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Material Design Search Bar for Android


Top Related Projects

Cute library to implement SearchView in a Material Design Approach

A search view that implements a floating search bar also known as persistent search

A clone of the Google Now/Maps/Play persistent search bar

Quick Overview

MaterialSearchBar is an Android library that provides a customizable search bar component with Material Design styling. It offers features like voice search, suggestions, and various customization options to enhance the search experience in Android applications.


  • Easy integration with minimal setup required
  • Highly customizable appearance and behavior
  • Supports voice search functionality
  • Includes built-in suggestion system


  • Limited documentation and examples
  • Some reported issues with compatibility on newer Android versions
  • Infrequent updates and maintenance
  • Lack of extensive customization for advanced use cases

Code Examples

  1. Basic setup of MaterialSearchBar:
MaterialSearchBar searchBar = findViewById(;
searchBar.setOnSearchActionListener(new MaterialSearchBar.OnSearchActionListener() {
    public void onSearchStateChanged(boolean enabled) {
        // Handle search state change

    public void onSearchConfirmed(CharSequence text) {
        // Handle search confirmation

    public void onButtonClicked(int buttonCode) {
        // Handle button clicks
  1. Adding suggestions to the search bar:
List<String> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();

  1. Customizing the appearance of the search bar:
searchBar.setPlaceHolder("Type here...");

Getting Started

To use MaterialSearchBar in your Android project:

  1. Add the JitPack repository to your project's build.gradle file:

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url '' }
  2. Add the dependency to your app's build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.mancj:MaterialSearchBar:0.8.5'
  3. Add the MaterialSearchBar to your layout XML:

        app:mt_maxSuggestionsCount="10" />
  4. Initialize and customize the search bar in your activity or fragment as shown in the code examples above.

Competitor Comparisons

Cute library to implement SearchView in a Material Design Approach

Pros of MaterialSearchView

  • More customization options for the search view appearance
  • Built-in voice search functionality
  • Supports custom suggestions adapter for advanced use cases

Cons of MaterialSearchView

  • Less active maintenance (last updated 4 years ago)
  • Fewer stars and forks on GitHub, indicating potentially lower community adoption
  • Some reported issues with compatibility in newer Android versions

Code Comparison


MaterialSearchView searchView = (MaterialSearchView) findViewById(;
searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new MaterialSearchView.OnQueryTextListener() {
    public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
        // Handle search query submission
        return false;


MaterialSearchBar searchBar = findViewById(;
searchBar.setOnSearchActionListener(new MaterialSearchBar.OnSearchActionListener() {
    public void onSearchConfirmed(CharSequence text) {
        // Handle search query confirmation

Both libraries offer similar basic functionality for implementing a material design search interface. MaterialSearchView provides more built-in features like voice search, while MaterialSearchBar has a more active development community and better compatibility with recent Android versions. The choice between the two depends on specific project requirements and the need for ongoing support and updates.

A search view that implements a floating search bar also known as persistent search

Pros of FloatingSearchView

  • More customizable UI elements, including the ability to add custom views to the search bar
  • Built-in support for suggestions and recent searches
  • Smoother animations and transitions

Cons of FloatingSearchView

  • Larger library size, which may impact app performance
  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex implementation
  • Less frequent updates and maintenance compared to MaterialSearchBar

Code Comparison


MaterialSearchBar searchBar = findViewById(;
searchBar.setOnSearchActionListener(new MaterialSearchBar.OnSearchActionListener() {
    public void onSearchStateChanged(boolean enabled) {
        // Handle search state change


FloatingSearchView searchView = findViewById(;
searchView.setOnQueryChangeListener(new FloatingSearchView.OnQueryChangeListener() {
    public void onSearchTextChanged(String oldQuery, String newQuery) {
        // Handle query change

Both libraries offer similar basic functionality for implementing a search bar in Android applications. MaterialSearchBar provides a simpler implementation with fewer features, while FloatingSearchView offers more advanced customization options and built-in features at the cost of increased complexity and library size. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of your project and the level of customization needed.

A clone of the Google Now/Maps/Play persistent search bar

Pros of PersistentSearch

  • More customizable animation options for search bar transitions
  • Better integration with Android's native search functionality
  • Supports voice search out of the box

Cons of PersistentSearch

  • Less actively maintained (last update was several years ago)
  • Limited documentation and examples compared to MaterialSearchBar
  • May require more setup and configuration for basic use cases

Code Comparison


MaterialSearchBar searchBar = findViewById(;
searchBar.setOnSearchActionListener(new MaterialSearchBar.OnSearchActionListener() {
    public void onSearchStateChanged(boolean enabled) {
        // Handle search state change


PersistentSearchView searchView = findViewById(;
searchView.setVoiceRecognitionDelegate(new VoiceRecognitionDelegate(this));
searchView.setOnSearchListener(new PersistentSearchView.OnSearchListener() {
    public void onSearchOpened() {
        // Handle search opened

Both libraries offer search functionality for Android applications, but they differ in their approach and feature set. MaterialSearchBar focuses on a material design-inspired search bar with straightforward implementation, while PersistentSearch provides more advanced features like voice search and smoother animations. The choice between the two depends on specific project requirements and the desired level of customization.

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Material SearchBar Android

Material Design Search Bar for Android Android Arsenal

This beautiful and easy to use library will help to add Lollipop Material Design SearchView in your project.

See our Wiki

How to use

to include SearchBar to your project:

add this code to the the project level build.gradle file

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }

add the dependency to the the app level build.gradle file

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.mancj:MaterialSearchBar:X.X.X'

then add SearchBar to your activity:

    app:mt_hint="Custom hint"
    android:id="@+id/searchBar" />

MaterialSearchBar has the following xml attributes:

mt_speechModeif set to true, microphone icon will be displayed instead of search icon
mt_maxSuggestionsCountspecifies the max number of search queries stored
mt_navIconEnabledset navigation icon enabled
mt_roundedSearchBarEnableduse capsule shaped searchbar on v21+ and revert to default on lower
mt_dividerColorset the colors of the suggestion and menu dividers
mt_searchBarColorset the main color of the searchbar
mt_menuIconDrawableset drawable of the menu icon
mt_searchIconDrawableset drawable of the search icon when speech mode is false
mt_speechIconDrawableset drawable of the speech icon when speech mode is true
mt_backIconDrawableset drawable of the back arrow icon
mt_clearIconDrawableset drawable of the clear icon
mt_navIconTintset tint color of nav/back animated icon
mt_menuIconTintset tint color of the menu icon
mt_searchIconTintset tint color search/speech icon
mt_backIconTintset tint color of the back arrow icon
mt_clearIconTintset tint color of the clear icon
mt_navIconUseTintshould the animated nav icon use tint color
mt_menuIconUseTintshould the menu icon use the tint color
mt_searchIconUseTintshould the search/speech icon use the tint color
mt_backIconUseTintshould the back icon use the tint color
mt_clearIconUseTintshould the clear icon use the tint color
mt_hintset the text of the hint when the searchbar is focused and search query is empty
mt_placeholderset the placeholder text when the MaterialSearchBar is not focused
mt_textColorset text color
mt_hintColorset hint color
mt_placeholderColorset placeholder color
mt_textCursorTintset text cursors tint
mt_highlightedTextColorset the text highlight tint color

public methods:

  • addTextChangeListener(TextWatcher textWatcher)
  • clearSuggestions()
  • closeSearch()
  • openSearch()
  • getLastSuggestions()
  • getMenu()
  • getText()
  • hideSuggestionList()
  • inflateMenu(int menuResource)
  • inflateMenu(int menuResource, int icon)
  • isSearchOpened()
  • isSpeechModeEnabled()
  • isSuggestionsVisible()
  • setArrowIcon(int arrowIconResId)
  • setArrowIconTint(int arrowIconTint)
  • setCardViewElevation(int elevation)
  • setClearIcon(int clearIconResId)
  • setClearIconTint(int clearIconTint)
  • setCustomSuggestionAdapter(SuggestionsAdapter suggestionAdapter)
  • setDividerColor(int dividerColor)
  • setHint(CharSequence hintText)
  • setIconRippleStyle(boolean borderlessRippleEnabled)
  • setLastSuggestions(List suggestions)
  • setMaxSuggestionCount(int maxSuggestionsCount)
  • setMenuDividerEnabled(boolean menuDividerEnabled)
  • setMenuIcon(int menuIconResId)
  • setMenuIconTint(int menuIconTint)
  • setNavButtonEnabled(boolean navButtonEnabled)
  • setNavIconTint(int navIconTint)
  • setOnSearchActionListener(OnSearchActionListener onSearchActionListener)
  • setPlaceHolder(CharSequence placeholder)
  • setPlaceHolderColor(int placeholderColor)
  • setRoundedSearchBarEnabled(boolean roundedSearchBarEnabled)
  • setSearchIcon(int searchIconResId)
  • setSearchIconTint(int searchIconTint)
  • setSpeechModeEnabled(boolean speechMode)
  • setSuggestionsClickListener(SuggestionsAdapter.OnItemViewClickListener listener)
  • setText(String text)
  • setTextColor(int textColor)
  • setTextHighlightColor(int highlightedTextColor)
  • setTextHintColor(int hintColor)
  • showSuggestions()
  • updateLastSuggestions(List suggestions)

Styling Material SearchBar

Custom Style - styles.xml Create a custom style and use one of the provided styles as the parent.

Provided Styles are: MaterialSearchBarLight and MaterialSearchBarDark

<style name="MyCustomTheme" parent="MaterialSearchBarLight">
     <item name="mt_searchBarColor">@color/searchBarPrimaryColor</item>
            <item name="mt_dividerColor">@color/searchBarDividerColor</item>
            <item name="mt_navIconTint">@color/searchBarNavIconTintColor</item>
            <item name="mt_searchIconTint">@color/searchBarSearchIconTintColor</item>
            <item name="mt_clearIconTint">@color/searchBarClearIconTintColor</item>
            <item name="mt_menuIconTint">@color/searchBarMenuIconTintColor</item>
            <item name="mt_backIconTint">@color/searchBarBackIconTintColor</item>
            <item name="mt_textCursorTint">@color/searchBarCursorColor</item>
            <item name="mt_textColor">@color/searchBarTextColor</item>
            <item name="mt_hintColor">@color/searchBarHintColor</item>
            <item name="mt_placeholderColor">@color/searchBarPlaceholderColor</item>
            <item name="mt_highlightedTextColor">@color/searchBarTextHighlightColor</item>


Custom Colors - colors.xml Simply set/change these colors(or some) and you have your custom style.

    //Material SearchBar Light Theme Colors
        <color name="searchBarIconColor">#3a3a3a</color>
        <color name="searchBarPrimaryColor">#FFFFFF</color>
        <color name="searchBarCursorColor">#8000a1ff</color>
        <color name="searchBarDividerColor">#1F000000</color>
        <color name="searchBarNavIconTintColor">@color/searchBarIconColor</color>
        <color name="searchBarMenuIconTintColor">@color/searchBarIconColor</color>
        <color name="searchBarSearchIconTintColor">@color/searchBarIconColor</color>
        <color name="searchBarClearIconTintColor">@color/searchBarIconColor</color>
        <color name="searchBarBackIconTintColor">@color/searchBarIconColor</color>
        <color name="searchBarTextColor">#DE000000</color>
        <color name="searchBarHintColor">#42000000</color>
        <color name="searchBarPlaceholderColor">#8A000000</color>
        <color name="searchBarTextHighlightColor">#8000a1ff</color>
        <color name="searchBarPrimaryColorDark">#303030</color>
        <color name="searchBarDividerColorDark">#1FFFFFFF</color>
        //Material SearchBar Dark Theme Colors
        <color name="searchBarIconColorDark">#00a1ff</color>
        <color name="searchBarNavIconTintColorDark">@color/searchBarIconColorDark</color>
        <color name="searchBarMenuIconTintColorDark">@color/searchBarIconColorDark</color>
        <color name="searchBarSearchIconTintColorDark">@color/searchBarIconColorDark</color>
        <color name="searchBarClearIconTintColorDark">@color/searchBarIconColorDark</color>
        <color name="searchBarBackIconTintColorDark">@color/searchBarIconColorDark</color>
        <color name="searchBarTextColorDark">#DEFFFFFF</color>
        <color name="searchBarHintColorDark">#42FFFFFF</color>
        <color name="searchBarPlaceholderColorDark">#8AFFFFFF</color>
        <color name="searchBarTextHighlightColorDark">#BF00a1ff</color>

To save search queries when the activity is destroyed, use the method searchBar.getLastSuggestions() and then, to restore them use searchBar.setLastSuggestions(List<String>); as shown in the example below


Here is a simple example of using MaterialSearchBar

private List<String> lastSearches;
private MaterialSearchBar searchBar;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    searchBar = (MaterialSearchBar) findViewById(;
    searchBar.setHint("Custom hint");
    //enable searchbar callbacks
    //restore last queries from disk
    lastSearches = loadSearchSuggestionFromDisk();
    //Inflate menu and setup OnMenuItemClickListener

protected void onDestroy() {
    //save last queries to disk

public void onSearchStateChanged(boolean enabled) {
    String s = enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled";
    Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Search " + s, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

public void onSearchConfirmed(CharSequence text) {
    startSearch(text.toString(), true, null, true);

public void onButtonClicked(int buttonCode) {
    switch (buttonCode){
        case MaterialSearchBar.BUTTON_NAVIGATION:
        case MaterialSearchBar.BUTTON_SPEECH:

More Examples