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devicons logodevicon

Set of icons representing programming languages, designing & development tools


Top Related Projects


Set of icons representing programming languages, designing & development tools

SVG icons for popular brands


A huge collection of SVG logos

Devicons - An iconic font made for developers

Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos

Free Flat Color Icons

Quick Overview

Devicon is a comprehensive set of icons representing programming languages, design tools, and development software. It provides high-quality SVG icons that can be easily integrated into web projects, documentation, or presentations to visually represent various technologies and tools used in software development.


  • Extensive collection of icons covering a wide range of technologies
  • High-quality SVG icons that scale well and maintain clarity
  • Regular updates to include new technologies and tools
  • Easy integration with web projects using CSS or SVG directly


  • Large file size when using the entire icon set, which may impact page load times
  • Some less common or niche technologies may not be represented
  • Occasional inconsistencies in icon design style across different technologies
  • Limited customization options for icon colors without manual editing

Getting Started

To use Devicon in your project, you can either include the CSS file or use the SVG icons directly:

  1. Include the CSS file in your HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  1. Use the icons in your HTML:
<i class="devicon-github-original"></i>
<i class="devicon-javascript-plain colored"></i>

Alternatively, you can download the SVG files directly from the GitHub repository and use them in your project as needed.

For more information and customization options, visit the official Devicon repository:

Competitor Comparisons


Set of icons representing programming languages, designing & development tools

Pros of devicon

  • Larger icon set with over 150 technology logos
  • More frequent updates and active community contributions
  • Supports multiple icon versions (original, plain, line, etc.)

Cons of devicon

  • Larger file size due to extensive icon collection
  • May require more time to find specific icons in the documentation
  • Some icons might have inconsistent styling across different technologies

Code Comparison


<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<i class="devicon-javascript-plain"></i>


<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<i class="devicon-javascript-plain"></i>


Both repositories are actually the same project. The devicons/devicon repository is the main and actively maintained version of the Devicon project. It offers a comprehensive set of technology icons for developers to use in their projects. The repository provides various icon styles and versions, making it a versatile choice for different design needs. While the larger icon set can lead to a bigger file size, it also offers more options for users. The project is regularly updated and benefits from community contributions, ensuring that new technologies are represented in the icon set.

SVG icons for popular brands

Pros of Simple Icons

  • Larger collection of icons (2000+) compared to Devicon's 150+
  • Consistent, minimalist design across all icons
  • Regular updates with new icons and community contributions

Cons of Simple Icons

  • Limited to monochrome SVG icons, while Devicon offers colored versions
  • Lacks font icon option, which Devicon provides
  • Focused solely on brand/company logos, whereas Devicon includes technology-specific icons

Code Comparison

Simple Icons usage:

<img height="32" width="32" src="" />

Devicon usage:

<i class="devicon-javascript-plain"></i>


Simple Icons offers a vast collection of minimalist brand icons, ideal for projects requiring a consistent, clean look. Devicon, while having fewer icons, provides more flexibility with colored versions and font icons, focusing on technology-related symbols. The choice between the two depends on specific project needs and design preferences.


A huge collection of SVG logos

Pros of logos

  • Larger collection of logos (2000+) compared to devicon's 150+
  • Includes both SVG and PNG formats for most logos
  • Offers a wider variety of tech-related logos beyond just programming languages and tools

Cons of logos

  • Less focused on developer-specific icons and tools
  • May require more filtering to find relevant tech logos
  • Lacks font icon support, which devicon provides

Code Comparison

logos usage:

<img src="" alt="JavaScript logo" width="50">

devicon usage:

<i class="devicon-javascript-plain colored"></i>


logos offers a more extensive collection of tech-related logos in various formats, while devicon focuses specifically on developer tools and provides font icon support. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the project and the desired implementation method.

Devicons - An iconic font made for developers

Pros of devicons

  • Larger icon set with over 150 icons
  • Includes both colored and plain versions of icons
  • Supports multiple file formats (SVG, EPS, AI)

Cons of devicons

  • Less frequently updated (last update in 2015)
  • No official npm package or CDN support
  • Limited documentation and usage examples

Code comparison


<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<i class="devicon-javascript-plain"></i>


<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<i class="devicon-javascript-plain"></i>


While devicons offers a larger icon set with multiple file formats, it lacks recent updates and official package support. On the other hand, devicon provides a more up-to-date and actively maintained library with better documentation and integration options. Both projects use similar HTML markup for icon implementation, making it easy to switch between them if needed. The choice between the two depends on specific project requirements and the need for recent updates or a wider variety of icons.

Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos

Pros of SuperTinyIcons

  • Extremely small file sizes (under 1KB each)
  • SVG format for crisp scaling at any resolution
  • Simple, minimalist design aesthetic

Cons of SuperTinyIcons

  • Limited icon selection compared to Devicon
  • Less detailed/complex icons, which may not suit all use cases
  • Fewer customization options (e.g., no color variations)

Code Comparison

SuperTinyIcons (SVG):

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path fill="#25A768" d="M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm115.7 272l-176 101c-15.8 8.8-35.7-2.5-35.7-21V152c0-18.4 19.8-29.8 35.7-21l176 107c16.4 9.2 16.4 32.9 0 42z"/>

Devicon (CSS):

.devicon-android-plain {
  color: #3DDC84;
.devicon-android-plain-wordmark {
  color: #3DDC84;

Both repositories provide icon sets for developers, but they differ in approach and style. SuperTinyIcons focuses on minimalism and small file sizes, while Devicon offers a wider range of icons with more customization options.

Free Flat Color Icons

Pros of flat-color-icons

  • Offers a wider variety of icons beyond just developer tools and technologies
  • Provides colorful, visually appealing icons suitable for various applications
  • Includes icons in multiple formats (PNG, SVG, EPS, etc.)

Cons of flat-color-icons

  • Less focused on developer-specific tools and technologies
  • May require more customization for use in development-related projects
  • Larger file size due to the inclusion of multiple formats and color variations

Code comparison

While both repositories primarily focus on providing icons rather than code, here's a brief comparison of how you might use these icons in an HTML context:


<i class="devicon-javascript-plain"></i>


<img src="path/to/flat-color-icons/svg/javascript.svg" alt="JavaScript">


devicon is more tailored for developer-specific icons and is easier to implement with CSS classes, while flat-color-icons offers a broader range of colorful icons suitable for various applications beyond development. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of your project and the desired visual style.

Convert Figma logo designs to code with AI

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Devicon Logo
Devicon aims to gather all logos representing development languages and tools.

Demo · Request Icon · Contribute


<!-- in your header -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- in your body -->
<i class="devicon-devicon-plain"></i>

Table of Contents

  1. About the Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Requesting Icon
  4. Contributing
  5. Discord Community
  6. develop vs master
  7. Stale Pull Requests
  8. Building Devicon

About the Project

Devicon aims to gather all logos representing development languages and tools. Each icon comes in several versions: font/SVG, original/plain/line, colored/not colored, wordmark/no wordmark. Devicon has 150+ icons. And it's growing!

See the devicon.json or our website for complete and up to date reference of all available icons.

Thanks to all our contributors and the IcoMoon app. Devicon would not be possible without you.

All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement. Usage of these logos should be done according to the company/brand/service's brand policy.

Getting Started

For a super fast setup, go check
You can either use the raw SVG icons, our Devicon font (which is also available via CDN), or by building Devicon yourself.

Use the devicon font (recommended)

You can install devicon as a dependency to your project either with npm or yarn:

npm install --save devicon
yarn add devicon

If you don't want to use a package manager, you can also download and include devicon.min.css next to the font files to your project. See for details about how to add Devicon to your project via a CDN.

After setting up you just have to include the stylesheet in your header to get started:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="devicon.min.css">

Start using icons with <i>-tag:

<!--  for devicon plain version -->
<i class="devicon-devicon-plain"></i>

<!--  for devicon plain version with wordmark -->
<i class="devicon-devicon-plain-wordmark"></i>

<!--  for devicon plain version colored with devicon main color -->
<i class="devicon-devicon-plain colored"></i>

<!--  for devicon plain version with wordmark colored with devicon main color -->
<i class="devicon-devicon-plain-wordmark colored"></i>

An alternate way to use devicon is by copy/pasting the raw SVG code to your project.

Copy/paste SVG code (from the SVG folder or the project page):

<!--  for devicon plain version -->
<svg id="Devicon" class='devicon-devicon-plain' xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><path id="plain" fill="#60be86" d="M64,7.83H4.77L14.95,95.13l49,25,.06,0,49.07-25L123.23,7.83Zm42.77,54.86c0,.88,0,1.67-.77,2L73.25,80.44l-2.42,1.13-.27-3.15V72.23l.24-1.57,1.09-.47L95.07,59.81l-21.54-9.6L64.35,68.34,58.9,78.87l-1.22,2.27-2.05-.9L22,64.71a2.42,2.42,0,0,1-1.45-2V56.91a2.39,2.39,0,0,1,1.42-2l34-15.73,3.21-1.44v9.66l.24,1.34-1.56.7L34.45,59.79,56.3,69.42l8.05-16,6.21-12.65,1.13-2.28,1.81.91L106,54.89c.73.35.76,1.14.76,2Z"/></svg>

Add the following CSS rules in your stylesheet:

.devicon-devicon-plain {
  max-width: 2em;

/* if you want to change the original color */
.devicon-devicon-plain path {
  fill: #4691f6;

You can also use the img tag and reference an SVG directly from the repository:

<img src=''>

Requesting an icon

When you want to request an icon please feel free to create an issue. Check out our Wiki for more information.


We are happy with every contribution, whether it's new icons, features, or maintainers. Please have a look at our Wiki to see how you can contribute to this project.

Discord community

We have a Discord community for Devicons. You can easily request icons, discuss, and have a good time talking with the community members! Join the official Discord Server here!

develop vs master

All official releases shall be in master. Any updates in between (icons, features, etc.) will be kept in develop.

develop contains:
  • Latest SVGs (non-optimized).
  • No icons for the latest SVGs. These will be built at every release.
    Can be built manually. See Building Devicon.
  • Experimental changes.
master contains:
  • Latest official release, which contains all the SVGs and icons.
  • Official, tested changes.

Stale Pull Requests

After a pull request has been open for over 30 days with no activity or response from the author, it'll be automatically marked as stale. We might fork your changes and merge the changes ourselves. Since GitHub tracks contributions by commits, you will be credited.

Building Devicon

Follow these steps to build the website and icons either locally or using

Table of contents

  1. Using Gitpod to build
  2. Local Installation
    1. Install dependencies
    2. Build the icons
    3. Build the CSS stylesheet
    4. Setting up the web server


By using, you can easily build the icons and install the
required dependencies in one single click. No extra setup is required.

<a href=><img src= alt="Open in Gitpod">

Note In case some of the commands are not properly ran, you can
follow the steps below and run the same commands on

Local Installation

Install dependencies

Fork the repository and clone the forked repository.

git clone<your-github-username>/devicon.git

Note In case you don't have Git installed, check the official guide to install Git on your operating system.

Install all the necessary NPM dependencies

npm install

Note In case you don't have NPM installed, check this <a href=>ultimate guide on installing Node.js and NPM. These tools are required in order to build Devicon properly.

Install Firefox

Install Python 3.8

Note Make sure your Python install includes pip

Install Selenium

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip && pip install selenium==4.1.0 requests==2.25.1

Build the new icons

Once all the dependencies are installed, you can proceed to build the newest icons.
Usually, this is done on each release, but you can have a sneak peek before a release.

# Linux/Unix
npm run build-icons

# Windows
python3 ./.github/scripts/ ./.github/scripts/build_assets/geckodriver-v0.32.2-win64/geckodriver.exe ./icomoon.json ./devicon.json ./icons ./ --headless

The process might take a while, depending on your operating system's speed and the amount of icons.

If there are any errors shown, please let us know by creating an issue or contacting us on our Discord community.

Build the CSS stylesheet

Run the following command to build the new CSS stylesheet.
This file is used to show all the new icons previously built.

npm run build-css

Setting up the web server

Run the following command to start the web server with Python.

npm run dev # Will run on port 8000

Or this command, which does exactly the same, but the port can be customized.

python3 -m http.server <port>

You're done now! :tada: Your build of Devicons should be available at https://localhost:8000 (or the desired port).

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