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This library allows to use Material steppers inside Android applications.


Top Related Projects

Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android

Vertical Stepper Form Library for Android. It follows Google Material Design guidelines.

Quick Overview

Android Material Stepper is a library that provides a customizable and easy-to-use implementation of the Material Design stepper component for Android applications. It allows developers to create step-by-step workflows with a consistent and visually appealing user interface, following Material Design guidelines.


  • Easy integration with existing Android projects
  • Highly customizable appearance and behavior
  • Supports both horizontal and vertical stepper layouts
  • Follows Material Design guidelines for a polished look


  • Limited documentation and examples
  • May require additional styling for complex use cases
  • Not frequently updated, which could lead to compatibility issues with newer Android versions
  • Lacks some advanced features found in more comprehensive stepper libraries

Code Examples

  1. Creating a basic horizontal stepper:
val stepper = MaterialStepper(context)
    Step.Builder().setTitle("Step 1").setContent(step1Layout).create(),
    Step.Builder().setTitle("Step 2").setContent(step2Layout).create(),
    Step.Builder().setTitle("Step 3").setContent(step3Layout).create()
  1. Customizing stepper appearance:
stepper.setColorPrimary(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.primary))
stepper.setColorPrimaryDark(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.primary_dark))
stepper.setErrorColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.error))
  1. Handling step navigation:
stepper.setListener(object : StepperListener {
    override fun onCompleted(completeButton: View?) {
        // Handle completion

    override fun onError(verificationError: VerificationError?) {
        // Handle error

    override fun onStepSelected(newStepPosition: Int) {
        // Handle step selection

    override fun onReturn() {
        // Handle return action

Getting Started

To use Android Material Stepper in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the JitPack repository to your project's build.gradle file:
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependency to your app's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.stepstone-tech:android-material-stepper:4.3.1'
  1. Sync your project with Gradle files.

  2. Use the MaterialStepper component in your layout or create it programmatically as shown in the code examples above.

Competitor Comparisons

Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android

Pros of material-components-android

  • Comprehensive library with a wide range of Material Design components
  • Officially maintained by Google, ensuring consistency with Material Design guidelines
  • Regular updates and extensive documentation

Cons of material-components-android

  • Larger library size, potentially increasing app size
  • Steeper learning curve due to the extensive component set
  • May require more configuration for specific use cases

Code Comparison


    steps = listOf(Step.Builder().setTitle("Step 1").build()),
    stepperType = StepperType.DOTS


    app:ms_stepperType="dots" />

The android-material-stepper library provides a more concise and Kotlin-friendly API for creating steppers, while material-components-android offers a wider range of customization options through XML attributes.

Vertical Stepper Form Library for Android. It follows Google Material Design guidelines.

Pros of VerticalStepperForm

  • Offers a vertical stepper layout, which can be more suitable for mobile interfaces
  • Provides built-in form validation functionality
  • Allows for easy customization of step titles, subtitles, and buttons

Cons of VerticalStepperForm

  • Limited to vertical orientation, less flexible than android-material-stepper
  • Has fewer stars and contributors on GitHub, potentially indicating less community support
  • Last updated in 2021, which may suggest slower maintenance compared to android-material-stepper

Code Comparison


verticalStepperForm.setup(this, stepList).init()



Both libraries offer simple setup methods, but android-material-stepper provides a more flexible builder pattern for configuration.

VerticalStepperForm focuses on a specific vertical layout with integrated form functionality, while android-material-stepper offers more diverse stepper styles and customization options. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your project, such as layout preferences and the need for built-in form validation.

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Android Material Stepper CircleCI codecov Android Arsenal Android Weekly

This library allows to use Material steppers inside Android applications.

Quoting the documentation:

Steppers display progress through a sequence by breaking it up into multiple logical and numbered steps.

All of the code & features mentioned in Getting started and Advanced usage are showcased in the sample app. Moreover, you can find there other examples, e.g. how to persist state on rotation, display errors, change whether the user can go to the next step, etc. So please have a look!

Jump to section

Supported steppers

Mobile stepper with dots


Mobile stepper with progress bar


Mobile stepper without a progress indicator

Horizontal stepper

Supported features

  • color customisation of individual widgets inside of the stepper via View attributes or a style from a theme
  • custom texts of individual widgets inside of the stepper via View attributes or a style from a theme
  • embedding the stepper anywhere in the view hierarchy and changing the stepper type for various device configurations, e.g. phone/tablet, portrait/landscape
  • step validation
  • use with Fragments or Views
  • showing errors in tabs
  • showing stepper feedback for ongoing operations (see Stepper feedback)

Getting started

Download (from JCenter)

compile 'com.stepstone.stepper:material-stepper:4.3.1'

Note: This library adds a transitive dependency to AppCompat 25.4.0 which is the minimum Android Support library version compatible with the Stepper library.

Create layout in XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<com.stepstone.stepper.StepperLayout xmlns:android=""
    app:ms_stepperType="progress_bar" />

For a complete list of StepperLayout attributes see [StepperLayout attributes](#StepperLayout attributes).

Create step Fragment(s)

Step fragments must extend and implement com.stepstone.stepper.Step

public class StepFragmentSample extends Fragment implements Step {

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.step, container, false);

        //initialize your UI

        return v;

    public VerificationError verifyStep() {
        //return null if the user can go to the next step, create a new VerificationError instance otherwise
        return null;

    public void onSelected() {
        //update UI when selected

    public void onError(@NonNull VerificationError error) {
        //handle error inside of the fragment, e.g. show error on EditText

Extend AbstractFragmentStepAdapter

AbstractFragmentStepAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter but instead of overriding the method getItem(int) you must override the createStep(int) method.

public static class MyStepperAdapter extends AbstractFragmentStepAdapter {

    public MyStepperAdapter(FragmentManager fm, Context context) {
        super(fm, context);

    public Step createStep(int position) {
        final StepFragmentSample step = new StepFragmentSample();
        Bundle b = new Bundle();
        b.putInt(CURRENT_STEP_POSITION_KEY, position);
        return step;

    public int getCount() {
        return 3;

    public StepViewModel getViewModel(@IntRange(from = 0) int position) {
        //Override this method to set Step title for the Tabs, not necessary for other stepper types
        return new StepViewModel.Builder(context)
                .setTitle(R.string.tab_title) //can be a CharSequence instead

Set adapter in Activity

public class StepperActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private StepperLayout mStepperLayout;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mStepperLayout = (StepperLayout) findViewById(;
        mStepperLayout.setAdapter(new MyStepperAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(), this));

Add a StepperListener in the Activity (optional)

public class StepperActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements StepperLayout.StepperListener {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void onCompleted(View completeButton) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "onCompleted!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onError(VerificationError verificationError) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "onError! -> " + verificationError.getErrorMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onStepSelected(int newStepPosition) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "onStepSelected! -> " + newStepPosition, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onReturn() {


Advanced usage

Making extra operations before going to the next step

After clicking on the Next button if the user wants to e.g.:

  • save something in the database
  • make a network call on a separate Thread
  • simply save the data from the current step to some other component or parent Activity (see 'Passing data between steps' in the sample app for more details)

he can perform these operations and then invoke the goToNextStep() method of the StepperLayout.OnNextClickedCallback in the current Step. If the user wants to perform these operations on the final step, when clicking on the Complete button, he needs to invoke the complete() method of the StepperLayout.OnCompleteClickedCallback. While operations are performed, and the user would like to go back you can cancel them and then invoke onBackClicked() method of the StepperLayout.OnBackClickedCallback.

To do so the fragment/view must implement BlockingStep instead of Step. Also, make sure that goToNextStep() and/or complete() get called on the main thread. Note: onNextClicked(StepperLayout.OnNextClickedCallback) and onCompleteClicked(StepperLayout.OnCompleteClickedCallback) methods get invoked after step verification. E.g.:

public class DelayedTransitionStepFragmentSample extends Fragment implements BlockingStep {


    public void onNextClicked(final StepperLayout.OnNextClickedCallback callback) {
        new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        }, 2000L);

    public void onCompleteClicked(final StepperLayout.OnCompleteClickedCallback callback) {
        new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        }, 2000L);

    public void onBackClicked(StepperLayout.OnBackClickedCallback callback) {
        Toast.makeText(this.getContext(), "Your custom back action. Here you should cancel currently running operations", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


Changing button labels & compound drawables per step

Sometimes you might want to have different labels on the Next/Complete and/or Back navigation buttons on different steps e.g. use the default labels on the first few steps, but display 'Summary' just before the last page. You might also want to use your custom icons instead of the default navigation button compound drawables or not show the compound drawables for some of the buttons.

In such case you need to override the `getViewModel(int)` method from the `StepAdapter` e.g.
    public StepViewModel getViewModel(@IntRange(from = 0) int position) {
        StepViewModel.Builder builder = new StepViewModel.Builder(context)
        switch (position) {
            case 0:
                    .setEndButtonLabel("This way")
            case 1:
                    .setBackButtonLabel("Go to first")
            case 2:
                    .setBackButtonLabel("Go back")
                    .setEndButtonLabel("I'm done!");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported position: " + position);
        return builder.create();

It is also possible to hide Back/Next/Complete buttons on each step if needed. To do so you need to call setBackButtonVisible(false) and/or setEndButtonVisible(false) on StepViewModel.Builder in your adapter.

Subtitles in tabs

You can set a subtitle for each step in stepper with tabs, e.g. to mark a step as optional. To do so you need to set the subtitle by calling StepViewModel.Builder#setSubtitle(int) or StepViewModel.Builder#setSubtitle(CharSequence) in your adapter's getViewModel method.

Custom styling

Basic styling can be done by choosing the active and inactive step colors. There are some additional properties which can be changed directly from StepperLayout's attributes e.g. the background of bottom navigation buttons (see StepperLayout attributes) For advanced styling you can use ms_stepperLayoutTheme StepperLayout's attribute and provide your custom style to be used. See 'Custom StepperLayout theme' in the sample app for an example.

Using same stepper styling across the application

If you have many steppers in your application in different activities/fragments you might want to set a common style in a theme. To do so, you need to set the ms_stepperStyle attribute in the theme, e.g.

    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
        <item name="ms_stepperStyle">@style/DotStepperStyle</item>

and declare that style in the XML you keep your styles at, e.g.

    <style name="DotStepperStyle">
        <item name="ms_stepperType">dots</item>
        <item name="ms_activeStepColor">#FFFFFF</item>
        <item name="ms_inactiveStepColor">#006867</item>
        <item name="ms_bottomNavigationBackground">?attr/colorAccent</item>

Showing a Back button on first step

By default if the user is on the first step then the Back button in the bottom navigation is hidden. This behaviour can be changed by setting ms_showBackButtonOnFirstStep to true, e.g.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <com.stepstone.stepper.StepperLayout xmlns:android=""
        app:ms_stepperType="dots" />

To get a callback when this button was pressed you need set a StepperListener and write your own custom return logic in the onReturn() method to e.g. close the Activity.

Using Views instead of Fragments as Steps

It is possible to use this library without the need to rely on Fragments. To do so you need to use AbstractStepAdapter instead of AbstractFragmentStepAdapter. For an example of how to use it with views please see the sample app.

Showing an error on tabs if step verification failed

To show an error in the tabbed stepper if step verification fails you need to set ms_showErrorStateEnabled attribute to true.

If you want to keep the error displayed when going back to the previous step you need to also set ms_showErrorStateOnBackEnabled to true. If you want display an error message below the step title you need to set ms_showErrorMessageEnabled to true. The message set in VerificationError will be then displayed.

Stepper feedback

It is possible to show stepper feedback for ongoing operations (see Stepper feedback). To do so you firstly need to set ms_stepperFeedbackType to one or more of:

  • tabs - shows a progress message instead of the tabs during operation.
  • content_progress - shows a progress bar on top of the steps' content.
  • content_fade - partially fades the content out during operation (should not be used together with content_overlay). You can change the default fade amount with ms_stepperFeedback_contentFadeAlpha attribute.
  • content_overlay - shows a dimmed overlay over the content during the operation (should not be used together with content_fade). You can change the overlay background with ms_stepperFeedback_contentOverlayBackground attribute.
  • disabled_bottom_navigation - disables the buttons in the bottom navigation during operation. In order to see that the buttons are disabled on the bottom navigation bar, make sure that the button colors are assigned using color selectors with a disabled state (see the sample app).
  • disabled_content_interaction - intercepts touch events on the steps' content and ignores them during operation.

The default is none which does nothing. It is possible to use multiple flags together.

After setting this to show the feedback you need to call StepperLayout#showProgress(@NonNull String progressMessage) and do hide the progress indicator you need to call StepperLayout#hideProgress().

E.g. In layout:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <com.stepstone.stepper.StepperLayout xmlns:android=""
        app:ms_stepperFeedbackType="tabs|content|disabled_bottom_navigation" />

and in BlockingStep:

public class StepperFeedbackStepFragment extends Fragment implements BlockingStep {


    public void onNextClicked(final StepperLayout.OnNextClickedCallback callback) {
        callback.getStepperLayout().showProgress("Operation in progress, please wait...");
        new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        }, 2000L);


Changing button text color when going to the next step should be disabled

It is possible to change the Next/Complete button's text color (together with right chevron's color) when all the criteria to go to the next step are not met. This color should indicate that the user cannot go to next step yet and look as if disabled. Clicking on the button will still perform the regular step verification. There is a custom state added since setting android:state_enabled to false in a color selector would disable the clicks and we want to have them so that we can show an info message for the user. In order to set that color:

  1. Create a new color selector in res/color
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <selector xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="">
        <item app:state_verification_failed="true" android:color="#30BDBDBD"/>
        <item android:color="@color/ms_white"/>
  1. Change button's (text) color in layout file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <com.stepstone.stepper.StepperLayout xmlns:android=""
        app:ms_completeButtonColor="@color/ms_custom_button_text_color" />
  1. Toggle the state in code

Hiding bottom navigation bar

Bottom navigation bar is shown by default. If in your UI you would like to hide the bottom navigation bar you can do that by either setting the ms_showBottomNavigation attribute in XML to false or by setting it programmatically by calling StepperLayout#setShowBottomNavigation(boolean) with false.

StepperLayout attributes

View attributes

A list of base StepperLayout attributes used for behaviour configuration & base UI configuration. For advanced styling please see StepperLayout style attributes.

Attribute nameFormatDescription
ms_stepperTypeone of dots, progress_bar, tabs or noneREQUIRED: Type of the stepper
ms_backButtonColorcolor or referenceBACK button's text color, can be also set via StepperLayout#setBackButtonColor(int)/StepperLayout#setBackButtonColor(ColorStateList)
ms_nextButtonColorcolor or referenceNEXT button's text color, can be also set via StepperLayout#setNextButtonColor(int)/StepperLayout#setNextButtonColor(ColorStateList)
ms_completeButtonColorcolor or referenceCOMPLETE button's text color, can be also set via StepperLayout#setCompleteButtonColor(int)/StepperLayout#setCompleteButtonColor(ColorStateList)
ms_activeStepColorcolor or referenceActive step's color
ms_inactiveStepColorcolor or referenceInactive step's color
ms_bottomNavigationBackgroundreferenceBackground of the bottom navigation
ms_backButtonBackgroundreferenceBACK button's background
ms_nextButtonBackgroundreferenceNEXT button's background
ms_completeButtonBackgroundreferenceCOMPLETE button's background
ms_backButtonTextstring or referenceBACK button's text
ms_nextButtonTextstring or referenceNEXT button's text
ms_completeButtonTextstring or referenceCOMPLETE button's text
ms_tabStepDividerWidthdimension or referenceThe width of the horizontal tab divider used in tabs stepper type
ms_showBackButtonOnFirstStepbooleanFlag indicating if the Back (Previous step) button should be shown on the first step. False by default.
ms_errorColorcolor or referenceError color in Tabs stepper
ms_showErrorStateEnabledbooleanFlag indicating whether to show the error state. Only applicable for 'tabs' type. False by default.
ms_showErrorStateOnBackEnabledbooleanFlag indicating whether to keep showing the error state when user moves back. Only applicable for 'tabs' type. False by default.
ms_tabNavigationEnabledbooleanFlag indicating whether step navigation is possible by clicking on the tabs directly. Only applicable for 'tabs' type. True by default.
ms_stepperFeedbackTypeflag(s): none or tabs, content_progress, content_fade, content_overlay, disabled_bottom_navigation & disabled_content_interactionType(s) of stepper feedback. Can be a combination of tabs, content_progress, content_fade, content_overlay, disabled_bottom_navigation & disabled_content_interaction. Default is none.
ms_stepperFeedback_contentFadeAlphafloatAn alpha value from 0 to 1.0f to be used for the faded out view if content_fade stepper feedback type is set. 0.5f by default.
ms_stepperFeedback_contentOverlayBackgroundreferenceBackground to be used for the overlay on top of the content if content_overlay stepper feedback type is set.
ms_showBottomNavigationbooleanFlag indicating if the Bottom Navigation bar should be shown on the layout. True by default.
ms_stepperLayoutThemereferenceTheme to use for even more custom styling of the stepper layout. It is recommended that it should extend @style/MSDefaultStepperLayoutTheme, which is the default theme used.

StepperLayout style attributes

A list of ms_stepperLayoutTheme attributes responsible for styling of StepperLayout's child views.

Attribute nameDescription
ms_bottomNavigationStyleUsed by ms_bottomNavigation in layout/ms_stepper_layout
ms_tabsContainerStyleUsed by ms_stepTabsContainer in layout/ms_stepper_layout
ms_backNavigationButtonStyleUsed by ms_stepPrevButton in layout/ms_stepper_layout
ms_nextNavigationButtonStyleUsed by ms_stepNextButton in layout/ms_stepper_layout
ms_completeNavigationButtonStyleUsed by ms_stepCompleteButton in layout/ms_stepper_layout
ms_colorableProgressBarStyleUsed by ms_stepProgressBar in layout/ms_stepper_layout
ms_stepPagerProgressBarStyleUsed by ms_stepPagerProgressBar in layout/ms_stepper_layout
ms_stepPagerOverlayStyleUsed by ms_stepPagerOverlay in layout/ms_stepper_layout
ms_stepTabsScrollViewStyleUsed by ms_stepTabsScrollView in layout/ms_tabs_container
ms_stepTabsInnerContainerStyleUsed by ms_stepTabsInnerContainer in layout/ms_tabs_container
ms_stepTabsProgressMessageStyleUsed by ms_stepTabsProgressMessage in layout/ms_tabs_container
ms_stepTabContainerStyleUsed in layout/ms_step_tab_container
ms_stepTabNumberStyleUsed by ms_stepNumber in layout/ms_step_tab
ms_stepTabDoneIndicatorStyleUsed by ms_stepDoneIndicator in layout/ms_step_tab
ms_stepTabIconBackgroundStyleUsed by ms_stepIconBackground in layout/ms_step_tab
ms_stepTabTitleStyleUsed by ms_stepTitle in layout/ms_step_tab
ms_stepTabSubtitleStyleUsed by ms_stepSubtitle in layout/ms_step_tab
ms_stepTabDividerStyleUsed by ms_stepDivider in layout/ms_step_tab


See changelog

Espresso tests

If you wish to run Espresso tests on a screen containing a StepperLayout you might want to use espresso-material-stepper which contains useful Espresso actions and matchers such as clicking on navigation buttons & tabs. To do so add a Gradle dependency:

    androidTestCompile 'com.stepstone.stepper:espresso-material-stepper:X.X.X'

Please see the sample app which uses it in instrumentation tests for more details.


All contributions are welcome and encouraged!

If you wish to contribute please create an issue first explaining the proposed changes.

Project is built on Circle CI on which we run static code analysis as well as unit & instrumentation tests to ensure that the latest changes don't break anything. To check if your changes pass execute:

./gradlew checkWithUiTests

Or on a device below Marshmallow:

./gradlew checkWithUiTests -Ptest.integration.options.adbInstallOptions=-r


Copyright 2016 StepStone Services

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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