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PDF on Git Internals


Top Related Projects


Pro Git 2nd Edition


Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget ( Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.


Most commonly used git tips and tricks.

A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.

Flight rules for git

Quick Overview

The "git-internals-pdf" repository by Pluralsight contains a comprehensive PDF guide on Git internals. This resource provides an in-depth look at how Git works under the hood, explaining its core concepts and mechanisms. It's designed to help developers gain a deeper understanding of Git's internal workings.


  • Offers detailed explanations of Git's internal structure and operations
  • Helps developers understand Git at a fundamental level, improving their usage and troubleshooting skills
  • Free and easily accessible resource for learning advanced Git concepts
  • Created by Pluralsight, a reputable source for technical education


  • Limited to PDF format, which may not be as interactive or easily updatable as web-based content
  • May be overwhelming for beginners who are just starting with Git
  • Might become outdated if not regularly updated to reflect changes in Git
  • Lacks practical exercises or hands-on components that could reinforce learning

Note: As this is not a code library, the code examples and getting started instructions sections have been omitted.

Competitor Comparisons


Pro Git 2nd Edition

Pros of progit2

  • More comprehensive coverage of Git concepts and advanced topics
  • Regularly updated with contributions from the community
  • Available in multiple languages and formats (HTML, PDF, EPUB)

Cons of progit2

  • Larger file size and more complex structure
  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to its extensive content

Code comparison


No code available in the repository


require 'asciidoctor'

options = {
  safe: :unsafe,
  backend: 'html5',
  attributes: {
    'source-highlighter' => 'rouge'

Additional notes

git-internals-pdf is a single PDF file focusing on Git internals, while progit2 is a comprehensive book project covering various Git topics. The progit2 repository contains source files for generating the book in multiple formats, along with build scripts and configuration files.

git-internals-pdf may be more suitable for those specifically interested in Git's internal workings, while progit2 offers a broader and more in-depth coverage of Git as a whole. The choice between the two depends on the reader's specific needs and level of expertise.


Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget ( Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.

Pros of git

  • Official Git source code repository, providing the most up-to-date and authoritative implementation
  • Extensive documentation and comprehensive codebase for deep understanding of Git internals
  • Active community with frequent updates and contributions

Cons of git

  • Large and complex codebase, potentially overwhelming for beginners
  • Requires technical expertise to navigate and understand the implementation details
  • Not specifically designed as an educational resource for learning Git internals

Code comparison


int cmd_add(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
    int patch = 0, update = 0, intent_to_add = 0;
    int ignore_missing = 0, ignore_removal = 0, refresh_only = 0;
    int all = 0, interactive = 0, patch_interactive = 0, edit_interactive = 0;

git-internals-pdf: No code available for comparison as this repository contains PDF documentation.


The git repository is the official source code for Git, offering a comprehensive implementation and active development. It's ideal for those seeking to understand Git at a deep level or contribute to its development. However, its complexity may be challenging for beginners.

The git-internals-pdf repository, on the other hand, provides educational content about Git internals in PDF format. While it doesn't offer code, it likely presents information in a more accessible manner for those learning about Git's inner workings.


Most commonly used git tips and tricks.

Pros of tips

  • Provides concise, practical Git tips and tricks
  • Regularly updated with community contributions
  • Easily searchable and categorized content

Cons of tips

  • Lacks in-depth explanations of Git internals
  • May not be suitable for complete beginners
  • No structured learning path or comprehensive coverage

Code comparison


This repository does not contain code samples.
It's a PDF document explaining Git internals.


# Find commits by content
git log -S'<a term in the source>'

# List commits in short form
git log --oneline


git-internals-pdf offers a comprehensive, in-depth look at Git's internal workings, ideal for those seeking a deeper understanding of the version control system. It provides a structured approach to learning Git internals but may be overwhelming for beginners.

tips, on the other hand, offers a collection of practical Git commands and tips, making it an excellent quick reference for developers. While it lacks the depth of git-internals-pdf, it's more accessible for day-to-day use and is continually updated with community contributions.

Choose git-internals-pdf for a thorough understanding of Git's architecture, or tips for quick, practical Git usage improvements.

A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.

Pros of github-cheat-sheet

  • Comprehensive collection of GitHub tips, tricks, and features
  • Regularly updated with new GitHub functionalities
  • Covers a wide range of topics, from basic to advanced GitHub usage

Cons of github-cheat-sheet

  • Lacks in-depth explanation of Git internals and core concepts
  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to the sheer amount of information
  • Focuses primarily on GitHub-specific features rather than Git fundamentals

Code comparison


# No code samples available in the PDF repository


# Create a new repository on the command line
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

The git-internals-pdf repository contains a comprehensive PDF guide on Git internals, providing a deep dive into the underlying mechanisms of Git. It's an excellent resource for developers who want to understand Git at a fundamental level.

On the other hand, github-cheat-sheet is a more practical, quick-reference guide that focuses on GitHub-specific features and common Git operations. It's ideal for developers who want to quickly learn and apply GitHub functionalities in their workflow.

While git-internals-pdf offers a thorough understanding of Git's inner workings, github-cheat-sheet provides a broader overview of GitHub's ecosystem and practical tips for everyday use.

Flight rules for git

Pros of git-flight-rules

  • Comprehensive collection of Git commands and solutions for various scenarios
  • Regularly updated with community contributions
  • Easily searchable and well-organized content

Cons of git-flight-rules

  • Lacks in-depth explanations of Git internals
  • May overwhelm beginners with its extensive list of commands
  • Text-based format without visual aids or diagrams

Code comparison


git config --global alias.undo-commit 'reset --soft HEAD^'
git undo-commit

git-internals-pdf: (No direct code examples available in the PDF format)


git-flight-rules serves as a practical reference guide for Git users, offering solutions to common problems and advanced techniques. It's continuously updated and easily accessible online. On the other hand, git-internals-pdf provides a deeper understanding of Git's internal workings, which may be more beneficial for those seeking to comprehend the underlying mechanisms of version control.

While git-flight-rules excels in providing quick solutions, it may not offer the same level of conceptual understanding as git-internals-pdf. The choice between the two depends on whether the user needs immediate problem-solving assistance or a more thorough understanding of Git's architecture.

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Git Internals PDF

This PDF explains the internal workings of the Git source code control system. Download the rendered PDF.

It was originally written by Scott Chacon and published at PeepCode (now a part of Pluralsight).

Scott and Pluralsight have generously open sourced it under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.


LICENSE: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.