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cornelk logohashmap

A Golang lock-free thread-safe HashMap optimized for fastest read access.


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A collection of generic data structures written in Go.


GoDS (Go Data Structures) - Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, Trees, Queues, and much more


Concurrent data structures for Go

Quick Overview

cornelk/hashmap is a high-performance, concurrent hashmap implementation in Go. It provides a thread-safe alternative to the built-in Go map with better performance characteristics for concurrent read and write operations.


  • Excellent performance for concurrent read and write operations
  • Lock-free implementation for improved scalability
  • Supports generics for type-safe usage
  • Minimal memory overhead compared to sync.Map


  • May have slightly higher memory usage than the built-in Go map for small datasets
  • Not as widely adopted or battle-tested as the standard library alternatives
  • Limited feature set compared to more complex concurrent data structures

Code Examples

  1. Creating and using a hashmap:
package main

import (

func main() {
    m := hashmap.New[string, int]()
    m.Set("key", 123)
    value, ok := m.Get("key")
    fmt.Printf("Value: %d, Exists: %t\n", value, ok)
  1. Concurrent access:
package main

import (

func main() {
    m := hashmap.New[int, int]()
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
        go func(i int) {
            defer wg.Done()
            m.Set(i, i*2)

    fmt.Printf("Map size: %d\n", m.Len())
  1. Using the ForEach method:
package main

import (

func main() {
    m := hashmap.New[string, int]()
    m.Set("a", 1)
    m.Set("b", 2)
    m.Set("c", 3)

    m.ForEach(func(key string, value int) bool {
        fmt.Printf("Key: %s, Value: %d\n", key, value)
        return true

Getting Started

To use cornelk/hashmap in your Go project, follow these steps:

  1. Install the package:

    go get
  2. Import the package in your Go code:

    import ""
  3. Create a new hashmap and start using it:

    m := hashmap.New[string, int]()
    m.Set("key", 42)
    value, exists := m.Get("key")

That's it! You can now use the hashmap in your Go applications for high-performance concurrent access to key-value pairs.

Competitor Comparisons


A collection of generic data structures written in Go.

Pros of generic

  • Offers a wider range of generic data structures (e.g., lists, trees, sets) beyond just maps
  • Provides more flexibility with customizable comparison functions
  • Supports Go 1.18+ generics, allowing for type-safe implementations

Cons of generic

  • Less specialized for hash map performance compared to hashmap
  • May have a steeper learning curve due to its broader scope
  • Potentially larger codebase to include in projects

Code Comparison


m := hashmap.New[string, int]()
m.Set("key", 123)
value, ok := m.Get("key")


m := generic.NewMap[string, int]()
m.Put("key", 123)
value, ok := m.Get("key")


hashmap focuses specifically on high-performance hash maps, while generic offers a broader range of data structures with more flexibility. hashmap may be preferable for projects requiring optimized hash map operations, whereas generic provides a more comprehensive toolkit for various data structure needs. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the project and the desired balance between specialization and versatility.


GoDS (Go Data Structures) - Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, Trees, Queues, and much more

Pros of gods

  • Offers a wider variety of data structures and algorithms
  • More comprehensive documentation and examples
  • Higher test coverage and better maintained

Cons of gods

  • Slightly lower performance in some operations
  • Larger codebase, which may increase complexity for simple use cases
  • Less focused on specific optimizations for hash maps

Code Comparison


m := hashmap.New[string, int]()
m.Set("key", 123)
value, _ := m.Get("key")


m := treemap.NewWithStringComparator()
m.Put("key", 123)
value, _ := m.Get("key")

Both libraries provide similar functionality for basic map operations. hashmap focuses specifically on hash maps with a simpler API, while gods offers a broader range of data structures with a more consistent interface across different types.

hashmap is generally faster for basic operations but lacks some of the additional features and flexibility provided by gods. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of your project, such as performance needs, variety of data structures required, and desired level of abstraction.


Concurrent data structures for Go

Pros of xsync

  • Offers a wider range of concurrent data structures (Map, RWMutex, AtomicDuration)
  • Provides better performance for read-heavy workloads due to its sharded design
  • Supports generic types in Go 1.18+, allowing for type-safe usage

Cons of xsync

  • May have higher memory overhead due to its sharded structure
  • Potentially more complex implementation, which could impact maintainability
  • Lacks some specialized features found in hashmap, like string-optimized maps

Code Comparison


m := xsync.NewMapOf[string, int]()
m.Store("key", 42)
value, ok := m.Load("key")


m := hashmap.New[string, int]()
m.Set("key", 42)
value, ok := m.Get("key")

Both libraries provide similar basic functionality for concurrent maps, but xsync offers a more extensive set of concurrent data structures. hashmap focuses on optimized hash map implementations, particularly for string keys. The choice between the two depends on specific use cases and performance requirements.

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A Golang lock-free thread-safe HashMap optimized for fastest read access.

It is not a general-use HashMap and currently has slow write performance for write heavy uses.

The minimal supported Golang version is 1.19 as it makes use of Generics and the new atomic package helpers.


Example uint8 key map uses:

m := New[uint8, int]()
m.Set(1, 123)
value, ok := m.Get(1)

Example string key map uses:

m := New[string, int]()
m.Set("amount", 123)
value, ok := m.Get("amount")

Using the map to count URL requests:

m := New[string, *int64]()
var i int64
counter, _ := m.GetOrInsert("api/123", &i)
atomic.AddInt64(counter, 1) // increase counter
count := atomic.LoadInt64(counter) // read counter


Reading from the hash map for numeric key types in a thread-safe way is faster than reading from a standard Golang map in an unsafe way and four times faster than Golang's sync.Map:

ReadHashMapUint-8                676ns ± 0%
ReadHaxMapUint-8                 689ns ± 1%
ReadGoMapUintUnsafe-8            792ns ± 0%
ReadXsyncMapUint-8               954ns ± 0%
ReadGoSyncMapUint-8             2.62µs ± 1%
ReadSkipMapUint-8               3.27µs ±10%
ReadGoMapUintMutex-8            29.6µs ± 2%

Reading from the map while writes are happening:

ReadHashMapWithWritesUint-8      860ns ± 1%
ReadHaxMapWithWritesUint-8       930ns ± 1%
ReadGoSyncMapWithWritesUint-8   3.06µs ± 2%

Write performance without any concurrent reads:

WriteGoMapMutexUint-8           14.8µs ± 2%
WriteHashMapUint-8              22.3µs ± 1%
WriteGoSyncMapUint-8            69.3µs ± 0%

The benchmarks were run with Golang 1.19.1 on Linux and a Ryzen 9 5900X CPU using make benchmark-perflock.

Technical details

  • Technical design decisions have been made based on benchmarks that are stored in an external repository: go-benchmark

  • The library uses a sorted linked list and a slice as an index into that list.

  • The Get() function contains helper functions that have been inlined manually until the Golang compiler will inline them automatically.

  • It optimizes the slice access by circumventing the Golang size check when reading from the slice. Once a slice is allocated, the size of it does not change. The library limits the index into the slice, therefore the Golang size check is obsolete. When the slice reaches a defined fill rate, a bigger slice is allocated and all keys are recalculated and transferred into the new slice.

  • For hashing, specialized xxhash implementations are used that match the size of the key type where available