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The CORE-V CVA6 is an Application class 6-stage RISC-V CPU capable of booting Linux


Top Related Projects


Ibex is a small 32 bit RISC-V CPU core, previously known as zero-riscy.

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Rocket Chip Generator

A FPGA friendly 32 bit RISC-V CPU implementation


Source files for SiFive's Freedom platforms

Spike, a RISC-V ISA Simulator

Quick Overview

CVA6 is an open-source, 64-bit application class RISC-V processor core developed by OpenHW Group. It is designed to be configurable and extensible, suitable for various applications ranging from embedded systems to high-performance computing.


  • Fully compliant with RISC-V ISA specifications, ensuring compatibility and portability
  • Highly configurable, allowing users to tailor the core to specific application needs
  • Supports both 32-bit and 64-bit modes, providing flexibility for different use cases
  • Active community and ongoing development, ensuring continuous improvements and support


  • Relatively complex design compared to simpler RISC-V cores, which may increase implementation challenges
  • Documentation could be more comprehensive for easier adoption by new users
  • Limited commercial support compared to proprietary alternatives
  • Performance may not match high-end commercial processors in some applications

Code Examples

As CVA6 is a hardware design project and not a software library, there are no direct code examples to provide. However, here are some examples of how you might interact with or configure the CVA6 core using hardware description languages:

// Example: Instantiating the CVA6 core in a Verilog design
cva6 #(
) i_cva6 (
    // ... other ports
// Example: Configuring CVA6 parameters in SystemVerilog
localparam CVA6Cfg = '{
    XLEN: 64,
    FPGA_EN: 1,
    RVFI: 0,
    CLIC: 1,
    // ... other parameters

Getting Started

To get started with CVA6:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd cva6
  2. Install required tools (Verilator, RISC-V GCC toolchain, etc.)

  3. Build the simulation model:

    make verilate
  4. Run tests or simulate the core:

    make run-tests

For detailed instructions, refer to the project's documentation and README files.

Competitor Comparisons


Ibex is a small 32 bit RISC-V CPU core, previously known as zero-riscy.

Pros of Ibex

  • Simpler design, easier to understand and modify
  • Lower power consumption and smaller area footprint
  • More extensive documentation and user guides

Cons of Ibex

  • Lower performance compared to CVA6
  • Limited support for advanced features like out-of-order execution
  • Fewer configuration options and customization possibilities

Code Comparison

CVA6 (RISC-V 64-bit implementation):

always_comb begin : trap_ctrl
    trap_ctrl_n    = trap_ctrl_q;
    exception_n    = exception_q;
    exception_pc_n = exception_pc_q;
    // ... (more complex logic)

Ibex (RISC-V 32-bit implementation):

always_comb begin : exception_ctrl
    exception_ctrl_ns = exception_ctrl_cs;
    exc_cause_o       = exc_cause;
    exc_pc_o          = pc_id_i;
    // ... (simpler logic)

The code snippets demonstrate the difference in complexity between CVA6 and Ibex. CVA6's trap control logic is more intricate, reflecting its advanced features, while Ibex's exception control is more straightforward, aligning with its simpler design philosophy.

SonicBOOM: The Berkeley Out-of-Order Machine


  • More advanced out-of-order execution, potentially offering higher performance
  • Extensive configurability, allowing for a wide range of design points
  • Strong focus on research and education, with detailed documentation


  • Higher complexity and resource usage compared to CVA6
  • Potentially longer development cycles due to its more complex architecture
  • May require more effort to integrate into existing systems

Code Comparison

RISCV-BOOM (Fetch Stage):

class FetchBundle(implicit p: Parameters) extends BoomBundle
  val pc = UInt(vaddrBitsExtended.W)
  val edge_inst = Bool()
  val ftq_idx = UInt(log2Ceil(ftqSz).W)
  val mask = UInt((fetchWidth + 1).W)

CVA6 (Fetch Stage):

module cv32e40p_if_stage import cv32e40p_pkg::*; (
  input  logic        clk,
  input  logic        rst_n,
  input  logic        fetch_enable_i,
  output logic [31:0] fetch_addr_o,
  input  logic [31:0] fetch_rdata_i

Both repositories implement RISC-V processors, but RISCV-BOOM focuses on a more complex out-of-order design, while CVA6 aims for a simpler in-order implementation. The code snippets show differences in language (Scala vs. SystemVerilog) and complexity of the fetch stage implementation.

Rocket Chip Generator

Pros of rocket-chip

  • More mature and widely adopted in academia and industry
  • Extensive ecosystem with tools and extensions (e.g., Chipyard)
  • Highly configurable and parameterizable design

Cons of rocket-chip

  • Steeper learning curve due to complex codebase and Chisel HDL
  • Less focus on commercial-grade features and verification
  • Slower release cycle and community engagement

Code Comparison

rocket-chip (Chisel):

class Rocket extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val imem = new FrontendIO
    val dmem = new HellaCacheIO
    val ptw = new TLBPTWIO
    val fpu = new FPUCoreIO().flip
  // ...

cva6 (SystemVerilog):

module cva6 import ariane_pkg::*; #(
  parameter int unsigned HART_ID = 0
) (
  input  logic                clk_i,
  input  logic                rst_ni,
  input  logic [63:0]         boot_addr_i,
  // ...
  // ...

Both repositories implement RISC-V processors, but with different approaches. rocket-chip uses Chisel HDL and focuses on configurability, while cva6 uses SystemVerilog and emphasizes commercial-grade features. The code snippets show the different languages and module structures used in each project.

A FPGA friendly 32 bit RISC-V CPU implementation

Pros of VexRiscv

  • Written in SpinalHDL, allowing for more flexible and modular design
  • Highly configurable with various optional features and extensions
  • Supports a wider range of RISC-V extensions out of the box

Cons of VexRiscv

  • Less focus on high-performance implementations compared to CVA6
  • May require more effort to integrate into existing SystemVerilog-based projects
  • Documentation and community support might be less extensive

Code Comparison

VexRiscv (SpinalHDL):

class VexRiscv(config: VexRiscvConfig) extends Component {
  val io = new Bundle {
    val iBus = master(IBusSimplified(config.iBusConfig))
    val dBus = master(DBusSimplified(config.dBusConfig))

CVA6 (SystemVerilog):

module cva6 import ariane_pkg::*; #(
  parameter ariane_pkg::ariane_cfg_t ArianeCfg = ariane_pkg::ArianeDefaultConfig
) (
  input  logic                         clk_i,
  input  logic                         rst_ni,

The code snippets showcase the different languages and design approaches used in each project. VexRiscv utilizes SpinalHDL's object-oriented style, while CVA6 employs traditional SystemVerilog module definitions.


Source files for SiFive's Freedom platforms

Pros of Freedom

  • More comprehensive ecosystem with SoC designs and development boards
  • Better documentation and getting started guides
  • Wider industry adoption and commercial support from SiFive

Cons of Freedom

  • Less focus on academic/research use cases
  • More complex codebase due to broader scope
  • Potentially more challenging for newcomers to contribute

Code Comparison


module cva6 #(
  parameter int unsigned HART_ID = 0,
  parameter int unsigned NUM_WORDS = 2**25
) (
  input  logic        clk_i,
  input  logic        rst_ni,


class FreedomU500VC707DevKitConfig extends Config(
  new WithJtagDTM            ++
  new WithNMemoryChannels(1) ++
  new WithNBigCores(1)       ++
  new BaseConfig)

The CVA6 example shows a Verilog module definition, while Freedom uses Chisel/Scala for configuration. This reflects the different approaches: CVA6 is more traditional RTL, while Freedom leverages higher-level hardware description languages.

Spike, a RISC-V ISA Simulator

Pros of riscv-isa-sim

  • Focuses on instruction set simulation, providing a comprehensive RISC-V ISA emulator
  • Offers a flexible and extensible framework for RISC-V software development and testing
  • Supports a wide range of RISC-V extensions and custom instructions

Cons of riscv-isa-sim

  • Limited in hardware design and implementation aspects
  • May not provide detailed timing and power analysis capabilities
  • Less suitable for hardware-specific optimizations and verification

Code Comparison

riscv-isa-sim (Spike):

void processor_t::step(size_t n)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)


always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
    if (~rst_ni) begin
        pc_d <= RESET_VECTOR;
    end else begin
        pc_d <= pc_n;

The riscv-isa-sim code shows a high-level simulation step, while cva6 demonstrates low-level hardware description for program counter updates.

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CVA6 RISC-V CPU Build Status CVA6 dashboard Documentation Status GitHub release

CVA6 is a 6-stage, single-issue, in-order CPU which implements the 64-bit RISC-V instruction set. It fully implements I, M, A and C extensions as specified in Volume I: User-Level ISA V 2.3 as well as the draft privilege extension 1.10. It implements three privilege levels M, S, U to fully support a Unix-like operating system. Furthermore, it is compliant to the draft external debug spec 0.13.

It has a configurable size, separate TLBs, a hardware PTW and branch-prediction (branch target buffer and branch history table). The primary design goal was on reducing critical path length.

Quick setup

The following instructions will allow you to compile and run a Verilator model of the CVA6 APU (which instantiates the CVA6 core) within the CVA6 APU testbench (corev_apu/tb).

Throughout all build and simulations scripts executions, you can use the environment variable NUM_JOBS to set the number of concurrent jobs launched by make:

  • if left undefined, NUM_JOBS will default to 1, resulting in a sequential execution of make jobs;
  • when setting NUM_JOBS to an explicit value, it is recommended not to exceed 2/3 of the total number of virtual cores available on your system.
  1. Checkout the repository and initialize all submodules.
git clone
cd cva6
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Install the GCC Toolchain build prerequisites then the toolchain itself.

:warning: It is strongly recommended to use the toolchain built with the provided scripts.

  1. Install cmake, version 3.14 or higher.

  2. Set the RISCV environment variable.

export RISCV=/path/to/toolchain/installation/directory
  1. Install help2man and device-tree-compiler packages.

For Debian-based Linux distributions, run :

sudo apt-get install help2man device-tree-compiler
  1. Install the riscv-dv requirements:
pip3 install -r verif/sim/dv/requirements.txt
  1. Run these commands to install a custom Spike and Verilator (i.e. these versions must be used to simulate the CVA6) and these tests suites.
# DV_SIMULATORS is detailed in the next section
export DV_SIMULATORS=veri-testharness,spike
bash verif/regress/

Running standalone simulations

Simulating the CVA6 is done by using verif/sim/

The environment variable DV_SIMULATORS allows you to specify which simulator to use.

Four simulation types are supported:

  • veri-testharness: verilator with corev_apu/testharness testbench
  • vcs-testharness: vcs with corev_apu/testharness testbench
  • vcs-uvm: vcs with UVM testbench
  • Spike ISS

You can set several simulators, such as :

export DV_SIMULATORS=veri-testharness,vcs-testharness,vcs_uvm

If exactly 2 simulators are given, their trace is compared (see the Regression tests section).

Here is how you can run the hello world C program with the Verilator model:

# Make sure to source this script from the root directory 
# to correctly set the environment variables related to the tools
source verif/sim/

# Set the NUM_JOBS variable to increase the number of parallel make jobs
# export NUM_JOBS=

export DV_SIMULATORS=veri-testharness

cd ./verif/sim

python3 --target cv32a60x --iss=$DV_SIMULATORS --iss_yaml=cva6.yaml \
--c_tests ../tests/custom/hello_world/hello_world.c \
--linker=../../config/gen_from_riscv_config/linker/link.ld \
--gcc_opts="-static -mcmodel=medany -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib \
-nostartfiles -g ../tests/custom/common/syscalls.c \
../tests/custom/common/crt.S -lgcc \
-I../tests/custom/env -I../tests/custom/common"

You can run either assembly programs (check verif/test/custom/hello_world/custom_test_template.S) or C programs. Run python3 --help to have more informations on the available parameters.

Simulating with VCS and Verdi

You can set the environment variable VERDI as such if you want to launch Verdi while simulating with VCS:

export VERDI=1

Running regression tests simulations

The smoke-tests script installs a random instruction generator and several tests suites:

The regression tests are done by comparing a model simulation trace with the Spike trace.

Several tests scripts can be found in ./verif/regress

For example, here is how would run the riscv-arch-test regression test suite with the Verilator model:

export DV_SIMULATORS=veri-testharness,spike
bash verif/regress/


The logs from are located in ./verif/sim/out_YEAR-MONTH-DAY.

Assuming you ran the smoke-tests scripts in the previous step, here is the log directory hierarchy:

  • directed_asm_tests/: The compiled (to .o then .bin) assembly tests
  • directed_c_tests/: The compiled (to .o then .bin) c tests
  • spike_sim/: Spike simulation log and trace files
  • veri_testharness_sim: Verilator simulation log and trace files
  • iss_regr.log: The regression test log

The regression test log summarizes the comparison between the simulator trace and the Spike trace. Beware that a if a test fails before the comparison step, it will not appear in this log, check the output of and the logs of the simulation instead.

Waveform generation

Waveform generation is currently supported for Verilator (veri-testharness) and VCS with full UVM testbench (vcs-uvm) simulation types. It is disabled by default to save simulation time and storage space.

To enable waveform generation for a supported simulation mode, set either of the two shell variables that control tracing before running any of the test scripts under verif/regress:

  • export TRACE_FAST=1 enables "fast" waveform generation (keep simulation time low at the expense of space). This will produce VCD files when using Verilator, and VPD files when using Synopsys VCS with UVM testbench (vcs-uvm).
  • export TRACE_COMPACT=1 enables "compact" waveform generation (keep waveform files smaller at the expense of increased simulation time). This will produce FST files when using Verilator, and FSDB files when using Synopsys VCS with UVM testbench (vcs-uvm).

To generate VCD waveforms of the smoke-tests regression suite using Verilator, use:

export DV_SIMULATORS=veri-testharness,spike
export TRACE_FAST=1
bash verif/regress/

After each simulation run involving Verilator or VCS, the generated waveforms will be copied to the directory containing the log files (see above,) with the name of the current HW configuration added to the file name right before the file type suffix (e.g., I-ADD-01.cv32a60x.vcd).

Physical Implementation

ASIC Synthesis

How to make cva6 synthesis ?

make -C pd/synth cva6_synth FOUNDRY_PATH=/your/techno/basepath/ TECH_NAME=yourTechnoName TARGET_LIBRARY_FILES="yourLib1.db\ yourLib2.db" PERIOD=10 NAND2_AREA=650 TARGET=cv64a6_imafdc_sv39 ADDITIONAL_SEARCH_PATH="others/libs/paths/one\ others/libs/paths/two"

Don't forget to escape spaces in lists. Reports are under: pd/synth/ariane/reports

ASIC Gate Simulation with core-v-verif repository

:warning: Warning: this chapter needs to be updated. See Github issue

export DV_SIMULATORS=veri-testharness,spike
make -C pd/synth cva6_synth FOUNDRY_PATH=/your/techno/basepath/ TECH_NAME=yourTechnoName TARGET_LIBRARY_FILES="yourLib1.db\ yourLib2.db" PERIOD=10 NAND2_AREA=650 TARGET=cv64a6_imafdc_sv39 ADDITIONAL_SEARCH_PATH="others/libs/paths/one\ others/libs/paths/two"
sed 's/module SyncSpRamBeNx64_1/module SyncSpRamBeNx64_2/' pd/synth/ariane_synth.v > pd/synth/ariane_synth_modified.v
cd cva6/sim
make vcs_clean
python3 --testlist=../tests/testlist_riscv-tests-cv64a6_imafdc_sv39-p.yaml --test rv64ui-p-ld --iss_yaml cva6.yaml --target cv64a6_imafdc_sv39 --iss=spike,vcs-core-gate $DV_OPTS


We currently only provide support for the Genesys 2 board. We provide pre-build bitstream and memory configuration files for the Genesys 2 here.

Tested on Vivado 2018.2. The FPGA currently contains the following peripherals:

  • DDR3 memory controller
  • SPI controller to conncet to an SDCard
  • Ethernet controller
  • JTAG port (see debugging section below)
  • Bootrom containing zero stage bootloader and device tree.

The ethernet controller and the corresponding network connection is still work in progress and not functional at the moment. Expect some updates soon-ish.

Programming the Memory Configuration File

  • Open Vivado
  • Open the hardware manager and open the target board (Genesys II - xc7k325t)
  • Tools - Add Configuration Memory Device
  • Select the following Spansion SPI flash s25fl256xxxxxx0
  • Add ariane_xilinx.mcs
  • Press Ok. Flashing will take a couple of minutes.
  • Right click on the FPGA device - Boot from Configuration Memory Device (or press the program button on the FPGA)

Preparing the SD Card

The first stage bootloader will boot from SD Card by default. Get yourself a suitable SD Card (we use this one). Either grab a pre-built Linux image from here or generate the Linux image yourself following the README in the ariane-sdk repository. Prepare the SD Card by following the "Booting from SD card" section in the ariane-sdk repository.

Connect a terminal to the USB serial device opened by the FTDI chip e.g.:

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Default baudrate set by the bootlaoder and Linux is 115200.

After you've inserted the SD Card and programmed the FPGA you can connect to the serial port of the FPGA and should see the bootloader and afterwards Linux booting. Default username is root, no password required.

Generating a Bitstream

To generate the FPGA bitstream (and memory configuration) yourself for the Genesys II board run:

make fpga

This will produce a bitstream file and memory configuration file (in fpga/work-fpga) which you can permanently flash by running the above commands.


You can debug (and program) the FPGA using OpenOCD. We provide two example scripts for OpenOCD below.

To get started, connect the micro USB port that is labeled with JTAG to your machine. This port is attached to the FTDI 2232 USB-to-serial chip on the Genesys 2 board, and is usually used to access the native JTAG interface of the Kintex-7 FPGA (e.g. to program the device using Vivado). However, the FTDI chip also exposes a second serial link that is routed to GPIO pins on the FPGA, and we leverage this to wire up the JTAG from the RISC-V debug module.

If you are on an Ubuntu based system you need to add the following udev rule to /etc/udev/rules.d/99-ftdi.rules

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6010", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev"

Once attached to your system, the FTDI chip should be listed when you type lsusb:

Bus 005 Device 019: ID 0403:6010 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT2232C/D/H Dual UART/FIFO IC

If this is the case, you can go on and start openocd with the fpga/ariane.cfg configuration file:

openocd -f fpga/ariane.cfg

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00195-g933cb87 (2018-09-14-19:32)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
adapter speed: 1000 kHz
Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "jtag". To override use 'transport select <transport>'.
Info : clock speed 1000 kHz
Info : TAP riscv.cpu does not have IDCODE
Info : datacount=2 progbufsize=8
Info : Examined RISC-V core; found 1 harts
Info :  hart 0: XLEN=64, misa=0x8000000000141105
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
Ready for Remote Connections
Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
Info : accepting 'gdb' connection on tcp/3333

Then you will be able to either connect through telnet or with gdb:

riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb /path/to/elf

(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
(gdb) load
Loading section .text, size 0x6508 lma 0x80000000
Loading section .rodata, size 0x900 lma 0x80006508
(gdb) b putchar
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x0000000080009126 in putchar (s=72) at lib/qprintf.c:69
69    uart_sendchar(s);
(gdb) si
0x000000008000912a  69    uart_sendchar(s);
(gdb) p/x $mepc
$1 = 0xfffffffffffdb5ee

You can read or write device memory by using:

(gdb) x/i 0x1000
    0x1000: lui t0,0x4
(gdb) set {int} 0x1000 = 22
(gdb) set $pc = 0x1000

Preliminary Support for OpenPiton Cache System

CVA6 has preliminary support for the OpenPiton distributed cache system from Princeton University. To this end, a different L1 cache subsystem (src/cache_subsystem/ has been developed that follows a write-through protocol and that has support for cache invalidations and atomics.

The corresponding integration patches will be released on OpenPiton GitHub repository. Check the README in that repository to see how to use CVA6 in the OpenPiton setting.

To activate the different cache system, compile your code with the macro DCACHE_TYPE.

Re-generating the Bootcode (ZSBL)

The zero stage bootloader (ZSBL) for RTL simulation lives in bootrom/ while the bootcode for the FPGA is in fpga/src/bootrom. The RTL bootcode simply jumps to the base of the DRAM where the FSBL takes over. For the FPGA the ZSBL performs additional housekeeping. Both bootloader pass the hartid as well as address to the device tree in argumen register a0 and a1 respectively.

To re-generate the bootcode you can use the existing makefile within those directories. To generate the SystemVerilog files you will need the bitstring python package installed on your system.

Directory Structure:

The directory structure separates the CVA6 RISC-V CPU core from the CORE-V-APU FPGA Emulation Platform. Files, directories and submodules under cva6 are for the core only and should not have any dependencies on the APU. Files, directories and submodules under corev_apu are for the FPGA Emulation platform. The CVA6 core can be compiled stand-alone, and obviously the APU is dependent on the core.

The top-level directories of this repo:

  • ci: Scriptware for CI.
  • common: Source code used by both the CVA6 Core and the COREV APU. Subdirectories from here are local for common files that are hosted in this repo and submodules that are hosted in other repos.
  • core: Source code for the CVA6 Core only. There should be no sources in this directory used to build anything other than the CVA6 core.
  • corev_apu: Source code for the CVA6 APU, exclusive of the CVA6 core. There should be no sources in this directory used to build the CVA6 core.
  • docs: Documentation.
  • pd: Example and CI scripts to synthesis CVA6.
  • util: General utility scriptware.
  • vendor: Third-party IP maintained outside the repository.
  • verif: Verification environment for the CVA6. The verification files shared with other cores are in the core-v-verif repository on GitHub. core-v-verif is defined as a cva6 submodule.

verif Directories

  • bsp: board support package for test-programs compiled/assembled/linked for the CVA6. This BSP is used by both core testbench and uvmt_cva6 UVM verification environment.
  • regress: scripts to install tools, test suites, CVA6 code and to execute tests
  • sim: simulation environment (e.g. riscv-dv)
  • tb: testbench module instancing the core
  • tests: source of test cases and test lists

Planned Improvements

Go to the CVA6 Kanban Board which also loosely tracks planned improvements.


We highly appreciate community contributions.

To ease the work of reviewing contributions, please review CONTRIBUTING.

Issues and Troubleshooting

If you find any problems or issues with CVA6 or the documentation, please check out the issue tracker and create a new issue if your problem is not yet tracked.


If you use CVA6 in your academic work you can cite us:

CVA6 Publication

``` @article{zaruba2019cost, author={F. {Zaruba} and L. {Benini}}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems}, title={The Cost of Application-Class Processing: Energy and Performance Analysis of a Linux-Ready 1.7-GHz 64-Bit RISC-V Core in 22-nm FDSOI Technology}, year={2019}, volume={27}, number={11}, pages={2629-2640}, doi={10.1109/TVLSI.2019.2926114}, ISSN={1557-9999}, month={Nov}, } ```

Resources and Ecosystem

The CVA6 core is part of a vivid ecosystem. In this document, we gather pointers to this ecosystem (building blocks, designs, partners...)


Check out the acknowledgements.