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A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX


Top Related Projects

:page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application

Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs


:necktie: A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported!


LaTeX template for my personal resume

A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student

Quick Overview

ModernCV is a LaTeX template for creating professional and elegant curriculum vitae (CV) and résumés. It offers a clean, modern design with customizable color schemes and layout options, making it easy for users to create visually appealing and well-structured documents for job applications.


  • Highly customizable with various style options and color schemes
  • Professional and modern design that stands out from traditional CV formats
  • Compatible with both LaTeX and XeLaTeX, allowing for advanced typography and font control
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and improvements


  • Requires knowledge of LaTeX, which may have a steep learning curve for beginners
  • Limited flexibility compared to word processors for users who need unconventional layouts
  • Compilation time can be slow, especially for documents with many sections or complex formatting

Code Examples

  1. Basic document structure:

\title{Curriculum Vitae}
\address{123 Main Street}{City, State 12345}{Country}


% Content goes here

  1. Adding a section with bullet points:
    \item Python
    \item JavaScript
    \item C++
  1. Creating a table-like structure for work experience:
\section{Work Experience}
\cventry{2018--2021}{Software Engineer}{Tech Company}{City, State}{}{
    \item Developed and maintained web applications
    \item Collaborated with cross-functional teams
    \item Implemented CI/CD pipelines

Getting Started

  1. Install LaTeX on your system (e.g., TeX Live or MiKTeX)
  2. Download the ModernCV template from the GitHub repository
  3. Create a new .tex file and use the basic document structure provided above
  4. Add your personal information, sections, and content
  5. Compile the document using pdflatex or xelatex
  6. Review the generated PDF and make adjustments as needed

Competitor Comparisons

:page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application

Pros of Awesome-CV

  • More modern and visually appealing design
  • Greater customization options for sections and layouts
  • Includes sample CVs for different professions

Cons of Awesome-CV

  • Steeper learning curve for LaTeX beginners
  • Requires more manual adjustments for optimal formatting

Code Comparison


  \cvskill{Programming}{Python, Java, C++, SQL, JavaScript}
  \cvskill{Frameworks}{Django, React, Node.js}
  \cvskill{Tools}{Git, Docker, AWS, Linux}


\cvdoubleitem{Programming}{Python, Java, C++, SQL, JavaScript}{}{}
\cvdoubleitem{Frameworks}{Django, React, Node.js}{}{}
\cvdoubleitem{Tools}{Git, Docker, AWS, Linux}{}{}

Both repositories offer LaTeX templates for creating professional CVs and resumes. Awesome-CV provides a more modern aesthetic with greater customization options, but may be more challenging for LaTeX beginners. moderncv offers a simpler structure and easier customization, but with a more traditional design. The code comparison shows how skills are formatted differently in each template, with Awesome-CV using a custom environment and moderncv using predefined commands.

Programmatic generation of high-quality CVs

Pros of cv-boilerplate

  • Minimalist approach with focus on content over design
  • Uses YAML for data input, separating content from presentation
  • Highly customizable through LaTeX templates

Cons of cv-boilerplate

  • Steeper learning curve, especially for those unfamiliar with LaTeX
  • Less visually appealing out-of-the-box compared to moderncv
  • Fewer pre-designed templates and styles available

Code Comparison

cv-boilerplate (YAML for data input):

name: John Doe
position: Software Developer
phone: +1 123 456 7890

moderncv (LaTeX for data input):

\title{Software Developer}
\phone{+1 123 456 7890}

cv-boilerplate focuses on separating content from presentation, using YAML for data input and LaTeX templates for styling. This approach offers more flexibility but requires more setup and LaTeX knowledge.

moderncv provides a more traditional LaTeX-based approach with predefined styles and commands, making it easier to get started but potentially less customizable for advanced users.

Both projects aim to create professional CVs and resumes, but they cater to different user preferences and skill levels.


:necktie: A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported!

Pros of latexcv

  • More diverse and modern template designs
  • Easier customization with modular structure
  • Better documentation and examples

Cons of latexcv

  • Less mature and established project
  • Fewer contributors and community support
  • May require more LaTeX knowledge to use effectively

Code Comparison


\title{Curriculum Vitae}


\name{John Doe}
\tagline{Curriculum Vitae}

Both repositories provide LaTeX templates for creating professional CVs and resumes. moderncv is a more established project with a longer history and larger user base. It offers a classic and elegant design but with limited customization options.

latexcv, on the other hand, provides more modern and diverse templates with easier customization. It has a modular structure that allows users to mix and match different components. However, it may require more LaTeX knowledge to use effectively.

The code comparison shows that both projects have similar basic setup, but latexcv offers more flexibility in design elements like icons and layout.


LaTeX template for my personal resume

Pros of resume

  • Written in Python, making it more accessible for Python developers
  • Generates both PDF and HTML versions of the resume
  • Supports custom styling through CSS

Cons of resume

  • Less mature project with fewer contributors and stars
  • Limited template options compared to moderncv
  • May require more setup and configuration

Code Comparison

moderncv (LaTeX):

\title{Curriculum Vitae}

resume (Python):

from resume import Resume, Section, Item

resume = Resume("John Doe")
resume.add_item(Item("University", "Bachelor's Degree", "2015-2019"))

The moderncv repository uses LaTeX to create resumes, offering a wide range of customization options and professional templates. It has a larger community and more extensive documentation.

The resume project, on the other hand, provides a Python-based approach to resume creation, which may be more familiar to Python developers. It offers the advantage of generating both PDF and HTML outputs, allowing for easy online sharing and printing.

While moderncv has more polished templates and styling options, resume allows for more programmatic control over the resume content and structure. The choice between the two depends on the user's familiarity with LaTeX vs. Python and their specific resume requirements.

A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student

Pros of Deedy-Resume

  • Minimalist and modern design, optimized for a single-page resume
  • Includes a pre-filled example resume for easy customization
  • Designed specifically for tech/software engineering roles

Cons of Deedy-Resume

  • Less flexible layout compared to moderncv's multiple style options
  • Limited to a two-column format, which may not suit all preferences
  • Fewer customization options for sections and overall structure

Code Comparison



\namesection{John}{Doe}{Software Engineer}

\subsection{Cornell University}
\descript{BS in Computer Science}
\location{Expected Dec 2017 | Ithaca, NY}


\title{Software Engineer}


\cventry{2013--2017}{BS in Computer Science}{Cornell University}{Ithaca, NY}{}{}

Both templates use LaTeX for creating professional resumes, but Deedy-Resume focuses on a specific layout optimized for tech roles, while moderncv offers more flexibility in design and structure.

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#moderncv: a modern curriculum vitae class#

Moderncv provides a documentclass for typesetting curricula vitae in various styles. Moderncv aims to be both straightforward to use and customizable, providing five ready-made styles (classic, casual, banking, oldstyle and fancy) and allowing one to define his own by modifying colors, fonts, icons, etc.

Most commands are defined in such a way that arguments are optional.

Until a decent manual is written, one can always look in the "examples" directory for some examples. Documents can be compiled into dvi, ps or pdf.

Author: Xavier Danaux
Licence: The LaTeX Project Public Li­cense, version 1.3c