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This is probably the best web presentation tool so far!


Top Related Projects


The HTML Presentation Framework


A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.

It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind

reveal.js on steroids! Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from any Markdown file

PDF exporter for HTML presentations


The entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem

Quick Overview

Nodeppt is a powerful and modern web presentation tool that allows users to create interactive slideshows using Markdown, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It offers a command-line interface for creating, managing, and presenting slides, as well as a web-based editor for real-time editing and previewing.


  • Supports Markdown, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for flexible slide creation
  • Offers a wide range of built-in themes and animations
  • Includes features like speaker notes, presenter mode, and remote control
  • Provides a web-based editor for easy collaboration and real-time previewing


  • Learning curve for users unfamiliar with Markdown or web technologies
  • Limited documentation and examples compared to more established presentation tools
  • May require additional setup for advanced features or custom themes
  • Dependency on Node.js environment for installation and usage

Code Examples

  1. Creating a basic slide:
# Title Slide

## Subtitle


# Content Slide

- Bullet point 1
- Bullet point 2
- Bullet point 3
  1. Adding speaker notes:
# Slide with Speaker Notes

Content visible to the audience

These are speaker notes that only the presenter can see
  1. Embedding HTML and CSS:
# Slide with Custom Styling

<div class="custom-box">
  <h2>Custom Content</h2>
  <p>This is a custom styled element</p>

.custom-box {
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  padding: 20px;
  border-radius: 10px;

Getting Started

  1. Install nodeppt globally:

    npm install -g nodeppt
  2. Create a new presentation:

    nodeppt create my-presentation
  3. Edit the file with your slides content.

  4. Start the presentation:

    nodeppt serve
  5. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to view and present your slides.

Competitor Comparisons


The HTML Presentation Framework

Pros of reveal.js

  • More mature and widely adopted project with a larger community
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem for added functionality
  • Better documentation and examples available

Cons of reveal.js

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Requires more setup and configuration for advanced features

Code Comparison


<div class="reveal">
  <div class="slides">
    <section>Slide 1</section>
    <section>Slide 2</section>


# Slide 1


# Slide 2

Key Differences

  • reveal.js uses HTML structure for slides, while nodeppt uses Markdown
  • nodeppt offers a simpler syntax for creating basic presentations
  • reveal.js provides more flexibility for complex layouts and animations

Use Cases

  • Choose reveal.js for feature-rich, highly customizable presentations
  • Opt for nodeppt when quick, simple slide creation is the priority

Community and Support

  • reveal.js has a larger user base and more frequent updates
  • nodeppt caters more to Chinese-speaking users, with bilingual documentation


  • Both tools are lightweight and perform well in modern browsers
  • reveal.js may have a slight edge in handling complex animations and transitions


  • reveal.js integrates easily with various web technologies
  • nodeppt focuses on Node.js integration and command-line usage

A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.

Pros of remark

  • More active development and larger community support
  • Highly customizable with a plugin system
  • Better documentation and examples

Cons of remark

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Requires more setup and configuration

Code comparison


var slideshow = remark.create({
  source: "# Slide 1\n---\n# Slide 2"


nodeppt create
nodeppt start


remark is a more flexible and powerful tool for creating presentations using Markdown, offering extensive customization options and a robust plugin ecosystem. It's well-suited for developers who want fine-grained control over their presentations.

nodeppt, on the other hand, provides a simpler, more straightforward approach to creating presentations. It's easier to get started with and offers a good balance of features for users who want a quick solution without extensive configuration.

Both tools have their strengths, and the choice between them depends on the user's specific needs, technical expertise, and desired level of customization.

It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind

Pros of impress.js

  • More flexible and customizable for creating non-linear, zooming presentations
  • Wider community support and longer development history
  • Better suited for creating visually stunning, interactive presentations

Cons of impress.js

  • Steeper learning curve, especially for users without HTML/CSS/JS experience
  • Requires more manual work to create presentations compared to nodeppt
  • Less optimized for quickly creating simple, linear presentations

Code Comparison


<div id="impress">
    <div class="step" data-x="0" data-y="0">Slide 1</div>
    <div class="step" data-x="1000" data-y="500">Slide 2</div>
<script src="impress.js"></script>


title: My Presentation
speaker: John Doe

# Slide 1
Content for slide 1

# Slide 2
Content for slide 2

Key Differences

  • impress.js uses HTML structure with data attributes for positioning, while nodeppt uses Markdown syntax
  • impress.js requires manual JavaScript initialization, whereas nodeppt handles this automatically
  • nodeppt provides a simpler, more opinionated approach to creating presentations, while impress.js offers more flexibility and control over layout and transitions

reveal.js on steroids! Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from any Markdown file

Pros of reveal-md

  • Simpler setup and usage, requiring fewer dependencies
  • Better documentation and examples for quick start
  • More active development and community support

Cons of reveal-md

  • Less customization options for slide layouts and themes
  • Limited support for complex animations and transitions
  • Fewer built-in features for code highlighting and live demos

Code Comparison


title: My Presentation
theme: solarized

# Slide 1
- Point 1
- Point 2


# Slide 2


title: My Presentation
speaker: John Doe
transition: slide3
files: /js/demo.js,/css/demo.css


# Slide 1
- Point 1
- Point 2


# Slide 2


reveal-md is simpler to use and has better documentation, making it ideal for quick presentations. nodeppt offers more customization options and built-in features, but has a steeper learning curve. Both tools allow creating presentations using Markdown, but nodeppt provides more advanced configuration options in the front matter. Choose reveal-md for simplicity and ease of use, or nodeppt for more complex presentations with advanced features.

PDF exporter for HTML presentations

Pros of Decktape

  • Supports a wide range of HTML presentation frameworks (e.g., reveal.js, impress.js, Shower)
  • Generates high-quality PDF exports with accurate rendering
  • Offers a command-line interface for easy integration into build processes

Cons of Decktape

  • Requires Node.js and additional dependencies to be installed
  • Limited to exporting existing presentations, doesn't provide tools for creating them
  • May require more setup and configuration compared to Nodeppt

Code Comparison

Decktape (CLI usage):

decktape reveal output.pdf

Nodeppt (Creating a new presentation):

nodeppt create
nodeppt serve

Key Differences

  • Nodeppt is primarily focused on creating and presenting Markdown-based slides, while Decktape specializes in exporting existing HTML presentations to PDF.
  • Nodeppt offers a more integrated solution for both creation and presentation, whereas Decktape is specifically designed for high-quality PDF exports.
  • Decktape supports a broader range of presentation frameworks, making it more versatile for exporting various types of presentations.

Use Cases

  • Choose Nodeppt for quickly creating and presenting Markdown-based slides with a built-in server and live reload features.
  • Opt for Decktape when you need to generate high-quality PDF exports from existing HTML presentations, especially if you're working with multiple presentation frameworks.

The entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem

Pros of Marp

  • Cross-platform support with web, CLI, and desktop applications
  • Extensive theming capabilities and customization options
  • Active development and community support

Cons of Marp

  • Steeper learning curve for users new to Markdown
  • Limited real-time collaboration features
  • Fewer built-in slide transitions and animations

Code Comparison


marp: true
theme: default

# Slide 1
Content for slide 1


# Slide 2
Content for slide 2


title: Presentation Title
speaker: Speaker Name


# Slide 1
Content for slide 1


# Slide 2
Content for slide 2

Key Differences

  • Syntax: Marp uses standard Markdown with YAML frontmatter, while Nodeppt uses custom slide separators and metadata
  • Ecosystem: Marp offers a wider range of tools and integrations
  • Focus: Nodeppt emphasizes simplicity and ease of use, while Marp prioritizes flexibility and customization

Use Cases

  • Marp: Ideal for developers and technical presenters who prefer working in Markdown and need advanced customization options
  • Nodeppt: Well-suited for users who want a straightforward, web-based presentation tool with minimal setup

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nodeppt 2.0

累死累活干不过做 PPT 的!
> 查看效果:

Markpress npm badge

nodeppt 2.0 基于webslides、webpack、markdown-it、posthtml 重构,新效果


npm install -g nodeppt


  • bug fix
  • 增加多页编辑公共资源,说人话就是 splitChunks



  • new:使用线上模板创建一个新的 md 文件
  • serve:启动一个 md 文件的 webpack dev server
  • build:编译产出一个 md 文件
# create a new slide with an official template
$ nodeppt new

# create a new slide straight from a github template
$ nodeppt new -t username/repo

# start local sever show slide
$ nodeppt serve

# to build a slide
$ nodeppt build


# help
nodeppt -h
# 获取帮助
nodeppt serve -h


nodeppt 有演讲者模式,在页面 url 后面增加?mode=speaker 既可以打开演讲者模式,双屏同步

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Page: ↑/↓/←/→ Space Home End
  • Fullscreen: F
  • Overview: -/+
  • Speaker Note: N
  • Grid Background: Enter

公共资源:public 文件夹

如果项目文件夹下,存在public文件夹,可以直接通过 url 访问,参考webpack dev server的 contentBase 选项。

在build的时候,public 文件夹中的文件会完全 copy 到dist文件夹中


最佳体验是 chrome 浏览器,本来就是给做演示用的,所以就别考虑非 Chrome 浏览器兼容问题了!



整个 markdown 文件分为两部分,第一部分是写在最前面的**配置**,然后是使用<slide>隔开的每页幻灯片内容。


nodeppt 的配置是直接写在 md 文件顶部的,采用 yaml 语法,例如下面配置:

title: nodeppt markdown 演示
speaker: 三水清
prismTheme: solarizedlight
    - echarts
    - mermaid
    - katex
  • title: 演讲主题
  • speaker:演讲者
  • url:地址
  • js:js 文件数组,放到 body 之前
  • css:css 文件数组,放到头部
  • prismTheme:prism 配色,取值范围 ['dark', 'coy', 'funky', 'okaidia', 'tomorrow', 'solarizedlight', 'twilight']
  • plugins:目前支持 echarts,mermaid和 katex 三个插件


目前 nodeppt 支持 图表 echarts,流程图 mermaid,数学符号 KaTeX 三个插件。


echarts 主题配色可以直接在yaml配置的 js 中引入。echarts 采用fence语法,如下:

    xAxis: {
        type: 'category',
        data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
    yAxis: {
        type: 'value'
    series: [{
        data: [820, 932, 901, 934, 1290, 1330, 1320],
        type: 'line'



mermaid 主题配色可以直接在yaml配置的 js 中引入。mermaid 采用fence语法,如下:

    Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
    Bob-->>John: How about you John?
    Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks!
    Bob-x John: I am good thanks!
    Note right of John: Bob thinks a long<br/>long time, so long<br/>that the text does<br/>not fit on a row.

    Bob-->Alice: Checking with John...
    Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?




<slide> 语法

nodeppt 会根据<slide>对整个 markdown 文件进行拆分,拆成单页的幻灯片内容。<slide> 标签支持下面标签:

  • class/style 等:正常的 class 类,可以通过这个控制居中(aligncenter),内容位置,背景色等
  • image:背景图片,基本语法 image="img_url"
  • video:背景视频,基本语法 video="video_src1,video_src2"
  • :class:wrap 的 class,下面详解

每个 slide 会解析成下面的 html 结构:

<section class="slide" attrs...><div class="wrap" wrap="true">// 具体 markdown 渲染的内容</div></section>

其中<slide> 的class等会被解析到 <section>标签上面,而:class则被解析到div.wrap上面,例如:

<slide :class="size-50" class="bg-primary"></slide>

output 为:

<section class="slide bg-primary"><div class="wrap size-50" wrap="true">// 具体 markdown 渲染的内容</div></section>


<slide>的image 会被解析成背景大图,常见的支持方式有:

<slide image="">

# 这是一个普通的背景图

<slide image=" .dark">

# 这张背景图会在图片上面蒙一层偏黑色的透明层

<slide image=" .light">

# 这张背景图会在图片上面蒙一层偏白色的透明层

<slide class="bg-black aligncenter" image=" .anim">

# 这张背景图会缓慢动





nodeppt 这次使用webslides的布局,支持丰富的布局,实在太多了,直接看文档site/layout.md和在线演示


参考markdown-it-attrs,支持了attribute,修改增加多 class 支持等功能。

其中:..class会往上一级节点添加 class,支持{.class1.class2}这种多 class 的语法。用法举例:

# header {.style-me.class2}

paragraph {data-toggle=modal}


<h1 class="style-me class2">header</h1>
<p data-toggle="modal">paragraph</p>
Use the css-module green on this paragraph. {.text-intro}


<p class="text-intro">Use the css-module green on this paragraph.</p>
-   list item **bold** {.red}


    <li class="red">list item <strong>bold</strong></li>
-   list item **bold**


<ul class="red">
    <li>list item <strong>bold</strong></li>

image 增强

对于 image ,支持外面包裹一层的写法,具体语法 !![](图片地址 属性),例如:

!![]( .size-50.alignleft)


<img src="" class="size-50 alignleft" />
!![figure]( .aligncenter)


<figure><img src="" class="aligncenter" /></figure>


nodeppt 的 button 是类似link语法的,支持蓝色、圆角、空心和 icon 版本的 button:

[普通按钮](){.button} [圆角普通按钮](){.button.radius}

[空心](){.button.ghost} [:fa-github: 前面带 icon](){.button}


nodeppt 的 icon 支持 FontAwesome 语法:

  • :fa-xxx: → <i class="fa fa-xxx"></i>
  • :~fa-xxx:~ → <span><i class="fa fa-xxx"></i></span>
  • ::fa-xxx:: → 块级<i class="fa fa-xxx"></i>,即不会被p包裹


代码修改自markdown-it-span,支持 attr语法,基本用法:

:span: {.text-span}


nodeppt 一如既往的支持动效,2.0 版本支持动效主要是页面内的动效。


  • fadeIn
  • zoomIn
  • rollIn
  • moveIn
  • fadeInUp
  • slow

在需要支持的动效父节点添加.build或者在具体的某个元素上添加.tobuild+动效 class即可。

按照惯例,nodeppt 还支持animate.css的动效哦~



:::语法是扩展了 markdown-it-container 语法,默认是任意 tag,例如

:::div {.content-left}

## title



<div class="content-left"><h2>title</h2></div>

还支持,tag 嵌套,除此之外,支持的组件包括:

  • card:卡片,一边是图片,一边是内容
  • column:column 多栏布局
  • shadowbox:带阴影的盒子
  • steps:步骤组件
  • cta:
  • gallery:图片
  • flexblock:flex block 布局,支持多个子类型
  • note: 演讲注释


:::TYPE {.attrs}

## 第一部分

使用 hr 标签隔开


## 第二部分



详细可以看 component 部分的 markdown 文件和在线演示

打印?导出 pdf?

chrome 浏览器,直接在第一页 command+P/ctrl+P 即可




在 nodeppt 执行路径下创建nodeppt.config.js文件,可以配置跟webpack相关的选项,另外可以支持自研 nodeppt 插件。


 * @file 默认配置
module.exports = () => ({
    // project deployment base
    baseUrl: '/',

    // where to output built files
    outputDir: 'dist',

    // where to put static assets (js/css/img/font/...)
    assetsDir: '',

    // filename for index.html (relative to outputDir)
    indexPath: 'index.html',
    // 插件,包括 markdown 和 posthtml
    plugins: [],
    // chainWebpack: [],

    // whether filename will contain hash part
    filenameHashing: true,

    // boolean, use full build?
    runtimeCompiler: false,

    // deps to transpile
    transpileDependencies: [
        /* string or regex */

    // sourceMap for production build?
    productionSourceMap: true,

    // use thread-loader for babel & TS in production build
    // enabled by default if the machine has more than 1 cores
    parallel: () => {
        try {
            return require('os').cpus().length > 1;
        } catch (e) {
            return false;

    // multi-page config
    pages: undefined,

    // <script type="module" crossorigin="use-credentials">
    // #1656, #1867, #2025
    crossorigin: undefined,

    // subresource integrity
    integrity: false,

    css: {
        extract: true
        // modules: false,
        // localIdentName: '[name]_[local]_[hash:base64:5]',
        // sourceMap: false,
        // loaderOptions: {}

    devServer: {
      host: '',
      port: 8080,
      https: false,
      proxy: null, // string | Object
      before: app => {}

parser plugin

解析插件分两类: markdown-it 和 posthtml,

  • markdown-it:是解析 markdown 文件的,如果是增强 markdown 语法,可以用这类插件
  • posthtml:是处理 html 标签的,如果是修改输出的 html 内容,可以用这类插件

定义一个 plugin :

module.exports = {
    // 这里的 id 必须以 markdown/posthtml开头
    // 分别对应 markdown-it和 posthtml 插件语法
    id: 'markdown-xxx',
    // 这里的 apply 是插件实际的内容,详细查看 markdown-it和 posthtml 插件开发
    apply: () => {}

webslides plugin

WebSlides 插件需要写到一个 js 文件中,然后作为数组放到window.WSPlugins_中,然后通过在 md 页面的配置(yaml)添加 js 的方法引入。

js: - webslide_plugins.js
// webslide_plugins.js内容
window.WSPlugins_ = [
        id: 'webslide_plugin_name',
        // 下面是对应的插件类
        apply: class Plugin {}

参考WebSlides 文档



然后使用nodeppt new username/repo xxx.md使用


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