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herrbischoff logoawesome-command-line-apps

:shell: Use your terminal shell to do awesome things.


Top Related Projects

🖥 📊 🕹 🛠 A curated list of command line apps

A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.

A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources.

Master the command line, in one page

💥 A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers.

 Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.

Quick Overview

The GitHub repository "herrbischoff/awesome-command-line-apps" is a curated list of command-line apps and tools for various purposes. It serves as a comprehensive resource for developers, system administrators, and power users looking to enhance their command-line productivity and capabilities.


  • Extensive collection of command-line tools covering a wide range of categories
  • Well-organized and categorized for easy navigation
  • Regularly updated with new and relevant tools
  • Includes brief descriptions for each tool, making it easy to understand their purposes


  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to the large number of tools listed
  • Some tools may become outdated or unmaintained over time
  • Lacks detailed information on installation or usage for each tool
  • Primarily focuses on Unix-like systems, with limited coverage for Windows-specific tools

Note: As this is not a code library but a curated list of command-line applications, there are no code examples or getting started instructions to provide.

Competitor Comparisons

🖥 📊 🕹 🛠 A curated list of command line apps

Pros of awesome-cli-apps

  • More comprehensive list with a larger number of CLI applications
  • Better organization with clear categories and subcategories
  • Includes a contributing guide and code of conduct

Cons of awesome-cli-apps

  • Less focus on macOS-specific applications
  • May include some outdated or less maintained projects due to its larger scope

Code Comparison

While both repositories are primarily curated lists, they don't contain significant code samples. However, here's a comparison of their README structures:


# Awesome CLI Apps [![Awesome](](

> A curated list of command line apps

## Contents
- [Entertainment](#entertainment)
- [Development](#development)


# Awesome Command Line Apps

A curated list of useful command line apps, in celebration of the TUI.

## Table of Contents

- [Ansible](#ansible)
- [Automation](#automation)

Both repositories use a similar structure for their README files, with a title, brief description, and table of contents. The main difference lies in the organization and categorization of the listed applications.

A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.

Pros of awesome-shell

  • More comprehensive, covering a wider range of shell-related topics and tools
  • Better organized with clear categories and subcategories
  • Regularly updated with new contributions and maintenance

Cons of awesome-shell

  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to the sheer volume of information
  • Less focused on specific command-line applications, covering broader shell-related topics

Code comparison


## Table of Contents

- [Shells](#shells)
- [Command-Line Productivity](#command-line-productivity)
- [Customization](#customization)
- [For Developers](#for-developers)
- [System Utilities](#system-utilities)


## Contents

- [Audio](#audio)
- [Benchmarks](#benchmarks)
- [Cloud Storage](#cloud-storage)
- [Command Line Tools](#command-line-tools)
- [Communication](#communication)

The code comparison shows that awesome-shell has a broader focus on shell-related topics, while awesome-command-line-apps is more specifically tailored to command-line applications across various categories.

Both repositories serve as valuable resources for command-line enthusiasts, with awesome-shell offering a more comprehensive overview of shell-related tools and topics, and awesome-command-line-apps providing a curated list of specific command-line applications. The choice between the two depends on the user's needs and level of expertise in working with command-line interfaces.

A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources.

Pros of awesome-bash

  • More focused on Bash-specific resources and tools
  • Includes sections on Bash scripting, style guides, and shell customization
  • Regularly updated with new contributions from the community

Cons of awesome-bash

  • Limited scope compared to the broader command-line ecosystem
  • May not include as many general-purpose command-line applications
  • Less comprehensive coverage of cross-platform tools

Code Comparison

awesome-bash example (Bash scripting):

for i in {1..5}; do
    echo "Iteration $i"

awesome-command-line-apps example (general command-line tool):

$ http POST \
    Authorization:"Bearer token" \
    name=John age:=30


awesome-bash is a more specialized resource focusing on Bash-specific tools, scripting, and customization. It's ideal for users looking to enhance their Bash skills and workflow. awesome-command-line-apps, on the other hand, offers a broader range of command-line applications across various domains, making it more suitable for users seeking general-purpose tools for different tasks and platforms.

Both repositories serve as valuable resources for command-line enthusiasts, with awesome-bash catering to Bash-specific needs and awesome-command-line-apps providing a wider array of tools for diverse command-line tasks.

Master the command line, in one page

Pros of the-art-of-command-line

  • Provides a comprehensive guide on command-line usage, covering various aspects from basics to advanced topics
  • Offers practical tips and tricks for improving productivity and efficiency in the command-line environment
  • Includes explanations and context for each command or concept, making it more educational

Cons of the-art-of-command-line

  • Focuses more on general command-line knowledge rather than specific applications
  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to the breadth of information covered
  • Lacks categorization or organization of tools, making it harder to find specific applications quickly

Code Comparison


# Find a command in your command history
history | grep "command"

# Run the previous command as root
sudo !!


# Example of a command-line application (no specific code examples provided)

The code comparison is limited as awesome-command-line-apps primarily lists applications without providing specific usage examples. In contrast, the-art-of-command-line offers practical command examples and usage tips.

Overall, the-art-of-command-line is more suited for those looking to improve their general command-line skills, while awesome-command-line-apps serves as a curated list of useful command-line applications for various purposes.

💥 A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers.

Pros of terminals-are-sexy

  • Broader scope, covering terminal customization and tools beyond just command-line applications
  • Includes sections on terminal emulators, shells, and frameworks
  • More visually appealing with emojis and better formatting

Cons of terminals-are-sexy

  • Less focused on specific command-line applications
  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to the wide range of topics covered
  • Some sections are less comprehensive than those in awesome-command-line-apps

Code Comparison


## Command-Line Tools

- [asciinema]( - Terminal session recorder.
- [autojump]( - A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line.


## Productivity

- [taskwarrior]( - Manage your TODO list from the command line.
- [ledger]( - Powerful, double-entry accounting system that is accessed from the UNIX command-line.

Both repositories provide curated lists of command-line tools and applications. terminals-are-sexy offers a broader perspective on terminal customization and usage, while awesome-command-line-apps focuses more specifically on command-line applications. The code comparison shows that terminals-are-sexy uses a simpler format with brief descriptions, while awesome-command-line-apps provides more detailed information about each tool. Choose terminals-are-sexy for a comprehensive overview of terminal-related topics, or awesome-command-line-apps for a more focused list of command-line applications.

 Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.

Pros of awesome-mac

  • Focuses specifically on macOS applications and tools
  • Includes both GUI and command-line applications
  • Offers a more comprehensive list of Mac-specific software categories

Cons of awesome-mac

  • Limited to macOS ecosystem, not applicable for other operating systems
  • May include more GUI-based applications, which could be less efficient for power users

Code comparison

While both repositories are primarily curated lists without significant code, awesome-mac includes some HTML for better organization:

<h3 id="audio-recording-software">Audio Recording Software</h3>

  <li><a href="">Ableton Live</a> - Professional music production software.</li>
  <li><a href="">Logic Pro X</a> - Apple's professional audio workstation.</li>

awesome-command-line-apps uses simpler Markdown formatting:

## Audio

- [cmus]( - Small, fast and powerful console music player.
- [mpd]( - Music Player Daemon.

Both repositories serve as excellent resources for their respective focuses. awesome-mac provides a broader range of Mac-specific applications, including GUI tools, while awesome-command-line-apps concentrates on command-line applications across multiple platforms. The choice between them depends on the user's specific needs and preferred interaction method with their computer.

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Awesome macOS Command Line / Awesome Command-Line Apps

Due to personal changes, GitHub changes, a desire of not wanting to continue to deal with mostly very low-effort contributions, entitled behavior and low quality, I've permanently moved these projects to my personal Git instance, where they will live from now on.

This is not least because of a substantially lacking readiness to donate even a single dollar — despite hundreds of daily visitors and almost 30k combined stars. Instead, these repositories are being linked to from large corporate intranets as a free source of knowledge, at times even from inside Apple. There have been two notable exceptions over the last six years: one donation to the NGO of a dear friend and a single GitHub sponsor for a couple of months. 100% were forwarded to the NGO as well. My thanks go out to you, you know who you are.

Available under the same license it has always been, you can still contribute and are encouraged to do so by sending a git am style patch via email. This is intentional to keep the lazy ones out and I much prefer working mostly in the shell. Please invest the five minutes to figure out how to if you think your contribution matters. You can clone this repository, you can find out my email address.

Bonus link: