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Github client for Android


Top Related Projects


FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.


An open source GitHub Android client app, faster and concise.


CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin


GitHub client for Android based on the abandoned official app

PocketHub Android App

Quick Overview

GitHub4Android (GH4A) is an open-source Android application that provides a mobile interface for GitHub. It allows users to browse repositories, view issues, manage pull requests, and perform various GitHub-related tasks directly from their Android devices.


  • Comprehensive GitHub functionality on mobile devices
  • Open-source project with active community contributions
  • Regular updates and improvements
  • Clean and intuitive user interface


  • May lack some advanced features available on the GitHub web interface
  • Occasional performance issues on older Android devices
  • Limited customization options compared to web-based GitHub
  • Dependency on GitHub API may lead to occasional sync issues

Getting Started

To use GitHub4Android:

  1. Download the app from the Google Play Store or build it from source.
  2. Open the app and sign in with your GitHub account.
  3. Grant necessary permissions for the app to access your GitHub data.
  4. Start browsing repositories, managing issues, and collaborating on projects.

For developers interested in contributing to the project:

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  2. Clone your fork: git clone
  3. Set up the development environment as per the project's documentation.
  4. Make changes and submit pull requests to contribute to the project.

Competitor Comparisons


FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.

Pros of FastHub

  • More modern and feature-rich UI
  • Supports a wider range of GitHub features
  • Better performance and responsiveness

Cons of FastHub

  • Larger app size and resource usage
  • Less frequent updates and maintenance
  • Some users report occasional stability issues

Code Comparison

FastHub uses Kotlin and implements a more modern architecture:

class RepoFragment : BaseMvpFragment<RepoMvp.View, RepoPresenter>(), RepoMvp.View {
    @Inject lateinit var repoPresenter: RepoPresenter
    override fun providePresenter(): RepoPresenter = repoPresenter

Gh4a uses Java with a more traditional approach:

public class RepositoryFragment extends LoadingFragmentBase implements
        OnItemClickListener, SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener {
    private Repository mRepository;
    private RepositoryAdapter mAdapter;

FastHub's code demonstrates a cleaner separation of concerns and dependency injection, while Gh4a's approach is more straightforward but potentially less flexible.

Both projects aim to provide a mobile GitHub experience, but FastHub offers a more comprehensive feature set and modern design. Gh4a, while simpler, may be preferable for users seeking a lightweight alternative with a focus on core functionality.


An open source GitHub Android client app, faster and concise.

Pros of OpenHub

  • More modern and visually appealing user interface
  • Supports viewing and editing Markdown files directly in the app
  • Includes a trending repositories feature for discovering new projects

Cons of OpenHub

  • Less frequent updates and maintenance compared to gh4a
  • May have fewer advanced features for power users
  • Potentially less stable due to being a newer project

Code Comparison

Both projects are Android applications for GitHub, but they have different approaches to implementation. Here's a brief comparison of how they handle repository listing:


public class RepositoryListFragment extends PagedLoadingListFragment<Repository> {
    protected void onAddData(RootAdapter<Repository> adapter, List<Repository> repositories) {


class RepoListFragment : ListFragment<Repository>() {
    override fun onRequestData(page: Int): Observable<Response<List<Repository>>> {
        return UserRepoDbHelper.getUserReposList(context, userId, page)

Both fragments handle repository listing, but OpenHub uses Kotlin and RxJava, while gh4a uses Java and a more traditional approach.


CodeHub is an iOS application written using Xamarin

Pros of CodeHub

  • Built with Xamarin, allowing for cross-platform development (iOS and Android)
  • More modern and polished user interface
  • Actively maintained with regular updates

Cons of CodeHub

  • Limited to iOS platform only
  • Fewer features compared to gh4a
  • Closed-source project, limiting community contributions

Code Comparison

gh4a (Java):

public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

CodeHub (C#):

public class MainViewController : UIViewController
    public override void ViewDidLoad()
        // Add view setup code here

Both projects use different programming languages and frameworks, reflecting their target platforms. gh4a uses Java for Android development, while CodeHub utilizes C# with Xamarin for iOS development. The code structure differs due to the platform-specific requirements and conventions.

gh4a offers a more comprehensive feature set and supports Android, making it accessible to a wider audience. However, CodeHub provides a more modern user experience on iOS devices. The choice between the two depends on the target platform and specific GitHub client needs.


GitHub client for Android based on the abandoned official app

Pros of ForkHub

  • More active development with recent commits and releases
  • Cleaner and more modern user interface
  • Better support for GitHub-specific features like pull requests and issues

Cons of ForkHub

  • Limited to GitHub repositories only
  • Fewer customization options for user preferences
  • Less comprehensive documentation compared to gh4a

Code Comparison

ForkHub (Java):

public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

gh4a (Java):

public class HomeActivity extends BaseActivity implements
        View.OnClickListener, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<List<Repository>> {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Both projects use similar Android activity structures, but gh4a implements additional interfaces for more complex functionality. ForkHub's code appears slightly more streamlined, while gh4a's code suggests a more feature-rich approach.

PocketHub Android App

Pros of PocketHub

  • More active development with recent commits and releases
  • Larger community with more contributors and stars on GitHub
  • Better UI/UX design with a more modern and polished interface

Cons of PocketHub

  • Slower performance on some devices compared to gh4a
  • Less comprehensive feature set, missing some advanced GitHub functionalities
  • Higher battery consumption due to more resource-intensive design

Code Comparison

PocketHub uses Kotlin for its main activity:

class MainActivity : BaseActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

gh4a uses Java for its main activity:

public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Both projects follow similar structure, but PocketHub's use of Kotlin may lead to more concise and readable code in some cases. However, gh4a's Java implementation might be more familiar to developers who haven't adopted Kotlin yet.

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This application provides access to GitHub and lets you stay connected with your network


Get it on Google PlayGet it on F-Droid

Main features


  • List repositories
  • Watch/unwatch repository
  • View branches/tags
  • View pull requests
  • View contributors
  • View watchers/networks
  • View issues


  • View basic information
  • Activity feeds
  • Follow/unfollow user
  • View public/watched repositories
  • View followers/following
  • View organizations (if type is user)
  • View members (if type is organization)


  • List issues
  • Filter by label, assignee or milestone
  • Create/edit/close/reopen issue
  • Comment on issue
  • Manage labels
  • Manage milestones


  • View commit (shows files changed/added/deleted)
  • Diff viewer with colorized HTML
  • View commit history on each file

Tree/File browser

  • Browse source code
  • View code with syntax highlighting


  • List public gists
  • View gist content

Explore Github

  • Public timeline
  • Trending repos (today, week, month, forever)
  • GitHub blog

..and many more

How to Build Octodroid

  • Ensure Android SDK platform and build-tools are installed
  • Register an application for your OctoDroid usage under your GitHub settings
    • naming is up to you
    • callback URL must be gh4a://oauth
  • Create a file with the following content:
  • Build using Gradle
./gradlew assembleDebug
  • To get a full list of available tasks
./gradlew tasks

Open Source Libraries
