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Distributed tracing for spring cloud


Top Related Projects


Zipkin is a distributed tracing system


CNCF Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing Platform

APM, Application Performance Monitoring System

OpenTracing API for Java. 🛑 This library is DEPRECATED!

Quick Overview

Spring Cloud Sleuth is a distributed tracing solution for Spring Cloud applications. It provides integration with distributed tracing systems like Zipkin, allowing developers to track requests as they flow through microservices and identify performance bottlenecks.


  • Seamless integration with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud ecosystem
  • Automatic instrumentation of common components (e.g., RestTemplate, Feign)
  • Support for various tracing systems, including Zipkin and Jaeger
  • Customizable sampling strategies for controlling trace data volume


  • Can introduce slight performance overhead due to tracing
  • Configuration can be complex for advanced scenarios
  • Limited support for non-Spring applications
  • Requires additional infrastructure for storing and visualizing trace data

Code Examples

  1. Adding Sleuth to a Spring Boot application:
public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
  1. Customizing the sampler:
public Sampler defaultSampler() {
    return new ProbabilityBasedSampler(0.1);
  1. Manually creating a span:
private Tracer tracer;

public void doSomething() {
    Span span = tracer.nextSpan().name("custom-operation").start();
    try (Tracer.SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) {
        // Your code here
    } finally {

Getting Started

  1. Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:
  1. For Zipkin integration, add:
  1. Configure Zipkin server URL in
  1. Run your application, and Sleuth will automatically instrument your Spring components and send trace data to Zipkin.

Competitor Comparisons


Zipkin is a distributed tracing system

Pros of Zipkin

  • Language-agnostic: Supports multiple programming languages and frameworks
  • Standalone system: Can be deployed and operated independently
  • Rich visualization: Offers a comprehensive UI for tracing analysis

Cons of Zipkin

  • Higher complexity: Requires additional setup and infrastructure
  • Less Spring integration: Not as tightly integrated with Spring ecosystem
  • Steeper learning curve: May require more time to understand and implement

Code Comparison

Spring Cloud Sleuth:

public Sampler defaultSampler() {
    return Sampler.ALWAYS_SAMPLE;


public Tracing tracing() {
    return Tracing.newBuilder()

Spring Cloud Sleuth provides a more straightforward configuration for Spring applications, while Zipkin requires more explicit setup but offers greater flexibility across different languages and frameworks.

Both projects aim to provide distributed tracing capabilities, with Spring Cloud Sleuth focusing on seamless integration with Spring applications and Zipkin offering a more versatile, language-agnostic approach. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your project, such as the technology stack, existing infrastructure, and desired level of Spring integration.


CNCF Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing Platform

Pros of Jaeger

  • More comprehensive distributed tracing system with a wider range of features
  • Supports multiple programming languages and frameworks
  • Provides a powerful UI for visualizing and analyzing traces

Cons of Jaeger

  • Steeper learning curve and more complex setup compared to Spring Cloud Sleuth
  • Requires additional infrastructure components for deployment

Code Comparison

Spring Cloud Sleuth:

public Sampler defaultSampler() {
    return Sampler.ALWAYS_SAMPLE;


public io.opentracing.Tracer jaegerTracer() {
    return new Configuration("your-service-name")

Spring Cloud Sleuth integrates seamlessly with Spring Boot applications, requiring minimal configuration. Jaeger, on the other hand, offers more flexibility but requires explicit configuration of the tracer.

Spring Cloud Sleuth automatically instruments Spring applications, while Jaeger requires manual instrumentation or the use of additional libraries for different frameworks.

Both projects aim to provide distributed tracing capabilities, but Jaeger offers a more comprehensive solution with support for multiple languages and a feature-rich UI. Spring Cloud Sleuth, being part of the Spring ecosystem, provides easier integration for Spring-based applications but with a more limited scope.

APM, Application Performance Monitoring System

Pros of SkyWalking

  • More comprehensive observability solution, including APM, tracing, metrics, and logging
  • Supports multiple languages and frameworks beyond Java/Spring
  • Provides a built-in UI for visualization and analysis

Cons of SkyWalking

  • Steeper learning curve due to its broader feature set
  • Requires more infrastructure setup compared to Spring Cloud Sleuth
  • May be overkill for smaller projects or those exclusively using Spring

Code Comparison

Spring Cloud Sleuth:

public Sampler defaultSampler() {
    return Sampler.ALWAYS_SAMPLE;


public TracingConfig tracingConfig() {
    return new TracingConfig.Builder()


Spring Cloud Sleuth is a lightweight distributed tracing solution tightly integrated with Spring Cloud, making it easy to implement for Spring-based applications. It's simpler to set up but has limited features compared to SkyWalking.

SkyWalking is a full-fledged observability platform with broader language support and more advanced features. It offers a complete solution for monitoring and troubleshooting distributed systems but requires more resources and setup time.

Choose Spring Cloud Sleuth for Spring-centric projects needing basic distributed tracing. Opt for SkyWalking when you need comprehensive observability across diverse technology stacks or require advanced monitoring capabilities.

OpenTracing API for Java. 🛑 This library is DEPRECATED!

Pros of OpenTracing Java

  • Vendor-neutral API, allowing for greater flexibility and interoperability
  • Supports a wide range of tracing systems beyond just Zipkin
  • More extensive documentation and examples for various use cases

Cons of OpenTracing Java

  • Requires more manual configuration and setup compared to Spring Cloud Sleuth
  • Less seamless integration with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud ecosystem
  • May have a steeper learning curve for developers already familiar with Spring

Code Comparison

Spring Cloud Sleuth:

private Tracer tracer;

Span span = tracer.nextSpan().name("customOperation");
try (Tracer.SpanInScope ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span.start())) {
    // Your code here
} finally {

OpenTracing Java:

Tracer tracer = GlobalTracer.get();
Span span = tracer.buildSpan("customOperation").start();
try (Scope scope = tracer.activateSpan(span)) {
    // Your code here
} finally {

Both libraries provide similar functionality for creating and managing spans, but Spring Cloud Sleuth offers tighter integration with Spring's dependency injection and autoconfiguration features. OpenTracing Java, on the other hand, provides a more generic approach that can be used across different frameworks and libraries.

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//// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. IT WAS GENERATED. Manual changes to this file will be lost when it is generated again. Edit the files in the src/main/asciidoc/ directory instead. ////

:jdkversion: 1.8

image::["Build",link=""] image::[Gitter,link=""]

== Spring Cloud Sleuth

=== !!!! IMPORTANT !!!!

Spring Cloud Sleuth's last minor version is 3.1. You can check the[3.1.x] branch for the latest commits.

WARNING: Spring Cloud Sleuth will not work with Spring Boot 3.x onward. The last major version of Spring Boot that Sleuth will support is 2.x.

The core of this project got moved to[Micrometer Tracing] project and the instrumentations will be moved to[Micrometer] and all respective projects (no longer all instrumentations will be done in a single repository.

You can check the[Micrometer Tracing migration guide] to learn how to migrate from Spring Cloud Sleuth to Micrometer Tracing.

=== Introduction

Spring Cloud Sleuth provides Spring Boot auto-configuration for distributed tracing.

Sleuth configures everything you need to get started. This includes where trace data (spans) are reported to, how many traces to keep (sampling), if remote fields (baggage) are sent, and which libraries are traced.

=== Quick Start

Add Spring Cloud Sleuth to the classpath of a Spring Boot application (together with a Tracer implementation) and you will see trace IDs in logs. Example of Sleuth with Brave tracer:


<!-- Spring Cloud Sleuth requires a Spring Cloud BOM -->
            <!-- Provide the latest stable Spring Cloud release train version (e.g. 2020.0.0) -->

    <!-- Boot's Web support -->
    <!-- Sleuth with Brave tracer implementation -->

Consider the following HTTP handler:


@RestController public class DemoController { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DemoController.class);

public String home() {"Handling home");
    return "Hello World";


If you add that handler to a controller, you can see the calls to home() being traced in the logs (notice the 0b6aaf642574edd3 ids).


2020-10-21 12:01:16.285 INFO [,0b6aaf642574edd3,0b6aaf642574edd3,true] 289589 --- [nio-9000-exec-1] DemoController : Handling home!

NOTE: Instead of logging the request in the handler explicitly, you could set

NOTE: Set (for instance) to see the service name as well as the trace and span IDs.

== Documentation

Please visit the[documentation page] to read more about the project.

== Building

:jdkversion: 1.8

=== Basic Compile and Test

To build the source you will need to install JDK {jdkversion}.

Spring Cloud uses Maven for most build-related activities, and you should be able to get off the ground quite quickly by cloning the project you are interested in and typing

$ ./mvnw install

NOTE: You can also install Maven (>=3.3.3) yourself and run the mvn command in place of ./mvnw in the examples below. If you do that you also might need to add -P spring if your local Maven settings do not contain repository declarations for spring pre-release artifacts.

NOTE: Be aware that you might need to increase the amount of memory available to Maven by setting a MAVEN_OPTS environment variable with a value like -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m. We try to cover this in the .mvn configuration, so if you find you have to do it to make a build succeed, please raise a ticket to get the settings added to source control.

The projects that require middleware (i.e. Redis) for testing generally require that a local instance of Docker is installed and running.

=== Documentation

The spring-cloud-build module has a "docs" profile, and if you switch that on it will try to build asciidoc sources from src/main/asciidoc. As part of that process it will look for a README.adoc and process it by loading all the includes, but not parsing or rendering it, just copying it to ${main.basedir} (defaults to ${basedir}, i.e. the root of the project). If there are any changes in the README it will then show up after a Maven build as a modified file in the correct place. Just commit it and push the change.

=== Working with the code If you don't have an IDE preference we would recommend that you use[Spring Tools Suite] or[Eclipse] when working with the code. We use the[m2eclipse] eclipse plugin for maven support. Other IDEs and tools should also work without issue as long as they use Maven 3.3.3 or better.

==== Activate the Spring Maven profile Spring Cloud projects require the 'spring' Maven profile to be activated to resolve the spring milestone and snapshot repositories. Use your preferred IDE to set this profile to be active, or you may experience build errors.

==== Importing into eclipse with m2eclipse We recommend the[m2eclipse] eclipse plugin when working with eclipse. If you don't already have m2eclipse installed it is available from the "eclipse marketplace".

NOTE: Older versions of m2e do not support Maven 3.3, so once the projects are imported into Eclipse you will also need to tell m2eclipse to use the right profile for the projects. If you see many different errors related to the POMs in the projects, check that you have an up to date installation. If you can't upgrade m2e, add the "spring" profile to your settings.xml. Alternatively you can copy the repository settings from the "spring" profile of the parent pom into your settings.xml.

==== Importing into eclipse without m2eclipse If you prefer not to use m2eclipse you can generate eclipse project metadata using the following command:


$ ./mvnw eclipse:eclipse

The generated eclipse projects can be imported by selecting import existing projects from the file menu.

== Contributing

:spring-cloud-build-branch: 3.1.x

Spring Cloud is released under the non-restrictive Apache 2.0 license, and follows a very standard Github development process, using Github tracker for issues and merging pull requests into master. If you want to contribute even something trivial please do not hesitate, but follow the guidelines below.

=== Sign the Contributor License Agreement Before we accept a non-trivial patch or pull request we will need you to sign the[Contributor License Agreement]. Signing the contributor's agreement does not grant anyone commit rights to the main repository, but it does mean that we can accept your contributions, and you will get an author credit if we do. Active contributors might be asked to join the core team, and given the ability to merge pull requests.

=== Code of Conduct This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant[code of conduct]. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to

=== Code Conventions and Housekeeping None of these is essential for a pull request, but they will all help. They can also be added after the original pull request but before a merge.

  • Use the Spring Framework code format conventions. If you use Eclipse you can import formatter settings using the eclipse-code-formatter.xml file from the[Spring Cloud Build] project. If using IntelliJ, you can use the[Eclipse Code Formatter Plugin] to import the same file.
  • Make sure all new .java files to have a simple Javadoc class comment with at least an @author tag identifying you, and preferably at least a paragraph on what the class is for.
  • Add the ASF license header comment to all new .java files (copy from existing files in the project)
  • Add yourself as an @author to the .java files that you modify substantially (more than cosmetic changes).
  • Add some Javadocs and, if you change the namespace, some XSD doc elements.
  • A few unit tests would help a lot as well -- someone has to do it.
  • If no-one else is using your branch, please rebase it against the current master (or other target branch in the main project).
  • When writing a commit message please follow[these conventions], if you are fixing an existing issue please add Fixes gh-XXXX at the end of the commit message (where XXXX is the issue number).

=== Checkstyle

Spring Cloud Build comes with a set of checkstyle rules. You can find them in the spring-cloud-build-tools module. The most notable files under the module are:


└── src    ├── checkstyle    │   └── checkstyle-suppressions.xml <3>    └── main    └── resources    ├── checkstyle-header.txt <2>    └── checkstyle.xml <1>

<1> Default Checkstyle rules <2> File header setup <3> Default suppression rules

==== Checkstyle configuration

Checkstyle rules are disabled by default. To add checkstyle to your project just define the following properties and plugins.


true <1> true <2> true <3> <4> io.spring.javaformat spring-javaformat-maven-plugin <5> org.apache.maven.plugins maven-checkstyle-plugin
        <plugin> <5>
---- <1> Fails the build upon Checkstyle errors <2> Fails the build upon Checkstyle violations <3> Checkstyle analyzes also the test sources <4> Add the Spring Java Format plugin that will reformat your code to pass most of the Checkstyle formatting rules <5> Add checkstyle plugin to your build and reporting phases

If you need to suppress some rules (e.g. line length needs to be longer), then it's enough for you to define a file under ${project.root}/src/checkstyle/checkstyle-suppressions.xml with your suppressions. Example:



It's advisable to copy the ${spring-cloud-build.rootFolder}/.editorconfig and ${spring-cloud-build.rootFolder}/.springformat to your project. That way, some default formatting rules will be applied. You can do so by running this script:

$ curl -o .editorconfig
$ touch .springformat

=== IDE setup

==== Intellij IDEA

In order to setup Intellij you should import our coding conventions, inspection profiles and set up the checkstyle plugin. The following files can be found in the[Spring Cloud Build] project.


└── src    ├── checkstyle    │   └── checkstyle-suppressions.xml <3>    └── main    └── resources    ├── checkstyle-header.txt <2>    ├── checkstyle.xml <1>    └── intellij       ├── Intellij_Project_Defaults.xml <4>       └── Intellij_Spring_Boot_Java_Conventions.xml <5>

<1> Default Checkstyle rules <2> File header setup <3> Default suppression rules <4> Project defaults for Intellij that apply most of Checkstyle rules <5> Project style conventions for Intellij that apply most of Checkstyle rules

.Code style

image::{spring-cloud-build-branch}/docs/src/main/asciidoc/images/intellij-code-style.png[Code style]

Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code style. There click on the icon next to the Scheme section. There, click on the Import Scheme value and pick the Intellij IDEA code style XML option. Import the spring-cloud-build-tools/src/main/resources/intellij/Intellij_Spring_Boot_Java_Conventions.xml file.

.Inspection profiles

image::{spring-cloud-build-branch}/docs/src/main/asciidoc/images/intellij-inspections.png[Code style]

Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Inspections. There click on the icon next to the Profile section. There, click on the Import Profile and import the spring-cloud-build-tools/src/main/resources/intellij/Intellij_Project_Defaults.xml file.


To have Intellij work with Checkstyle, you have to install the Checkstyle plugin. It's advisable to also install the Assertions2Assertj to automatically convert the JUnit assertions


Go to File -> Settings -> Other settings -> Checkstyle. There click on the + icon in the Configuration file section. There, you'll have to define where the checkstyle rules should be picked from. In the image above, we've picked the rules from the cloned Spring Cloud Build repository. However, you can point to the Spring Cloud Build's GitHub repository (e.g. for the checkstyle.xml : We need to provide the following variables:

  • checkstyle.header.file - please point it to the Spring Cloud Build's, spring-cloud-build-tools/src/main/resources/checkstyle-header.txt file either in your cloned repo or via the URL.
  • checkstyle.suppressions.file - default suppressions. Please point it to the Spring Cloud Build's, spring-cloud-build-tools/src/checkstyle/checkstyle-suppressions.xml file either in your cloned repo or via the URL.
  • checkstyle.additional.suppressions.file - this variable corresponds to suppressions in your local project. E.g. you're working on spring-cloud-contract. Then point to the project-root/src/checkstyle/checkstyle-suppressions.xml folder. Example for spring-cloud-contract would be: /home/username/spring-cloud-contract/src/checkstyle/checkstyle-suppressions.xml.

IMPORTANT: Remember to set the Scan Scope to All sources since we apply checkstyle rules for production and test sources.

=== Duplicate Finder

Spring Cloud Build brings along the basepom:duplicate-finder-maven-plugin, that enables flagging duplicate and conflicting classes and resources on the java classpath.

==== Duplicate Finder configuration

Duplicate finder is enabled by default and will run in the verify phase of your Maven build, but it will only take effect in your project if you add the duplicate-finder-maven-plugin to the build section of the projecst's pom.xml.

.pom.xml [source,xml]

org.basepom.maven duplicate-finder-maven-plugin ----

For other properties, we have set defaults as listed in the[plugin documentation].

You can easily override them but setting the value of the selected property prefixed with duplicate-finder-maven-plugin. For example, set duplicate-finder-maven-plugin.skip to true in order to skip duplicates check in your build.

If you need to add ignoredClassPatterns or ignoredResourcePatterns to your setup, make sure to add them in the plugin configuration section of your project:


org.basepom.maven duplicate-finder-maven-plugin org.joda.time.base.BaseDateTime .*module-info changelog.txt