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R Markdown Résumés and CVs


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:page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application


Yet another alternative curriculum vitae/résumé class with LaTeX


:necktie: A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported!

Quick Overview

Vitae is an R package that provides a collection of LaTeX and HTML templates for creating customizable curricula vitae (CVs). It aims to simplify the process of creating professional-looking CVs by leveraging R Markdown and various templates, allowing users to focus on content rather than formatting.


  • Easy to use with R Markdown, requiring minimal LaTeX knowledge
  • Offers multiple templates for different CV styles and formats
  • Allows for easy customization and updating of CV content
  • Supports both LaTeX and HTML output formats


  • Limited to R users, may not be suitable for those unfamiliar with R
  • Requires some setup and package installation
  • May have a learning curve for users new to R Markdown
  • Limited compared to more comprehensive LaTeX CV packages

Code Examples

  1. Loading the package and creating a new CV:

# Create a new CV using the awesomecv template
cv_awesome <- cv_document(template = "awesomecv")
  1. Adding education information:

education <- tribble(
  ~ degree, ~ year, ~ institution, ~ where,
  "Ph.D. in Data Science", "2020", "University of Data", "Dataville, USA",
  "M.Sc. in Statistics", "2016", "Stats College", "Statstown, USA",
  "B.Sc. in Mathematics", "2014", "Math University", "Mathville, USA"

detailed_entries(education, what = degree, when = year, with = institution, where = where)
  1. Adding work experience:
work <- tribble(
  ~ role, ~ company, ~ loc, ~ dates, ~ details,
  "Data Scientist", "Tech Corp", "San Francisco, CA", "2020-Present", "Developed machine learning models for product recommendations",
  "Statistical Analyst", "Research Inc", "New York, NY", "2016-2020", "Conducted statistical analysis for clinical trials"

detailed_entries(work, what = role, when = dates, with = company, where = loc, why = details)

Getting Started

To get started with vitae:

  1. Install the package:
  1. Create a new R Markdown document with a vitae template:
rmarkdown::draft("my_cv.Rmd", template = "hyndman", package = "vitae")
  1. Edit the R Markdown file with your CV content, using the provided functions like detailed_entries() to format your information.

  2. Knit the document to produce your CV in PDF or HTML format.

Competitor Comparisons

:page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application

Pros of Awesome-CV

  • More visually appealing and modern design options
  • Extensive customization possibilities with LaTeX
  • Includes cover letter and CV templates

Cons of Awesome-CV

  • Steeper learning curve for users unfamiliar with LaTeX
  • Less integration with data sources and programming languages

Code Comparison

Awesome-CV (LaTeX):

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{awesome-cv}
\position{Your Job Title}
\address{Your Address}
\mobile{Your Phone Number}

vitae (R):

cv <- cv_document()
    ~what, ~when, ~with, ~where,
    "Job Title", "2020-Present", "Company Name", "City, Country"

Key Differences

  • Awesome-CV uses LaTeX for document creation, while vitae uses R
  • vitae integrates better with data manipulation and analysis workflows
  • Awesome-CV offers more control over visual design elements
  • vitae provides easier integration with existing R data structures

Use Cases

  • Choose Awesome-CV for highly customized, visually striking CVs
  • Opt for vitae when working with R-based data or requiring frequent updates

Yet another alternative curriculum vitae/résumé class with LaTeX

Pros of AltaCV

  • More visually appealing and modern design
  • Greater flexibility in layout customization
  • Supports multiple color schemes out of the box

Cons of AltaCV

  • Steeper learning curve for LaTeX beginners
  • Less integration with R and data-driven CV generation
  • Requires more manual input and formatting

Code Comparison


\name{Your Name}
\tagline{Your Job Title}


cv_data <- read_csv("cv_data.csv")
cv <- create_cv(cv_data)
export_cv(cv, "my_cv.pdf")

The code comparison shows that AltaCV uses LaTeX directly for CV creation, while vitae leverages R for data-driven CV generation. AltaCV offers more control over layout and design, but vitae simplifies the process by using data structures and R functions.


:necktie: A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported!

Pros of latexcv

  • Offers multiple pre-designed templates for different CV styles
  • Provides a clean, professional LaTeX-based output
  • Includes sample content to help users get started quickly

Cons of latexcv

  • Requires LaTeX knowledge for customization
  • Limited to static PDF output format
  • Less flexibility in data input compared to R-based solutions

Code Comparison



% ...

\name{Your Name Here}
\tagline{Your Position or Tagline Here}
  \location{Your City, Country}



cv_data <- tribble(
  ~title, ~unit, ~startYear, ~endYear,
  "Position", "Company", 2018, 2020,
  "Degree", "University", 2014, 2018


Both repositories provide tools for creating professional CVs, but they differ in their approach. latexcv offers ready-to-use LaTeX templates, while vitae provides an R-based framework for generating CVs programmatically. The choice between them depends on the user's preference for LaTeX or R, and the desired level of customization and data management.

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Templates and tools for making a Résumé/CV

The vitae package makes creating and maintaining a Résumé or CV with R Markdown simple. It provides a collection of LaTeX and HTML templates, with helpful functions to add content to the documents.


You can install the release version from CRAN.


You can install the development version from GitHub.

# install.packages("remotes")

This package requires LaTeX to be installed on your computer. If you’re encountering issues, please check that LaTeX is installed. The tinytex package makes it easy to setup LaTeX within R:


Getting started

The vitae package currently supports 6 popular CV templates. You can see some previews of the available templates below.

If you prefer a guided introduction in video form, check out Bryan Jenks’ freeCodeCamp tech talk:

Creating a new CV with vitae can be done using the RStudio R Markdown template selector:

These templates leverage the strength of rmarkdown to include common information in the YAML header (name, position, social links…) and extended information in the main body. The main body of the CV is written using markdown, and allows for data-driven generation of entries using the *_entries functions. This allows you to import your working history from other sources (such as ORCID, Google Scholar, or a maintained dataset), and include them programmatically into your CV.


There are currently 6 templates available in this package:


Extending the package to add new templates is a somewhat simple process (details in the creating vitae templates vignette).

Examples of using vitae

Add your vitae to the list using a PR.

Please note that the ‘vitae’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

The vitae project began as at rOpenSci’s OzUnconf 2018. A big thank you to rOpenSci and the event organisers for their work, which has played a big role in the formation of this package.