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Deprecated: Use the official Elasticsearch client for Go at


Top Related Projects

The official Go client for Elasticsearch


A modern text/numeric/geo-spatial/vector indexing library for go

convert sql to elasticsearch DSL in golang(go)

Cuckoo Filter: Practically Better Than Bloom

Quick Overview

Olivere/elastic is a robust and feature-rich Go client for Elasticsearch. It provides a comprehensive set of APIs to interact with Elasticsearch, allowing developers to perform various operations such as indexing, searching, and managing documents and indices in Elasticsearch clusters.


  • Extensive API coverage for Elasticsearch operations
  • Well-documented with numerous examples and use cases
  • Actively maintained and regularly updated
  • Supports multiple versions of Elasticsearch


  • Learning curve can be steep for beginners
  • Large codebase may lead to longer compilation times
  • Some advanced features may require in-depth knowledge of Elasticsearch

Code Examples

  1. Creating a new client:
client, err := elastic.NewClient(elastic.SetURL("http://localhost:9200"))
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error creating client: %s", err)
  1. Indexing a document:
doc := map[string]interface{}{
    "title":   "Test Document",
    "content": "This is a test document.",
_, err = client.Index().
  1. Performing a search:
searchResult, err := client.Search().
    Query(elastic.NewMatchQuery("content", "test")).
  1. Aggregating data:
aggs := elastic.NewTermsAggregation().Field("category")
searchResult, err := client.Search().
    Aggregation("categories", aggs).

Getting Started

To start using olivere/elastic in your Go project:

  1. Install the package:

    go get
  2. Import the package in your Go code:

    import ""
  3. Create a new client and start using the API:

    client, err := elastic.NewClient(elastic.SetURL("http://localhost:9200"))
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error creating client: %s", err)
    // Use the client to interact with Elasticsearch
    // For example, ping the cluster
    info, code, err := client.Ping("http://localhost:9200").Do(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error pinging Elasticsearch: %s", err)
    fmt.Printf("Elasticsearch returned with code %d and version %s\n", code, info.Version.Number)

Remember to handle errors appropriately and refer to the official documentation for more detailed usage instructions and advanced features.

Competitor Comparisons

The official Go client for Elasticsearch

Pros of go-elasticsearch

  • Official Elasticsearch client, ensuring better compatibility and support
  • More lightweight and flexible, allowing for lower-level control
  • Supports all Elasticsearch API endpoints

Cons of go-elasticsearch

  • Less abstraction, requiring more manual work for complex operations
  • Steeper learning curve for developers new to Elasticsearch

Code Comparison


client, err := elastic.NewClient()
searchResult, err := client.Search().
    Query(elastic.NewMatchQuery("message", "elasticsearch")).


es, err := elasticsearch.NewDefaultClient()
res, err := es.Search(


go-elasticsearch offers official support and comprehensive API coverage but requires more manual work. elastic provides higher-level abstractions, making it easier to use for common operations but potentially limiting flexibility for advanced use cases. The choice between the two depends on the specific project requirements and developer preferences.


A modern text/numeric/geo-spatial/vector indexing library for go

Pros of Bleve

  • Pure Go implementation, making it easier to integrate into Go projects
  • Supports multiple storage engines, including in-memory and disk-based options
  • Offers full-text search capabilities without external dependencies

Cons of Bleve

  • Less mature and potentially less feature-rich compared to Elasticsearch
  • Smaller community and ecosystem than Elastic
  • May require more manual configuration for advanced use cases

Code Comparison


index, _ := bleve.New("example.bleve", mapping)
doc := struct{ Name string }{"John Doe"}
index.Index("1", doc)
query := bleve.NewMatchQuery("john")
searchRequest := bleve.NewSearchRequest(query)
searchResults, _ := index.Search(searchRequest)


client, _ := elastic.NewClient()
doc := struct{ Name string }{"John Doe"}
_, _ = client.Index().Index("example").Id("1").BodyJson(doc).Do(context.Background())
query := elastic.NewMatchQuery("name", "john")
searchResult, _ := client.Search().Index("example").Query(query).Do(context.Background())

Both libraries provide similar functionality for indexing and searching documents, but Elastic is more tightly coupled with Elasticsearch, while Bleve offers a standalone solution with more flexibility in storage options.

convert sql to elasticsearch DSL in golang(go)

Pros of elasticsql

  • Focuses specifically on converting SQL to Elasticsearch DSL, making it easier for SQL-familiar developers to work with Elasticsearch
  • Lightweight and focused on a single task, potentially easier to integrate into existing projects
  • Supports a variety of SQL operations, including SELECT, WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT

Cons of elasticsql

  • Limited to SQL-to-Elasticsearch conversion, lacking broader Elasticsearch client functionality
  • May not support all complex Elasticsearch query types or advanced features
  • Less actively maintained compared to elastic, with fewer contributors and updates

Code Comparison


sql := "SELECT * FROM test WHERE a=1 and b = 2 ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 100"
esQuery, esType, _ := elasticsql.Convert(sql)


query := elastic.NewBoolQuery().
    Must(elastic.NewTermQuery("a", 1)).
    Must(elastic.NewTermQuery("b", 2))
result, err := client.Search().
    Sort("c", false).

The elasticsql example shows a simple SQL-to-Elasticsearch conversion, while the elastic example demonstrates direct query construction using the client library.

Cuckoo Filter: Practically Better Than Bloom

Pros of cuckoofilter

  • Lightweight and focused on a single data structure (Cuckoo filter)
  • Efficient space usage and fast lookups for approximate set membership
  • Simple API for adding, deleting, and checking membership

Cons of cuckoofilter

  • Limited functionality compared to elastic's full-featured Elasticsearch client
  • Not suitable for complex search and analytics operations
  • Lacks built-in support for distributed systems and clustering

Code comparison


cf := cuckoo.NewFilter(1000)


client, _ := elastic.NewClient()
result, _ := client.Index().


cuckoofilter is a specialized library for implementing Cuckoo filters, offering efficient set membership operations. elastic is a comprehensive Elasticsearch client with a wide range of features for search and analytics. While cuckoofilter excels in its specific use case, elastic provides broader functionality for complex data operations and distributed systems.

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This is a development branch that is actively being worked on. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION! If you want to use stable versions of Elastic, please use Go modules for the 7.x release (or later) or a dependency manager like dep for earlier releases.

Elastic is an Elasticsearch client for the Go programming language.

Build Status Godoc license

See the wiki for additional information about Elastic.

Buy Me A Coffee


The release branches (e.g. release-branch.v7) are actively being worked on and can break at any time. If you want to use stable versions of Elastic, please use Go modules.

Here's the version matrix:

Elasticsearch versionElastic versionPackage URLRemarks
7.x                  7.0   (source doc)Use Go modules.
6.x                  6.0   (source doc)Use a dependency manager (see below). (source doc)Actively maintained. (source doc)Deprecated. Please update. (source doc)Deprecated. Please update. (source doc)Deprecated. Please update.


You have installed Elasticsearch 7.0.0 and want to use Elastic. As listed above, you should use Elastic 7.0 (code is in release-branch.v7).

To use the required version of Elastic in your application, you should use Go modules to manage dependencies. Make sure to use a version such as 7.0.0 or later.

To use Elastic, import:

import ""

Elastic 7.0

Elastic 7.0 targets Elasticsearch 7.x which was released on April 10th 2019.

As always with major version, there are a lot of breaking changes. We will use this as an opportunity to clean up and refactor Elastic, as we already did in earlier (major) releases.

Elastic 6.0

Elastic 6.0 targets Elasticsearch 6.x which was released on 14th November 2017.

Notice that there are a lot of breaking changes in Elasticsearch 6.0 and we used this as an opportunity to clean up and refactor Elastic as we did in the transition from earlier versions of Elastic.

Elastic 5.0

Elastic 5.0 targets Elasticsearch 5.0.0 and later. Elasticsearch 5.0.0 was released on 26th October 2016.

Notice that there are will be a lot of breaking changes in Elasticsearch 5.0 and we used this as an opportunity to clean up and refactor Elastic as we did in the transition from Elastic 2.0 (for Elasticsearch 1.x) to Elastic 3.0 (for Elasticsearch 2.x).

Furthermore, the jump in version numbers will give us a chance to be in sync with the Elastic Stack.

Elastic 3.0

Elastic 3.0 targets Elasticsearch 2.x and is published via

Elastic 3.0 will only get critical bug fixes. You should update to a recent version.

Elastic 2.0

Elastic 2.0 targets Elasticsearch 1.x and is published via

Elastic 2.0 will only get critical bug fixes. You should update to a recent version.

Elastic 1.0

Elastic 1.0 is deprecated. You should really update Elasticsearch and Elastic to a recent version.

However, if you cannot update for some reason, don't worry. Version 1.0 is still available. All you need to do is go-get it and change your import path as described above.


We use Elastic in production since 2012. Elastic is stable but the API changes now and then. We strive for API compatibility. However, Elasticsearch sometimes introduces breaking changes and we sometimes have to adapt.

Having said that, there have been no big API changes that required you to rewrite your application big time. More often than not it's renaming APIs and adding/removing features so that Elastic is in sync with Elasticsearch.

Elastic has been used in production starting with Elasticsearch 0.90 up to recent 7.x versions. We recently switched to GitHub Actions for testing. Before that, we used Travis CI successfully for years).

Elasticsearch has quite a few features. Most of them are implemented by Elastic. I add features and APIs as required. It's straightforward to implement missing pieces. I'm accepting pull requests :-)

Having said that, I hope you find the project useful.

Getting Started

The first thing you do is to create a Client. The client connects to Elasticsearch on by default.

You typically create one client for your app. Here's a complete example of creating a client, creating an index, adding a document, executing a search etc.

An example is available here.

Here's a link to a complete working example for v6.

Here are a few tips on how to get used to Elastic:

  1. Head over to the Wiki for detailed information and topics like e.g. how to add a middleware or how to connect to AWS.
  2. If you are unsure how to implement something, read the tests (all _test.go files). They not only serve as a guard against changes, but also as a reference.
  3. The recipes contains small examples on how to implement something, e.g. bulk indexing, scrolling etc.

API Status

Document APIs

  • Index API
  • Get API
  • Delete API
  • Delete By Query API
  • Update API
  • Update By Query API
  • Multi Get API
  • Bulk API
  • Reindex API
  • Term Vectors
  • Multi termvectors API

Search APIs

  • Search
  • Search Template
  • Multi Search Template
  • Search Shards API
  • Suggesters
    • Term Suggester
    • Phrase Suggester
    • Completion Suggester
    • Context Suggester
  • Multi Search API
  • Count API
  • Validate API
  • Explain API
  • Profile API
  • Field Capabilities API


  • Metrics Aggregations
    • Avg
    • Boxplot (X-pack)
    • Cardinality
    • Extended Stats
    • Geo Bounds
    • Geo Centroid
    • Matrix stats
    • Max
    • Median absolute deviation
    • Min
    • Percentile Ranks
    • Percentiles
    • Rate (X-pack)
    • Scripted Metric
    • Stats
    • String stats (X-pack)
    • Sum
    • T-test (X-pack)
    • Top Hits
    • Top metrics (X-pack)
    • Value Count
    • Weighted avg
  • Bucket Aggregations
    • Adjacency Matrix
    • Auto-interval Date Histogram
    • Children
    • Composite
    • Date Histogram
    • Date Range
    • Diversified Sampler
    • Filter
    • Filters
    • Geo Distance
    • Geohash Grid
    • Geotile grid
    • Global
    • Histogram
    • IP Range
    • Missing
    • Nested
    • Parent
    • Range
    • Rare terms
    • Reverse Nested
    • Sampler
    • Significant Terms
    • Significant Text
    • Terms
    • Variable width histogram
  • Pipeline Aggregations
    • Avg Bucket
    • Bucket Script
    • Bucket Selector
    • Bucket Sort
    • Cumulative cardinality (X-pack)
    • Cumulative Sum
    • Derivative
    • Extended Stats Bucket
    • Inference bucket (X-pack)
    • Max Bucket
    • Min Bucket
    • Moving Average
    • Moving function
    • Moving percentiles (X-pack)
    • Normalize (X-pack)
    • Percentiles Bucket
    • Serial Differencing
    • Stats Bucket
    • Sum Bucket
  • Aggregation Metadata

Indices APIs

  • Create Index
  • Delete Index
  • Get Index
  • Indices Exists
  • Open / Close Index
  • Shrink Index
  • Rollover Index
  • Put Mapping
  • Get Mapping
  • Get Field Mapping
  • Types Exists
  • Index Aliases
  • Update Indices Settings
  • Get Settings
  • Analyze
    • Explain Analyze
  • Index Templates
  • Indices Stats
  • Indices Segments
  • Indices Recovery
  • Indices Shard Stores
  • Clear Cache
  • Flush
    • Synced Flush
  • Refresh
  • Force Merge

Index Lifecycle Management APIs

  • Create Policy
  • Get Policy
  • Delete Policy
  • Move to Step
  • Remove Policy
  • Retry Policy
  • Get Ilm Status
  • Explain Lifecycle
  • Start Ilm
  • Stop Ilm

cat APIs

  • cat aliases
  • cat allocation
  • cat count
  • cat fielddata
  • cat health
  • cat indices
  • cat master
  • cat nodeattrs
  • cat nodes
  • cat pending tasks
  • cat plugins
  • cat recovery
  • cat repositories
  • cat thread pool
  • cat shards
  • cat segments
  • cat snapshots
  • cat templates

Cluster APIs

  • Cluster Health
  • Cluster State
  • Cluster Stats
  • Pending Cluster Tasks
  • Cluster Reroute
  • Cluster Update Settings
  • Nodes Stats
  • Nodes Info
  • Nodes Feature Usage
  • Remote Cluster Info
  • Task Management API
  • Nodes hot_threads
  • Cluster Allocation Explain API

Rollup APIs (XPack)

  • Create Job
  • Delete Job
  • Get Job
  • Start Job
  • Stop Job

Query DSL

  • Match All Query
  • Inner hits
  • Full text queries
    • Match Query
    • Match Boolean Prefix Query
    • Match Phrase Query
    • Match Phrase Prefix Query
    • Multi Match Query
    • Common Terms Query
    • Query String Query
    • Simple Query String Query
    • Combined Fields Query
    • Intervals Query
  • Term level queries
    • Term Query
    • Terms Query
    • Terms Set Query
    • Range Query
    • Exists Query
    • Prefix Query
    • Wildcard Query
    • Regexp Query
    • Fuzzy Query
    • Type Query
    • Ids Query
  • Compound queries
    • Constant Score Query
    • Bool Query
    • Dis Max Query
    • Function Score Query
    • Boosting Query
  • Joining queries
    • Nested Query
    • Has Child Query
    • Has Parent Query
    • Parent Id Query
  • Geo queries
    • GeoShape Query
    • Geo Bounding Box Query
    • Geo Distance Query
    • Geo Polygon Query
  • Specialized queries
    • Distance Feature Query
    • More Like This Query
    • Script Query
    • Script Score Query
    • Percolate Query
  • Span queries
    • Span Term Query
    • Span Multi Term Query
    • Span First Query
    • Span Near Query
    • Span Or Query
    • Span Not Query
    • Span Containing Query
    • Span Within Query
    • Span Field Masking Query
  • Minimum Should Match
  • Multi Term Query Rewrite


  • Snapshot and Restore
    • Repositories
    • Snapshot get
    • Snapshot create
    • Snapshot delete
    • Restore
    • Snapshot status
    • Monitoring snapshot/restore status
    • Stopping currently running snapshot and restore
  • Scripting
    • GetScript
    • PutScript
    • DeleteScript


  • Sort by score
  • Sort by field
  • Sort by geo distance
  • Sort by script
  • Sort by doc


Scrolling is supported via a ScrollService. It supports an iterator-like interface. The ClearScroll API is implemented as well.

A pattern for efficiently scrolling in parallel is described in the Wiki.

How to contribute

Read the contribution guidelines.


Thanks a lot for the great folks working hard on Elasticsearch and Go.

Elastic uses portions of the uritemplates library by Joshua Tacoma, backoff by Cenk Altı and leaktest by Ian Chiles.


MIT-LICENSE. See LICENSE or the LICENSE file provided in the repository for details.