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Emoji images and names.


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Easy to parse data and spritesheets for emoji


Emoji for everyone.

Noto Emoji fonts

[Archived] The world's largest independent emoji font. Maintained at

πŸͺ One component to pick them all

Quick Overview

GitHub's gemoji is a Ruby library and command-line tool for working with emoji. It provides a comprehensive database of emoji, including their Unicode characters, aliases, and tags. The project also includes utilities for converting between emoji formats and generating emoji image assets.


  • Comprehensive emoji database with Unicode characters, aliases, and tags
  • Supports conversion between various emoji formats (Unicode, aliases, images)
  • Includes a command-line tool for easy emoji-related tasks
  • Regularly updated to include new emoji


  • Limited to Ruby ecosystem, may not be suitable for projects in other languages
  • Requires manual updates to stay current with new emoji releases
  • Large image assets can increase project size if included

Code Examples

  1. Getting emoji information:
require 'gemoji'

emoji = Emoji.find_by_alias("smile")
puts emoji.raw
puts emoji.description
puts emoji.tags.join(", ")
  1. Converting emoji aliases to Unicode:
require 'gemoji'

text = "I :heart: Ruby!"
puts Emoji.replace_named_moji_with_unicode(text)
  1. Finding emoji by Unicode character:
require 'gemoji'

emoji = Emoji.find_by_unicode("πŸš€")
puts emoji.aliases.join(", ")

Getting Started

To use gemoji in your Ruby project, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'gemoji'

Then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install gemoji

To use gemoji in your Ruby code, require it at the top of your file:

require 'gemoji'

Now you can use the Emoji class to work with emoji in your Ruby application.

Competitor Comparisons

Easy to parse data and spritesheets for emoji

Pros of emoji-data

  • More comprehensive emoji dataset, including metadata and properties
  • Regular updates with new emoji releases
  • Provides multiple image formats (PNG, SVG) and sizes

Cons of emoji-data

  • Larger file size due to extensive data and image assets
  • May require more processing to integrate into projects
  • Less focused on specific platform implementations (e.g., GitHub)

Code Comparison


  "name": "grinning face",
  "unified": "1F600",
  "non_qualified": null,
  "docomo": null,
  "au": "E471",
  "softbank": "E057",
  "google": "FE332",
  "image": "1f600.png",
  "sheet_x": 30,
  "sheet_y": 24,
  "short_name": "grinning",
  "short_names": ["grinning"],
  "text": null,
  "texts": null,
  "category": "Smileys & Emotion",
  "subcategory": "face-smiling",
  "sort_order": 1,
  "added_in": "6.0",
  "has_img_apple": true,
  "has_img_google": true,
  "has_img_twitter": true,
  "has_img_facebook": true


  ":grinning:" => {
    :name => "grinning face",
    :unicode_version => "6.1",
    :emoji_version => "2.0",
    :description => "grinning face",
    :category => "Smileys & Emotion",
    :aliases => ["grinning"],
    :tags => ["smile", "happy"],
    :unicode => "1f600"

Both repositories provide emoji data, but emoji-data offers more detailed information and cross-platform support, while gemoji focuses on GitHub-specific implementations with a simpler data structure.


Emoji for everyone.

Pros of Twemoji

  • Larger and more comprehensive emoji set
  • SVG format allows for scalable, high-quality rendering
  • Regular updates to include new emoji standards

Cons of Twemoji

  • Larger file size due to SVG format
  • May require additional processing for web integration
  • Less native support in some platforms compared to Unicode emoji

Code Comparison

Gemoji (Ruby):

# => "πŸ˜„"

Twemoji (JavaScript):

twemoji.parse('I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!');
// => 'I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="❀️" src=""/> emoji!'


Gemoji focuses on providing a simple Ruby library for working with emoji, primarily using Unicode characters. It's lightweight and easy to integrate into Ruby projects.

Twemoji offers a more comprehensive set of emoji as SVG images, making it suitable for high-quality visual representations across various platforms and screen sizes. However, it requires more setup and processing for web integration.

The choice between the two depends on the specific project requirements, target platforms, and desired visual quality.

Noto Emoji fonts

Pros of noto-emoji

  • Comprehensive set of emoji covering a wide range of Unicode standards
  • High-quality vector graphics for scalability and crisp rendering
  • Consistent design across all emoji, ensuring a cohesive visual experience

Cons of noto-emoji

  • Larger file size due to the extensive collection and vector format
  • May require more processing power to render complex vector graphics
  • Less frequent updates compared to gemoji

Code comparison

noto-emoji (SVG format):

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 128 128">
  <path fill="#FFCC4D" d="M64 118.3c-30 0-54.3-24.3-54.3-54.3S34 9.7 64 9.7s54.3 24.3 54.3 54.3S94 118.3 64 118.3z"/>
  <path fill="#664500" d="M64 98c-16.6 0-30-13.4-30-30h60c0 16.6-13.4 30-30 30z"/>

gemoji (Unicode format):

  "smile" => "πŸ˜„",
  "laughing" => "πŸ˜†",
  "blush" => "😊",
  "smiley" => "πŸ˜ƒ",
  "relaxed" => "☺️"

The code comparison shows that noto-emoji uses SVG format for scalable graphics, while gemoji primarily deals with Unicode characters and their aliases.

[Archived] The world's largest independent emoji font. Maintained at

Pros of EmojiOne

  • Larger emoji set with more diverse and inclusive options
  • Regular updates to keep up with new Unicode emoji standards
  • Cross-platform compatibility and consistent rendering

Cons of EmojiOne

  • Licensing restrictions for commercial use
  • Larger file size due to more extensive emoji set
  • May require more setup and configuration

Code Comparison


emoji = Emoji.find_by_alias("smile")
puts emoji.raw


import { emojione } from 'emojione';

Key Differences

  • Gemoji is primarily focused on GitHub-specific emoji usage, while EmojiOne aims for broader application across various platforms.
  • Gemoji is open-source and free to use, whereas EmojiOne has different licensing tiers for commercial use.
  • EmojiOne provides more comprehensive tools for emoji conversion and rendering, while Gemoji offers a simpler, more straightforward approach.

Use Cases

  • Gemoji is ideal for GitHub-centric projects or applications that require a lightweight emoji solution.
  • EmojiOne is better suited for cross-platform applications, social media platforms, or projects that need a wide range of emoji options and consistent rendering across devices.

πŸͺ One component to pick them all

Pros of emoji-mart

  • More comprehensive emoji picker component with search, categories, and customization options
  • Active development with frequent updates and new features
  • Cross-platform support (React, Vue, and vanilla JS)

Cons of emoji-mart

  • Larger package size due to additional features and dependencies
  • Steeper learning curve for implementation compared to gemoji's simpler approach
  • May be overkill for projects that only need basic emoji support

Code Comparison


import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart'

<Picker set='apple' onSelect={this.addEmoji} />


require 'gemoji'



emoji-mart offers a more feature-rich emoji picker component with cross-platform support, making it ideal for projects requiring advanced emoji functionality. However, it comes with a larger package size and potentially more complex implementation. gemoji, on the other hand, provides a simpler approach to emoji handling, focusing on basic emoji support and integration with Ruby projects. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of your project and the desired level of emoji functionality.

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This library contains character information about native emojis.


Add gemoji to your Gemfile.

gem 'gemoji'

Example Rails Helper

This would allow emojifying content such as: it's raining :cat:s and :dog:s!

See the Emoji cheat sheet for more examples.

module EmojiHelper
  def emojify(content)
    h(content).to_str.gsub(/:([\w+-]+):/) do |match|
      if emoji = Emoji.find_by_alias($1)
        %(<img alt="#$1" src="#{image_path("emoji/#{emoji.image_filename}")}" style="vertical-align:middle" width="20" height="20" />)
    end.html_safe if content.present?

Unicode mapping

Translate emoji names to unicode and vice versa.

>> Emoji.find_by_alias("cat").raw
=> "🐱"  # Don't see a cat? That's U+1F431.

>> Emoji.find_by_unicode("\u{1f431}").name
=> "cat"

Adding new emoji

You can add new emoji characters to the Emoji.all list:

emoji = Emoji.create("music") do |char|
  char.add_alias "song"
  char.add_unicode_alias "\u{266b}"
  char.add_tag "notes"
end #=> "music"
emoji.raw  #=> "ҙ«"
emoji.image_filename #=> "unicode/266b.png"

# Creating custom emoji (no Unicode aliases):
emoji = Emoji.create("music") do |char|
  char.add_tag "notes"

emoji.custom? #=> true
emoji.image_filename #=> "music.png"

As you create new emoji, you must ensure that you also create and put the images they reference by their image_filename to your assets directory.

You can customize image_filename with:

emoji = Emoji.create("music") do |char|
  char.image_filename = "subdirectory/my_emoji.gif"

For existing emojis, you can edit the list of aliases or add new tags in an edit block:

emoji = Emoji.find_by_alias "musical_note"

Emoji.edit_emoji(emoji) do |char|
  char.add_alias "music"
  char.add_unicode_alias "\u{266b}"
  char.add_tag "notes"

Emoji.find_by_alias "music"       #=> emoji
Emoji.find_by_unicode "\u{266b}"  #=> emoji