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proguard resource for Android by wechat team


Top Related Projects


Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.

ProGuard, Java optimizer and obfuscator


A powerful Android Dynamic Component Framework.

提高 Android UI 开发效率的 UI 库

Quick Overview

AndResGuard is an Android resource obfuscator that aims to reduce the size of Android APK files by obfuscating the resource names. It is a command-line tool that can be integrated into the Android build process to automatically obfuscate the resources during the build.


  • Reduced APK Size: AndResGuard can significantly reduce the size of the final APK file by obfuscating the resource names, which can be especially beneficial for large Android applications.
  • Improved Security: Obfuscating the resource names can make it more difficult for attackers to reverse-engineer and understand the application's structure and functionality.
  • Customizable Obfuscation: AndResGuard provides a range of configuration options to customize the obfuscation process, allowing developers to balance the trade-off between file size reduction and maintainability.
  • Compatibility: The tool is designed to be compatible with a wide range of Android build tools and can be easily integrated into existing build processes.


  • Increased Build Time: The obfuscation process can add some overhead to the build process, which may be a concern for projects with tight build time constraints.
  • Potential Compatibility Issues: While AndResGuard is designed to be compatible with most Android projects, there may be cases where the obfuscation process can cause issues with certain libraries or frameworks.
  • Reduced Readability: The obfuscated resource names can make the application's code and resources more difficult to understand and maintain, which may be a concern for larger projects or teams.
  • Limited Documentation: The project's documentation, while generally helpful, could be more comprehensive and provide more detailed guidance for users.

Code Examples

Not applicable, as AndResGuard is a command-line tool and not a code library.

Getting Started

To get started with AndResGuard, follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest release of AndResGuard from the GitHub repository.
  2. Extract the downloaded archive and navigate to the bin directory.
  3. Run the andresguard command with the appropriate arguments to obfuscate your Android project's resources. For example:
./andresguard -config config.xml -out obfuscated.apk -apk your-app.apk

The config.xml file is used to configure the obfuscation process. Here's an example configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This configuration file specifies the mapping file to be generated, the 7-Zip executable to use, a whitelist of resources to keep unobfuscated, and various other options to customize the obfuscation process.

For more detailed information on the configuration options and usage of AndResGuard, please refer to the project's README and Wiki pages.

Competitor Comparisons


Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.

Pros of Tinker

  • Tinker provides a hot-fix solution for Android apps, allowing developers to quickly patch and deploy updates without the need for a full app update.
  • Tinker supports multiple Android platforms, including Dalvik and ART, making it a versatile solution.
  • Tinker's integration with the build process is seamless, making it easy to set up and use in existing projects.

Cons of Tinker

  • Tinker's hot-fix solution may not be suitable for all types of app updates, as it has limitations in terms of the types of changes it can handle.
  • Tinker's documentation and community support may not be as extensive as some other Android tools.
  • Tinker's performance impact on the app may be a concern for some developers, as it adds additional processing overhead.

Code Comparison


public class AndResGuard {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length < 1) {
            System.out.println("Usage: java -jar AndResGuard.jar <input_apk_path> [<output_apk_path>]");
        String inputApkPath = args[0];
        String outputApkPath = args.length > 1 ? args[1] : inputApkPath;
        AndResGuardCore.doAndResGuard(inputApkPath, outputApkPath);


public class TinkerPatchService extends IntentService {
    public static void runPatchService(Context context, Intent intent) {
        Intent runIntent = new Intent(context, TinkerPatchService.class);

    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
        TinkerPatchExecutor.getInstance().executePatch(this, intent);

ProGuard, Java optimizer and obfuscator

Pros of ProGuard

  • ProGuard is a widely-used and well-established code obfuscation tool, with a large user community and extensive documentation.
  • It supports a wide range of configuration options, allowing for fine-grained control over the obfuscation process.
  • ProGuard is actively maintained and regularly updated, ensuring compatibility with the latest Android versions and tools.

Cons of ProGuard

  • ProGuard can be more complex to configure and use compared to AndResGuard, especially for larger projects with more complex dependencies.
  • The obfuscation process can sometimes introduce unexpected issues or side effects, which may require additional troubleshooting.
  • ProGuard's focus is primarily on code obfuscation, while AndResGuard specializes in resource obfuscation, which may be a more important concern for some projects.

Code Comparison

ProGuard configuration:

-keep class com.example.myapp.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers class com.example.myapp.** { *; }
-keepnames class com.example.myapp.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.example.myapp.**
-optimizationpasses 5

AndResGuard configuration:

    "whiteList": [
    "compressFilePattern": [
    "sevenZipLevel": 5

A powerful Android Dynamic Component Framework.

Pros of Atlas

  • Atlas provides a modular architecture, allowing developers to split their app into smaller, independent modules.
  • Atlas supports dynamic loading of modules, enabling on-demand loading of app components.
  • Atlas offers a rich set of features, including hot-swapping, multi-dex support, and seamless integration with Android Studio.

Cons of Atlas

  • Atlas has a steeper learning curve compared to AndResGuard, as it introduces a new modular architecture.
  • The documentation for Atlas may not be as comprehensive as that of AndResGuard, making it more challenging for newcomers to get started.
  • Atlas may have a larger impact on app size and performance due to its modular nature, which could be a concern for some developers.

Code Comparison


public class AndResGuard {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Parse command line arguments
        CommandLine cmd = new CommandLine(new AndResGuardConfig());
        try {
            cmd.parseWithHandlers(new RunLast(), new DefaultExceptionHandler<>(), args);
            // Perform resource obfuscation
        } catch (Exception e) {


public class AtlasInitializer {
    public static void init(Application application) {
        // Initialize Atlas
        // Register modules
        Atlas.getInstance().registerBundleInfo(new BundleInfo("", "1.0.0"));
        // Enable hot-swap

提高 Android UI 开发效率的 UI 库

Pros of QMUI_Android

  • Provides a comprehensive UI framework with a wide range of pre-built components and utilities, making it easier to develop consistent and visually appealing Android applications.
  • Includes a powerful theme management system, allowing developers to easily customize the appearance of their app.
  • Offers a set of high-quality UI components, such as buttons, dialogs, and navigation bars, that are well-designed and highly customizable.

Cons of QMUI_Android

  • The library may be considered overkill for smaller projects that don't require the full range of features and components provided by QMUI_Android.
  • The learning curve for the library can be steeper compared to using more lightweight UI frameworks or building custom UI components from scratch.
  • The library's dependency on the Android Support Library (now AndroidX) may limit its compatibility with older Android versions.

Code Comparison


QMUIBottomSheet.BottomSheetBuilder builder = new QMUIBottomSheet.BottomSheetBuilder(this)
        .addItem(R.drawable.icon_camera, "Take Photo")
        .addItem(R.drawable.icon_album, "Choose from Album")
        .setOnSheetItemClickListener(new QMUIBottomSheet.BottomSheetItemClickListener() {
            public void onClick(QMUIBottomSheet dialog, View itemView, int position, String tag) {
                // handle click event


public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length < 1) {
        System.out.println("Usage: java -jar AndResGuard.jar <input_apk_path> [<output_apk_path>]");

    String inputApkPath = args[0];
    String outputApkPath = args.length > 1 ? args[1] : inputApkPath;
    AndResGuard.doGuard(inputApkPath, outputApkPath);

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Read this in other languages: English, 简体中文.

AndResGuard is a tooling for reducing your apk size, it works like the ProGuard for Java source code, but only aim at the resource files. It changes res/drawable/wechat to r/d/a, and renames the resource file wechat.png to a.png. Finally, it repackages the apk with 7zip, which can reduce the package size obviously.

AndResGuard is fast, and it does NOT need the source codes. Input an Android apk, then we can get a 'ResGuard' apk in a few seconds.

Some uses of AndResGuard are:

  1. Obfuscate android resources. It contains all the resource type(such as drawable、layout、string...). It can prevent your apk from being reversed by Apktool.

  2. Shrinking the apk size. It can reduce the resources.arsc and the package size obviously.

  3. Repackage with 7zip. It supports repackage apk with 7zip, and we can specify the compression method for each file.

AndResGuard is a command-line tool, it supports Windows, Linux and Mac. We suggest you to use 7zip in Linux or Mac platform for a higher compression ratio.

How to use

With Gradle

This has been released on Bintray

apply plugin: 'AndResGuard'

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

andResGuard {
    // mappingFile = file("./resource_mapping.txt")
    mappingFile = null
    use7zip = true
    useSign = true
    // It will keep the origin path of your resources when it's true
    keepRoot = false
    // If set, name column in arsc those need to proguard will be kept to this value
    fixedResName = "arg"
    // It will merge the duplicated resources, but don't rely on this feature too much.
    // it's always better to remove duplicated resource from repo
    mergeDuplicatedRes = true
    whiteList = [
        // your icon
        // for fabric
        // for google-services
    compressFilePattern = [
    sevenzip {
        artifact = ''
        //path = "/usr/local/bin/7za"

    * Optional: if finalApkBackupPath is null, AndResGuard will overwrite final apk
    * to the path which assemble[Task] write to
    // finalApkBackupPath = "${project.rootDir}/final.apk"

    * Optional: Specifies the name of the message digest algorithm to user when digesting the entries of JAR file
    * Only works in V1signing, default value is "SHA-1"
    // digestalg = "SHA-256"


The whiteList and compressFilePattern support wildcard include ? * +.

?	Zero or one character
*	Zero or more of character
+	One or more of character


You need put all resource which access via getIdentifier into whiteList. You can find more whitsList configs of third-part SDK in Welcome PR your configs which is not included in

The whiteList only works on the specsName of resources, it wouldn't keep the path of resource. If you wanna keeping the path, please use mappingFile to implement it.

For example, we wanna keeping the path of icon, we need add below into our mappingFile.

res path mapping:
    res/mipmap-hdpi-v4 -> res/mipmap-hdpi-v4
    res/mipmap-mdpi-v4 -> res/mipmap-mdpi-v4
    res/mipmap-xhdpi-v4 -> res/mipmap-xhdpi-v4
    res/mipmap-xxhdpi-v4 -> res/mipmap-xxhdpi-v4
    res/mipmap-xxxhdpi-v4 -> res/mipmap-xxxhdpi-v4

How to Launch

If you are using Android Studio, you can find the generate task option in andresguard group. Or alternatively, you run ./gradlew resguard[BuildType | Flavor] in your terminal. The format of task name is as same as assemble.


The sevenzip in gradle file can be set by path or artifact. Multiple assignments are allowed, but the winner is always path.


If finalApkBackupPath is null, AndResGuard will overwrite final APK to the path which assemble[Task] write. Otherwise, it will store in the path you assigned.


Looking for more detail

Known Issue

  1. The first element of list which returned by AssetManager#list(String path) is empty string when you're using the APK which is compressed by 7zip. #162

Best Practise

  1. Do NOT add resources.arsc into compressFilePattern unless the app size is really matter to you.(#84 #233)
  2. Do NOT enable 7zip compression(use7zip) when you distribute your APP on Google Play. It'll prevent the file-by-file patch when updating your APP. (#233)


Apktool Connor Tumbleson

v2sig @jonyChina162