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:pencil2: LeetCode solutions in C++ 11 and Python3


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LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。)

Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)

✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解

Solutions to LeetCode problems; updated daily. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more.

🏋️ Python / Modern C++ Solutions of All 3384 LeetCode Problems (Weekly Update)

Quick Overview

The pezy/LeetCode repository is a collection of LeetCode problem solutions implemented in C++. It serves as a resource for developers preparing for coding interviews or improving their algorithmic skills. The repository contains a wide range of problems from various difficulty levels, providing comprehensive coverage of LeetCode challenges.


  • Extensive collection of LeetCode solutions in C++
  • Well-organized structure with solutions categorized by problem number
  • Includes detailed comments and explanations for many solutions
  • Regularly updated with new problem solutions


  • Primarily focuses on C++ implementations, limiting usefulness for developers using other languages
  • Some solutions may lack detailed explanations or alternative approaches
  • Not all LeetCode problems are covered, though the collection is substantial
  • May encourage direct copying of solutions rather than independent problem-solving

Code Examples

Here are a few examples of solutions from the repository:

  1. Two Sum problem (Problem 1):
class Solution {
    vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
        unordered_map<int, int> map;
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
            int complement = target - nums[i];
            if (map.count(complement))
                return {map[complement], i};
            map[nums[i]] = i;
        return {};

This solution uses a hash map to efficiently find the complement of each number.

  1. Add Two Numbers problem (Problem 2):
class Solution {
    ListNode* addTwoNumbers(ListNode* l1, ListNode* l2) {
        ListNode dummy(0);
        ListNode* curr = &dummy;
        int carry = 0;
        while (l1 || l2 || carry) {
            int sum = (l1 ? l1->val : 0) + (l2 ? l2->val : 0) + carry;
            carry = sum / 10;
            curr->next = new ListNode(sum % 10);
            curr = curr->next;
            l1 = l1 ? l1->next : nullptr;
            l2 = l2 ? l2->next : nullptr;

This solution adds two numbers represented as linked lists, handling carry and different list lengths.

Getting Started

To use these solutions:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the specific problem's directory:

    cd LeetCode/algorithms
  3. Open the desired solution file (e.g., 001.two-sum.cpp) in your preferred C++ IDE or text editor.

  4. Compile and run the code to test the solution:

    g++ -std=c++11 001.two-sum.cpp -o solution

Note: Make sure you have a C++11 compatible compiler installed on your system.

Competitor Comparisons


LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。)

Pros of leetcode

  • More comprehensive coverage with solutions in multiple languages (JavaScript, Python, C++, Java)
  • Includes detailed explanations and analysis for many problems
  • Actively maintained with frequent updates and contributions

Cons of leetcode

  • Less organized structure compared to LeetCode's clear categorization
  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to the large volume of content
  • Some solutions lack consistency in coding style and documentation

Code Comparison

LeetCode (C++):

class Solution {
    vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
        unordered_map<int, int> map;
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
            if (map.count(target - nums[i])) return {map[target - nums[i]], i};
            map[nums[i]] = i;
        return {};

leetcode (JavaScript):

var twoSum = function(nums, target) {
    const map = new Map();
    for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
        const complement = target - nums[i];
        if (map.has(complement)) return [map.get(complement), i];
        map.set(nums[i], i);

Both repositories provide solutions to LeetCode problems, but leetcode offers a wider range of languages and more detailed explanations. LeetCode maintains a cleaner structure, while leetcode provides a more extensive collection of solutions and discussions.

Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)

Pros of LeetCodeAnimation

  • Provides animated visualizations of algorithms, making them easier to understand
  • Covers a wide range of LeetCode problems with detailed explanations
  • Includes solutions in multiple programming languages

Cons of LeetCodeAnimation

  • Less comprehensive coverage of LeetCode problems compared to LeetCode
  • Animations may not be as helpful for experienced programmers who prefer concise code solutions
  • Updates less frequently than LeetCode

Code Comparison

LeetCode (C++ solution for Two Sum):

vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
    unordered_map<int, int> map;
    for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
        if (map.count(target - nums[i])) return {map[target - nums[i]], i};
        map[nums[i]] = i;
    return {};

LeetCodeAnimation (JavaScript solution for Two Sum):

var twoSum = function(nums, target) {
    const map = new Map();
    for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
        if (map.has(target - nums[i])) return [map.get(target - nums[i]), i];
        map.set(nums[i], i);

Both repositories offer valuable resources for LeetCode problem-solving. LeetCode provides a more extensive collection of solutions in C++, while LeetCodeAnimation offers visual aids and multi-language support. The choice between them depends on individual learning preferences and programming language requirements.

✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解

Pros of LeetCode-Go

  • Written in Go, offering solutions for those learning or working with Golang
  • More comprehensive, with solutions for 700+ LeetCode problems
  • Includes detailed explanations and time/space complexity analyses for each solution

Cons of LeetCode-Go

  • Limited to a single programming language (Go)
  • May be less accessible for beginners due to its focus on a less common language for coding interviews

Code Comparison

LeetCode-Go (Go):

func twoSum(nums []int, target int) []int {
    m := make(map[int]int)
    for i, num := range nums {
        if j, ok := m[target-num]; ok {
            return []int{j, i}
        m[num] = i
    return nil

LeetCode (C++):

vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
    unordered_map<int, int> m;
    for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
        if (m.count(target - nums[i]))
            return {m[target - nums[i]], i};
        m[nums[i]] = i;
    return {};

Both implementations solve the "Two Sum" problem efficiently, but LeetCode-Go uses Go-specific syntax and features, while LeetCode uses C++. The overall logic remains similar, demonstrating the repositories' focus on their respective languages.

Solutions to LeetCode problems; updated daily. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more.

Pros of Leetcode

  • More comprehensive coverage with 1000+ solutions
  • Solutions provided in multiple programming languages (Java, Python, C++)
  • Includes detailed explanations and time/space complexity analysis for many problems

Cons of Leetcode

  • Less frequent updates compared to LeetCode
  • Repository structure is more complex, potentially making navigation harder
  • Some solutions lack detailed explanations or comments

Code Comparison

LeetCode (C++):

class Solution {
    vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
        unordered_map<int, int> mapping;
        vector<int> result;
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
            if (mapping.find(target - nums[i]) != mapping.end()) {
                result.push_back(mapping[target - nums[i]]);
                return result;
            mapping[nums[i]] = i;
        return result;

Leetcode (Java):

public class Solution {
    public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {
        Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
            int complement = target - nums[i];
            if (map.containsKey(complement)) {
                return new int[] { map.get(complement), i };
            map.put(nums[i], i);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No two sum solution");

Both solutions implement the Two Sum problem efficiently using hash maps, but the Leetcode solution provides implementations in multiple languages.

🏋️ Python / Modern C++ Solutions of All 3384 LeetCode Problems (Weekly Update)

Pros of LeetCode-Solutions

  • More comprehensive coverage with solutions for 1900+ problems
  • Includes solutions in multiple programming languages (C++, Python, Java)
  • Regularly updated with new problem solutions

Cons of LeetCode-Solutions

  • Less detailed explanations for each solution
  • Code style and formatting may be less consistent across solutions

Code Comparison

LeetCode-Solutions (Python):

class Solution:
    def twoSum(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
        num_map = {}
        for i, num in enumerate(nums):
            if target - num in num_map:
                return [num_map[target - num], i]
            num_map[num] = i
        return []

LeetCode (C++):

class Solution {
    vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
        unordered_map<int, int> mapping;
        vector<int> result;
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
            if (mapping.find(target - nums[i]) != mapping.end()) {
                result.push_back(mapping[target - nums[i]]);
                return result;
            mapping[nums[i]] = i;
        return result;

Both repositories provide solutions to LeetCode problems, but LeetCode-Solutions offers a wider range of problems and languages. However, LeetCode may provide more detailed explanations and consistent coding style. The code comparison shows similar approaches to the "Two Sum" problem, with LeetCode-Solutions using Python and LeetCode using C++.

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LeetCode solutions in C++ 11 and Python3.

0Two SumC++ PythonNoteEasyMapping
1Add Two NumbersC++ PythonNoteMediumLinkedList
2Longest Substring Without Repeating CharactersC++ PythonNoteMediumMapping
3Median of Two Sorted ArraysC++ PythonNoteHard
4Longest Palindromic SubstringC++ PythonNoteMedium
5ZigZag ConversionC++ PythonNoteMedium
6Reverse IntegerC++ PythonNoteEasy
7String to Integer (atoi)C++ PythonNoteMedium
8Palindrome NumberC++ PythonNoteEasy
9Regular Expression MatchingC++ PythonNoteHard
10Container With Most WaterC++ PythonNoteMedium
11Integer to RomanC++ PythonNoteMedium
12Roman to IntegerC++ PythonNoteEasy
13Longest Common PrefixC++ PythonNoteEasy
143SumC++ PythonNoteMedium
153Sum ClosestC++ PythonNoteMedium
16Letter Combinations of a Phone NumberC++ PythonNoteMedium
174SumC++ PythonNoteMedium
18Remove Nth Node From End of ListC++ PythonNoteMedium
19Valid ParenthesesC++ PythonNoteEasy
20Merge Two Sorted ListsC++ PythonNoteEasy
21Generate ParenthesesC++ PythonNoteMedium
22Merge k Sorted ListsC++ PythonNoteHard
23Swap Nodes in PairsC++ PythonNoteMedium
24Reverse Nodes in k-GroupC++ PythonNoteHard
25Remove Duplicates from Sorted ArrayC++ PythonNoteEasy
26Remove ElementC++ PythonNoteEasy
27Implement strStr()C++ PythonNoteEasy
28Divide Two IntegersC++ PythonNoteMedium
29Substring with Concatenation of All WordsC++ PythonNoteHard
30Next PermutationC++ PythonNoteMedium
31Longest Valid ParenthesesC++ PythonNoteHard
32Search in Rotated Sorted ArrayC++ PythonNoteMedium
33Search for a RangeC++ PythonNoteMedium
34Search Insert PositionC++ PythonNoteEasy
35Valid SudokuC++ PythonNoteMedium
36Sudoku SolverC++ PythonNoteHard
37Count and SayC++ PythonNoteEasy
38Combination SumC++ PythonNoteMedium
39Combination Sum IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
40First Missing PositiveC++ PythonNoteHard
41Trapping Rain WaterC++ PythonNoteHard
42Multiply StringsC++ PythonNoteMedium
43Wildcard MatchingC++ PythonNoteHard
44Jump Game IIC++ PythonNoteHard
45PermutationsC++ PythonNoteMedium
46Permutations IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
47Rotate ImageC++ PythonNoteMedium
48Group AnagramsC++ PythonNoteMedium
49Pow(x, n)C++ PythonNoteMedium
50N-QueensC++ PythonNoteHard
51N-Queens IIC++ PythonNoteHard
52Maximum SubarrayC++ PythonNoteEasy
53Spiral MatrixC++ PythonNoteMedium
54Jump GameC++ PythonNoteMedium
55Merge IntervalsC++ PythonNoteMedium
56Insert IntervalC++ PythonNoteHard
57Length of Last WordC++ PythonNoteEasy
58Spiral Matrix IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
59Permutation SequenceC++ PythonNoteMedium
60Rotate ListC++ PythonNoteMedium
61Unique PathsC++ PythonNoteMedium
62Unique Paths IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
63Minimum Path SumC++ PythonNoteMedium
64Valid NumberC++ PythonNoteHard
65Plus OneC++ PythonNoteEasy
66Add BinaryC++ PythonNoteEasy
67Text JustificationC++ PythonNoteHard
68Sqrt(x)C++ PythonNoteEasy
69Climbing StairsC++ PythonNoteEasy
70Simplify PathC++ PythonNoteMedium
71Edit DistanceC++ PythonNoteHard
72Set Matrix ZeroesC++ PythonNoteMedium
73Search a 2D MatrixC++ PythonNoteMedium
74Sort ColorsC++ PythonNoteMedium
75Minimum Window SubstringC++ PythonNoteHard
76CombinationsC++ PythonNoteMedium
77SubsetsC++ PythonNoteMedium
78Word SearchC++ PythonNoteMedium
79Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
80Search in Rotated Sorted Array IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
81Remove Duplicates from Sorted List IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
82Remove Duplicates from Sorted ListC++ PythonNoteEasy
83Largest Rectangle in HistogramC++ PythonNoteHard
84Maximal RectangleC++ PythonNoteHard
85Partition ListC++ PythonNoteMedium
86Scramble StringC++ PythonNoteHard
87Merge Sorted ArrayC++ PythonNoteEasy
88Gray CodeC++ PythonNoteMedium
89Subsets IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
90Decode WaysC++ PythonNoteMedium
91Reverse Linked List IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
92Restore IP AddressesC++ PythonNoteMedium
93Binary Tree Inorder TraversalC++ PythonNoteMedium
94Unique Binary Search Trees IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
95Unique Binary Search TreesC++ PythonNoteMedium
96Interleaving StringC++ PythonNoteHard
97Validate Binary Search TreeC++ PythonNoteMedium
98Recover Binary Search TreeC++ PythonNoteHard
99Same TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
100Symmetric TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
101Binary Tree Level Order TraversalC++ PythonNoteMedium
102Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order TraversalC++ PythonNoteMedium
103Maximum Depth of Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
104Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder TraversalC++ PythonNoteMedium
105Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder TraversalC++ PythonNoteMedium
106Binary Tree Level Order Traversal IIC++ PythonNoteEasy
107Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
108Convert Sorted List to Binary Search TreeC++ PythonNoteMedium
109Balanced Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
110Minimum Depth of Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
111Path SumC++ PythonNoteEasy
112Path Sum IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
113Flatten Binary Tree to Linked ListC++ PythonNoteMedium
114Distinct SubsequencesC++ PythonNoteHard
115Populating Next Right Pointers in Each NodeC++ PythonNoteMedium
116Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
117Pascal's TriangleC++ PythonNoteEasy
118Pascal's Triangle IIC++ PythonNoteEasy
119TriangleC++ PythonNoteMedium
120Best Time to Buy and Sell StockC++ PythonNoteEasy
121Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IIC++ PythonNoteEasy
122Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IIIC++ PythonNoteHard
123Binary Tree Maximum Path SumC++ PythonNoteHard
124Valid PalindromeC++ PythonNoteEasy
125Word Ladder IIC++ PythonNoteHard
126Word LadderC++ PythonNoteMedium
127Longest Consecutive SequenceC++ PythonNoteHard
128Sum Root to Leaf NumbersC++ PythonNoteMedium
129Surrounded RegionsC++ PythonNoteMedium
130Palindrome PartitioningC++ PythonNoteMedium
131Palindrome Partitioning IIC++ PythonNoteHard
132Clone GraphC++ PythonNoteMedium
133Gas StationC++ PythonNoteMedium
134CandyC++ PythonNoteHard
135Single NumberC++ PythonNoteEasy
136Single Number IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
137Copy List with Random PointerC++ PythonNoteMedium
138Word BreakC++ PythonNoteMedium
139Word Break IIC++ PythonNoteHard
140Linked List CycleC++ PythonNoteEasy
141Linked List Cycle IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
142Reorder ListC++ PythonNoteMedium
143Binary Tree Preorder TraversalC++ PythonNoteMedium
144Binary Tree Postorder TraversalC++ PythonNoteHard
145LRU CacheC++ PythonNoteHard
146Insertion Sort ListC++ PythonNoteMedium
147Sort ListC++ PythonNoteMedium
148Max Points on a LineC++ PythonNoteHard
149Evaluate Reverse Polish NotationC++ PythonNoteMedium
150Reverse Words in a StringC++ PythonNoteMedium
151Maximum Product SubarrayC++ PythonNoteMedium
152Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted ArrayC++ PythonNoteMedium
153Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array IIC++ PythonNoteHard
154Min StackC++ PythonNoteEasy
155Binary Tree Upside DownC++ PythonNoteNone
156Read N Characters Given Read4C++ PythonNoteNone
157Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple timesC++ PythonNoteNone
158Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct CharactersC++ PythonNoteNone
159Intersection of Two Linked ListsC++ PythonNoteEasy
160One Edit DistanceC++ PythonNoteNone
161Find Peak ElementC++ PythonNoteMedium
162Missing RangesC++ PythonNoteNone
163Maximum GapC++ PythonNoteHard
164Compare Version NumbersC++ PythonNoteMedium
165Fraction to Recurring DecimalC++ PythonNoteMedium
166Two Sum II - Input array is sortedC++ PythonNoteEasy
167Excel Sheet Column TitleC++ PythonNoteEasy
168Majority ElementC++ PythonNoteEasy
169Two Sum III - Data structure designC++ PythonNoteNone
170Excel Sheet Column NumberC++ PythonNoteEasy
171Factorial Trailing ZeroesC++ PythonNoteEasy
172Binary Search Tree IteratorC++ PythonNoteMedium
173Dungeon GameC++ PythonNoteHard
174Combine Two TablesC++ PythonNoteEasy
175Second Highest SalaryC++ PythonNoteEasy
176Nth Highest SalaryC++ PythonNoteMedium
177Rank ScoresC++ PythonNoteMedium
178Largest NumberC++ PythonNoteMedium
179Consecutive NumbersC++ PythonNoteMedium
180Employees Earning More Than Their ManagersC++ PythonNoteEasy
181Duplicate EmailsC++ PythonNoteEasy
182Customers Who Never OrderC++ PythonNoteEasy
183Department Highest SalaryC++ PythonNoteMedium
184Department Top Three SalariesC++ PythonNoteHard
185Reverse Words in a String IIC++ PythonNoteNone
186Repeated DNA SequencesC++ PythonNoteMedium
187Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IVC++ PythonNoteHard
188Rotate ArrayC++ PythonNoteEasy
189Reverse BitsC++ PythonNoteEasy
190Number of 1 BitsC++ PythonNoteEasy
191Word FrequencyC++ PythonNoteMedium
192Valid Phone NumbersC++ PythonNoteEasy
193Transpose FileC++ PythonNoteMedium
194Tenth LineC++ PythonNoteEasy
195Delete Duplicate EmailsC++ PythonNoteEasy
196Rising TemperatureC++ PythonNoteEasy
197House RobberC++ PythonNoteEasy
198Binary Tree Right Side ViewC++ PythonNoteMedium
199Number of IslandsC++ PythonNoteMedium
200Bitwise AND of Numbers RangeC++ PythonNoteMedium
201Happy NumberC++ PythonNoteEasy
202Remove Linked List ElementsC++ PythonNoteEasy
203Count PrimesC++ PythonNoteEasy
204Isomorphic StringsC++ PythonNoteEasy
205Reverse Linked ListC++ PythonNoteEasy
206Course ScheduleC++ PythonNoteMedium
207Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)C++ PythonNoteMedium
208Minimum Size Subarray SumC++ PythonNoteMedium
209Course Schedule IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
210Add and Search Word - Data structure designC++ PythonNoteMedium
211Word Search IIC++ PythonNoteHard
212House Robber IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
213Shortest PalindromeC++ PythonNoteHard
214Kth Largest Element in an ArrayC++ PythonNoteMedium
215Combination Sum IIIC++ PythonNoteMedium
216Contains DuplicateC++ PythonNoteEasy
217The Skyline ProblemC++ PythonNoteHard
218Contains Duplicate IIC++ PythonNoteEasy
219Contains Duplicate IIIC++ PythonNoteMedium
220Maximal SquareC++ PythonNoteMedium
221Count Complete Tree NodesC++ PythonNoteMedium
222Rectangle AreaC++ PythonNoteMedium
223Basic CalculatorC++ PythonNoteHard
224Implement Stack using QueuesC++ PythonNoteEasy
225Invert Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
226Basic Calculator IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
227Summary RangesC++ PythonNoteMedium
228Majority Element IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
229Kth Smallest Element in a BSTC++ PythonNoteMedium
230Power of TwoC++ PythonNoteEasy
231Implement Queue using StacksC++ PythonNoteEasy
232Number of Digit OneC++ PythonNoteHard
233Palindrome Linked ListC++ PythonNoteEasy
234Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
235Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteMedium
236Delete Node in a Linked ListC++ PythonNoteEasy
237Product of Array Except SelfC++ PythonNoteMedium
238Sliding Window MaximumC++ PythonNoteHard
239Search a 2D Matrix IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
240Different Ways to Add ParenthesesC++ PythonNoteMedium
241Valid AnagramC++ PythonNoteEasy
242Shortest Word DistanceC++ PythonNoteNone
243Shortest Word Distance IIC++ PythonNoteNone
244Shortest Word Distance IIIC++ PythonNoteNone
245Strobogrammatic NumberC++ PythonNoteNone
246Strobogrammatic Number IIC++ PythonNoteNone
247Strobogrammatic Number IIIC++ PythonNoteNone
248Group Shifted StringsC++ PythonNoteNone
249Count Univalue SubtreesC++ PythonNoteNone
250Flatten 2D VectorC++ PythonNoteNone
251Meeting RoomsC++ PythonNoteNone
252Meeting Rooms IIC++ PythonNoteNone
253Factor CombinationsC++ PythonNoteNone
254Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search TreeC++ PythonNoteNone
255Paint HouseC++ PythonNoteNone
256Binary Tree PathsC++ PythonNoteEasy
257Add DigitsC++ PythonNoteEasy
2583Sum SmallerC++ PythonNoteNone
259Single Number IIIC++ PythonNoteMedium
260Graph Valid TreeC++ PythonNoteNone
261Trips and UsersC++ PythonNoteHard
262Ugly NumberC++ PythonNoteEasy
263Ugly Number IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
264Paint House IIC++ PythonNoteNone
265Palindrome PermutationC++ PythonNoteNone
266Palindrome Permutation IIC++ PythonNoteNone
267Missing NumberC++ PythonNoteEasy
268Alien DictionaryC++ PythonNoteNone
269Closest Binary Search Tree ValueC++ PythonNoteNone
270Encode and Decode StringsC++ PythonNoteNone
271Closest Binary Search Tree Value IIC++ PythonNoteNone
272Integer to English WordsC++ PythonNoteHard
273H-IndexC++ PythonNoteMedium
274H-Index IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
275Paint FenceC++ PythonNoteNone
276Find the CelebrityC++ PythonNoteNone
277First Bad VersionC++ PythonNoteEasy
278Perfect SquaresC++ PythonNoteMedium
279Wiggle SortC++ PythonNoteNone
280Zigzag IteratorC++ PythonNoteNone
281Expression Add OperatorsC++ PythonNoteHard
282Move ZeroesC++ PythonNoteEasy
283Peeking IteratorC++ PythonNoteMedium
284Inorder Successor in BSTC++ PythonNoteNone
285Walls and GatesC++ PythonNoteNone
286Find the Duplicate NumberC++ PythonNoteMedium
287Unique Word AbbreviationC++ PythonNoteNone
288Game of LifeC++ PythonNoteMedium
289Word PatternC++ PythonNoteEasy
290Word Pattern IIC++ PythonNoteNone
291Nim GameC++ PythonNoteEasy
292Flip GameC++ PythonNoteNone
293Flip Game IIC++ PythonNoteNone
294Find Median from Data StreamC++ PythonNoteHard
295Best Meeting PointC++ PythonNoteNone
296Serialize and Deserialize Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteHard
297Binary Tree Longest Consecutive SequenceC++ PythonNoteNone
298Bulls and CowsC++ PythonNoteMedium
299Longest Increasing SubsequenceC++ PythonNoteMedium
300Remove Invalid ParenthesesC++ PythonNoteHard
301Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black PixelsC++ PythonNoteNone
302Range Sum Query - ImmutableC++ PythonNoteEasy
303Range Sum Query 2D - ImmutableC++ PythonNoteMedium
304Number of Islands IIC++ PythonNoteNone
305Additive NumberC++ PythonNoteMedium
306Range Sum Query - MutableC++ PythonNoteMedium
307Range Sum Query 2D - MutableC++ PythonNoteNone
308Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with CooldownC++ PythonNoteMedium
309Minimum Height TreesC++ PythonNoteMedium
310Sparse Matrix MultiplicationC++ PythonNoteNone
311Burst BalloonsC++ PythonNoteHard
312Super Ugly NumberC++ PythonNoteMedium
313Binary Tree Vertical Order TraversalC++ PythonNoteNone
314Count of Smaller Numbers After SelfC++ PythonNoteHard
315Remove Duplicate LettersC++ PythonNoteHard
316Shortest Distance from All BuildingsC++ PythonNoteNone
317Maximum Product of Word LengthsC++ PythonNoteMedium
318Bulb SwitcherC++ PythonNoteMedium
319Generalized AbbreviationC++ PythonNoteNone
320Create Maximum NumberC++ PythonNoteHard
321Coin ChangeC++ PythonNoteMedium
322Number of Connected Components in an Undirected GraphC++ PythonNoteNone
323Wiggle Sort IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
324Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals kC++ PythonNoteNone
325Power of ThreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
326Count of Range SumC++ PythonNoteHard
327Odd Even Linked ListC++ PythonNoteMedium
328Longest Increasing Path in a MatrixC++ PythonNoteHard
329Patching ArrayC++ PythonNoteHard
330Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteMedium
331Reconstruct ItineraryC++ PythonNoteMedium
332Largest BST SubtreeC++ PythonNoteNone
333Increasing Triplet SubsequenceC++ PythonNoteMedium
334Self CrossingC++ PythonNoteHard
335Palindrome PairsC++ PythonNoteHard
336House Robber IIIC++ PythonNoteMedium
337Counting BitsC++ PythonNoteMedium
338Nested List Weight SumC++ PythonNoteNone
339Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct CharactersC++ PythonNoteNone
340Flatten Nested List IteratorC++ PythonNoteMedium
341Power of FourC++ PythonNoteEasy
342Integer BreakC++ PythonNoteMedium
343Reverse StringC++ PythonNoteEasy
344Reverse Vowels of a StringC++ PythonNoteEasy
345Moving Average from Data StreamC++ PythonNoteNone
346Top K Frequent ElementsC++ PythonNoteMedium
347Design Tic-Tac-ToeC++ PythonNoteNone
348Intersection of Two ArraysC++ PythonNoteEasy
349Intersection of Two Arrays IIC++ PythonNoteEasy
350Android Unlock PatternsC++ PythonNoteNone
351Data Stream as Disjoint IntervalsC++ PythonNoteHard
352Design Snake GameC++ PythonNoteNone
353Russian Doll EnvelopesC++ PythonNoteHard
354Design TwitterC++ PythonNoteMedium
355Line ReflectionC++ PythonNoteNone
356Count Numbers with Unique DigitsC++ PythonNoteMedium
357Rearrange String k Distance ApartC++ PythonNoteNone
358Logger Rate LimiterC++ PythonNoteNone
359Sort Transformed ArrayC++ PythonNoteNone
360Bomb EnemyC++ PythonNoteNone
361Design Hit CounterC++ PythonNoteNone
362Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than KC++ PythonNoteHard
363Nested List Weight Sum IIC++ PythonNoteNone
364Water and Jug ProblemC++ PythonNoteMedium
365Find Leaves of Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteNone
366Valid Perfect SquareC++ PythonNoteEasy
367Largest Divisible SubsetC++ PythonNoteMedium
368Plus One Linked ListC++ PythonNoteNone
369Range AdditionC++ PythonNoteNone
370Sum of Two IntegersC++ PythonNoteEasy
371Super PowC++ PythonNoteMedium
372Find K Pairs with Smallest SumsC++ PythonNoteMedium
373Guess Number Higher or LowerC++ PythonNoteEasy
374Guess Number Higher or Lower IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
375Wiggle SubsequenceC++ PythonNoteMedium
376Combination Sum IVC++ PythonNoteMedium
377Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted MatrixC++ PythonNoteMedium
378Design Phone DirectoryC++ PythonNoteNone
379Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)C++ PythonNoteMedium
380Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowedC++ PythonNoteHard
381Linked List Random NodeC++ PythonNoteMedium
382Ransom NoteC++ PythonNoteEasy
383Shuffle an ArrayC++ PythonNoteMedium
384Mini ParserC++ PythonNoteMedium
385Lexicographical NumbersC++ PythonNoteMedium
386First Unique Character in a StringC++ PythonNoteEasy
387Longest Absolute File PathC++ PythonNoteMedium
388Find the DifferenceC++ PythonNoteEasy
389Elimination GameC++ PythonNoteMedium
390Perfect RectangleC++ PythonNoteHard
391Is SubsequenceC++ PythonNoteMedium
392UTF-8 ValidationC++ PythonNoteMedium
393Decode StringC++ PythonNoteMedium
394Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating CharactersC++ PythonNoteMedium
395Rotate FunctionC++ PythonNoteMedium
396Integer ReplacementC++ PythonNoteMedium
397Random Pick IndexC++ PythonNoteMedium
398Evaluate DivisionC++ PythonNoteMedium
399Nth DigitC++ PythonNoteEasy
400Binary WatchC++ PythonNoteEasy
401Remove K DigitsC++ PythonNoteMedium
402Frog JumpC++ PythonNoteHard
403Sum of Left LeavesC++ PythonNoteEasy
404Convert a Number to HexadecimalC++ PythonNoteEasy
405Queue Reconstruction by HeightC++ PythonNoteMedium
406Trapping Rain Water IIC++ PythonNoteHard
407Valid Word AbbreviationC++ PythonNoteNone
408Longest PalindromeC++ PythonNoteEasy
409Split Array Largest SumC++ PythonNoteHard
410Minimum Unique Word AbbreviationC++ PythonNoteNone
411Fizz BuzzC++ PythonNoteEasy
412Arithmetic SlicesC++ PythonNoteMedium
413Third Maximum NumberC++ PythonNoteEasy
414Add StringsC++ PythonNoteEasy
415Partition Equal Subset SumC++ PythonNoteMedium
416Pacific Atlantic Water FlowC++ PythonNoteMedium
417Sentence Screen FittingC++ PythonNoteNone
418Battleships in a BoardC++ PythonNoteMedium
419Strong Password CheckerC++ PythonNoteHard
420Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an ArrayC++ PythonNoteMedium
421Valid Word SquareC++ PythonNoteNone
422Reconstruct Original Digits from EnglishC++ PythonNoteMedium
423Longest Repeating Character ReplacementC++ PythonNoteMedium
424Word SquaresC++ PythonNoteNone
425All O'one Data StructureC++ PythonNoteHard
426Minimum Genetic MutationC++ PythonNoteMedium
427Number of Segments in a StringC++ PythonNoteEasy
428Non-overlapping IntervalsC++ PythonNoteMedium
429Find Right IntervalC++ PythonNoteMedium
430Path Sum IIIC++ PythonNoteEasy
431Find All Anagrams in a StringC++ PythonNoteEasy
432Ternary Expression ParserC++ PythonNoteNone
433K-th Smallest in Lexicographical OrderC++ PythonNoteHard
434Arranging CoinsC++ PythonNoteEasy
435Find All Duplicates in an ArrayC++ PythonNoteMedium
436String CompressionC++ PythonNoteEasy
437Sequence ReconstructionC++ PythonNoteNone
438Add Two Numbers IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
439Arithmetic Slices II - SubsequenceC++ PythonNoteHard
440Number of BoomerangsC++ PythonNoteEasy
441Find All Numbers Disappeared in an ArrayC++ PythonNoteEasy
442Serialize and Deserialize BSTC++ PythonNoteMedium
443Delete Node in a BSTC++ PythonNoteMedium
444Sort Characters By FrequencyC++ PythonNoteMedium
445Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst BalloonsC++ PythonNoteMedium
446Minimum Moves to Equal Array ElementsC++ PythonNoteEasy
4474Sum IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
448Assign CookiesC++ PythonNoteEasy
449132 PatternC++ PythonNoteMedium
450Circular Array LoopC++ PythonNoteMedium
451Poor PigsC++ PythonNoteEasy
452Repeated Substring PatternC++ PythonNoteEasy
453LFU CacheC++ PythonNoteHard
454Hamming DistanceC++ PythonNoteEasy
455Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
456Island PerimeterC++ PythonNoteEasy
457Can I WinC++ PythonNoteMedium
458Optimal Account BalancingC++ PythonNoteNone
459Count The RepetitionsC++ PythonNoteHard
460Unique Substrings in Wraparound StringC++ PythonNoteMedium
461Validate IP AddressC++ PythonNoteMedium
462Convex PolygonC++ PythonNoteNone
463Encode String with Shortest LengthC++ PythonNoteNone
464Concatenated WordsC++ PythonNoteHard
465Matchsticks to SquareC++ PythonNoteMedium
466Ones and ZeroesC++ PythonNoteMedium
467HeatersC++ PythonNoteEasy
468Number ComplementC++ PythonNoteEasy
469Total Hamming DistanceC++ PythonNoteMedium
470Largest Palindrome ProductC++ PythonNoteEasy
471Sliding Window MedianC++ PythonNoteHard
472Magical StringC++ PythonNoteMedium
473License Key FormattingC++ PythonNoteEasy
474Smallest Good BaseC++ PythonNoteHard
475Find PermutationC++ PythonNoteNone
476Max Consecutive OnesC++ PythonNoteEasy
477Predict the WinnerC++ PythonNoteMedium
478Max Consecutive Ones IIC++ PythonNoteNone
479Zuma GameC++ PythonNoteHard
480The MazeC++ PythonNoteNone
481Increasing SubsequencesC++ PythonNoteMedium
482Construct the RectangleC++ PythonNoteEasy
483Reverse PairsC++ PythonNoteHard
484Target SumC++ PythonNoteMedium
485Teemo AttackingC++ PythonNoteMedium
486Next Greater Element IC++ PythonNoteEasy
487Diagonal TraverseC++ PythonNoteMedium
488The Maze IIIC++ PythonNoteNone
489Keyboard RowC++ PythonNoteEasy
490Find Mode in Binary Search TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
491IPOC++ PythonNoteHard
492Next Greater Element IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
493Base 7C++ PythonNoteEasy
494The Maze IIC++ PythonNoteNone
495Relative RanksC++ PythonNoteEasy
496Perfect NumberC++ PythonNoteEasy
497Most Frequent Subtree SumC++ PythonNoteMedium
498Find Bottom Left Tree ValueC++ PythonNoteMedium
499Freedom TrailC++ PythonNoteHard
500Find Largest Value in Each Tree RowC++ PythonNoteMedium
501Longest Palindromic SubsequenceC++ PythonNoteMedium
502Super Washing MachinesC++ PythonNoteHard
503Coin Change 2C++ PythonNoteMedium
504Detect CapitalC++ PythonNoteEasy
505Longest Uncommon Subsequence I C++ PythonNoteEasy
506Longest Uncommon Subsequence IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
507Continuous Subarray SumC++ PythonNoteMedium
508Longest Word in Dictionary through DeletingC++ PythonNoteMedium
509Contiguous ArrayC++ PythonNoteMedium
510Beautiful ArrangementC++ PythonNoteMedium
511Word AbbreviationC++ PythonNoteNone
512MinesweeperC++ PythonNoteMedium
513Minimum Absolute Difference in BSTC++ PythonNoteEasy
514Lonely Pixel IC++ PythonNoteNone
515K-diff Pairs in an ArrayC++ PythonNoteEasy
516Lonely Pixel IIC++ PythonNoteNone
517Design TinyURLC++ PythonNoteMedium
518Encode and Decode TinyURLC++ PythonNoteMedium
519Construct Binary Tree from StringC++ PythonNoteNone
520Complex Number MultiplicationC++ PythonNoteMedium
521Convert BST to Greater TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
522Minimum Time DifferenceC++ PythonNoteMedium
523Single Element in a Sorted ArrayC++ PythonNoteMedium
524Reverse String IIC++ PythonNoteEasy
52501 MatrixC++ PythonNoteMedium
526Diameter of Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
527Output Contest MatchesC++ PythonNoteNone
528Boundary of Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteNone
529Remove BoxesC++ PythonNoteHard
530Friend CirclesC++ PythonNoteMedium
531Split Array with Equal SumC++ PythonNoteNone
532Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence IIC++ PythonNoteNone
533Student Attendance Record IC++ PythonNoteEasy
534Student Attendance Record IIC++ PythonNoteHard
535Optimal DivisionC++ PythonNoteMedium
536Brick WallC++ PythonNoteMedium
537Split Concatenated StringsC++ PythonNoteNone
538Next Greater Element IIIC++ PythonNoteMedium
539Reverse Words in a String IIIC++ PythonNoteEasy
540Subarray Sum Equals KC++ PythonNoteMedium
541Array Partition IC++ PythonNoteEasy
542Longest Line of Consecutive One in MatrixC++ PythonNoteNone
543Binary Tree TiltC++ PythonNoteEasy
544Find the Closest PalindromeC++ PythonNoteHard
545Array NestingC++ PythonNoteMedium
546Reshape the MatrixC++ PythonNoteEasy
547Permutation in StringC++ PythonNoteMedium
548Maximum Vacation DaysC++ PythonNoteNone
549Median Employee SalaryC++ PythonNoteNone
550Managers with at Least 5 Direct ReportsC++ PythonNoteNone
551Find Median Given Frequency of NumbersC++ PythonNoteNone
552Subtree of Another TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
553Squirrel SimulationC++ PythonNoteNone
554Winning CandidateC++ PythonNoteNone
555Distribute CandiesC++ PythonNoteEasy
556Out of Boundary PathsC++ PythonNoteMedium
557Employee BonusC++ PythonNoteNone
558Get Highest Answer Rate QuestionC++ PythonNoteNone
559Find Cumulative Salary of an EmployeeC++ PythonNoteNone
560Count Student Number in DepartmentsC++ PythonNoteNone
561Shortest Unsorted Continuous SubarrayC++ PythonNoteEasy
562Kill ProcessC++ PythonNoteNone
563Delete Operation for Two StringsC++ PythonNoteMedium
564Find Customer RefereeC++ PythonNoteNone
565Investments in 2016C++ PythonNoteNone
566Customer Placing the Largest Number of OrdersC++ PythonNoteNone
567Erect the FenceC++ PythonNoteHard
568Design In-Memory File SystemC++ PythonNoteNone
569Tag ValidatorC++ PythonNoteHard
570Fraction Addition and SubtractionC++ PythonNoteMedium
571Valid SquareC++ PythonNoteMedium
572Longest Harmonious SubsequenceC++ PythonNoteEasy
573Big CountriesC++ PythonNoteEasy
574Classes More Than 5 StudentsC++ PythonNoteEasy
575Friend Requests I: Overall Acceptance RateC++ PythonNoteNone
576Range Addition IIC++ PythonNoteEasy
577Minimum Index Sum of Two ListsC++ PythonNoteEasy
578Non-negative Integers without Consecutive OnesC++ PythonNoteHard
579Human Traffic of StadiumC++ PythonNoteHard
580Friend Requests II: Who Has the Most FriendsC++ PythonNoteNone
581Consecutive Available SeatsC++ PythonNoteNone
582Design Compressed String IteratorC++ PythonNoteNone
583Can Place FlowersC++ PythonNoteEasy
584Construct String from Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
585Sales PersonC++ PythonNoteNone
586Tree NodeC++ PythonNoteNone
587Find Duplicate File in SystemC++ PythonNoteMedium
588Triangle JudgementC++ PythonNoteNone
589Valid Triangle NumberC++ PythonNoteMedium
590Shortest Distance in a PlaneC++ PythonNoteNone
591Shortest Distance in a LineC++ PythonNoteNone
592Second Degree FollowerC++ PythonNoteNone
593Average Salary: Departments VS CompanyC++ PythonNoteNone
594Add Bold Tag in StringC++ PythonNoteNone
595Merge Two Binary TreesC++ PythonNoteEasy
596Students Report By GeographyC++ PythonNoteNone
597Biggest Single NumberC++ PythonNoteNone
598Not Boring MoviesC++ PythonNoteEasy
599Task SchedulerC++ PythonNoteMedium
600Add One Row to TreeC++ PythonNoteMedium
601Maximum Distance in ArraysC++ PythonNoteNone
602Minimum FactorizationC++ PythonNoteNone
603Exchange SeatsC++ PythonNoteMedium
604Swap SalaryC++ PythonNoteEasy
605Maximum Product of Three NumbersC++ PythonNoteEasy
606K Inverse Pairs ArrayC++ PythonNoteHard
607Course Schedule IIIC++ PythonNoteHard
608Design Excel Sum FormulaC++ PythonNoteNone
609Smallest RangeC++ PythonNoteHard
610Sum of Square NumbersC++ PythonNoteEasy
611Find the Derangement of An ArrayC++ PythonNoteNone
612Design Log Storage SystemC++ PythonNoteNone
613Exclusive Time of FunctionsC++ PythonNoteMedium
614Average of Levels in Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
615Shopping OffersC++ PythonNoteMedium
616Decode Ways IIC++ PythonNoteHard
617Solve the EquationC++ PythonNoteMedium
618Design Search Autocomplete SystemC++ PythonNoteNone
619Maximum Average Subarray IC++ PythonNoteEasy
620Maximum Average Subarray IIC++ PythonNoteNone
621Set MismatchC++ PythonNoteEasy
622Maximum Length of Pair ChainC++ PythonNoteMedium
623Palindromic SubstringsC++ PythonNoteMedium
624Replace WordsC++ PythonNoteMedium
625Dota2 SenateC++ PythonNoteMedium
6262 Keys KeyboardC++ PythonNoteMedium
6274 Keys KeyboardC++ PythonNoteNone
628Find Duplicate SubtreesC++ PythonNoteMedium
629Two Sum IV - Input is a BSTC++ PythonNoteEasy
630Maximum Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteMedium
631Print Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteMedium
632Coin PathC++ PythonNoteNone
633Judge Route CircleC++ PythonNoteEasy
634Find K Closest ElementsC++ PythonNoteMedium
635Split Array into Consecutive SubsequencesC++ PythonNoteMedium
636Remove 9C++ PythonNoteNone
637Image SmootherC++ PythonNoteEasy
638Maximum Width of Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteMedium
639Equal Tree PartitionC++ PythonNoteNone
640Strange PrinterC++ PythonNoteHard
641Non-decreasing ArrayC++ PythonNoteEasy
642Path Sum IVC++ PythonNoteNone
643Beautiful Arrangement IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
644Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication TableC++ PythonNoteHard
645Trim a Binary Search TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
646Maximum SwapC++ PythonNoteMedium
647Second Minimum Node In a Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteEasy
648Bulb Switcher IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
649Number of Longest Increasing SubsequenceC++ PythonNoteMedium
650Longest Continuous Increasing SubsequenceC++ PythonNoteEasy
651Cut Off Trees for Golf EventC++ PythonNoteHard
652Implement Magic DictionaryC++ PythonNoteMedium
653Map Sum PairsC++ PythonNoteMedium
654Valid Parenthesis StringC++ PythonNoteMedium
65524 GameC++ PythonNoteHard
656Valid Palindrome IIC++ PythonNoteEasy
657Next Closest TimeC++ PythonNoteNone
658Baseball GameC++ PythonNoteEasy
659K Empty SlotsC++ PythonNoteNone
660Redundant ConnectionC++ PythonNoteMedium
661Redundant Connection IIC++ PythonNoteHard
662Repeated String MatchC++ PythonNoteEasy
663Longest Univalue PathC++ PythonNoteEasy
664Knight Probability in ChessboardC++ PythonNoteMedium
665Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping SubarraysC++ PythonNoteHard
666Employee ImportanceC++ PythonNoteEasy
667Stickers to Spell WordC++ PythonNoteHard
668Top K Frequent WordsC++ PythonNoteMedium
669Binary Number with Alternating BitsC++ PythonNoteEasy
670Number of Distinct IslandsC++ PythonNoteNone
671Max Area of IslandC++ PythonNoteEasy
672Count Binary SubstringsC++ PythonNoteEasy
673Degree of an ArrayC++ PythonNoteEasy
674Partition to K Equal Sum SubsetsC++ PythonNoteMedium
675Falling SquaresC++ PythonNoteHard
676Number of Distinct Islands IIC++ PythonNoteNone
677Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two StringsC++ PythonNoteMedium
678Subarray Product Less Than KC++ PythonNoteMedium
679Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction FeeC++ PythonNoteMedium
680Range ModuleC++ PythonNoteHard
681Max StackC++ PythonNoteNone
6821-bit and 2-bit CharactersC++ PythonNoteEasy
683Maximum Length of Repeated SubarrayC++ PythonNoteMedium
684Find K-th Smallest Pair DistanceC++ PythonNoteHard
685Longest Word in DictionaryC++ PythonNoteEasy
686Accounts MergeC++ PythonNoteMedium
687Remove CommentsC++ PythonNoteMedium
688Candy CrushC++ PythonNoteNone
689Find Pivot IndexC++ PythonNoteEasy
690Split Linked List in PartsC++ PythonNoteMedium
691Number of AtomsC++ PythonNoteHard
692Minimum Window SubsequenceC++ PythonNoteNone
693Self Dividing NumbersC++ PythonNoteEasy
694My Calendar IC++ PythonNoteMedium
695Count Different Palindromic SubsequencesC++ PythonNoteHard
696My Calendar IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
697My Calendar IIIC++ PythonNoteHard
698Flood FillC++ PythonNoteEasy
699Sentence SimilarityC++ PythonNoteEasy
700Asteroid CollisionC++ PythonNoteMedium
701Parse Lisp ExpressionC++ PythonNoteHard
702Sentence Similarity IIC++ PythonNoteMedium
703Monotone Increasing DigitsC++ PythonNoteMedium
704Daily TemperaturesC++ PythonNoteMedium
705Delete and EarnC++ PythonNoteMedium
706Cherry PickupC++ PythonNoteHard
707Closest Leaf in a Binary TreeC++ PythonNoteNew
708Network Delay TimeC++ PythonNoteNew
709Find Smallest Letter Greater Than TargetC++ PythonNoteNew
710Prefix and Suffix SearchC++ PythonNoteNew