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yihui logoknitr

A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R


Top Related Projects

Dynamic Documents for R


Jupyter metapackage for installation, docs and chat


Data Apps & Dashboards for Python. No JavaScript Required.

Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts

Create beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content.

Quick Overview

knitr is an R package that provides a general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R. It combines R code with various output formats, including LaTeX, HTML, and Markdown. knitr allows users to embed R code chunks in documents, execute them, and include the results in the final output, making it easier to create reproducible research documents.


  • Seamless integration of R code and documentation
  • Supports multiple output formats (LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, etc.)
  • Enhances reproducibility of research and analysis
  • Extensive customization options for code chunk execution and output


  • Learning curve for new users, especially those unfamiliar with R
  • Can be slower than traditional static document creation
  • Debugging can be challenging when errors occur in code chunks
  • May require additional setup for certain output formats or advanced features

Code Examples

  1. Basic R code chunk in a Markdown document:
# Generate a simple plot
x <- 1:10
y <- x^2
plot(x, y, main = "Simple Plot")

2. Setting chunk options:

```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.width=8, fig.height=6}
# Create a histogram with custom dimensions
data <- rnorm(1000)
hist(data, main = "Histogram of Normal Distribution")

3. Inline R code in text:

The mean of the data is `r mean(data)` and the standard deviation is `r sd(data)`.
  1. Caching results for time-consuming computations:
```{r, cache=TRUE}
# Perform a time-consuming calculation
result <- slow_function(large_dataset)

### Getting Started

To use knitr in R, follow these steps:

1. Install the package:
  1. Load the library:
  1. Create a new R Markdown document in RStudio or your preferred IDE.

  2. Use the knit() function to render your document:


For more advanced usage, refer to the knitr documentation and vignettes available on the project's GitHub page.

Competitor Comparisons

Dynamic Documents for R

Pros of rmarkdown

  • More user-friendly interface for document creation
  • Supports multiple output formats (HTML, PDF, Word, etc.)
  • Integrates seamlessly with RStudio IDE

Cons of rmarkdown

  • Less flexible for advanced customization
  • Slower rendering process for complex documents
  • Limited support for non-R programming languages

Code Comparison


title: "My Document"
output: html_document





rmarkdown builds upon knitr, providing a more accessible interface for creating reproducible documents. It offers a wider range of output formats and integrates well with RStudio. However, knitr provides more flexibility for advanced users and supports a broader range of programming languages. rmarkdown uses a YAML header for document configuration, while knitr relies on chunk options. Both packages are maintained by the same core team and work together to enhance R's literate programming capabilities.


Jupyter metapackage for installation, docs and chat

Pros of Jupyter

  • Supports multiple programming languages (Python, R, Julia, etc.)
  • Interactive web-based interface for code execution and visualization
  • Integrates well with data science workflows and libraries

Cons of Jupyter

  • Can be resource-intensive, especially for large notebooks
  • Version control can be challenging due to JSON format
  • Less seamless integration with document generation tools

Code Comparison

Knitr (R):

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg)) + geom_point()

Jupyter (Python):

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

sns.scatterplot(x='wt', y='mpg', data=mtcars)


Knitr is primarily focused on R and seamlessly integrates with R Markdown for reproducible research. It excels in generating static reports and documents.

Jupyter offers a more interactive experience across multiple languages, making it popular for data exploration and visualization. However, it may require additional steps for creating polished reports.

Both tools have their strengths, and the choice between them often depends on the specific programming language and workflow requirements of the user.


Data Apps & Dashboards for Python. No JavaScript Required.

Pros of Dash

  • Interactive web-based dashboards and applications
  • Supports real-time updates and user interactions
  • Integrates well with Plotly for advanced visualizations

Cons of Dash

  • Steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with web development
  • More complex setup and deployment compared to R Markdown reports
  • Limited support for static document generation

Code Comparison

Dash (Python):

import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html

app = dash.Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div([

knitr (R):

title: "My Report"
output: html_document

ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) + geom_point()

### Summary

Dash excels in creating interactive web applications with real-time updates, while knitr is better suited for generating static reports and documents. Dash requires more web development knowledge but offers greater flexibility for user interactions. knitr integrates seamlessly with R Markdown, making it easier to create reproducible research documents and reports.

Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts

Pros of Jupytext

  • Language-agnostic: Supports multiple programming languages beyond R
  • Seamless integration with Jupyter notebooks and text editors
  • Version control friendly: Stores notebooks as plain text files

Cons of Jupytext

  • Less mature ecosystem compared to knitr
  • Limited support for advanced document formatting options
  • May require additional setup for certain workflows

Code Comparison


ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = wt)) + geom_point()

# %%
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
sns.scatterplot(data=mtcars, x='mpg', y='wt')

Key Differences

  • knitr is primarily designed for R, while Jupytext supports multiple languages
  • knitr integrates tightly with R Markdown, Jupytext works with plain text and Jupyter notebooks
  • knitr offers more advanced document formatting options, Jupytext focuses on version control and interoperability

Use Cases

  • knitr: Ideal for R-centric projects and complex document generation
  • Jupytext: Better suited for multi-language projects and collaborative environments with version control needs

Create beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content.

Pros of Jupyter Book

  • Supports multiple programming languages, not limited to R
  • Generates interactive web-based books with navigation and search features
  • Integrates well with Jupyter notebooks and the broader Jupyter ecosystem

Cons of Jupyter Book

  • Less mature and established compared to knitr
  • May have a steeper learning curve for users not familiar with Jupyter ecosystem
  • Limited customization options compared to knitr's flexibility

Code Comparison


ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = wt)) + geom_point()

Jupyter Book:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

sns.scatterplot(data=mtcars, x='mpg', y='wt')

Both examples demonstrate how to create a scatter plot using their respective ecosystems. knitr uses R and ggplot2, while Jupyter Book uses Python with matplotlib and seaborn. The syntax differs, but both achieve similar results in their respective languages.

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R-CMD-check Check knitr examples Codecov test coverage CRAN release

The R package knitr is a general-purpose literate programming engine, with lightweight API's designed to give users full control of the output without heavy coding work. It combines many features into one package with slight tweaks motivated from my everyday use of Sweave. See the package homepage for details and examples. See FAQ's for a list of frequently asked questions (including where to ask questions).


You can install the stable version on CRAN:


You can also install the development version (hourly build) from

options(repos = c(
  yihui = '',
  CRAN = ''



While Sweave and related add-on packages like cacheSweave and pgfSweave are fairly good engines for literate programming in R, I often feel my hands are tied. For example:

  • I stared at the source code of Sweave and wished for hundreds of times, if only I could easily insert [width=.8\textwidth] between \includegraphics and {my-plot.pdf}. (The official way in Sweave is \setkeys{Gin} but it is setting a global width, which is unrealistic since we often have to set widths individually; yes, you can use \setkeys{Gin} for many times, but why not just provide an option for each chunk?)
  • I wished for many times, if only I could use graphics devices other than PDF and postscript; now the dream has come true in the official R, but what I was hoping for was an option as simple as dev = 'png' or dev = 'CairoJPEG'.
  • I wished multiple plots in a code chunk could be recorded instead of only the last one.
  • I wished there was a way to round the numbers in \Sexpr{} other than writing expressions like \Sexpr{round(x, 3)} for each single \Sexpr{}
  • I wished I did not have to print() plots from. ggplot2 and a simple qplot(x, y) would just give me a plot in Sweave.
  • I wished users would never need instructions on Sweave.sty or run into troubles due to the fact that LaTeX cannot find Sweave.sty.
  • I wished cacheSweave could print the results of a code chunk even if it was cached.
  • I wished brew could support graphics.
  • I wished R2HTML could support R code syntax highlighting.
  • ...

The book Dynamic Documents with R and knitr

The package knitr was designed to give the user access to every part of the process of dealing with a literate programming document, so there is no need to hack at any core components if you want more freedom. I have gone through the source code of pgfSweave and cacheSweave for a couple of times and I often feel uncomfortable with the large amount of code copied from official R, especially when R has a new version released (I will begin to worry if the add-on packages are still up-to-date with the official Sweave).



If options are not explicitly specified, knitr will try to guess reasonable default settings. A few manuals are available such as the main manual, and the graphics manual. For a more organized reference, see the knitr book.


This package is free and open source software, licensed under GPL.