Convert Figma logo to code with AI

chenfei-wu logoTaskMatrix

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Top Related Projects


JARVIS, a system to connect LLMs with ML community. Paper:

ChatGLM-6B: An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model | 开源双语对话语言模型



An implementation of model parallel autoregressive transformers on GPUs, based on the Megatron and DeepSpeed libraries

Quick Overview

TaskMatrix is an open-source project that aims to create an AI agent capable of solving complex tasks by breaking them down into subtasks and leveraging various AI models and tools. It utilizes a task planning system and a diverse set of AI capabilities to tackle a wide range of problems efficiently.


  • Modular architecture allows for easy integration of new AI models and tools
  • Capable of handling complex, multi-step tasks through intelligent task decomposition
  • Leverages multiple AI models to provide a more comprehensive problem-solving approach
  • Open-source nature encourages community contributions and improvements


  • May require significant computational resources for optimal performance
  • Complexity of the system could lead to potential debugging and maintenance challenges
  • Dependency on multiple external AI models and tools may introduce compatibility issues
  • Still in early development stages, which may result in instability or incomplete features

Code Examples

# Initialize the TaskMatrix agent
from taskmatrix import TaskMatrixAgent

agent = TaskMatrixAgent()

# Solve a complex task
result = agent.solve_task("Create a comprehensive business plan for a sustainable energy startup")

# Add a custom tool to the TaskMatrix agent
from taskmatrix import Tool

custom_tool = Tool("custom_analysis", "Perform custom market analysis", custom_analysis_function)

# Use the custom tool in a task
result = agent.solve_task("Analyze the renewable energy market in Europe", tools=[custom_tool])
# Configure the agent with specific models
from taskmatrix import ModelConfig

config = ModelConfig(

agent = TaskMatrixAgent(config=config)

# Solve a multi-modal task
result = agent.solve_task("Create a promotional video for a new electric car", input_image="car_design.jpg")

Getting Started

To get started with TaskMatrix, follow these steps:

  1. Install the TaskMatrix library:

    pip install taskmatrix
  2. Import and initialize the TaskMatrixAgent:

    from taskmatrix import TaskMatrixAgent
    agent = TaskMatrixAgent()
  3. Solve a task:

    result = agent.solve_task("Your complex task description here")

Note: Make sure you have the necessary API keys and dependencies set up for the AI models and tools used by TaskMatrix.

Competitor Comparisons

Pros of TaskMatrix

  • More comprehensive documentation and examples
  • Active development with recent updates
  • Larger community and more contributors

Cons of TaskMatrix

  • Higher complexity, potentially steeper learning curve
  • May have more dependencies and overhead

Code Comparison


from taskmatrix import TaskMatrix

tm = TaskMatrix()
task = tm.create_task("Example task")
result = tm.execute(task)


from taskmatrix_plus import TaskMatrixPlus

tmp = TaskMatrixPlus()
task = tmp.new_task("Example task")
output =

Key Differences

  • TaskMatrix uses create_task and execute, while TaskMatrix> uses new_task and run
  • TaskMatrix> may have a slightly different API structure
  • TaskMatrix likely offers more features and flexibility, but TaskMatrix> might be more straightforward for simpler use cases

Community and Support


  • Larger user base and more active community
  • More comprehensive documentation and examples
  • Regular updates and maintenance


  • Smaller community, potentially less third-party support
  • May have more focused, specific use cases
  • Could be easier to get started with for beginners


Without specific benchmarks, it's difficult to compare performance. TaskMatrix might be more optimized due to its larger user base and active development, but TaskMatrix> could potentially be more efficient for certain specialized tasks.


JARVIS, a system to connect LLMs with ML community. Paper:

Pros of JARVIS

  • More comprehensive and feature-rich, offering a wider range of AI-powered functionalities
  • Better documentation and community support, making it easier for developers to contribute and use
  • Regularly updated and maintained by Microsoft, ensuring long-term stability and improvements

Cons of JARVIS

  • More complex architecture, which may be overwhelming for beginners or smaller projects
  • Potentially higher resource requirements due to its extensive features and capabilities
  • Steeper learning curve for developers unfamiliar with Microsoft's ecosystem

Code Comparison


def execute_command(self, command):
    # Simple command execution
    return self.llm.generate(command)


async def execute_command(self, command, context):
    # Advanced command execution with context
    result = await self.agent.process(command, context)
    return self.response_generator.format(result)

The code comparison shows that JARVIS has a more sophisticated command execution process, incorporating context and asynchronous operations, while TaskMatrix uses a simpler approach. This reflects the overall difference in complexity and feature set between the two projects.

ChatGLM-6B: An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model | 开源双语对话语言模型

Pros of ChatGLM-6B

  • Larger model size (6 billion parameters) potentially offering more advanced language understanding and generation capabilities
  • Specifically designed for Chinese language tasks, which may provide better performance for Chinese-related applications
  • Includes quantization options for efficient deployment on various hardware configurations

Cons of ChatGLM-6B

  • Limited to primarily Chinese language tasks, which may not be suitable for multilingual or English-only applications
  • Requires more computational resources due to its larger size, potentially limiting deployment options on resource-constrained devices

Code Comparison


from taskmatrix import TaskMatrix
tm = TaskMatrix()
result = tm.run_task("Summarize this text: ...")


from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("THUDM/chatglm-6b", trust_remote_code=True)
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("THUDM/chatglm-6b", trust_remote_code=True).half().cuda()
response, history =, "你好", history=[])

The code comparison shows that TaskMatrix offers a simpler API for task execution, while ChatGLM-6B requires more setup and is specifically designed for chat-based interactions.



Pros of CPM-Bee

  • More comprehensive documentation and examples
  • Larger community and more active development
  • Better support for Chinese language processing

Cons of CPM-Bee

  • Potentially more complex setup and configuration
  • Less focus on multi-modal tasks compared to TaskMatrix

Code Comparison


from taskmatrix import TaskMatrix

tm = TaskMatrix()
result = tm.execute_task("Describe this image", image_path="example.jpg")


from cpm_bee import CPMBee

model = CPMBee.from_pretrained("cpm-bee-10b")
response = model.generate("请描述一下这张图片", max_length=100)

The code comparison shows that TaskMatrix is designed for multi-modal tasks, allowing direct input of image paths, while CPM-Bee focuses on text generation and processing. CPM-Bee's code demonstrates its emphasis on Chinese language support.

Both projects aim to provide powerful language processing capabilities, but they differ in their specific focus areas and implementation approaches. TaskMatrix appears more tailored for diverse task types, including image analysis, while CPM-Bee excels in Chinese language processing and offers a more extensive pre-trained model ecosystem.

An implementation of model parallel autoregressive transformers on GPUs, based on the Megatron and DeepSpeed libraries

Pros of gpt-neox

  • Focused on large-scale language model training and deployment
  • Extensive documentation and community support
  • Optimized for distributed training on multiple GPUs/nodes

Cons of gpt-neox

  • More complex setup and configuration required
  • Limited to language model tasks, less versatile for general AI applications
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners

Code Comparison


from taskmatrix import TaskMatrix

tm = TaskMatrix()
result = tm.run_task("Summarize this text: ...")


from gpt_neox import GPTNeoX

model = GPTNeoX.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b")
input_text = "Summarize this text: ..."
output = model.generate(input_text, max_length=100)

TaskMatrix provides a simpler interface for running various AI tasks, while gpt-neox focuses on language model inference and fine-tuning. TaskMatrix is more suitable for users who need a versatile AI toolkit, whereas gpt-neox is better for those working specifically with large language models and requiring advanced training capabilities.

Convert Figma logo designs to code with AI

Visual Copilot

Introducing Visual Copilot: A new AI model to turn Figma designs to high quality code using your components.

Try Visual Copilot



TaskMatrix connects ChatGPT and a series of Visual Foundation Models to enable sending and receiving images during chatting.

See our paper: Visual ChatGPT: Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models

Open in Spaces Open in Colab


  • Now TaskMatrix supports GroundingDINO and segment-anything! Thanks @jordddan for his efforts. For the image editing case, GroundingDINO is first used to locate bounding boxes guided by given text, then segment-anything is used to generate the related mask, and finally stable diffusion inpainting is used to edit image based on the mask.

    • Firstly, run python --load "Text2Box_cuda:0,Segmenting_cuda:0,Inpainting_cuda:0,ImageCaptioning_cuda:0"
    • Then, say find xxx in the image or segment xxx in the image. xxx is an object. TaskMatrix will return the detection or segmentation result!
  • Now TaskMatrix can support Chinese! Thanks to @Wang-Xiaodong1899 for his efforts.

  • We propose the template idea in TaskMatrix!

    • A template is a pre-defined execution flow that assists ChatGPT in assembling complex tasks involving multiple foundation models.
    • A template contains the experiential solution to complex tasks as determined by humans.
    • A template can invoke multiple foundation models or even establish a new ChatGPT session
    • To define a template, simply adding a class with attributes template_model = True
  • Thanks to @ShengmingYin and @thebestannie for providing a template example in InfinityOutPainting class (see the following gif)

    • Firstly, run python --load "Inpainting_cuda:0,ImageCaptioning_cuda:0,VisualQuestionAnswering_cuda:0"
    • Secondly, say extend the image to 2048x1024 to TaskMatrix!
    • By simply creating an InfinityOutPainting template, TaskMatrix can seamlessly extend images to any size through collaboration with existing ImageCaptioning, Inpainting, and VisualQuestionAnswering foundation models, without the need for additional training.
  • TaskMatrix needs the effort of the community! We crave your contribution to add new and interesting features!

Insight & Goal:

On the one hand, ChatGPT (or LLMs) serves as a general interface that provides a broad and diverse understanding of a wide range of topics. On the other hand, Foundation Models serve as domain experts by providing deep knowledge in specific domains. By leveraging both general and deep knowledge, we aim at building an AI that is capable of handling various tasks.


System Architecture


Quick Start

# clone the repo
git clone

# Go to directory
cd visual-chatgpt

# create a new environment
conda create -n visgpt python=3.8

# activate the new environment
conda activate visgpt

#  prepare the basic environments
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install  git+
pip install  git+

# prepare your private OpenAI key (for Linux)
export OPENAI_API_KEY={Your_Private_Openai_Key}

# prepare your private OpenAI key (for Windows)
set OPENAI_API_KEY={Your_Private_Openai_Key}

# Start TaskMatrix !
# You can specify the GPU/CPU assignment by "--load", the parameter indicates which 
# Visual Foundation Model to use and where it will be loaded to
# The model and device are separated by underline '_', the different models are separated by comma ','
# The available Visual Foundation Models can be found in the following table
# For example, if you want to load ImageCaptioning to cpu and Text2Image to cuda:0
# You can use: "ImageCaptioning_cpu,Text2Image_cuda:0"

# Advice for CPU Users
python --load ImageCaptioning_cpu,Text2Image_cpu

# Advice for 1 Tesla T4 15GB  (Google Colab)                       
python --load "ImageCaptioning_cuda:0,Text2Image_cuda:0"
# Advice for 4 Tesla V100 32GB                            
python --load "Text2Box_cuda:0,Segmenting_cuda:0,

GPU memory usage

Here we list the GPU memory usage of each visual foundation model, you can specify which one you like:

Foundation ModelGPU Memory (MB)


We appreciate the open source of the following projects:

Hugging FaceLangChainStable DiffusionControlNetInstructPix2PixCLIPSegBLIP

Contact Information

For help or issues using the TaskMatrix, please submit a GitHub issue.

For other communications, please contact Chenfei WU ( or Nan DUAN (

Trademark Notice

Trademarks This project may contain trademarks or logos for projects, products, or services. Authorized use of Microsoft trademarks or logos is subject to and must follow Microsoft’s Trademark & Brand Guidelines. Use of Microsoft trademarks or logos in modified versions of this project must not cause confusion or imply Microsoft sponsorship. Any use of third-party trademarks or logos are subject to those third-party’s policies.


The recommended models in this Repo are just examples, used for scientific research exploring the concept of task automation and benchmarking with the paper published at Visual ChatGPT: Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models. Users can replace the models in this Repo according to their research needs. When using the recommended models in this Repo, you need to comply with the licenses of these models respectively. Microsoft shall not be held liable for any infringement of third-party rights resulting from your usage of this repo. Users agree to defend, indemnify and hold Microsoft harmless from and against all damages, costs, and attorneys' fees in connection with any claims arising from this Repo. If anyone believes that this Repo infringes on your rights, please notify the project owner email.