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An extensive tutorial on RxJava


Top Related Projects


RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.

RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.

Lifecycle handling APIs for Android apps using RxJava


RxJava bindings for Android

Quick Overview

Intro-To-RxJava is a comprehensive guide to learning and understanding RxJava, a popular reactive programming library for Java. This repository contains a series of chapters that cover various aspects of RxJava, from basic concepts to advanced techniques, with practical examples and explanations.


  • Detailed and well-structured content, suitable for beginners and intermediate users
  • Includes practical examples and code snippets to illustrate concepts
  • Covers a wide range of RxJava topics, from basics to advanced usage
  • Regularly updated to reflect changes in RxJava versions


  • May be overwhelming for absolute beginners in reactive programming
  • Lacks interactive exercises or quizzes for self-assessment
  • Some advanced topics might require additional resources for deeper understanding

Code Examples

Here are a few code examples from the repository:

  1. Creating and subscribing to an Observable:
Observable<String> observable = Observable.just("Hello", "RxJava");
observable.subscribe(s -> System.out.println(s));
  1. Using map operator to transform emissions:
Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    .map(i -> i * 10)
  1. Combining multiple Observables using zip:
Observable<Integer> odds = Observable.just(1, 3, 5);
Observable<Integer> evens = Observable.just(2, 4, 6);, evens, (o, e) -> o + e)

Getting Started

To get started with this RxJava guide:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the repository folder and open the file to access the table of contents.

  3. Start with Chapter 1 and progress through the chapters sequentially.

  4. Ensure you have Java and RxJava set up in your development environment to run the code examples.

  5. Experiment with the provided code snippets and try modifying them to deepen your understanding.

Competitor Comparisons


RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.

Pros of RxJava

  • Official and actively maintained library with regular updates and improvements
  • Extensive documentation and community support
  • Comprehensive set of operators and features for reactive programming

Cons of RxJava

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners due to its extensive API
  • Can be overwhelming for simple use cases or small projects
  • Larger library size compared to introductory resources

Code Comparison

Intro-To-RxJava (Example of creating an Observable):

Observable<Integer> observable = Observable.create(emitter -> {

RxJava (Equivalent example):

Observable<Integer> observable = Observable.create(emitter -> {


RxJava is the official and comprehensive reactive programming library for Java, offering a wide range of features and operators. It benefits from active development, extensive documentation, and community support. However, its extensive API can be challenging for beginners to grasp.

Intro-To-RxJava, on the other hand, is designed as an introductory resource, making it more accessible for those new to reactive programming. It provides a gentler learning curve but may lack the depth and ongoing updates of the official library.

Both repositories demonstrate similar basic concepts, as shown in the code comparison. The choice between them depends on the user's experience level and project requirements.

RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.

Pros of RxBinding

  • Provides ready-to-use RxJava bindings for Android UI widgets
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and support for latest RxJava versions
  • Offers a comprehensive set of bindings for various Android components

Cons of RxBinding

  • Focused solely on Android UI bindings, not a general RxJava learning resource
  • Requires prior knowledge of RxJava concepts to use effectively
  • May add additional complexity to projects that don't heavily rely on reactive programming

Code Comparison

Intro-To-RxJava (general RxJava usage):

Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    .filter(x -> x % 2 == 0)

RxBinding (Android-specific UI binding):

    .throttleFirst(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    .subscribe(event -> handleClick());


Intro-To-RxJava serves as an educational resource for learning RxJava concepts, while RxBinding is a practical library for implementing reactive programming in Android UI components. Intro-To-RxJava offers a broader understanding of RxJava principles, whereas RxBinding provides specific tools for Android development. Choose Intro-To-RxJava for learning RxJava fundamentals, and RxBinding for implementing reactive patterns in Android applications.

Lifecycle handling APIs for Android apps using RxJava

Pros of RxLifecycle

  • Focused on solving a specific problem: managing RxJava subscriptions in Android lifecycle
  • Provides practical, ready-to-use components for Android development
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and contributions

Cons of RxLifecycle

  • Limited scope compared to Intro-To-RxJava's comprehensive tutorial approach
  • May require prior knowledge of RxJava concepts
  • Less educational content for beginners learning RxJava

Code Comparison

Intro-To-RxJava (educational example):

Observable<Integer> observable = Observable.create(emitter -> {

RxLifecycle (practical implementation):

    .compose(RxLifecycle.bindUntilEvent(lifecycle, ActivityEvent.DESTROY))
    .subscribe(data -> {
        // Handle data

The Intro-To-RxJava repository focuses on teaching RxJava concepts through examples and explanations, while RxLifecycle provides a practical solution for managing RxJava subscriptions in Android applications. Intro-To-RxJava is better suited for learning RxJava from scratch, whereas RxLifecycle is more appropriate for developers already familiar with RxJava who need to integrate it into Android projects efficiently.


RxJava bindings for Android

Pros of RxAndroid

  • Specifically designed for Android development, offering optimized performance and Android-specific features
  • Maintained by ReactiveX organization, ensuring regular updates and community support
  • Seamless integration with other ReactiveX libraries and Android ecosystem

Cons of RxAndroid

  • Steeper learning curve for developers new to reactive programming
  • May introduce unnecessary complexity for simpler Android applications
  • Requires additional dependencies, potentially increasing app size

Code Comparison


Observable.just("Hello, RxAndroid!")
    .subscribe(text -> textView.setText(text));


Observable.just("Hello, RxJava!")

The main difference in the code examples is that RxAndroid uses AndroidSchedulers.mainThread() for UI operations, while Intro-To-RxJava uses Schedulers.computation() for general-purpose computations. RxAndroid's approach is more suitable for Android development, as it ensures UI updates occur on the main thread.

Intro-To-RxJava serves as an educational resource for learning RxJava concepts, while RxAndroid is a production-ready library tailored for Android development. Developers should choose based on their specific needs and project requirements.

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Intro to RxJava

This guide aims to introduce a beginner reactive programmer to the complete power of the RxJava implementation of reactive programming for the JVM. It is based on the IntroToRx guide for Rx.NET.

No experience with either reactive or functional programming is needed to follow the book. Familiarity with the basics of Java is required.

Begin learning


The content of this book is meant to be read from start to finish. It is bigger than your average tutorial and smaller than an actual book. It begins with the basics and every subsequent chapter introduces increasingly advanced features and concepts. Sections of the book are intended to be self-containing and to-the-point, so that the book can be referred back to by non-beginners.

The examples used in the book are also available in compilable java files in two formats:

  • Examples that print to standard output (recommended for first-time readers)
  • Silent, self-checking examples in the form of JUnit tests. The readers are invited to study whichever style suits them best.