A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开 🔨
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A plugin for Mac WeChat
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Quick Overview
WeChatTweak-macOS is a tweak for the macOS version of WeChat, a popular Chinese messaging app. It adds various features and enhancements to improve the user experience, such as preventing message revocation, enabling multiple instances, and adding a dark mode.
- Adds useful features not available in the official WeChat macOS client
- Allows users to run multiple WeChat instances simultaneously
- Provides a dark mode option for better visibility in low-light environments
- Prevents message revocation, allowing users to see deleted messages
- May violate WeChat's terms of service, potentially risking account suspension
- Requires modification of the WeChat application, which could lead to security risks
- May become incompatible with future WeChat updates, requiring frequent maintenance
- Not officially supported by WeChat, so users may encounter stability issues
Getting Started
- Download the latest release from the GitHub releases page.
- Quit WeChat if it's running.
- Run the installer package (WeChatTweak-macOS-x.x.x.pkg).
- Launch WeChat and enjoy the new features.
Note: Make sure to check the project's README for any additional instructions or requirements specific to your macOS version.
Competitor Comparisons
A plugin for Mac WeChat
Pros of WeChatExtension-ForMac
- More comprehensive feature set, including message recall prevention and custom reply
- Active development with frequent updates and bug fixes
- Larger community and more extensive documentation
Cons of WeChatExtension-ForMac
- Potentially more complex to install and configure
- May have a higher impact on system resources due to additional features
- Some users report occasional stability issues with newer WeChat versions
Code Comparison
- (void)hook_sendLogoutCGIWithCompletion:(id)completion {
[self hook_sendLogoutCGIWithCompletion:nil];
- (void)hook_onLogOut {
if (![[TKWeChatPluginConfig sharedConfig] preventRevokeEnable]) {
[self hook_onLogOut];
// Custom logout handling
Both projects use method swizzling to modify WeChat's behavior, but WeChatExtension-ForMac's implementation is more extensive and configurable.
微信小助手的安装 / 更新工具。
Pros of oh-my-wechat
- Easier installation process with a simple command-line interface
- Automatic updates for both the tool and WeChat patches
- Supports multiple WeChat versions and provides version management
Cons of oh-my-wechat
- Less customization options compared to WeChatTweak-macOS
- May have compatibility issues with certain macOS versions
- Requires command-line knowledge, which might be challenging for some users
Code Comparison
- (void)hook_didLoginWithResponse:(id)arg1 {
[self initializeMultipleInstances];
async function installWeChatTweak() {
const tweakVersion = await getLatestTweakVersion()
await downloadAndInstallTweak(tweakVersion)
The code snippets show different approaches:
- WeChatTweak-macOS uses Objective-C and focuses on hooking into WeChat's login process
- oh-my-wechat uses JavaScript and emphasizes the installation and update process of the tweak itself
Both projects aim to enhance WeChat functionality on macOS, but they differ in implementation and focus. WeChatTweak-macOS provides more direct modifications to WeChat, while oh-my-wechat offers a user-friendly management tool for applying and updating tweaks.
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微信 macOS 客æ·ç«¯å¢å¼º Tweak å¨æåºã
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- æ¯æ Raycast extension
- æ¯æ Alfred workflow
- æ¯æ Launchbar action
**é¦æ¬¡ä½¿ç¨**å®è£ WeChatTweak-CLI:
brew install sunnyyoung/repo/wechattweak-cli
å®è£ /æ´æ°/å¸è½½ Tweak:
sudo wechattweak-cli install # å®è£
sudo wechattweak-cli uninstall # å¸è½½
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- 微信 macOS 客æ·ç«¯æ éå¤å¼åè½å®è·µ
- 微信 macOS 客æ·ç«¯æ¦æªæ¤ååè½å®è·µ
- 让微信 macOS 客æ·ç«¯æ¯æ Alfred
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].
The Apache License 2.0.
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A plugin for Mac WeChat
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