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linkedin logodustjs

Asynchronous Javascript templating for the browser and server


Top Related Projects


Embedded JavaScript templates --

Minimal templating on steroids.


Pug – robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js

A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)

Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript


Embedded JS template engine for Node, Deno, and the browser. Lighweight, fast, and pluggable. Written in TypeScript

Quick Overview

DustJS is a JavaScript templating engine developed by LinkedIn. It is designed to be asynchronous and highly performant, making it suitable for both client-side and server-side rendering. DustJS emphasizes logic-less templates and provides a powerful set of features for creating dynamic content.


  • Asynchronous rendering, allowing for efficient handling of large datasets
  • Logic-less templates, promoting separation of concerns
  • Supports both client-side and server-side rendering
  • Extensible through custom helpers and filters


  • Steeper learning curve compared to some other templating engines
  • Less active development and community support in recent years
  • Limited built-in helpers compared to some alternatives
  • Documentation could be more comprehensive and up-to-date

Code Examples

  1. Basic template rendering:
const dust = require('dustjs-linkedin');

const template = 'Hello, {name}!';
const context = { name: 'World' };

dust.renderSource(template, context, (err, out) => {
  console.log(out); // Output: Hello, World!
  1. Using conditionals in templates:
const template = '{@if cond="{isAdmin}"}Welcome, Admin!{:else}Welcome, User!{/if}';
const context = { isAdmin: true };

dust.renderSource(template, context, (err, out) => {
  console.log(out); // Output: Welcome, Admin!
  1. Iterating over arrays:
const template = '{#items}<li>{.}</li>{/items}';
const context = { items: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry'] };

dust.renderSource(template, context, (err, out) => {
  console.log(out); // Output: <li>Apple</li><li>Banana</li><li>Cherry</li>

Getting Started

To use DustJS in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Install DustJS via npm:

    npm install dustjs-linkedin
  2. In your JavaScript file, require DustJS:

    const dust = require('dustjs-linkedin');
  3. Create a template and render it:

    const template = 'Hello, {name}!';
    const context = { name: 'World' };
    dust.renderSource(template, context, (err, out) => {
      if (err) {
      } else {

This will output: "Hello, World!"

Competitor Comparisons


Embedded JavaScript templates --

Pros of EJS

  • Simpler syntax, easier to learn for developers familiar with HTML
  • Supports both server-side and client-side rendering
  • More flexible with JavaScript integration, allowing inline JS code

Cons of EJS

  • Less performant for large-scale applications compared to Dust.js
  • Lacks built-in asynchronous rendering capabilities
  • May lead to less maintainable code due to mixing logic and presentation

Code Comparison


<% if (user) { %>
  <h2><%= %></h2>
<% } %>




EJS offers a more straightforward approach with its HTML-like syntax and easy JavaScript integration, making it suitable for smaller projects or developers new to templating engines. However, Dust.js provides better performance and separation of concerns, which can be advantageous for larger, more complex applications. The choice between the two depends on project requirements, team expertise, and scalability needs.

Minimal templating on steroids.

Pros of Handlebars.js

  • More widely adopted and has a larger community, leading to better support and resources
  • Offers pre-compilation of templates for improved performance
  • Provides built-in helpers and the ability to create custom helpers easily

Cons of Handlebars.js

  • Slightly more complex syntax compared to Dust.js
  • Less focus on asynchronous rendering, which Dust.js handles well
  • May have a steeper learning curve for beginners

Code Comparison


{{#each items}}
  <li>{{name}}: {{price}}</li>


  <li>{name}: {price}</li>

Both templating engines offer similar functionality, but Handlebars.js uses double curly braces {{}} for expressions, while Dust.js uses single curly braces {}. Handlebars.js also explicitly uses the #each helper for iteration, whereas Dust.js implicitly iterates over arrays.

Handlebars.js is generally more popular and has a larger ecosystem, making it easier to find resources and support. It also offers pre-compilation of templates, which can improve performance in certain scenarios. However, Dust.js excels in asynchronous rendering and has a slightly simpler syntax, which may be preferable for some developers.

Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on specific project requirements, team familiarity, and performance considerations.


Pug – robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js

Pros of Pug

  • More concise and readable syntax with significant whitespace
  • Extensive features including mixins, includes, and inheritance
  • Active development and community support

Cons of Pug

  • Steeper learning curve due to unique syntax
  • Less flexibility in mixing HTML and template code

Code Comparison


doctype html
    title= pageTitle
    h1 Welcome
    p= message


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

Key Differences

  • Syntax: Pug uses indentation and minimal punctuation, while Dust.js resembles HTML more closely
  • Learning Curve: Dust.js may be easier for developers familiar with HTML
  • Features: Pug offers more built-in features and language constructs
  • Performance: Dust.js is generally faster in rendering, especially for large templates
  • Use Cases: Pug is popular for Node.js projects, while Dust.js is often used in enterprise environments


Both templating engines have their strengths. Pug excels in readability and feature-richness, while Dust.js offers better performance and an HTML-like syntax. The choice between them depends on project requirements, team familiarity, and performance needs.

A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)

Pros of Nunjucks

  • More active development and maintenance
  • Larger community and ecosystem
  • Better documentation and learning resources

Cons of Nunjucks

  • Slightly steeper learning curve for beginners
  • May be overkill for simple templating needs

Code Comparison


{% for item in items %}
  <li>{{ }}</li>
{% endfor %}




Nunjucks, developed by Mozilla, offers a more feature-rich and actively maintained templating solution compared to Dust.js. It provides a larger ecosystem, better documentation, and more community support. However, this comes at the cost of a slightly steeper learning curve.

Dust.js, created by LinkedIn, is simpler and may be more suitable for basic templating needs. Its syntax is more concise, which can be advantageous for smaller projects or developers who prefer a minimalistic approach.

Both templating engines support similar core features like loops, conditionals, and filters. The choice between them often depends on project requirements, team familiarity, and the need for long-term support and updates.

Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript

Pros of Mustache.js

  • Simpler syntax and easier to learn for beginners
  • Lightweight and faster rendering for small templates
  • Wide language support with implementations in many programming languages

Cons of Mustache.js

  • Limited logic capabilities in templates
  • Lack of advanced features like asynchronous rendering and streaming
  • Less suitable for complex, large-scale applications

Code Comparison


var view = {
  name: "John",
  greeting: function() {
    return "Hello, " + + "!";
Mustache.render("{{greeting}}", view);


var compiled = dust.compile("Hello, {name}!", "greeting");
dust.render("greeting", {name: "John"}, function(err, out) {

Key Differences

  • Mustache.js uses a logic-less templating approach, while Dust.js allows for more complex logic within templates
  • Dust.js supports asynchronous rendering and streaming, which Mustache.js does not
  • Mustache.js has a simpler API and is easier to set up, while Dust.js offers more advanced features for larger applications

Use Cases

  • Mustache.js: Small to medium-sized projects, simple templating needs, multi-language environments
  • Dust.js: Large-scale applications, complex templating requirements, performance-critical scenarios with streaming support

Embedded JS template engine for Node, Deno, and the browser. Lighweight, fast, and pluggable. Written in TypeScript

Pros of Eta

  • Faster rendering performance
  • Smaller bundle size and lighter weight
  • More active development and maintenance

Cons of Eta

  • Less mature and battle-tested in production environments
  • Smaller community and ecosystem compared to Dust.js
  • Fewer built-in helpers and plugins

Code Comparison


  <p>{name} is {age} years old</p>


<% it.users.forEach(function(user) { %>
  <p><%= %> is <%= user.age %> years old</p>
<% }) %>

Key Differences

  • Syntax: Dust.js uses a more compact, logic-less templating syntax, while Eta allows for more JavaScript-like expressions
  • Performance: Eta generally offers faster rendering times, especially for larger templates
  • Learning Curve: Dust.js may be easier for non-programmers to learn, while Eta's syntax is more familiar to JavaScript developers
  • Flexibility: Eta provides more control and flexibility in template logic, whereas Dust.js encourages separation of logic from templates

Use Cases

  • Dust.js: Large-scale applications with complex templating needs, especially those requiring server-side rendering
  • Eta: Projects prioritizing performance and smaller bundle sizes, or those preferring a more JavaScript-like templating syntax

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Asynchronous Javascript templating for the browser and server. This fork is maintained by LinkedIn.



Important: We recommend that you lock your version of Dust to a specific minor version, instead of a major version. By default, NPM will add "dustjs-linkedin": "^2.x.y" to your package.json, which will install new minor versions automatically.

npm install --save --production dustjs-linkedin
# If you want the dustc compiler available globally
npm install --global --production dustjs-linkedin

If you want to add the Dust helpers or secure filters:

npm install --save --production dustjs-helpers


bower install --save dustjs-linkedin

Get Started

  • Read for guides, tutorials, and documentation.
  • Check out the examples/ directory in the repo for simple examples to help you get started using Dust in a variety of ways.


  • The team provides support on Stack Overflow, so that's the best place to ask questions.
  • Bug or feature? We welcome issues and pull requests! If you'd like to submit a PR, check out the guide to contributing. PRs should include unit tests.

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