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Very spicy additions to the Java programming language.


Top Related Projects


Very spicy additions to the Java programming language.

An annotation processor for generating type-safe bean mappers


A collection of source code generators for Java.


Main Portal page for the Jackson project

Intelligent object mapping


jOOQ is the best way to write SQL in Java

Quick Overview

Project Lombok is a Java library that aims to reduce boilerplate code in Java applications. It uses annotations to automatically generate common code patterns, such as getters, setters, constructors, and more, at compile time. This helps developers write cleaner, more concise code while maintaining full functionality.


  • Significantly reduces boilerplate code, leading to more readable and maintainable Java projects
  • Improves productivity by automating the generation of common code patterns
  • Integrates well with popular IDEs and build tools
  • Regularly updated and maintained, with good community support


  • Can make code less explicit, potentially making it harder for developers unfamiliar with Lombok to understand the codebase
  • Requires additional setup and configuration in IDEs and build tools
  • May introduce unexpected behavior if not used carefully, especially with more complex annotations
  • Can make debugging more challenging, as generated code is not visible in the source files

Code Examples

  1. Generating getters, setters, and constructors:
import lombok.Data;

public class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String email;

This example uses the @Data annotation to automatically generate getters, setters, toString(), equals(), and hashCode() methods, as well as a constructor for all fields.

  1. Creating a builder pattern:
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Getter;

public class Car {
    private String make;
    private String model;
    private int year;

// Usage:
Car myCar = Car.builder()

This example uses the @Builder annotation to create a builder pattern for the Car class, allowing for fluent object creation.

  1. Implementing logging:
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

public class LoggingExample {
    public void doSomething() {"Doing something...");
        // Method implementation
        log.debug("Something done.");

This example uses the @Slf4j annotation to automatically create a logger field, simplifying logging in the class.

Getting Started

To use Lombok in your Java project:

  1. Add Lombok dependency to your build file (e.g., Maven):
  1. Install Lombok plugin in your IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse)
  2. Enable annotation processing in your IDE settings
  3. Start using Lombok annotations in your Java classes

Competitor Comparisons


Very spicy additions to the Java programming language.

Pros of lombok

  • Well-established project with a large user base and community support
  • Extensive documentation and examples available
  • Regular updates and maintenance

Cons of lombok

  • Requires IDE plugin for full functionality
  • Can make code harder to understand for developers unfamiliar with Lombok
  • Potential for conflicts with other annotation processors

Code Comparison


public class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;


public class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    // Manually implemented getters, setters, constructors, etc.


Both lombok and lombok> aim to reduce boilerplate code in Java projects. lombok is a widely adopted solution with extensive features and community support. It offers significant time savings and cleaner code through annotations. However, it may introduce complexity for newcomers and requires IDE integration.

lombok>, being a hypothetical alternative, would likely focus on similar goals but might have different implementation approaches or feature sets. Without specific information about lombok>, it's challenging to provide a more detailed comparison.

When choosing between the two, consider factors such as project maturity, community support, and specific feature requirements for your project.

An annotation processor for generating type-safe bean mappers

Pros of MapStruct

  • Generates type-safe mapping code at compile-time, reducing runtime errors
  • Supports complex object mappings, including nested objects and collections
  • Allows for custom mapping logic and easy integration with existing code

Cons of MapStruct

  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to Lombok
  • Has a steeper learning curve for complex mapping scenarios
  • May increase compilation time due to code generation

Code Comparison


public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;


public interface PersonMapper {
    @Mapping(target = "fullName", source = "name")
    PersonDTO personToPersonDTO(Person person);

Lombok focuses on reducing boilerplate code for Java classes, while MapStruct specializes in object mapping between different data models. Lombok simplifies class definitions with annotations, whereas MapStruct generates mapping code based on interface definitions.

Both libraries enhance Java development by automating repetitive tasks, but they serve different purposes. Lombok is more general-purpose, improving overall code readability and maintainability. MapStruct, on the other hand, excels in scenarios where complex object mappings are required, particularly in applications with multiple data models or DTOs.


A collection of source code generators for Java.

Pros of Auto

  • Generates source code at compile-time, avoiding runtime dependencies
  • Provides more fine-grained control over generated code
  • Integrates well with other annotation processors

Cons of Auto

  • Requires more setup and configuration
  • Less comprehensive feature set compared to Lombok
  • Steeper learning curve for developers

Code Comparison


public class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;


public abstract class User {
    public abstract String name();
    public abstract int age();
    public static User create(String name, int age) {
        return new AutoValue_User(name, age);


Lombok offers a more comprehensive set of features and easier setup, while Auto provides more control and compile-time code generation. Lombok's syntax is generally more concise, but Auto's approach may be preferred for larger, more complex projects. The choice between the two depends on specific project requirements, team preferences, and the desired level of control over generated code.


Main Portal page for the Jackson project

Pros of Jackson

  • More versatile: Jackson is a full-featured JSON library for Java, offering serialization, deserialization, and data binding capabilities
  • Extensive ecosystem: Supports various data formats beyond JSON, including XML, YAML, and CSV
  • Active development: Regularly updated with new features and improvements

Cons of Jackson

  • Steeper learning curve: Requires more configuration and setup compared to Lombok's simplicity
  • Larger footprint: Jackson's comprehensive feature set results in a larger library size
  • Performance overhead: May have slightly higher runtime costs due to its extensive functionality

Code Comparison

Lombok (reducing boilerplate):

public class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;

Jackson (JSON serialization):

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
User user = new User("John", 30);
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(user);


While Jackson is a powerful JSON processing library with extensive features, Lombok focuses on reducing boilerplate code through annotations. Jackson excels in data serialization and deserialization, whereas Lombok simplifies Java class definitions. The choice between them depends on the specific needs of your project, with Jackson being more suitable for complex JSON handling and Lombok for streamlining Java development.

Intelligent object mapping

Pros of ModelMapper

  • Focuses on object-to-object mapping, useful for DTO conversions
  • Supports complex mapping scenarios with custom configurations
  • Can handle deep object graphs and nested properties

Cons of ModelMapper

  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to Lombok
  • May have a steeper learning curve for complex mappings
  • Can potentially impact performance for large-scale mappings

Code Comparison


public class User {
    private String name;
    private int age;


ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
UserDTO userDTO =, UserDTO.class);

Key Differences

  • Lombok focuses on reducing boilerplate code for Java classes
  • ModelMapper specializes in object-to-object mapping
  • Lombok operates at compile-time, while ModelMapper works at runtime
  • Lombok generates code, whereas ModelMapper performs mappings dynamically

Use Cases

  • Lombok: Ideal for simplifying POJO creation and reducing boilerplate
  • ModelMapper: Best for scenarios requiring complex object transformations

Community and Ecosystem

  • Both projects have active communities and regular updates
  • Lombok has wider adoption due to its broader utility in Java development
  • ModelMapper has a more specialized user base focused on object mapping

jOOQ is the best way to write SQL in Java

Pros of jOOQ

  • Provides type-safe SQL querying and code generation
  • Offers comprehensive database schema introspection
  • Supports a wide range of databases and SQL dialects

Cons of jOOQ

  • Steeper learning curve compared to Lombok
  • Requires more setup and configuration
  • Can be overkill for simple database operations

Code Comparison

jOOQ example:

Result<Record> result =

Lombok example:

public class Author {
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

Key Differences

  • jOOQ focuses on database interaction and SQL generation
  • Lombok aims to reduce boilerplate code in Java classes
  • jOOQ requires more initial setup but offers powerful database querying
  • Lombok is easier to integrate and provides immediate benefits for POJOs

Use Cases

  • Use jOOQ for complex database operations and type-safe SQL queries
  • Choose Lombok for simplifying Java class definitions and reducing boilerplate
  • Consider using both in conjunction for a well-rounded project structure

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Project Lombok

Project Lombok is a java library that automatically plugs into your editor and build tools, spicing up your java. Never write another getter or equals method again, with one annotation your class has a fully featured builder, automate your logging variables, and much more.

See LICENSE for the Project Lombok license.

Looking for professional support of Project Lombok? Lombok is now part of a tidelift subscription!

For a list of all authors, see the AUTHORS file.

For complete project information, a short tutorial on what lombok does, and how to download / use / install it, see

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