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一个轻量级 Java 权限认证框架,让鉴权变得简单、优雅!—— 登录认证、权限认证、分布式Session会话、微服务网关鉴权、单点登录、OAuth2.0


Top Related Projects

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Quick Overview

Sa-Token is a lightweight Java authentication and authorization framework. It provides a comprehensive solution for user login, permission verification, single sign-on (SSO), and other security-related features in Java applications. Sa-Token aims to simplify the implementation of authentication and authorization mechanisms in various Java environments.


  • Easy to integrate and use, with minimal configuration required
  • Supports multiple login methods and session management strategies
  • Provides built-in support for common security features like SSO, JWT, and multi-factor authentication
  • Highly customizable and extensible to fit various application requirements


  • Primarily focused on Java applications, limiting its use in other programming languages
  • Documentation is mainly in Chinese, which may be challenging for non-Chinese speakers
  • Relatively new compared to some other established authentication frameworks
  • May have a steeper learning curve for developers unfamiliar with Java security concepts

Code Examples

  1. Basic login and logout:
// Login
// Get login ID
// Logout
  1. Permission checking:
// Check if user has permission
// Check if user has any of the specified permissions
StpUtil.checkPermissionOr("user:add", "user:edit", "user:delete");
  1. Role-based access control:
// Assign roles to a user
StpUtil.getRoleList(10001, "admin", "manager");
// Check if user has a specific role
boolean isAdmin = StpUtil.hasRole("admin");
  1. Token-based authentication:
// Generate token
String token = StpUtil.createLoginSession(10001);
// Verify token
// Get user info from token
Object userInfo = StpUtil.getTokenSession().get("userInfo");

Getting Started

To use Sa-Token in your Java project, add the following dependency to your Maven pom.xml file:


For Spring Boot applications, configure Sa-Token in your application.yml:

  token-name: satoken
  timeout: 2592000
  activity-timeout: -1
  is-concurrent: true
  is-share: true
  token-style: uuid
  is-log: false

Then, you can start using Sa-Token in your application by injecting the StpUtil class and calling its methods for authentication and authorization.

Competitor Comparisons

Spring Security

Pros of Spring Security

  • Extensive documentation and large community support
  • Comprehensive security features, including OAuth2 and SAML integration
  • Seamless integration with other Spring projects

Cons of Spring Security

  • Steeper learning curve, especially for beginners
  • More complex configuration and setup process
  • Potentially heavier resource usage for smaller applications

Code Comparison

Spring Security configuration:

public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Sa-Token configuration:

public class SaTokenConfigure implements WebMvcConfigurer {
    public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
        registry.addInterceptor(new SaInterceptor(handle -> StpUtil.checkLogin()))

Both Spring Security and Sa-Token offer robust security solutions for Java applications. Spring Security provides a more comprehensive set of features and integrations, making it suitable for complex enterprise applications. Sa-Token, on the other hand, offers a simpler and more lightweight approach, which can be beneficial for smaller projects or those requiring quick implementation. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the project, team expertise, and desired level of customization.


Java JWT: JSON Web Token for Java and Android

Pros of jjwt

  • Focused specifically on JWT implementation, providing a robust and comprehensive solution for JWT handling
  • Extensive documentation and examples, making it easier for developers to integrate and use
  • Supports various cryptographic algorithms and is regularly updated to address security concerns

Cons of jjwt

  • Limited to JWT functionality, lacking broader authentication and authorization features
  • Requires more manual configuration and integration with other security components
  • May have a steeper learning curve for developers new to JWT concepts

Code Comparison

Sa-Token (Login and session creation):

String token = StpUtil.getTokenValue();

jjwt (JWT creation):

String jwt = Jwts.builder()
    .signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, key)


Sa-Token is a comprehensive authentication and authorization framework for Java applications, offering a wide range of features beyond just token handling. It provides a simpler API for common authentication tasks and includes built-in support for various scenarios.

jjwt, on the other hand, is a specialized library focused solely on JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation. It offers more flexibility and control over JWT creation, parsing, and validation but requires additional integration for complete authentication solutions.

The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the project. Sa-Token is better suited for projects needing a full-featured authentication framework, while jjwt is ideal for applications requiring fine-grained control over JWT handling.

Java implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT)

Pros of java-jwt

  • Focused specifically on JWT implementation, providing a lightweight and specialized solution
  • Backed by Auth0, a well-known identity platform, ensuring regular updates and support
  • Extensive documentation and examples available for easy integration

Cons of java-jwt

  • Limited to JWT functionality, lacking broader authentication and authorization features
  • Requires additional libraries or custom code for complete authentication workflows
  • Less flexibility in token storage and session management compared to Sa-Token

Code Comparison

Sa-Token example:

// Login
// Get login ID
String loginId = StpUtil.getLoginId();
// Check login status
boolean isLogin = StpUtil.isLogin();

java-jwt example:

// Create JWT
String token = JWT.create()
    .withClaim("user_id", 10001)
// Verify JWT
DecodedJWT jwt = JWT.require(algorithm)

Sa-Token offers a higher-level abstraction for authentication, while java-jwt focuses on JWT creation and verification. Sa-Token provides built-in session management and login status checks, whereas java-jwt requires additional implementation for these features. The choice between the two depends on project requirements and the desired level of control over the authentication process.


Security engine for Java (authentication, authorization, multi frameworks): OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, LDAP, JWT...

Pros of pac4j

  • Multi-protocol support: Handles various authentication mechanisms (OAuth, SAML, OpenID Connect, etc.)
  • Highly extensible and customizable
  • Language-agnostic, with implementations for Java, Scala, and more

Cons of pac4j

  • Steeper learning curve due to its comprehensive nature
  • May be overkill for simple authentication scenarios
  • Less focused on Chinese market and documentation compared to Sa-Token

Code Comparison

Sa-Token (Java):

// Login
// Get login ID
String loginId = StpUtil.getLoginId();
// Logout

pac4j (Java):

// Perform authentication
CommonProfile profile = client.getUserProfile(credentials, context);
// Get user ID
String userId = profile.getId();
// Logout

Both libraries provide straightforward authentication methods, but Sa-Token's API appears more concise for basic operations. pac4j offers more flexibility and protocol support at the cost of slightly more verbose code.


Apereo CAS - Identity & Single Sign On for all earthlings and beyond.

Pros of CAS

  • Mature and widely adopted enterprise-grade SSO solution
  • Supports a wide range of authentication protocols and integrations
  • Highly customizable and extensible architecture

Cons of CAS

  • Steeper learning curve and more complex setup
  • Heavier resource requirements for deployment
  • May be overkill for smaller projects or simpler authentication needs

Code Comparison

Sa-Token (Java):

// Login
// Get login ID
String loginId = StpUtil.getLoginId();
// Check login status
boolean isLogin = StpUtil.isLogin();

CAS (Java):

// Validate ticket
Assertion assertion = ticketValidator.validate(ticket, service);
// Get principal
AttributePrincipal principal = assertion.getPrincipal();
// Get attributes
Map<String, Object> attributes = principal.getAttributes();

Key Differences

  • Sa-Token is lightweight and focuses on simplifying token-based authentication
  • CAS is a comprehensive SSO solution with broader protocol support
  • Sa-Token has a more straightforward API for basic authentication tasks
  • CAS offers more advanced features like multi-factor authentication and delegated authentication

Both projects serve different use cases, with Sa-Token being more suitable for simpler, token-based authentication needs, while CAS is better suited for complex enterprise environments requiring robust SSO capabilities.

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Sa-Token v1.39.0

一个轻量级 Java 权限认证框架,让鉴权变得简单、优雅!


Sa-Token 介绍

Sa-Token 是一个轻量级 Java 权限认证框架,目前拥有五大核心模块:登录认证、权限认证、单点登录、OAuth2.0、微服务鉴权。

简单示例展示:(点击展开 / 折叠)

Sa-Token 旨在以简单、优雅的方式完成系统的权限认证部分,以登录认证为例,你只需要:

// 会话登录,参数填登录人的账号id 



// 校验当前客户端是否已经登录,如果未登录则抛出 `NotLoginException` 异常

在 Sa-Token 中,大多数功能都可以一行代码解决:


// 将账号id为 10077 的会话踢下线 


// 注解鉴权:只有具备 `user:add` 权限的会话才可以进入方法
public String insert(SysUser user) {
    // ... 
    return "用户增加";


// 根据路由划分模块,不同模块不同鉴权 
registry.addInterceptor(new SaInterceptor(handler -> {
	SaRouter.match("/user/**", r -> StpUtil.checkPermission("user"));
	SaRouter.match("/admin/**", r -> StpUtil.checkPermission("admin"));
	SaRouter.match("/goods/**", r -> StpUtil.checkPermission("goods"));
	SaRouter.match("/orders/**", r -> StpUtil.checkPermission("orders"));
	SaRouter.match("/notice/**", r -> StpUtil.checkPermission("notice"));
	// 更多模块... 

当你受够 Shiro、SpringSecurity 等框架的三拜九叩之后,你就会明白,相对于这些传统老牌框架,Sa-Token 的 API 设计是多么的简单、优雅!

核心模块一览:(点击展开 / 折叠)
  • 登录认证 —— 单端登录、多端登录、同端互斥登录、七天内免登录。
  • 权限认证 —— 权限认证、角色认证、会话二级认证。
  • 踢人下线 —— 根据账号id踢人下线、根据Token值踢人下线。
  • 注解式鉴权 —— 优雅的将鉴权与业务代码分离。
  • 路由拦截式鉴权 —— 根据路由拦截鉴权,可适配 restful 模式。
  • Session会话 —— 全端共享Session,单端独享Session,自定义Session,方便的存取值。
  • 持久层扩展 —— 可集成 Redis,重启数据不丢失。
  • 前后台分离 —— APP、小程序等不支持 Cookie 的终端也可以轻松鉴权。
  • Token风格定制 —— 内置六种 Token 风格,还可:自定义 Token 生成策略。
  • 记住我模式 —— 适配 [记住我] 模式,重启浏览器免验证。
  • 二级认证 —— 在已登录的基础上再次认证,保证安全性。
  • 模拟他人账号 —— 实时操作任意用户状态数据。
  • 临时身份切换 —— 将会话身份临时切换为其它账号。
  • 同端互斥登录 —— 像QQ一样手机电脑同时在线,但是两个手机上互斥登录。
  • 账号封禁 —— 登录封禁、按照业务分类封禁、按照处罚阶梯封禁。
  • 密码加密 —— 提供基础加密算法,可快速 MD5、SHA1、SHA256、AES 加密。
  • 会话查询 —— 提供方便灵活的会话查询接口。
  • Http Basic认证 —— 一行代码接入 Http Basic、Digest 认证。
  • 全局侦听器 —— 在用户登陆、注销、被踢下线等关键性操作时进行一些AOP操作。
  • 全局过滤器 —— 方便的处理跨域,全局设置安全响应头等操作。
  • 多账号体系认证 —— 一个系统多套账号分开鉴权(比如商城的 User 表和 Admin 表)
  • 单点登录 —— 内置三种单点登录模式:同域、跨域、同Redis、跨Redis、前后端分离等架构都可以搞定。
  • 单点注销 —— 任意子系统内发起注销,即可全端下线。
  • OAuth2.0认证 —— 轻松搭建 OAuth2.0 服务,支持openid模式 。
  • 分布式会话 —— 提供共享数据中心分布式会话方案。
  • 微服务网关鉴权 —— 适配Gateway、ShenYu、Zuul等常见网关的路由拦截认证。
  • RPC调用鉴权 —— 网关转发鉴权,RPC调用鉴权,让服务调用不再裸奔
  • 临时Token认证 —— 解决短时间的 Token 授权问题。
  • 独立Redis —— 将权限缓存与业务缓存分离。
  • Quick快速登录认证 —— 为项目零代码注入一个登录页面。
  • 标签方言 —— 提供 Thymeleaf 标签方言集成包,提供 beetl 集成示例。
  • jwt集成 —— 提供三种模式的 jwt 集成方案,提供 token 扩展参数能力。
  • RPC调用状态传递 —— 提供 dubbo、grpc 等集成包,在RPC调用时登录状态不丢失。
  • 参数签名 —— 提供跨系统API调用签名校验模块,防参数篡改,防请求重放。
  • 自动续签 —— 提供两种Token过期策略,灵活搭配使用,还可自动续签。
  • 开箱即用 —— 提供SpringMVC、WebFlux、Solon 等常见框架集成包,开箱即用。
  • 最新技术栈 —— 适配最新技术栈:支持 SpringBoot 3.x,jdk 17。


SSO 单点登录

Sa-Token SSO 分为三种模式,解决同域、跨域、共享Redis、跨Redis、前后端一体、前后端分离……等不同架构下的 SSO 接入问题:

前端同域 + 后端同 Redis模式一共享Cookie同步会话文档、示例
前端不同域 + 后端同 Redis模式二URL重定向传播会话文档、示例
前端不同域 + 后端 不同Redis模式三Http请求获取会话文档、示例
  1. 前端同域:就是指多个系统可以部署在同一个主域名之下,比如、、
  2. 后端同Redis:就是指多个系统可以连接同一个Redis。(此处并非要所有项目数据都放在一个Redis中,Sa-Token提供 [权限缓存与业务缓存分离] 的解决方案)
  3. 如果既无法做到前端同域,也无法做到后端同Redis,可以走模式三,Http请求校验 ticket 获取会话。
  4. 提供 NoSdk 模式示例,不使用 Sa-Token 的系统也可以对接。
  5. 提供 sso-server 接口文档,不使用 java 语言的系统也可以对接。
  6. 提供前后端分离整合方案:无论是 sso-server 还是 sso-client 的前后端分离都可以整合。
  7. 提供安全校验:域名校验、ticket校验、参数签名校验,有效防 ticket 劫持,防请求重放等攻击。
  8. 参数防丢:笔者曾试验多个SSO框架,均有参数丢失情况,比如登录前是:,登录成功后就变成了:,Sa-Token-SSO 内有专门算法保证了参数不丢失,登录成功后精准原路返回。
  9. 提供用户数据同步/迁移方案的建议:开发前统一迁移、运行时实时数据同步、根据关联字段匹配、根据 center_id 字段匹配等。
  10. 提供直接可运行的 demo 示例,帮助你快速熟悉 SSO 大致登录流程。

OAuth2 授权认证

Sa-Token-OAuth2 模块分为四种授权模式,解决不同场景下的授权需求

授权码(Authorization Code)OAuth2.0 标准授权步骤,Server 端向 Client 端下放 Code 码,Client 端再用 Code 码换取授权 Token
隐藏式(Implicit)无法使用授权码模式时的备用选择,Server 端使用 URL 重定向方式直接将 Token 下放到 Client 端页面
密码式(Password)Client直接拿着用户的账号密码换取授权 Token
客户端凭证(Client Credentials)Server 端针对 Client 级别的 Token,代表应用自身的资源授权



  • [ Snowy ]:国内首个国密前后分离快速开发平台,采用 Vue3 + AntDesignVue3 + Vite + SpringBoot + Mp + HuTool + SaToken。
  • [ RuoYi-Vue-Plus ]:重写RuoYi-Vue所有功能 集成 Sa-Token+Mybatis-Plus+Jackson+Xxl-Job+knife4j+Hutool+OSS 定期同步
  • [Smart-Admin]:SmartAdmin国内首个以「高质量代码」为核心,「简洁、高效、安全」中后台快速开发平台;
  • [ 灯灯 ]: 专注于多租户解决方案的微服务中后台快速开发平台。租户模式支持独立数据库(DATASOURCE模式)、共享数据架构(COLUMN模式) 和 非租户模式(NONE模式)✨
  • [ EasyAdmin ]:一个基于SpringBoot2 + Sa-Token + Mybatis-Plus + Snakerflow + Layui 的后台管理系统,灵活多变可前后端分离,也可单体,内置代码生成器、权限管理、工作流引擎等
  • [ sa-admin-server ]: 基于 sa-admin-ui 的后台管理开发脚手架。



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  • [ Bean Searcher ]:专注高级查询的只读 ORM,使一行代码实现复杂列表检索!
  • [ Jpom ]:简而轻的低侵入式在线构建、自动部署、日常运维、项目监控软件。
  • [ TLog ]:一个轻量级的分布式日志标记追踪神器。
  • [ hippo4j ]:强大的动态线程池框架,附带监控报警功能。
  • [ hertzbeat ]:易用友好的开源实时监控告警系统,无需Agent,高性能集群,强大自定义监控能力。
  • [ Solon ]:一个更现代感的应用开发框架:更快、更小、更自由。
  • [ Chat2DB ]:一个AI驱动的数据库管理和BI工具,支持Mysql、pg、Oracle、Redis等22种数据库的管理。



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