: (interpolatedStyles: Array<PlainStyle>) => ReactElement

Required function. Similar to Motion's children, but accepts the array of interpolated styles instead, e.g. [{x: 5}, {x: 6.4}, {x: 8.1}]

(No onRest for StaggeredMotion because we haven't found a good semantics for it yet. Voice your support in the issues section.)

<TransitionMotion />

Helps you to do mounting and unmounting animation.


You have items a, b, c, with their respective style configuration, given to TransitionMotion's styles. In its children function, you're passed the three interpolated styles as params; you map over them and produce three components. All is good.

During next render, you give only a and b, indicating that you want c gone, but that you'd like to animate it reaching value 0, before killing it for good.

Fortunately, TransitionMotion has kept c around and still passes it into the children function param. So when you're mapping over these three interpolated styles, you're still producing three components. It'll keep interpolating, while checking c's current value at every frame. Once c reaches the specified 0, TransitionMotion will remove it for good (from the interpolated styles passed to your children function).

This time, when mapping through the two remaining interpolated styles, you'll produce only two components. c is gone for real.

import createReactClass from 'create-react-class';

const Demo = createReactClass({
  getInitialState() {
    return {
      items: [{key: 'a', size: 10}, {key: 'b', size: 20}, {key: 'c', size: 30}],
  componentDidMount() {
      items: [{key: 'a', size: 10}, {key: 'b', size: 20}], // remove c.
  willLeave() {
    // triggered when c's gone. Keeping c until its width/height reach 0.
    return {width: spring(0), height: spring(0)};
  render() {
    return (
        styles={ => ({
          key: item.key,
          style: {width: item.size, height: item.size},
        {interpolatedStyles =>
          // first render: a, b, c. Second: still a, b, c! Only last one's a, b.
            { => {
              return <div key={config.key} style={{, border: '1px solid'}} />


First, two type definitions to ease the comprehension.

  • TransitionStyle: an object of the format {key: string, data?: any, style: Style}.

    • key: required. The ID that TransitionMotion uses to track which configuration is which across renders, even when things are reordered. Typically reused as the component key when you map over the interpolated styles.

    • data: optional. Anything you'd like to carry along. This is so that when the previous section example's c disappears, you still get to access c's related data, such as the text to display along with it.

    • style: required. The actual starting style configuration, similar to what you provide for Motion's style. Maps keys to either a number or an OpaqueConfig returned by spring().

  • TransitionPlainStyle: similar to above, except the style field's value is of type PlainStyle, aka an object that maps to numbers.

- styles: Array<TransitionStyle> | (previousInterpolatedStyles: ?Array<TransitionPlainStyle>) => Array<TransitionStyle>

Required. Accepts either:

  • an array of TransitionStyle configs, e.g. [{key: 'a', style: {x: spring(0)}}, {key: 'b', style: {x: spring(10)}}].

  • a function similar to StaggeredMotion, taking the previously interpolating styles (undefined at first call, unless defaultStyles is provided), and returning the previously mentioned array of configs. You can do staggered mounting animation with this.

- defaultStyles?: Array<TransitionPlainStyle>

Optional. Similar to the other components' defaultStyle/defaultStyles.

- children: (interpolatedStyles: Array<TransitionPlainStyle>) => ReactElement

Required function. Similar to other two components' children. Receive back an array similar to what you provided for defaultStyles, only that each style object's number value represent the currently interpolating value.

- willLeave?: (styleThatLeft: TransitionStyle) => ?Style

Optional. Defaults to () => null. The magic sauce property.

  • styleThatLeft: the e.g. {key: ..., data: ..., style: ...} object from the styles array, identified by key, that was present during a previous render, and that is now absent, thus triggering the call to willLeave. Note that the style property is exactly what you passed in styles, and is not interpolated. For example, if you passed a spring for x you will receive an object like {x: {stiffness, damping, val, precision}}.

  • Return: null to indicate you want the TransitionStyle gone immediately. A Style object to indicate you want to reach transition to the specified value(s) before killing the TransitionStyle.

- didLeave?: (styleThatLeft: {key: string, data?: any}) => void

Optional. Defaults to () => {}.

  • styleThatLeft: the {key:..., data:...} that was removed after the finished transition.
- willEnter?: (styleThatEntered: TransitionStyle) => PlainStyle

Optional. Defaults to styleThatEntered => stripStyle( Where stripStyle turns {x: spring(10), y: spring(20)} into {x: 10, y: 20}.

  • styleThatEntered: similar to willLeave's, except the TransitionStyle represents the object whose key value was absent during the last render, and that is now present.

  • Return: a defaultStyle-like PlainStyle configuration, e.g. {x: 0, y: 0}, that serves as the starting values of the animation. Under this light, the default provided means "a style config that has the same starting values as the destination values".

Note that willEnter and defaultStyles serve different purposes. willEnter only triggers when a previously inexistent TransitionStyle inside styles comes into the new render.

(No onRest for TransitionMotion because we haven't found a good semantics for it yet. Voice your support in the issues section.)


  • How do I set the duration of my animation?

Hard-coded duration goes against fluid interfaces. If your animation is interrupted mid-way, you'd get a weird completion animation if you hard-coded the time. That being said, in the demo section there's a great Spring Parameters Chooser for you to have a feel of what spring is appropriate, rather than guessing a duration in the dark.

  • How do I unmount the TransitionMotion container itself?

You don't. Unless you put it in another TransitionMotion...

  • How do I do staggering/chained animation where items animate in one after another?

See StaggeredMotion

  • My ref doesn't work in the children function.

React string refs won't work:

<Motion style={...}>{currentValue => <div ref="stuff" />}</Motion>

This is how React works. Here's the callback ref solution.

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