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LaTeX template for my personal resume


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A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student

:page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application


Software developer resume in Latex

Resume,Resume Templates,程序员简历例句,简历模版,

Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs

Quick Overview

The jakegut/resume repository is a LaTeX-based resume template designed for simplicity and customization. It provides a clean and professional layout for creating resumes, with easy-to-edit sections for personal information, education, experience, and skills.


  • Clean and professional design
  • Easily customizable with LaTeX
  • Includes separate files for different sections, improving organization
  • Supports both PDF and HTML output formats


  • Requires LaTeX knowledge for customization
  • Limited styling options compared to some other resume builders
  • May require additional LaTeX packages to be installed
  • No built-in preview functionality

Code Examples

Here are a few examples of how to customize the resume:

  1. Modifying personal information:
\name{John Doe}
\address{123 Main St, Anytown, USA}
\contacts{(555) 123-4567 \\}
  1. Adding an education entry:
{\bf University Name} \hfill {\em Graduation Date} \\
Degree in Major \\
GPA: X.XX/4.00
  1. Including a work experience item:
\begin{rSubsection}{Company Name}{Start Date - End Date}{Job Title}{Location}
\item Achievement or responsibility description
\item Another achievement or responsibility

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install LaTeX if not already installed on your system.

  3. Edit the resume.tex file and the individual section files in the sections/ directory.

  4. Compile the LaTeX document to generate your resume:

    pdflatex resume.tex
  5. Find the generated PDF in the same directory as your resume.tex file.

Competitor Comparisons

A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student

Pros of Deedy-Resume

  • More visually appealing and modern design
  • Extensive documentation and usage instructions
  • Larger community and more frequent updates

Cons of Deedy-Resume

  • More complex setup and customization process
  • Requires LaTeX knowledge for modifications
  • Limited flexibility in layout changes

Code Comparison

Deedy-Resume (main.tex):


\namesection{Debarghya}{Das}{ \urlstyle{same}\href{}{}


Resume (resume.tex):


    \textbf{\Large John Doe}

The Deedy-Resume project offers a more sophisticated LaTeX template with custom classes and styling, while the Resume project provides a simpler, more straightforward approach using standard LaTeX article class. Deedy-Resume requires more LaTeX expertise but offers a polished result, whereas Resume is easier to modify but may require more manual formatting.

:page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application

Pros of Awesome-CV

  • More comprehensive and feature-rich, offering multiple templates and styles
  • Extensive documentation and examples for customization
  • Wider community support and contributions

Cons of Awesome-CV

  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex structure
  • Requires LaTeX knowledge for advanced customization
  • Larger file size and more dependencies

Code Comparison


\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{awesome-cv}
\name{Claud E.}{Xample}
\position{Software Engineer{\enskip\cdotp\enskip}Data Scientist}
\address{123 Broadway, City, State 12345}


\name{John Doe}
\address{123 Main St \\ Anytown, USA 12345}
\contact{(555) 555-5555 \\}

Both repositories provide LaTeX templates for creating resumes, but Awesome-CV offers a more sophisticated and customizable solution with additional features. Resume, on the other hand, provides a simpler and more straightforward approach, which may be preferable for users seeking a basic template with less complexity.


Software developer resume in Latex

Pros of resume

  • More comprehensive documentation and setup instructions
  • Includes sample output and preview images
  • Higher number of stars and forks, indicating wider adoption

Cons of resume

  • More complex setup with additional dependencies
  • Less frequently updated (last commit over 2 years ago)
  • Larger codebase, potentially harder to customize

Code Comparison






Both repositories provide LaTeX templates for creating resumes. resume offers a more feature-rich and widely adopted solution, with better documentation and examples. However, it may be more complex to set up and customize. resume is simpler and more recently updated, potentially making it easier to work with for users who prefer a more streamlined approach. The code comparison shows that resume uses a custom document class, while resume uses a standard article class with additional packages. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the user's specific needs and LaTeX expertise.

Resume,Resume Templates,程序员简历例句,简历模版,

Pros of awesome-resume

  • Comprehensive collection of resume resources and templates
  • Regularly updated with new content and contributions
  • Covers a wide range of resume-related topics and tools

Cons of awesome-resume

  • Not a standalone resume generator or template
  • Requires users to navigate through multiple external resources
  • May be overwhelming for users looking for a simple solution

Code comparison

Not applicable, as awesome-resume is primarily a curated list of resources rather than a code-based project.




No direct code comparison available, as it's a markdown-based list of resources.


resume is a LaTeX-based resume template, offering a specific format for creating resumes. awesome-resume, on the other hand, is a curated list of various resume resources, templates, and tools. While resume provides a ready-to-use template, awesome-resume offers a broader range of options and information for users to explore and choose from based on their needs.

Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs

Pros of cv-boilerplate

  • Uses LaTeX for professional typesetting and formatting
  • Supports multiple languages through YAML configuration
  • Offers more customization options for layout and styling

Cons of cv-boilerplate

  • Steeper learning curve for users unfamiliar with LaTeX
  • Requires additional software installation (LaTeX distribution)
  • Less intuitive for quick edits compared to JSON-based approach

Code Comparison

cv-boilerplate (LaTeX):

    {Job Title}
    {Company Name}
    {Job description goes here}

resume (JSON):

  "work": [
      "company": "Company Name",
      "position": "Job Title",
      "startDate": "2015-01-01",
      "endDate": "Present",
      "summary": "Job description goes here"

Both repositories provide templates for creating resumes/CVs, but they use different approaches. cv-boilerplate offers more advanced formatting options through LaTeX, while resume provides a simpler JSON-based structure that may be easier for quick edits and integration with other tools.

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LaTeX template for my personal resume

Based off of sb2nov/resume

Use it on overleaf: Jake's Resume (Not updated)

Resume Preview