Convert Figma logo to code with AI

florinpop17 logoapp-ideas

A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.


Top Related Projects

Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.


:page_with_curl: A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.

Curated list of project-based tutorials

Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.

Quick Overview

The florinpop17/app-ideas repository is a collection of application ideas for developers to practice their coding skills. It provides a wide range of project suggestions across various difficulty levels, from beginner to advanced, along with user stories and feature requirements for each project.


  • Offers a diverse range of project ideas suitable for different skill levels
  • Provides detailed user stories and feature requirements for each project
  • Encourages practical application of coding skills
  • Helps developers build a portfolio of projects


  • Does not provide actual code implementations for the projects
  • Some project ideas may become outdated over time
  • Limited guidance on specific technologies or frameworks to use
  • May lack advanced or highly specialized project ideas for experienced developers

Getting Started

To get started with the florinpop17/app-ideas repository:

  1. Visit the GitHub repository:
  2. Browse through the project ideas in the file
  3. Choose a project that matches your skill level and interests
  4. Read the project description, user stories, and feature requirements
  5. Start coding the project using your preferred programming language and tools
  6. Consider sharing your implementation or seeking feedback from the community

Note: This repository does not contain actual code implementations, so there are no code examples or quick start instructions to provide.

Competitor Comparisons

Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.

Pros of build-your-own-x

  • Focuses on building complex systems from scratch, providing deeper understanding of underlying technologies
  • Covers a wider range of projects, including operating systems, databases, and programming languages
  • Encourages learning through implementation of fundamental computer science concepts

Cons of build-your-own-x

  • Projects are generally more advanced and time-consuming, which may be intimidating for beginners
  • Less emphasis on practical, everyday applications compared to app-ideas
  • Fewer structured guidelines or step-by-step instructions for completing projects

Code Comparison

While both repositories don't typically include full code implementations, they differ in their approach to presenting project ideas. Here's a comparison of how they might present a simple project:

app-ideas (Bin2Dec project):

Tier: 1-Beginner

User Stories:
- [ ] User can enter up to 8 binary digits in one input field
- [ ] User must be notified if anything other than a 0 or 1 was entered
- [ ] User views the results in a single output field containing the decimal equivalent

build-your-own-x (Build your own React):

## Build your own React

* [Build your own React](
* [Didact: a DIY guide to build your own React](
* [Reverse Engineering React](

The app-ideas repository provides more structured guidance, while build-your-own-x offers links to in-depth resources for self-guided learning.


:page_with_curl: A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.

Pros of Projects

  • More diverse range of project ideas, including web scraping, algorithms, and system utilities
  • Organized into categories, making it easier to find projects by type or difficulty
  • Includes links to external resources and tutorials for some project ideas

Cons of Projects

  • Less detailed project descriptions compared to app-ideas
  • Fewer beginner-friendly projects, with a focus on more advanced concepts
  • Lacks user stories and specific feature requirements for each project

Code Comparison

Projects doesn't provide code samples, while app-ideas occasionally includes starter code or examples. Here's a sample from app-ideas:

// Example from app-ideas (Border Radius Previewer)
const preview = document.getElementById('preview');
const radiusInput = document.getElementById('radius-input');

radiusInput.addEventListener('input', () => { = `${radiusInput.value}px`;


Both repositories offer valuable project ideas for developers. Projects provides a wider range of concepts but with less detail, while app-ideas focuses on more structured, beginner-friendly web and mobile app projects with clearer requirements and occasional code samples.

Curated list of project-based tutorials

Pros of project-based-learning

  • Covers a wider range of programming languages and technologies
  • Provides more in-depth, comprehensive projects
  • Includes links to external resources and tutorials for each project

Cons of project-based-learning

  • Less structured organization compared to app-ideas
  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to the breadth of content
  • Lacks difficulty ratings for projects

Code Comparison

While both repositories focus on project ideas rather than providing extensive code samples, here's a brief comparison of how they present project information:


# Project Name

Brief project description

## User Stories

- [ ] User can...
- [ ] User can...

## Bonus features

- [ ] User can...


### Project Name

* [Link to tutorial or resource]
* [Additional link if available]

Brief description or notes about the project

project-based-learning generally provides links to external resources, while app-ideas offers more detailed project specifications within the repository itself.

Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.

Pros of system-design-primer

  • Comprehensive coverage of system design concepts and principles
  • Includes real-world examples and case studies from large-scale systems
  • Provides a structured learning path for system design interviews

Cons of system-design-primer

  • More theoretical and less hands-on compared to app-ideas
  • Requires a stronger foundation in software engineering concepts
  • May be overwhelming for beginners or those not specifically preparing for system design interviews

Code comparison


# Example: URL shortener service
def shorten_url(original_url):
    # Hash the URL
    url_hash = generate_hash(original_url)
    # Store the mapping
    store_url_mapping(url_hash, original_url)
    return construct_short_url(url_hash)


// Example: Calculator app
function calculate(num1, num2, operation) {
  switch (operation) {
    case '+': return num1 + num2;
    case '-': return num1 - num2;
    // ... other operations

The system-design-primer repository focuses on high-level system architecture and design principles, while app-ideas provides practical project ideas for developers to build and improve their coding skills. system-design-primer is better suited for experienced developers preparing for system design interviews or working on large-scale systems, whereas app-ideas is more accessible for beginners and those looking to practice coding through hands-on projects.

Convert Figma logo designs to code with AI

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:ledger: App Ideas Collection

Have you ever wanted to build something but you had no idea what to do? Just as authors sometimes have "writers block" it's also true for developers. This list is intended to solve this issue once and for all! 👍

These applications are:

  • great for improving your coding skills :muscle:;
  • great for experimenting with new technologies 🆕;
  • great for adding to your portfolio to impress your next employer/client :file_folder:;
  • great for using as examples in tutorials (articles or videos) :page_with_curl:;
  • easy to complete and also easily extendable with new features :ok_hand:;

This is not just a simple list of projects, but a collection that describes each project in enough detail so that you can develop it from the ground up!

Each project has the following features:

  1. A clear and descriptive objective;
  2. A list of User Stories which should be implemented (these stories act more as a guideline than a forced list of To-Do's. Feel free to add your own stories if you want);
  3. A list of bonus features that not only improve the base project, but also your skills at the same time (these are optional and should be attempted only after you have completed the required user stories)
  4. All the resources and links to help you find what you need to complete the project

Here you can watch a video about this repository.


Projects are divided into three tiers based on the knowledge and experience required to complete them.

TierDeveloper Profile
1Developers in the early stages of their learning journey. Those who are typically focused on creating user-facing applications.
2Developers at an intermediate stage of learning and experience. They are comfortable in UI/UX, using development tools, and building apps that use API services.
3Developers who have all of the above, and are learning more advanced techniques like implementing backend applications and database services.

🌟 - New Project

Tier-1: Beginner Projects

NameShort DescriptionTier
Bin2DecBinary-to-Decimal number converter1-Beginner
Border Radius PreviewerPreview how CSS3 border-radius values affect an element1-Beginner
Christmas LightsSimulate a string of Christmas lights1-Beginner
Cause Effect AppClick list item to display item details1-Beginner
Color CycleCycle a color value through incremental changes1-Beginner
Countdown TimerEvent Countdown timer1-Beginner
CSV2JSON AppCSV to JSON converter1-Beginner
Dollars to CentsConvert dollars to cents1-Beginner
Dynamic CSS VariablesDynamically change CSS variable settings1-Beginner
First DB AppYour first Database app!1-Beginner
Flip ImageChange the orientation of images across two axes1-Beginner
GitHub StatusDisplay Current GitHub Status1-Beginner
HelloUser native language greeting1-Beginner
IOT Mailbox SimulatorUse callbacks to check your snail mail1-Beginner
JS Input ValidationScript to validate inputs entered by a user using RegEx1-Beginner
JSON2CSV AppJSON to CSV converter1-Beginner
Key ValueKeyboard Event Values1-Beginner
Lorem Ipsum GeneratorGenerate lorem ipsum placeholder text1-Beginner
Notes AppCreate an online note pad1-Beginner
Pearson RegressionCalculate the correlation coefficient for two sets of data1-Beginner
Pomodoro ClockTask timer to aid personal productivity1-Beginner
Product Landing PageShowcase product details for possible buyers1-Beginner
Quiz AppTest your knowledge by answering questions1-Beginner
Recipe AppRecipe1-Beginner
Random Meal GeneratorGenerate random meals1-Beginner
Random Number GeneratorGenerate random number between range.1-Beginner
Roman to Decimal ConverterConvert Roman to Decimal numbers1-Beginner
Slider DesignDisplay images using a slider control1-Beginner
Stopwatch AppCount time spent on activities1-Beginner
TrueOrFalseIdentify the result of a conditional comparison1-Beginner
Vigenere CipherEncrypt text using the Vigenere Cypher1-Beginner
Wind ChillCalculate the windchill factor from an actual temperature1-Beginner
Word FrequencyCalculate word frequency in a block of text1-Beginner
Weather AppGet the temperature, weather condition of a city.1-Beginner

Tier-2: Intermediate Projects

NameShort DescriptionTier
Bit MasksUsing Bit Masks for Conditions2-Intermediate
Book Finder AppSearch for books by multiple criteria2-Intermediate
Calculator CLICreate a basic calculator cli.2-Intermediate
Card Memory GameMemorize and match hidden images2-Intermediate
Charity Finder AppFind a Global Charity to donate to2-Intermediate
Chrome Theme ExtensionBuild your own chrome theme extention.2-Intermediate
Currency ConverterConvert one currency to another.2-Intermediate
Drawing AppCreate digital artwork on the web2-Intermediate
Emoji Translator AppTranslate sentences into Emoji2-Intermediate
Flashcards AppReview and test your knowledge through Flash Cards2-Intermediate
Flip Art AppAnimate a set of images2-Intermediate
Game Suggestion AppCreate polls to decide what games to play2-Intermediate
GitHub ProfilesA GitHub user search App2-Intermediate
HighStriker GameHighstriker strongman carnival game2-Intermediate
Image ScannerImage Scanner App2-Intermediate
Markdown PreviewerPreview text formatted in GitHub flavored markdown2-Intermediate
Markdown Table GeneratorConvert a table into Markdown-formatted text2-Intermediate
Math EditorA math editor for students to use2-Intermediate
Meme Generator AppCreate custom memes2-Intermediate
Name Generation using RNNsGenerate names using names dataset2-Intermediate
Password GeneratorGenerate random passwords2-Intermediate
Podcast DirectoryDirectory of favorite podcasts2-Intermediate
QR Code Badge GeneratorEncode badge info in a QRcode2-Intermediate
Regular Expression HelperTest Regular Expressions2-Intermediate
Sales Reciepts AppRecord Sales Receipts in a DB2-Intermediate
Simple Online StoreSimple Online Store2-Intermediate
Sports Bracket GeneratorGenerate a sports bracket diagram2-Intermediate
String ArtAn animation of moving, colored strings2-Intermediate
This or That GameThis or That Game2-Intermediate
Timezone SlackbotDisplay Team Timezones2-Intermediate
To-Do AppManage personal to-do tasks2-Intermediate
Typing PracticeTyping Practice2-Intermediate
Voting AppVoting App2-Intermediate

Tier-3: Advanced Projects

NameShort DescriptionTier
Battleship BotCreate a Discord bot that plays Battleship3-Advanced
Battleship Game EngineCreate a callable engine to play the Battleship game3-Advanced
Boole Bots GameBattling Bots driven by Boolean algebra3-Advanced
CalendarCreate your own Calendar3-Advanced
Calorie CounterCalorie Counter Nutrition App3-Advanced
Chat AppReal-time chat interface3-Advanced
Contribution Tracker AppTrack funds donated to charity3-Advanced
ElevatorElevator simulator3-Advanced
Fast Food SimulatorFast Food Restaurant Simulator3-Advanced
Instagram CloneA clone of Facebook's Instagram app3-Advanced
GitHub TimelineGenerate a timeline of a users GitHub Repos3-Advanced
Kudos SlackbotGive recognition to a deserving peer3-Advanced
Movie AppBrowse, Find Ratings, Check Actors and Find you next movie to watch3-Advanced
MyPodcast LibraryCreate a library of favorite podcasts3-Advanced
NASA Exoplanet QueryQuery NASA's Exoplanet Archive3-Advanced
Shell GameAnimated shell game3-Advanced
Shuffle DeckEvaluate different algorithms for shuffling a card deck3-Advanced
Slack ArchiverArchive Slack Messages3-Advanced
Spell-It AppA twist on the classic Speak N Spell game3-Advanced
Survey AppDefine, conduct, and view a survey3-Advanced

Plans for the future

We are planning to add more and more projects to this repository. For this, we need your help! Find out how to contribute below. 👇

We are also planning to create a website where you can easily browse through all of the projects.


Any contributions are highly appreciated. :pray: You can contribute in two ways:

  1. create an issue and tell us your idea :bulb:. Make sure that you use the new idea label in this case;
  2. fork the project and submit a PR with your new idea. Before doing that, please make sure that you read and follow the Contribution Guide;


You can also add your own examples to the projects after you have completed them. I highly encourage you to do this as it will show others what amazing things were built! 👍

Spread the word!

If the information from this repo was useful to you in any way, make sure you give it a star 🌟, this way others can find it and benefit too! Together we can grow and make our community better! :smiley:

Do you have any suggestions on how we could improve this project overall? Let us know! We'd love to hear your feedback!

Main Contributors 🙂🙂

100Days100Projects 🚀

As a bonus, I created the #100Days100Projects challenge. You can find in there 100 more ideas of smaller projects. Enjoy! 😄

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