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maicong logomusic

音乐搜索器 - 多站合一音乐搜索解决方案


Top Related Projects


:cake: Wow, such a powerful music API framework

one for all free music in china (chrome extension, also works for firefox)

高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux :electron:

网易云音乐 Node.js API service

一个基于 electron 的音乐软件


Material Design 3(Material You) UI components using Web Components.

Quick Overview

The maicong/music repository is a web-based music player that allows users to search for and listen to music from various online sources. It provides a user-friendly interface for browsing and playing music, as well as features for creating playlists and managing your music library.


  • Comprehensive Music Library: The project integrates with multiple music sources, allowing users to access a wide range of music content.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The web-based player offers a clean and intuitive design, making it easy for users to navigate and interact with the music.
  • Playlist Management: Users can create and manage their own playlists, allowing them to customize their listening experience.
  • Cross-Platform Accessibility: As a web-based application, the music player can be accessed from any device with a web browser, providing a consistent experience across different platforms.


  • Limited Music Sources: While the project integrates with multiple sources, the selection may be limited compared to dedicated music streaming services.
  • Potential Legal Concerns: Depending on the music sources used, there may be legal or licensing issues that could impact the long-term sustainability of the project.
  • Maintenance and Updates: As an open-source project, the ongoing maintenance and updates may rely on the availability and contributions of the community.
  • Privacy and Security: As a web-based application, there may be concerns about user data privacy and the security of the platform.

Code Examples

N/A (This is not a code library)

Getting Started

N/A (This is not a code library)

Competitor Comparisons


:cake: Wow, such a powerful music API framework

Pros of Meting

  • More actively maintained with recent updates
  • Supports a wider range of music platforms (10+)
  • Better documentation and examples for integration

Cons of Meting

  • Requires PHP 5.4+ while Music works with PHP 5.3+
  • More complex setup process
  • Larger codebase, potentially harder to customize

Code Comparison


$api = new \Metowolf\Meting('netease');
$data = $api->format(true)->search('Hello');


$api = new \Meting\Core();
$data = $api->netease()->search('Hello');

Key Differences

  • Meting uses a more object-oriented approach
  • Music focuses primarily on Chinese music platforms
  • Meting offers more flexibility in output formats
  • Music has a simpler API but fewer features

Use Cases

  • Choose Music for basic integration with Chinese platforms
  • Opt for Meting for a more comprehensive, multi-platform solution

Community and Support

  • Meting has a larger user base and more active issues/discussions
  • Music has fewer contributors but a simpler codebase for quick fixes

one for all free music in china (chrome extension, also works for firefox)

Pros of listen1_chrome_extension

  • Cross-platform compatibility as a Chrome extension
  • Supports multiple music streaming services in one interface
  • Active development with frequent updates

Cons of listen1_chrome_extension

  • Limited to Chrome browser environment
  • May require more system resources as a browser extension
  • Potential for breakage if streaming services change their APIs

Code Comparison


const playlistTypes = {
  'netease': 'netease_playlist',
  'qq': 'qq_playlist',
  'kugou': 'kugou_playlist',
  'kuwo': 'kuwo_playlist',
  'bilibili': 'bilibili_playlist',


$music_type = [
    'netease'    => '网易',
    'tencent'    => 'QQ',
    'xiami'      => '虾米',
    'kugou'      => '酷狗',
    'baidu'      => '百度',

Both projects use similar approaches to define music service types, but listen1_chrome_extension is implemented in JavaScript for browser environments, while music uses PHP for server-side processing.

listen1_chrome_extension offers a more comprehensive solution for cross-platform music streaming, integrating multiple services into a single interface. However, it's limited to Chrome users. music, on the other hand, provides a server-side solution that can be integrated into various web applications but may require more setup and maintenance.

高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux :electron:

Pros of YesPlayMusic

  • More active development with frequent updates and bug fixes
  • Modern and visually appealing user interface
  • Cross-platform support (Windows, macOS, Linux)

Cons of YesPlayMusic

  • Larger codebase and potentially more complex to contribute to
  • Focused primarily on NetEase Music, less flexibility for other sources

Code Comparison

YesPlayMusic (Vue.js):

  <div class="player">
    <Cover :url="" :playing="isPlaying" />
    <div class="info">
      <div class="title">{{ }}</div>
      <div class="artist">{{[0].name }}</div>

music (PHP):

function mc_song_urls($value, $type = 'query', $site = 'netease', $page = 1)
    if (!$value) {
    $result = mc_get_song_by_id($value, $type, $site, $page);
    if (empty($result['url'])) {
    return $result;


YesPlayMusic offers a more polished and actively maintained solution with cross-platform support, while music provides a simpler PHP-based implementation. YesPlayMusic's modern interface and frequent updates make it more appealing for end-users, but its larger codebase may be more challenging for contributors. The music project, being PHP-based, might be easier to integrate into existing web applications but lacks the rich features and UI of YesPlayMusic.

网易云音乐 Node.js API service

Pros of NeteaseCloudMusicApi

  • More comprehensive API coverage for NetEase Cloud Music
  • Actively maintained with frequent updates
  • Extensive documentation and examples

Cons of NeteaseCloudMusicApi

  • Focused solely on NetEase Cloud Music, lacking multi-platform support
  • More complex setup and usage compared to music

Code Comparison


$api = new \Metowolf\Meting('netease');
$data = $api->format(true)->search('Hello');


const { login_cellphone, user_cloud } = require('NeteaseCloudMusicApi')

  phone: '手机号',
  password: '密码'
}).then(result => {
    cookie: result.body.cookie
  }).then(result => {


NeteaseCloudMusicApi offers a more comprehensive and up-to-date API for NetEase Cloud Music, with better documentation and active maintenance. However, it's limited to a single platform and has a steeper learning curve. In contrast, music provides a simpler interface and supports multiple music platforms but may lack some of the advanced features and regular updates found in NeteaseCloudMusicApi.

一个基于 electron 的音乐软件

Pros of lx-music-desktop

  • Cross-platform desktop application (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • More feature-rich UI with playlist management and lyrics display
  • Regular updates and active development

Cons of lx-music-desktop

  • Larger file size and resource usage due to being a desktop application
  • More complex setup compared to the web-based music project

Code Comparison

lx-music-desktop (Vue.js):

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import store from './store'
import router from './router'


music (PHP):

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$api = new Meting('netease');
$data = $api->format(true)->search('Hello');
echo json_encode($data);


lx-music-desktop is a comprehensive desktop application for music streaming, offering a rich feature set and cross-platform support. It provides a more robust user experience with playlist management and lyrics display. However, it requires more system resources and has a more complex setup compared to the web-based music project.

The music project is a simpler, web-based solution that can be easily integrated into existing websites. It has a smaller footprint but offers fewer features compared to lx-music-desktop.

Both projects serve different use cases, with lx-music-desktop being more suitable for users looking for a standalone music player, while music is better for web developers wanting to add music functionality to their sites.


Material Design 3(Material You) UI components using Web Components.

Pros of mdui

  • More comprehensive UI framework with a wider range of components
  • Better documentation and examples for developers
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and improvements

Cons of mdui

  • Larger file size and potentially more complex to implement
  • Focused on Material Design, which may not suit all project styles
  • Steeper learning curve for developers new to the framework

Code Comparison


  message: 'Hello, world!',
  timeout: 3000,
  position: 'bottom'


$music = new Music();
$result = $music->search('Song Title', 'netease');


mdui is a comprehensive Material Design UI framework for web development, offering a wide range of components and tools. It provides better documentation and is actively maintained, but may be more complex to implement and has a steeper learning curve.

music is a simpler, more focused project for searching and playing music from various sources. It's easier to integrate for specific music-related functionality but lacks the broader UI components and design system offered by mdui.

The choice between these repositories depends on the project's specific needs: mdui for a full-featured UI framework, or music for a targeted music search and playback solution.

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GitHub release PHP version GitHub license


⚠️ 本项目已暂停维护,存档代码仅供学习交流,不得用于商业用途


网易云音乐 QQ音乐 酷狗音乐 酷我音乐 虾米音乐 百度音乐 一听音乐 咪咕音乐 荔枝FM 蜻蜓FM 喜马拉雅FM 全民K歌 5sing原创 5sing翻唱

数据调用的是各网站的 API 接口,有的接口并不是开放的,随时可能失效,本项目相关代码仅供参考。



如果有需要改进的地方,欢迎提交 Pull Requests


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1. 提示数据获取失败


修改 index.php 文件里的 MC_PROXY 为您的代理地址
将 core/music.php 里需要代理的 URL 'proxy' => false 改为 'proxy' => true


在 core/music.php 里查找 setTimeout,将其后面的数值 20 改为更大。
在 static/js/music.js 里查找 `timeout`,将其数值 30000 改为更大。


服务器要支持 curl。

2. 播放器显示 Error happens ╥﹏╥


1. 音乐需要付费才能收听
2. 版权限制,外站无法获取
3. 服务器 IP 所在地不在源站允许的区域
4. 音乐下架了,链接被去除


1. 当前 IP 所在地因版权限制而无法播放
2. 音乐格式浏览器无法正常解析

3. 国内接口优化

如果你的网站在国内,打开 /index.php,将 define('MC_INTERNAL', 0); 修改为 define('MC_INTERNAL', 1);,这样就可以取到咪咕和网易云音乐的 320k 音频了。




  1. 本站音频文件来自各网站接口,本站不会修改任何音频文件
  2. 音频版权来自各网站,本站只提供数据查询服务,不提供任何音频存储和贩卖服务
  3. 本项目代码仅供学习交流,不得用于商业用途,如有侵犯与代码贡献人员无关


The MIT License (MIT)