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Revadike logoepicgames-freebies-claimer

Claim available free game promotions from the Epic Games Store.


Top Related Projects

Automatically claims free games on the Epic Games Store, Amazon Prime Gaming and GOG.

Automatically login and find available free games the Epic Games Store. Sends you a prepopulated checkout link so you can complete the checkout after logging in. Supports multiple accounts, login sessions, and scheduled runs.

Quick Overview

Epicgames-freebies-claimer is an automated tool designed to claim free games from the Epic Games Store. It runs on a schedule, logs into your Epic Games account, and automatically adds available free games to your library without manual intervention.


  • Automatically claims free games without user interaction
  • Supports multiple Epic Games accounts
  • Customizable schedule for running the claimer
  • Can be run as a Docker container for easy deployment


  • Requires storing Epic Games account credentials
  • May violate Epic Games' terms of service
  • Potential for account suspension if detected as automated
  • Limited to claiming only free games, not purchasing discounted ones

Code Examples

// Example of configuring accounts in the config.json file
  "accounts": [
      "email": "",
      "password": "your_password_here"
// Example of running the claimer with custom options
node claimer.js --runOnce --delay 3600
// Example of setting up a custom schedule in config.json
  "cronSchedule": "0 12 * * *"

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd epicgames-freebies-claimer
    npm install
  3. Configure your account(s) in config.json:

      "accounts": [
          "email": "",
          "password": "your_password"
  4. Run the claimer:

    node claimer.js

Competitor Comparisons

Automatically claims free games on the Epic Games Store, Amazon Prime Gaming and GOG.

Pros of free-games-claimer

  • Supports multiple game platforms (Epic Games, GOG, Amazon Prime)
  • Provides a web interface for easier management
  • Allows for customizable claim schedules

Cons of free-games-claimer

  • Less active development and community support
  • Fewer configuration options for advanced users
  • May require more setup steps for certain platforms

Code Comparison


const { Launcher } = require('epicgames-client');
const launcher = new Launcher({
    email: '',
    password: 'password123'


from free_games_claimer import EpicGamesClaimer
claimer = EpicGamesClaimer(

Both projects aim to automatically claim free games, but they differ in implementation and scope. epicgames-freebies-claimer focuses solely on Epic Games and is written in JavaScript, while free-games-claimer supports multiple platforms and is implemented in Python. The code snippets show the basic setup for each project, highlighting the different languages and initialization processes.

epicgames-freebies-claimer has a larger user base and more frequent updates, making it potentially more reliable for Epic Games specifically. However, free-games-claimer offers broader platform support and a web interface, which may be preferable for users looking to manage multiple game services from a single tool.

Automatically login and find available free games the Epic Games Store. Sends you a prepopulated checkout link so you can complete the checkout after logging in. Supports multiple accounts, login sessions, and scheduled runs.

Pros of epicgames-freegames-node

  • Written in TypeScript, offering better type safety and developer experience
  • Supports multiple accounts and proxies for enhanced flexibility
  • Includes a web interface for easier management and monitoring

Cons of epicgames-freegames-node

  • Less actively maintained, with fewer recent updates
  • May have more complex setup due to additional features
  • Potentially higher resource usage due to web interface

Code Comparison


const { Launcher } = require('epicgames-client');
const client = new Launcher({
    email: '',
    password: 'password123'


import { Authenticator } from 'epicgames-client-login-adapter';
const auth = await Authenticator.create({
    email: '',
    password: 'password123'

Both projects aim to automate the claiming of free games from the Epic Games Store. epicgames-freebies-claimer is more straightforward and actively maintained, while epicgames-freegames-node offers additional features at the cost of complexity. The code comparison shows that epicgames-freegames-node uses TypeScript and a different authentication approach, potentially providing better type safety but requiring more setup.

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EpicGames Freebies Claimer



EpicGames has made captchas mandatory for claiming free games. Currently, epicgames freebies claimer cannot handle this, so it is not working. I am trying to fix it by implementating anti captcha solutions. You can track my progression here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Claim available free game promotions from the Epic Games Store.


Instructions - Quick

  1. (Optional) ☆ Star this project :)
  2. Download/clone this repository
  3. Run npm install
  4. Generate data/device_auths.json (using DeviceAuthGenerator)
  5. (Optional) Copy data/config.example.json to data/config.json and edit it
  6. Run npm start

Instructions - Detailed

Check out the wiki, written by @lucifudge.

Instructions - Docker

Check out the wiki, written by @jackblk.


Why should I use this?

This is for the truly lazy, you know who you are. ;) Also, this is a good alternative, in case you don't like using Epic's client or website (and I don't blame you).

Why should I even bother claiming these free games?

To which I will say, why not? Most of these games are actually outstanding games! Even if you don't like Epic and their shenanigans, you will be pleased to know that Epic actually funds all the free copies that are given away: "But we actually found it was more economical to pay developers [a lump sum] to distribute their game free for two weeks..."


Full changelog in Wiki

Happy Freebie Claiming!
