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OpenTelemetry Java SDK


Top Related Projects

OpenTracing API for Java. 🛑 This library is DEPRECATED!


Zipkin is a distributed tracing system

Prometheus instrumentation library for JVM applications

Quick Overview

OpenTelemetry Java is an open-source observability framework for cloud-native software. It provides a collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data (metrics, logs, and traces) for analysis in order to understand your software's behavior and performance.


  • Vendor-neutral and open-source, allowing for flexibility and avoiding vendor lock-in
  • Comprehensive support for various Java frameworks and libraries
  • Provides automatic instrumentation for many popular Java technologies
  • Highly extensible and customizable to fit specific application needs


  • Learning curve can be steep for newcomers to observability concepts
  • Documentation, while improving, can sometimes be fragmented or outdated
  • Performance overhead, though minimal, may be a concern for extremely high-throughput systems
  • Still evolving, which may lead to breaking changes between versions

Code Examples

  1. Creating a tracer and recording a span:
Tracer tracer = GlobalOpenTelemetry.getTracer("instrumentation-library-name", "semver:1.0.0");
Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("my span").startSpan();
try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) {
    // Your code here
} finally {
  1. Adding attributes to a span:
Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("my span").startSpan();
span.setAttribute("http.method", "GET");
span.setAttribute("http.url", "");
  1. Creating and recording a metric:
Meter meter = GlobalOpenTelemetry.getMeter("instrumentation-library-name");
LongCounter counter = meter
    .setDescription("Number of processed jobs")


Getting Started

To get started with OpenTelemetry Java, add the following dependencies to your project:

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api:1.24.0'
    implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk:1.24.0'
    implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-exporter-otlp:1.24.0'

Then, initialize the OpenTelemetry SDK in your application:

SdkTracerProvider sdkTracerProvider = SdkTracerProvider.builder()

OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetry = OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()

This sets up a basic OpenTelemetry configuration with OTLP exporter. You can now use the global tracer to create spans and record telemetry data in your application.

Competitor Comparisons

OpenTracing API for Java. 🛑 This library is DEPRECATED!

Pros of OpenTracing

  • Simpler API with a focus on distributed tracing
  • Easier to get started for developers new to observability
  • More mature and stable, with a longer history of production use

Cons of OpenTracing

  • Limited scope compared to OpenTelemetry's comprehensive observability approach
  • Smaller ecosystem and fewer integrations
  • No longer actively developed, as efforts have shifted to OpenTelemetry

Code Comparison


Tracer tracer = GlobalTracer.get();
Span span = tracer.buildSpan("operation").start();
span.setTag("key", "value");


Tracer tracer = GlobalOpenTelemetry.getTracer("instrumentation-library-name");
Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("operation").startSpan();
span.setAttribute("key", "value");

The code snippets show similar functionality, but OpenTelemetry uses slightly different method names and a more structured approach to creating tracers. OpenTelemetry also provides additional features like metrics and logs, which are not shown in this basic example.

OpenTracing is simpler and more focused on tracing, while OpenTelemetry offers a more comprehensive observability solution with a slightly steeper learning curve. However, OpenTelemetry is the future of observability, combining the best aspects of OpenTracing and OpenCensus.


Zipkin is a distributed tracing system

Pros of Zipkin

  • Mature project with a longer history and established user base
  • Simpler architecture, potentially easier to set up and maintain
  • Built-in web UI for visualizing and analyzing traces

Cons of Zipkin

  • Less flexible and extensible compared to OpenTelemetry
  • Limited support for non-Java languages and frameworks
  • Smaller ecosystem and fewer integrations with other observability tools

Code Comparison

Zipkin instrumentation example:

Span span = tracer.newTrace().name("encode").start();
try {
} finally {

OpenTelemetry instrumentation example:

Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("encode").startSpan();
try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) {
} finally {

Both examples show how to create and manage spans, but OpenTelemetry uses a more explicit scope management approach. Zipkin's API is slightly simpler, while OpenTelemetry offers more control over the span's lifecycle and context propagation.

OpenTelemetry provides a more comprehensive observability solution with support for metrics and logs in addition to traces, making it a more versatile choice for modern distributed systems. However, Zipkin may be preferred for simpler Java-centric projects or those already invested in the Zipkin ecosystem.

Prometheus instrumentation library for JVM applications

Pros of client_java

  • Mature and well-established project with a long history in the Prometheus ecosystem
  • Simpler implementation for basic metric collection and export
  • Tighter integration with Prometheus-specific features and best practices

Cons of client_java

  • Limited to Prometheus-specific metrics and data model
  • Less flexibility for supporting multiple observability backends
  • Narrower scope compared to OpenTelemetry's comprehensive approach

Code Comparison


Counter requests =
    .help("Total requests.")


Meter meter = GlobalMeterProvider.getMeter("instrumentation-library-name");
LongCounter counter = meter
    .setDescription("Total requests.")



While client_java offers a straightforward implementation for Prometheus-specific metrics, opentelemetry-java provides a more versatile and standardized approach to observability. OpenTelemetry supports multiple backends and offers a wider range of telemetry data types, making it more suitable for complex, multi-vendor environments. However, client_java may be preferable for projects deeply integrated with the Prometheus ecosystem or those requiring simpler metric collection.

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OpenTelemetry Java

Continuous Build Coverage Status Maven Central

Project Status

See Java status on

Getting Started

If you are looking for an all-in-one, easy-to-install auto-instrumentation javaagent, see opentelemetry-java-instrumentation.

If you are looking for examples on how to use the OpenTelemetry API to write your own manual instrumentation, or how to set up the OpenTelemetry Java SDK, see Manual instrumentation. Fully-functional examples are available in opentelemetry-java-examples.

If you are looking for generated classes for the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions, see semantic-conventions-java.

For a general overview of OpenTelemetry, visit

Would you like to get involved with the project? Read our contributing guide. We welcome contributions!

Contacting us

We hold regular meetings. See details at community page.

We use GitHub Discussions for support or general questions. Feel free to drop us a line.

We are also present in the #otel-java channel in the CNCF slack. Please join us for more informal discussions.

To report a bug, or request a new feature, please open an issue.


OpenTelemetry is the merging of OpenCensus and OpenTracing into a single project.

This project contains the following top level components:

  • OpenTelemetry API:
  • extensions define additional API extensions not part of the core API, including propagators.
  • sdk defines the implementation of the OpenTelemetry API.
  • exporters trace, metric, and log exporters for the SDK.
  • sdk-extensions defines additional SDK extensions, which are not part of the core SDK.
  • OpenTracing shim defines a bridge layer from OpenTracing to the OpenTelemetry API.
  • OpenCensus shim defines a bridge layer from OpenCensus to the OpenTelemetry API.

This project publishes a lot of artifacts, listed in releases. opentelemetry-bom (BOM = Bill of Materials) is provided to assist with synchronizing versions of dependencies. opentelemetry-bom-alpha provides the same function for unstable artifacts. See published releases for instructions on using the BOMs.

We would love to hear from the larger community: please provide feedback proactively.


Unless otherwise noted, all published artifacts support Java 8 or higher. See language version compatibility for complete details.

Android Disclaimer: For compatibility reasons, library desugaring must be enabled.

See for additional instructions for building this project for development.

Note about extensions

Both API and SDK extensions consist of various additional components which are excluded from the core artifacts to keep them from growing too large.

We still aim to provide the same level of quality and guarantee for them as for the core components. Please don't hesitate to use them if you find them useful.

Project setup and contributing

Please refer to the contribution guide on how to set up for development and contribute!

Published Releases

Published releases are available on maven central. We strongly recommend using our published BOM to keep all dependency versions in sync.




dependencies {
  implementation platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:1.42.0")

Note that if you want to use any artifacts that have not fully stabilized yet (such as the prometheus exporter, then you will need to add an entry for the Alpha BOM as well, e.g.

dependencies {
  implementation platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:1.42.0")
  implementation platform('io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom-alpha:1.42.0-alpha')



Snapshots based out the main branch are available for opentelemetry-api, opentelemetry-sdk and the rest of the artifacts. We strongly recommend using our published BOM to keep all dependency versions in sync.




repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
  implementation platform("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-bom:1.43.0-SNAPSHOT")

Libraries will usually only need opentelemetry-api, while applications will want to use the opentelemetry-sdk module which contains our standard implementation of the APIs.

Gradle composite builds

For opentelemetry-java developers that need to test the latest source code with another project, composite builds can be used as an alternative to publishToMavenLocal. This requires some setup which is explained here.


See the document for our policies for releases and compatibility guarantees.

Check out information about the latest release.

See the project milestones for details on upcoming releases. The dates and features described in issues and milestones are estimates, and subject to change.

The following tables describe the artifacts published by this project. To take a dependency, follow the instructions in Published Released to include the BOM, and specify the dependency as follows, replacing {{artifact-id}} with the value from the "Artifact ID" column:


Bill of Material

ComponentDescriptionArtifact IDVersionJavadoc
Bill of Materials (BOM)Bill of materials for stable artifactsopentelemetry-bom1.42.0N/A
Alpha Bill of Materials (BOM)Bill of materials for alpha artifactsopentelemetry-bom-alpha1.42.0-alphaN/A


ComponentDescriptionArtifact IDVersionJavadoc
APIOpenTelemetry API, including metrics, traces, baggage, contextopentelemetry-api1.42.0Javadocs
API IncubatorAPI incubator, including pass through propagator, and extended tracer, and Event APIopentelemetry-api-incubator1.42.0Javadocs
Context APIOpenTelemetry context APIopentelemetry-context1.42.0Javadocs

API Extensions

ComponentDescriptionArtifact IDVersionJavadoc
Kotlin ExtensionContext extension for coroutinesopentelemetry-extension-kotlin1.42.0Javadocs
Trace Propagators ExtensionTrace propagators, including B3, Jaeger, OT Traceopentelemetry-extension-trace-propagators1.42.0Javadocs


ComponentDescriptionArtifact IDVersionJavadoc
SDKOpenTelemetry SDK, including metrics, traces, and logsopentelemetry-sdk1.42.0Javadocs
Metrics SDKOpenTelemetry metrics SDKopentelemetry-sdk-metrics1.42.0Javadocs
Trace SDKOpenTelemetry trace SDKopentelemetry-sdk-trace1.42.0Javadocs
Log SDKOpenTelemetry log SDKopentelemetry-sdk-logs1.42.0Javadocs
SDK CommonShared SDK componentsopentelemetry-sdk-common1.42.0Javadocs
SDK TestingComponents for testing OpenTelemetry instrumentationopentelemetry-sdk-testing1.42.0Javadocs

SDK Exporters

ComponentDescriptionArtifact IDVersionJavadoc
OTLP ExportersOTLP gRPC & HTTP exporters, including traces, metrics, and logsopentelemetry-exporter-otlp1.42.0Javadocs
OTLP Logging ExportersLogging exporters in OTLP JSON encoding, including traces, metrics, and logsopentelemetry-exporter-logging-otlp1.42.0Javadocs
OTLP CommonShared OTLP components (internal)opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-common1.42.0Javadocs
Logging ExporterLogging exporters, including metrics, traces, and logsopentelemetry-exporter-logging1.42.0Javadocs
Zipkin ExporterZipkin trace exporteropentelemetry-exporter-zipkin1.42.0Javadocs
Prometheus ExporterPrometheus metric exporteropentelemetry-exporter-prometheus1.42.0-alphaJavadocs
Exporter CommonShared exporter components (internal)opentelemetry-exporter-common1.42.0Javadocs
OkHttp SenderOkHttp implementation of HttpSender (internal)opentelemetry-exporter-sender-okhttp1.42.0Javadocs
JDK SenderJava 11+ native HttpClient implementation of HttpSender (internal)opentelemetry-exporter-sender-jdk1.42.0Javadocs
gRPC ManagedChannel SendergRPC ManagedChannel implementation of GrpcSender (internal)opentelemetry-exporter-sender-grpc-managed-channel1.42.0Javadocs

SDK Extensions

ComponentDescriptionArtifact IDVersionJavadoc
SDK AutoconfigureAutoconfigure OpenTelemetry SDK from env vars, system properties, and SPIopentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure1.42.0Javadocs
SDK Autoconfigure SPIService Provider Interface (SPI) definitions for autoconfigureopentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure-spi1.42.0Javadocs
SDK Jaeger Remote Sampler ExtensionSampler which obtains sampling configuration from remote Jaeger serveropentelemetry-sdk-extension-jaeger-remote-sampler1.42.0Javadocs
SDK IncubatorSDK incubator, including YAML based view configuration, LeakDetectingSpanProcessoropentelemetry-sdk-extension-incubator1.42.0-alphaJavadocs


ComponentDescriptionArtifact IDVersionJavadoc
OpenCensus ShimBridge opencensus metrics into the OpenTelemetry metrics SDKopentelemetry-opencensus-shim1.42.0-alphaJavadocs
OpenTracing ShimBridge opentracing spans into the OpenTelemetry trace APIopentelemetry-opentracing-shim1.42.0Javadocs




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Thanks to all the people who have contributed

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