Large single page application with 45 pages built on vue2 + vuex. 基于 vue2 + vuex 构建一个具有 45 个页面的大型单页面应用
Top Related Projects
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to
A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0
:tada: A magical vue admin
Vue3、Element Plus、typescript后台管理系统
🌈 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜
Quick Overview
vue2-elm is a comprehensive Vue.js 2.0 project that replicates the functionality of the Elm food delivery app. It serves as a full-stack demonstration, showcasing both front-end and back-end development using Vue.js and Node.js respectively. The project aims to provide a learning resource for developers interested in building complex web applications with Vue.js.
- Extensive and realistic project structure, mimicking a real-world application
- Comprehensive implementation of various Vue.js features and best practices
- Includes both front-end and back-end code, offering a full-stack learning experience
- Well-documented codebase with detailed comments
- Based on Vue.js 2.0, which is not the latest version of the framework
- Large codebase might be overwhelming for beginners
- Some dependencies may be outdated, requiring updates for production use
- Limited multilingual support
Code Examples
- Vue component example:
<div class="rating_container">
<section class="star_container">
<section :style="'width:' + rating*2/5 + 'rem'" class="star_overflow">
<svg class="grey_fill" v-for="num in 5" :key="num">
<use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#star"></use>
<div class="rating_num">
export default {
props: ['rating']
This code snippet shows a Vue.js component for displaying a star rating.
- Vuex store example:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import mutations from './mutations'
import actions from './action'
import getters from './getters'
const state = {
latitude: '', // Current latitude
longitude: '', // Current longitude
cartList: {}, // Shopping cart
shopDetail: null, // Shop details
userInfo: null, // User info
shopid: null, // Shop ID
remarkText: null, // Remark text
inputText: '', // Input text
invoice: false, // Invoice
newAddress: [], // New address
searchAddress: null, // Search address
geohash: 'wtw3sm0q087', // geohash
choosedAddress: null, // Chosen address
addressIndex: null, // Address index
needValidation: null, // Need validation
cartId: null, // Cart ID
sig: null, // Signature
orderParam: null, // Order parameters
orderMessage: null, // Order message
orderDetail: null, // Order details
login: true, // Login status
imgPath:null, // Image path
removeAddress:[], // Remove address
addAddress:'', // Add address
question: null, // Question
cartPrice: null, // Cart price
export default new Vuex.Store({
This code shows the Vuex store configuration for the application.
Getting Started
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
cd vue2-elm npm install
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Build for production:
npm run build
Competitor Comparisons
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to
Pros of Vue
- Core framework with extensive documentation and community support
- Flexible and scalable for projects of all sizes
- Regular updates and maintenance from the Vue.js core team
Cons of Vue
- More complex setup for large-scale applications
- Steeper learning curve for advanced features
- Less opinionated, requiring more decision-making for project structure
Code Comparison
vue2-elm (Element selection):
export default {
name: 'shopList',
data() {
return {
offset: 0,
shopListArr: [],
preventRepeatReuqest: false,
showBackStatus: false,
showLoading: true,
touchend: false,
Vue (Core library):
export function createApp(rootComponent, rootProps = null) {
const app = ensureRenderer().createApp(rootComponent, rootProps)
const { mount } = app
app.mount = (containerOrSelector) => {
const container = normalizeContainer(containerOrSelector)
if (!container) return
// ...
return app
Vue is a comprehensive framework suitable for various project sizes, while vue2-elm is a specific implementation using Vue 2 for an Elm-like application. Vue offers more flexibility and ongoing support but may require more setup for complex projects. vue2-elm provides a ready-to-use structure for a specific use case but may be less adaptable to different project requirements.
A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web
Pros of element
- Comprehensive UI component library for Vue.js applications
- Extensive documentation and active community support
- Regular updates and maintenance from the Eleme team
Cons of element
- Larger bundle size due to the extensive component library
- Steeper learning curve for developers new to component libraries
- Less flexibility for custom styling compared to building from scratch
Code Comparison
<el-button type="primary" @click="handleClick">Click me</el-button>
<section class="btn-container">
<button class="btn" @click="handleClick">Click me</button>
Key Differences
- element is a UI component library, while vue2-elm is a full-fledged food delivery application
- vue2-elm provides a complete application structure and implementation
- element focuses on reusable components for various Vue.js projects
Use Cases
- element: Ideal for rapidly building consistent UI across multiple Vue.js projects
- vue2-elm: Useful as a reference for building complex Vue.js applications, especially in the food delivery domain
Community and Support
- element: Large community, frequent updates, and official backing from Eleme
- vue2-elm: Smaller community, less frequent updates, but valuable for learning Vue.js application architecture
A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0
Pros of iView
- Comprehensive UI component library with 40+ components
- Extensive documentation and examples
- Active development and regular updates
Cons of iView
- Steeper learning curve for beginners
- Less flexibility for custom designs compared to vue2-elm
Code Comparison
vue2-elm (App.vue):
<div id="app">
export default {
name: 'app'
iView (example usage):
<Button type="primary">Primary Button</Button>
<Table :columns="columns" :data="data"></Table>
export default {
// Component logic
vue2-elm is a complete food delivery application built with Vue.js, offering a real-world example of a full-stack Vue project. It provides a great learning resource for developers looking to understand how to structure a large-scale Vue application.
iView, on the other hand, is a UI component library for Vue.js. It offers a wide range of pre-built components that can be easily integrated into Vue projects. While it may have a steeper learning curve, it provides a more comprehensive set of tools for building complex user interfaces.
The choice between the two depends on the project requirements. vue2-elm is ideal for those looking to study a complete Vue application, while iView is better suited for developers needing a robust UI component library for their projects.
:tada: A magical vue admin
Pros of vue-element-admin
- More comprehensive and feature-rich admin dashboard template
- Extensive documentation and community support
- Regular updates and maintenance
Cons of vue-element-admin
- Steeper learning curve due to its complexity
- May require more customization for specific use cases
Code Comparison
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
export const constantRoutes = [
path: '/redirect',
component: Layout,
hidden: true,
children: [
path: '/redirect/:path(.*)',
component: () => import('@/views/redirect/index')
import App from '../App'
export default [{
path: '/',
component: App,
children: [{
path: '',
component: r => require.ensure([], () => r(require('../page/home')), 'home')
}, {
path: '/city/:cityid',
component: r => require.ensure([], () => r(require('../page/city')), 'city')
vue-element-admin offers a more structured and modular approach to routing, while vue2-elm uses a simpler, flatter structure. The former provides more flexibility for complex applications, while the latter may be easier to understand for smaller projects.
Vue3、Element Plus、typescript后台管理系统
Pros of vue-manage-system
- Simpler and more lightweight, making it easier to understand and modify
- Includes a variety of pre-built components for common admin panel features
- More recent updates and active maintenance
Cons of vue-manage-system
- Less comprehensive in terms of real-world application features
- Fewer advanced Vue.js techniques demonstrated
- Limited backend integration examples
Code Comparison
<div class="header">
<div class="logo">后台管理系统</div>
<div class="user-info">
<el-dropdown trigger="click" @command="handleCommand">
<span class="el-dropdown-link">
<el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
<el-dropdown-item command="loginout">退出登录</el-dropdown-item>
<div class="shoplist_container">
<ul v-load-more="loaderMore" v-if="shopListArr.length" type="1">
<router-link :to="{path: 'shop', query:{geohash, id:}}" v-for="item in shopListArr" tag='li' :key="" class="shop_li">
<img :src="imgBaseUrl + item.image_path" class="shop_img">
<hgroup class="shop_right">
<header class="shop_detail_header">
<h4 :class="item.is_premium? 'premium': ''" class="" class="shop_title ellipsis">{{}}</h4>
<ul class="shop_detail_ul">
<li v-for="item in item.supports" :key="" class="supports">{{item.icon_name}}</li>
<h5 class="rating_order_num">
<section class="rating_order_num_left">
<section class="rating_section">
<rating-star :rating='item.rating'></rating-star>
<span class="rating_num">{{item.rating}}</span>
<section class="order_section">
<section class="rating_order_num_right">
<span class="delivery_style delivery_left" v-if="item.delivery_mode">{{item.delivery_mode.text}}</span>
<span class="delivery_style delivery_right" v-if="zhunshi(item.supports)">准时达</span>
<h5 class="fee_distance">
<p class="fee">
<span class="segmentation">/</span>
<p class="distance_time">
<span>{{item.distance > 1000? (item.distance/1000).toFixed(2) + 'km': item.distance + 'm'}}
<span class="segmentation">/</span>
<span v-if="item.order_lead_time">{{item.order_lead_time}}分钟</span>
<ul v-else class="animation_opactiy">
<li class="list_back_li" v-for="item in 10" :key="item">
<img src="../../images
🌈 An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜
Pros of ant-design-vue
- Comprehensive UI component library with a wide range of pre-built components
- Active development and regular updates, ensuring compatibility with the latest Vue versions
- Extensive documentation and community support
Cons of ant-design-vue
- Larger bundle size due to the extensive component library
- Steeper learning curve for developers unfamiliar with Ant Design principles
Code Comparison
vue2-elm (Element selection):
<section class="shop_list_container">
<ul v-load-more="loaderMore" v-if="hasGetData">
<shop-list v-for="item in shopListArr" :shopInfo="item" :key=""></shop-list>
ant-design-vue (Component usage):
:grid="{ gutter: 16, column: 4 }"
<a-list-item slot="renderItem" slot-scope="item">
<a-card :title="item.title">{{ item.content }}</a-card>
While vue2-elm focuses on a specific application (food delivery), ant-design-vue provides a versatile UI component library for various Vue projects. ant-design-vue offers more out-of-the-box components and better documentation, but it comes with a larger bundle size and potentially more complex implementation. vue2-elm, being a complete application, demonstrates real-world usage of Vue but may require more custom development for different use cases.
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Try Visual CopilotREADME
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â  â  â  âââ computeTime.vue // å计æ¶ç»ä»¶
â  â  â  âââ loading.vue // 页é¢åå§åå è½½æ°æ®çå¨ç»ç»ä»¶
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â  â  â  âââ shoplist.vue // msiteåshop页é¢çé¤é¦å表å
â  â  âââ footer
â  â  â  âââ footGuide.vue // åºé¨å
â  â  âââ header
â  â  âââ head.vue // 头é¨å
â  âââ config // åºæ¬é
â  â  âââ env.js // ç¯å¢åæ¢é
â  â  âââ fetch.js // è·åæ°æ®
â  â  âââ mUtils.js // 常ç¨çjsæ¹æ³
â  â  âââ rem.js // px转æ¢rem
â  âââ images // å
â  âââ page
â  â  âââ balance
â  â  â  âââ balance.vue // ä½é¢é¡µ
â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  âââ detail.vue // ä½é¢è¯´æ
â  â  âââ benefit
â  â  â  âââ benefit.vue // 红å
â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  âââ commend.vue // æ¨èæå¥
â  â  â  âââ coupon.vue // 代éå¸è¯´æ
â  â  â  âââ exchange.vue // å
â  â  â  âââ hbDescription.vue // 红å
â  â  â  âââ hbHistory.vue // åå²çº¢å
â  â  âââ city
â  â  â  âââ city.vue // å½ååå¸é¡µ
â  â  âââ confirmOrder
â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  â  âââ addAddress.vue // æ·»å å°å页
â  â  â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  â  âââ searchAddress.vue // æç´¢å°å页
â  â  â  â  âââ chooseAddress.vue // éæ©å°å页
â  â  â  â  âââ invoice.vue // éæ©å票页
â  â  â  â  âââ payment.vue // ä»æ¬¾é¡µ
â  â  â  â  âââ remark.vue // 订åå¤æ³¨é¡µ
â  â  â  â  âââ userValidation.vue // ç¨æ·éªè¯é¡µ
â  â  â  âââ confirmOrder.vue // 确认订å页
â  â  âââ download
â  â  â  âââ download.vue // ä¸è½½App
â  â  âââ find
â  â  â  âââ find.vue // åç°é¡µ
â  â  âââ food
â  â  â  âââ food.vue // é£åçéæåºé¡µ
â  â  âââ forget
â  â  â  âââ forget.vue // å¿è®°å¯ç ï¼ä¿®æ¹å¯ç 页
â  â  âââ home
â  â  â  âââ home.vue // é¦é¡µ
â  â  âââ login
â  â  â  âââ login.vue // ç»å½æ³¨å页
â  â  âââ msite
â  â  â  âââ msite.vue // åéºå表页
â  â  âââ order
â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  âââ orderDetail.vue // 订å详æ
â  â  â  âââ order.vue // 订åå表页
â  â  âââ points
â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  âââ detail.vue // 积å说æ
â  â  â  âââ points.vue // 积å页
â  â  âââ profile
â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  â  âââ address.vue // å°å
â  â  â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  â  âââ add.vue // æ°å¢å°å
â  â  â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  â  âââ addDetail.vue // æç´¢å°å
â  â  â  â  âââ info.vue // å¸æ·ä¿¡æ¯
â  â  â  â  âââ setusername.vue // éç½®ç¨æ·å
â  â  â  âââ profile.vue // 个人ä¸å¿
â  â  âââ search
â  â  â  âââ search.vue // æ索页
â  â  âââ service
â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  âââ questionDetail.vue // é®é¢è¯¦æ
â  â  â  âââ service.vue // æå¡ä¸å¿
â  â  âââ shop
â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  â  â  âââ shopSafe.vue // åéºè®¤è¯ä¿¡æ¯é¡µ
â  â  â  â  âââ foodDetail.vue // åéºä¿¡æ¯é¡µ
â  â  â  â  âââ shopDetail.vue // å个åéºä¿¡æ¯é¡µ
â  â  â  âââ shop.vue // åéºçé页
â  â  âââ vipcard
â  â  âââ children
â  â  â  âââ invoiceRecord.vue // è´ä¹°è®°å½
â  â  â  âââ useCart.vue // 使ç¨å¡å·è´ä¹°
â  â  â  âââ vipDescription.vue // ä¼å说æ
â  â  âââ vipcard.vue // ä¼åå¡åç页
â  âââ plugins // å¼ç¨çæ件
â  âââ router
â  â  âââ router.js // è·¯ç±é
â  âââ service // æ°æ®äº¤äºç»ä¸è°é
â  â  âââ getData.js // è·åæ°æ®çç»ä¸è°é
â  â  âââ tempdata // å¼åé¶æ®µç临æ¶æ°æ®
â  âââ store // vuexçç¶æ管ç
â  â  âââ action.js // é
â  â  âââ getters.js // é
â  â  âââ index.js // å¼ç¨vuexï¼å建store
â  â  âââ modules // store模å
â  â  âââ mutation-types.js // å®ä¹å¸¸émuationså
â  â  âââ mutations.js // é
â  âââ style
â  âââ common.scss // å
±æ ·å¼æ件
â  âââ mixin.scss // æ ·å¼é
â  âââ swiper.min.css
â  âââ App.vue // 页é¢å
â  âââ main.js // ç¨åºå
¥å£æ件ï¼å è½½åç§å
âââ favicon.ico // å¾æ
âââ index.html // å
56 directories, 203 files
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