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A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开 🔨
A plugin for Mac WeChat
微信小助手的安装 / 更新工具。
Quick Overview
WeChatPlugin-MacOS is a plugin for the macOS version of WeChat, a popular Chinese messaging app. It enhances the functionality of WeChat by adding features such as message recall prevention, auto-reply, and remote control. The plugin aims to improve the user experience and provide additional tools for WeChat users on macOS.
- Adds useful features not available in the official WeChat client
- Enhances privacy by preventing message recall
- Provides automation capabilities through auto-reply and remote control
- Open-source, allowing for community contributions and customization
- May violate WeChat's terms of service
- Could potentially compromise user security if not properly vetted
- Requires manual installation and updates
- May break with WeChat updates, requiring frequent maintenance
Code Examples
// Example of preventing message recall
- (void)onRevokeMsg:(id)msg {
if ([self.msgManager getMsgData:msg].msgStatus == 4) {
[self.msgManager updateMsgStatus:msg status:0];
// Example of setting up auto-reply
- (void)autoReplyWithMsg:(id)msg {
if ([self.autoReplyModel.enable boolValue]) {
NSString *content = [self.chatManager getChatContentWithData:msg];
if ([content isEqualToString:self.autoReplyModel.keyword]) {
[self.chatManager sendTextMessage:self.autoReplyModel.replyContent toUsrName:[self.chatManager getChatUsrNameWithData:msg]];
// Example of remote control setup
- (void)remoteControlWithMsg:(id)msg {
if ([self.remoteControlModel.enable boolValue]) {
NSString *content = [self.chatManager getChatContentWithData:msg];
if ([content hasPrefix:@"#remote"]) {
[self executeRemoteCommand:[content substringFromIndex:7]];
Getting Started
- Download the latest release from the GitHub repository.
- Unzip the downloaded file.
- Open Terminal and navigate to the unzipped folder.
- Run the installation script:
sudo ./
- Restart WeChat.
- The plugin should now be active. Access the plugin settings through the WeChat menu bar.
Competitor Comparisons
A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开 🔨
Pros of WeChatTweak-macOS
- More actively maintained with recent updates
- Cleaner and more organized codebase
- Better documentation and installation instructions
Cons of WeChatTweak-macOS
- Fewer features compared to WeChatPlugin-MacOS
- Less customization options for users
- Smaller community and fewer contributors
Code Comparison
- (void)hook_sendLogoutCGIWithCompletion:(id)completion {
[self hook_sendLogoutCGIWithCompletion:completion];
[NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:WeChatTweakLogoutNotification object:nil];
- (void)hook_onLogOut {
[[TKWeChatPluginConfig sharedConfig] setIsAutoAuthEnable:NO];
[[TKWeChatPluginConfig sharedConfig] setIsOnTop:NO];
[self hook_onLogOut];
The code comparison shows that both projects use method swizzling to hook into WeChat's logout functionality. However, WeChatTweak-macOS uses a notification system for logout events, while WeChatPlugin-MacOS focuses on disabling certain plugin features during logout.
A plugin for Mac WeChat
Pros of WeChatExtension-ForMac
- More active development and frequent updates
- Broader feature set, including custom themes and multi-account support
- Larger community and more contributors
Cons of WeChatExtension-ForMac
- Potentially less stable due to rapid development
- May have a steeper learning curve for new users
- Some features might be considered unnecessary by minimalist users
Code Comparison
- (void)hook_didLoadWithCompletion:(void (^)(void))completion {
[self hook_didLoadWithCompletion:^{
if (completion) {
[[YMWeChatPluginConfig sharedConfig] initializeSettings];
- (void)hook_didLoadWithCompletion:(void (^)(void))completion {
[self hook_didLoadWithCompletion:^{
if (completion) {
[[TKWeChatPluginConfig sharedConfig] setup];
Both projects use method swizzling to inject custom functionality, but WeChatExtension-ForMac uses a more descriptive method name for initializing settings.
微信小助手的安装 / 更新工具。
Pros of oh-my-wechat
- Easier installation process with a simple command-line interface
- Regular updates and active maintenance
- Supports automatic updates for both the plugin and WeChat
Cons of oh-my-wechat
- Fewer features compared to WeChatPlugin-MacOS
- Less customization options for users
- May have compatibility issues with some WeChat versions
Code Comparison
- (void)hook_startMainThread
BOOL isWeChatLaunched = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchedApplications].firstObject;
if (!isWeChatLaunched) {
[self initializePlugin];
[self hook_startMainThread];
async function installPlugin() {
try {
await downloadPlugin()
await backupWeChat()
await injectionPlugin()
console.log('Plugin installation completed')
} catch (err) {
console.error('Plugin installation failed:', err)
The code snippets show different approaches:
- WeChatPlugin-MacOS uses Objective-C and hooks into WeChat's main thread
- oh-my-wechat uses JavaScript and focuses on plugin installation and injection
Both projects aim to enhance WeChat on macOS, but WeChatPlugin-MacOS offers more extensive modifications, while oh-my-wechat prioritizes ease of use and maintenance.
Pros of WeixinBot
- Platform-independent: Works on various operating systems, not limited to macOS
- Focuses on bot functionality: Provides a framework for creating WeChat bots
- More lightweight: Doesn't require modifying the WeChat application
Cons of WeixinBot
- Less feature-rich: Lacks some advanced features present in WeChatPlugin-MacOS
- Potentially less stable: May be affected by WeChat API changes more easily
- Limited GUI integration: Primarily operates through command-line interface
Code Comparison
WeixinBot (Python):
def send_msg(self, toUserName, content):
url = self.base_uri + '/webwxsendmsg?pass_ticket=%s' % self.pass_ticket
msg_id = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) + str(random.random())[:5].replace('.', '')
params = {
'BaseRequest': self.BaseRequest,
'Msg': {
'Type': 1,
'Content': content,
'FromUserName': self.User['UserName'],
'ToUserName': toUserName,
'LocalID': msg_id,
'ClientMsgId': msg_id
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'}
data = json.dumps(params, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8')
r =, data=data, headers=headers)
return False
dic = r.json()
return dic['BaseResponse']['Ret'] == 0
WeChatPlugin-MacOS (Objective-C):
- (void)sendTextMessage:(NSString *)text toUsrName:(NSString *)userName
WCContactData *contact = [self.contactsManager getContact:userName];
if (contact) {
[self addLocalMessageWithText:text toContact:contact];
MMChatMessageViewController *chatMessageVC = [self getChatMessageViewControllerWithContact:contact];
[chatMessageVC sendTextMessage:text];
The code snippets show different approaches to sending messages, with WeixinBot using HTTP requests and WeChatPlugin-MacOS leveraging the WeChat application's internal methods.
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Top Related Projects
A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开 🔨
A plugin for Mac WeChat
微信小助手的安装 / 更新工具。
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