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Software developer resume in Latex


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A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student

:page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application

Resume,Resume Templates,程序员简历例句,简历模版,

Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs

A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX

Quick Overview

The sb2nov/resume repository is a LaTeX template for creating professional resumes. It provides a clean, modern design that is easily customizable and suitable for various industries. The template is designed to be both visually appealing and ATS-friendly.


  • Clean and professional design that stands out
  • Easily customizable with clear LaTeX structure
  • ATS-friendly format for better parsing by automated systems
  • Includes sample content to help users get started quickly


  • Requires LaTeX knowledge to modify and compile
  • Limited to a single-page format, which may not suit all job seekers
  • May require additional LaTeX packages to be installed
  • Not as user-friendly for those unfamiliar with LaTeX compared to traditional word processors

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install LaTeX if you haven't already (e.g., TeX Live or MiKTeX)

  3. Edit the resume.tex file with your personal information

  4. Compile the LaTeX file using your preferred LaTeX compiler:

    pdflatex resume.tex
  5. Open the generated resume.pdf file to view your resume

Competitor Comparisons

A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student

Pros of Deedy-Resume

  • More compact and modern design, fitting more information on a single page
  • Includes a two-column layout option for better space utilization
  • Offers a unique and eye-catching visual style

Cons of Deedy-Resume

  • Less customizable without extensive LaTeX knowledge
  • May be too unconventional for some traditional industries
  • Requires more setup and dependencies to compile

Code Comparison





Resume uses a standard article class with additional packages, while Deedy-Resume employs a custom document class. This results in different default styles and layouts.

Both repositories provide LaTeX templates for creating professional resumes, but they differ in design philosophy and complexity. Resume offers a more traditional and easily customizable format, while Deedy-Resume focuses on a modern, compact design that may require more LaTeX expertise to modify.

:page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application

Pros of Awesome-CV

  • More customizable with a wider range of formatting options
  • Includes additional sections like honors, publications, and presentations
  • Offers multiple color schemes and font choices

Cons of Awesome-CV

  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex LaTeX structure
  • Requires more setup and configuration to get started
  • May be overkill for simple resumes or those unfamiliar with LaTeX

Code Comparison


\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{awesome-cv}
\geometry{left=1.4cm, top=.8cm, right=1.4cm, bottom=1.8cm, footskip=.5cm}



Both repositories use LaTeX to create professional-looking resumes, but Awesome-CV offers more advanced customization options and a more modern design. The resume project provides a simpler, more straightforward template that may be easier for LaTeX beginners to understand and modify. Awesome-CV's code structure is more complex, with custom classes and extensive styling options, while resume uses a more standard LaTeX article class with fewer customizations.

Resume,Resume Templates,程序员简历例句,简历模版,

Pros of awesome-resume

  • Comprehensive collection of resume resources, templates, and tools
  • Regularly updated with community contributions
  • Covers a wide range of resume-related topics and industries

Cons of awesome-resume

  • No direct resume creation functionality
  • May be overwhelming for users looking for a simple solution
  • Requires users to navigate through multiple external resources

Code comparison

Not applicable, as awesome-resume is primarily a curated list of resources without significant code content. resume is a LaTeX template for creating resumes, but doesn't have a direct code comparison with awesome-resume.


resume is a specific LaTeX template for creating resumes, while awesome-resume is a comprehensive collection of resume-related resources. resume offers a direct solution for creating a resume using LaTeX, whereas awesome-resume provides a wide range of options and resources for resume creation and improvement.

resume is more suitable for users comfortable with LaTeX who want a specific template, while awesome-resume caters to a broader audience seeking various resume-related resources and tools. The choice between the two depends on the user's needs, technical skills, and preference for a direct template versus a curated list of resources.

Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs

Pros of cv-boilerplate

  • Uses LaTeX for more precise typesetting and professional output
  • Supports multiple languages through YAML configuration
  • Offers more customization options for layout and styling

Cons of cv-boilerplate

  • Steeper learning curve for users unfamiliar with LaTeX
  • Requires additional software installation (LaTeX distribution)
  • Less straightforward editing process compared to HTML/CSS

Code Comparison

cv-boilerplate (LaTeX):


resume (HTML):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

Both repositories provide templates for creating resumes, but they use different technologies and approaches. cv-boilerplate leverages LaTeX for precise typesetting and offers more customization options, while resume uses HTML and CSS for a simpler, web-based approach. The choice between the two depends on the user's familiarity with LaTeX, desired output format, and level of customization needed.

A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX

Pros of moderncv

  • Offers multiple pre-designed templates and color schemes
  • Includes support for multiple languages and fonts
  • Provides a more comprehensive set of CV sections and elements

Cons of moderncv

  • Requires more LaTeX knowledge to customize and modify
  • Has a steeper learning curve for users new to LaTeX
  • Less suitable for quick, simple resume creation

Code Comparison


\title{Curriculum Vitae}



Both repositories provide LaTeX templates for creating resumes/CVs. moderncv offers a more feature-rich and customizable solution with multiple styles and color options, while resume provides a simpler, more straightforward template. moderncv is better suited for academic or detailed professional CVs, whereas resume is ideal for quick, single-page resumes. The code comparison shows that moderncv uses a specialized document class, while resume builds upon the standard article class with additional packages.

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A single-page, one-column resume for software developers. It uses the base latex templates and fonts to provide ease of use and installation when trying to update the resume. The different sections are clearly documented and custom commands are used to provide consistent formatting. The three main sections in the resume are education, experience, and projects.


I created this template as managing a resume on Google Docs was hard and changing any formatting was too difficult since it had to be applied in multiple places.

Most currently available templates either focus on two columns, or are multiple pages long that didn't work well for career fairs or online applications.

Quick start

Get started quickly using Overleaf template.

Build using Docker

docker build -t latex .
docker run --rm -i -v "$PWD":/data latex pdflatex sourabh_bajaj_resume.tex


Resume Screenshot


Format is MIT but all the data is owned by Sourabh Bajaj.