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qier222 logoYesPlayMusic

高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux :electron:


Top Related Projects

网易云音乐 Node.js API service

一个基于 electron 的音乐软件

Salt Player (A local music player trusted and chosen by hundreds of thousands of users) for Android Release, Feedback.


🎧☁️ Your Personal Streaming Service


🐦 A personal music streaming server that works.

Quick Overview

YesPlayMusic is a high-quality third-party NetEase Cloud Music player built with Vue and Electron. It offers a clean, modern interface and supports features like personalized daily recommendations, lyrics display, and desktop lyrics. The project aims to provide a better music listening experience for NetEase Cloud Music users.


  • Beautiful and intuitive user interface
  • Cross-platform support (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Customizable themes and appearance
  • Supports scrobbling


  • Relies on NetEase Cloud Music's API, which may change or become unavailable
  • Limited to NetEase Cloud Music's library and features
  • May lack some advanced features found in the official client
  • Potential legal concerns due to unofficial API usage

Getting Started

To get started with YesPlayMusic:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd YesPlayMusic
    npm install
  3. Run the development server:

    npm run serve
  4. Build for production:

    npm run build

For desktop app development:

npm run electron:serve

To build the desktop app:

npm run electron:build

Note: You'll need to have Node.js and npm installed on your system before starting.

Competitor Comparisons

网易云音乐 Node.js API service

Pros of NeteaseCloudMusicApi

  • More comprehensive API coverage for NetEase Cloud Music
  • Regularly updated with new features and bug fixes
  • Suitable for developers building various applications and services

Cons of NeteaseCloudMusicApi

  • Requires additional frontend development for a complete music player
  • May be more complex to set up and use for non-developers
  • Lacks a built-in user interface

Code Comparison

NeteaseCloudMusicApi (server-side API):

const { login_cellphone, user_playlist } = require('NeteaseCloudMusicApi')

  phone: '手机号',
  password: '密码'
}).then(result => {
  }).then(data => {

YesPlayMusic (client-side application):

  <div class="player">
    <Cover :url="" :playing="isPlaying" />
    <div class="controls">
      <button @click="playPause">{{ isPlaying ? 'Pause' : 'Play' }}</button>

YesPlayMusic is a complete music player application with a user-friendly interface, while NeteaseCloudMusicApi provides a backend API for developers to build custom applications. YesPlayMusic offers a ready-to-use solution for end-users, whereas NeteaseCloudMusicApi requires additional development to create a functional music player.

一个基于 electron 的音乐软件

Pros of lx-music-desktop

  • More comprehensive music source options, including multiple platforms
  • Advanced features like lyric synchronization and audio output device selection
  • Supports both Windows and Linux operating systems

Cons of lx-music-desktop

  • Less visually appealing interface compared to YesPlayMusic's modern design
  • Potentially more complex user experience due to additional features
  • Lacks some of the social features present in YesPlayMusic

Code Comparison

YesPlayMusic (Vue.js):

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import router from './router';
import store from './store';


lx-music-desktop (Electron):

const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron');
const path = require('path');

function createWindow() {
  const win = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    webPreferences: {
      preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')


Both projects use different frameworks, with YesPlayMusic utilizing Vue.js for a web-based approach, while lx-music-desktop employs Electron for a desktop application. This fundamental difference affects their architecture and deployment methods.

Salt Player (A local music player trusted and chosen by hundreds of thousands of users) for Android Release, Feedback.

Pros of SaltPlayerSource

  • Focuses on local music playback, providing a lightweight solution for users who prefer offline listening
  • Offers a clean and minimalist user interface, potentially easier for some users to navigate
  • Supports a wider range of audio formats, including lossless formats like FLAC

Cons of SaltPlayerSource

  • Lacks integration with online music streaming services, limiting access to a vast library of songs
  • Has fewer advanced features compared to YesPlayMusic, such as personalized recommendations or social sharing options
  • May have a smaller community and less frequent updates due to its more niche focus

Code Comparison

YesPlayMusic (Vue.js):

  <div class="player">
    <div class="cover-image">
      <img :src="currentTrack.album.cover" />
    <div class="controls">
      <button @click="play">Play</button>

SaltPlayerSource (Kotlin):

class PlayerActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        playButton.setOnClickListener { playMusic() }

This comparison highlights the different technologies and approaches used in each project, with YesPlayMusic utilizing Vue.js for web-based development and SaltPlayerSource using Kotlin for Android app development.


🎧☁️ Your Personal Streaming Service

Pros of Navidrome

  • Self-hosted solution, giving users full control over their music library and data
  • Supports a wide range of audio formats, including FLAC and OGG
  • Implements the Subsonic API, allowing compatibility with various mobile apps

Cons of Navidrome

  • Requires more technical setup and maintenance compared to YesPlayMusic
  • May have a steeper learning curve for non-technical users
  • Limited built-in social features or music discovery options

Code Comparison

Navidrome (Go):

func (s *Scanner) processMediaFiles(ctx context.Context, dir string, files []string) error {
    for _, f := range files {
        if err := s.processMediaFile(ctx, f); err != nil {
            log.Error(ctx, "Error processing file", "file", f, err)
    return nil

YesPlayMusic (Vue.js):

async function getArtist(id) {
  const { data } = await artist(id);
  return data;

async function getArtistAlbums(id) {
  const { albums } = await artistAlbum(id);
  return albums;


Navidrome is a self-hosted music server with broad format support and Subsonic API compatibility, ideal for users who want full control over their music library. YesPlayMusic, on the other hand, offers a more user-friendly interface with integrated streaming services, making it better suited for casual listeners who prefer a streamlined experience without the need for self-hosting.


🐦 A personal music streaming server that works.

Pros of koel

  • More comprehensive backend with user management and playlist features
  • Supports multiple audio sources including local files and remote URLs
  • Has a mobile-friendly web interface

Cons of koel

  • Requires more setup and configuration
  • Less focus on integration with external music services
  • May have a steeper learning curve for non-technical users

Code Comparison

koel (PHP):

public function getPlaylistById($id)
    return Playlist::findOrFail($id);

YesPlayMusic (JavaScript):

async function getPlaylistDetail(id) {
  const { playlist } = await getPlaylistDetail(id);
  return playlist;

Both projects handle playlist retrieval, but koel uses a more traditional ORM approach with PHP, while YesPlayMusic employs async/await in JavaScript for API calls.

Key Differences

  • koel is a self-hosted solution, while YesPlayMusic focuses on integrating with existing music services
  • koel offers more advanced features for managing a personal music library
  • YesPlayMusic has a more modern, user-friendly interface designed for casual listeners
  • koel is built with Laravel (PHP) backend, while YesPlayMusic uses Vue.js for a single-page application approach


Choose koel for a comprehensive self-hosted music solution with advanced library management. Opt for YesPlayMusic if you prefer a simpler setup and integration with popular music streaming services.

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🌎 访问DEMO  |   📦️ 下载安装包  |   💬 加入交流群



全新2.0 Alpha测试版已发布,欢迎前往 Releases 页面下载。 当前版本将会进入维护模式,除重大bug修复外,不会再更新新功能。

✨ 特性

  • ✅ 使用 Vue.js 全家桶开发
  • 🔴 网易云账号登录(扫码/手机/邮箱登录)
  • 📺 支持 MV 播放
  • 📃 支持歌词显示
  • 📻 支持私人 FM / 每日推荐歌曲
  • 🚫🤝 无任何社交功能
  • 🌎️ 海外用户可直接播放(需要登录网易云账号)
  • 🔐 支持 UnblockNeteaseMusic,自动使用各类音源替换变灰歌曲链接 (网页版不支持)
    • 「各类音源」指默认启用的音源。
    • YouTube 音源需自行安装 yt-dlp。
  • ✔️ 每日自动签到(手机端和电脑端同时签到)
  • 🌚 Light/Dark Mode 自动切换
  • 👆 支持 Touch Bar
  • 🖥️ 支持 PWA,可在 Chrome/Edge 里点击地址栏右边的 ➕ 安装到电脑
  • 🟥 支持 Scrobble
  • ☁️ 支持音乐云盘
  • ⌨️ 自定义快捷键和全局快捷键
  • 🎧 支持 Mpris
  • 🛠 更多特性开发中

📦️ 安装

Electron 版本由 @hawtim 和 @qier222 适配并维护,支持 macOS、Windows、Linux。

访问本项目的 Releases 页面下载安装包。

  • macOS 用户可以通过 Homebrew 来安装:brew install --cask yesplaymusic

  • Windows 用户可以通过 Scoop 来安装:scoop install extras/yesplaymusic

⚙️ 部署至 Vercel

除了下载安装包使用,你还可以将本项目部署到 Vercel 或你的服务器上。下面是部署到 Vercel 的方法。

本项目的 Demo ( 就是部署在 Vercel 上的网站。

Powered by Vercel

  1. 部署网易云 API,详情参见 Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi 。你也可以将 API 部署到 Vercel。

  2. 点击本仓库右上角的 Fork,复制本仓库到你的 GitHub 账号。

  3. 点击仓库的 Add File,选择 Create new file,输入 vercel.json,将下面的内容复制粘贴到文件中,并将 替换为你刚刚部署的网易云 API 地址:

  "rewrites": [
      "source": "/api/:match*",
      "destination": "*"
  1. 打开,使用 GitHub 登录。

  2. 点击 Import Git Repository 并选择你刚刚复制的仓库并点击 Import。

  3. 点击 PERSONAL ACCOUNT 旁边的 Select。

  4. 点击 Environment Variables,填写 Name 为 VUE_APP_NETEASE_API_URL,Value 为 /api,点击 Add。最后点击底部的 Deploy 就可以部署到 Vercel 了。

⚙️ 部署到自己的服务器

除了部署到 Vercel,你还可以部署到自己的服务器上

  1. 部署网易云 API,详情参见 Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi
  2. 克隆本仓库
git clone --recursive
  1. 安装依赖
yarn install

  1. (可选)使用 Nginx 反向代理 API,将 API 路径映射为 /api,如果 API 和网页不在同一个域名下的话(跨域),会有一些 bug。

  2. 复制 /.env.example 文件为 /.env,修改里面 VUE_APP_NETEASE_API_URL 的值为网易云 API 地址。本地开发的话可以填写 API 地址为 http://localhost:3000,YesPlayMusic 地址为 http://localhost:8080。如果你使用了反向代理 API,可以填写 API 地址为 /api。

  1. 编译打包
yarn run build
  1. 将 /dist 目录下的文件上传到你的 Web 服务器

⚙️ 宝塔面板 docker应用商店 部署

  1. 安装宝塔面板,前往宝塔面板官网 ,选择正式版的脚本下载安装。

  2. 安装后登录宝塔面板,在左侧导航栏中点击 Docker,首次进入会提示安装Docker服务,点击立即安装,按提示完成安装

  3. 安装完成后在应用商店中找到YesPlayMusic,点击安装,配置域名、端口等基本信息即可完成安装。

  4. 安装后在浏览器输入上一步骤设置的域名即可访问。

⚙️ Docker 部署

  1. 构建 Docker Image
docker build -t yesplaymusic .
  1. 启动 Docker Container
docker run -d --name YesPlayMusic -p 80:80 yesplaymusic
  1. Docker Compose 启动
docker-compose up -d

YesPlayMusic 地址为 http://localhost

⚙️ 部署至 Replit

  1. 新建 Repl,选择 Bash 模板

  2. 在 Replit shell 中运行以下命令

bash <(curl -s -L
  1. 首次运行成功后,只需点击绿色按钮 Run 即可再次运行

  2. 由于 replit 个人版限制内存为 1G(教育版为 3G),构建过程中可能会失败,请再次运行上述命令或运行以下命令:

cd /home/runner/${REPL_SLUG}/music && yarn install && yarn run build

👷‍♂️ 打包客户端

如果在 Release 页面没有找到适合你的设备的安装包的话,你可以根据下面的步骤来打包自己的客户端。

  1. 打包 Electron 需要用到 Node.js 和 Yarn。可前往 Node.js 官网 下载安装包。安装 Node.js 后可在终端里执行 npm install -g yarn 来安装 Yarn。

  2. 使用 git clone --recursive 克隆本仓库到本地。

  3. 使用 yarn install 安装项目依赖。

  4. 复制 /.env.example 文件为 /.env 。

  5. 选择下列表格的命令来打包适合的你的安装包,打包出来的文件在 /dist_electron 目录下。了解更多信息可访问 electron-builder 文档

yarn electron:build --windows nsis:ia32Windows 32 位
yarn electron:build --windows nsis:arm64Windows ARM
yarn electron:build --linux deb:armv7lDebian armv7l(树莓派等)
yarn electron:build --macos dir:arm64macOS ARM

:computer: 配置开发环境

本项目由 NeteaseCloudMusicApi 提供 API。


# 安装依赖
yarn install

# 创建本地环境变量
cp .env.example .env

# 运行(网页端)
yarn serve

# 运行(electron)
yarn electron:serve

本地运行 NeteaseCloudMusicApi,或者将 API 部署至 Vercel

# 运行 API (默认 3000 端口)
yarn netease_api:run

☑️ Todo

查看 Todo 请访问本项目的 Projects

欢迎提 Issue 和 Pull request。

📜 开源许可


基于 MIT license 许可进行开源。


API 源代码来自 Binaryify/NeteaseCloudMusicApi

🖼️ 截图

lyrics library-dark album home-2 artist search home explore