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Lifecycle handling APIs for Android apps using RxJava


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Lifecycle handling APIs for Android apps using RxJava

RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.


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RxJava bindings for Android

Automatic binding+disposal of RxJava streams.

Quick Overview

RxLifecycle is a lightweight Android library that helps manage the lifecycle of RxJava subscriptions in Android applications. It provides a set of tools to automatically dispose of subscriptions when an Android component (such as an Activity or Fragment) is destroyed, preventing memory leaks and reducing boilerplate code.


  • Simplifies management of RxJava subscriptions in Android apps
  • Reduces the risk of memory leaks caused by lingering subscriptions
  • Integrates well with existing RxJava and Android codebases
  • Lightweight and easy to implement


  • Requires understanding of RxJava and Android lifecycle concepts
  • May add a small overhead to subscription management
  • Limited to Android platform
  • Might be less relevant with the introduction of Kotlin Coroutines

Code Examples

  1. Binding a subscription to an Activity's lifecycle:
    .subscribe { /* Handle result */ }
  1. Using RxLifecycle with a custom lifecycle provider:
    .compose(RxLifecycle.bindUntilEvent(lifecycleProvider, ActivityEvent.DESTROY))
    .subscribe { /* Handle result */ }
  1. Applying RxLifecycle to a Completable:
    .subscribe({ /* Completed */ }, { /* Error */ })

Getting Started

  1. Add the RxLifecycle dependency to your build.gradle file:
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle3:rxlifecycle:3.1.0'
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle3:rxlifecycle-android:3.1.0'
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle3:rxlifecycle-components:3.1.0'
  1. Extend your Activity or Fragment from the corresponding RxLifecycle component:
class MyActivity : RxAppCompatActivity() {
    // Your activity code
  1. Use the bindToLifecycle() or bindUntilEvent() operators in your RxJava chains:
    .subscribe { /* Handle result */ }

Competitor Comparisons

Lifecycle handling APIs for Android apps using RxJava

Pros of RxLifecycle

  • Simplified lifecycle management for RxJava observables
  • Automatic disposal of subscriptions when components are destroyed
  • Lightweight and easy to integrate into existing projects

Cons of RxLifecycle

  • Limited to RxJava 1.x and 2.x versions
  • Requires manual binding to lifecycle events
  • May introduce additional complexity for simple use cases

Code Comparison


    .compose(RxLifecycle.bindUntilEvent(lifecycle, ActivityEvent.DESTROY))
    .subscribe(/* ... */);


    .subscribe(/* ... */);

Both libraries aim to solve the problem of managing RxJava subscriptions in Android applications. RxLifecycle provides a more explicit approach to binding observables to lifecycle events, while RxLifecycle> (which is likely AutoDispose) offers a more automatic solution with less boilerplate code.

RxLifecycle is better suited for projects already using RxJava 1.x or 2.x and requiring fine-grained control over subscription lifecycle. RxLifecycle> (AutoDispose) is more appropriate for newer projects or those transitioning to RxJava 3.x, offering a simpler API and automatic disposal without manual event binding.

RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.

Pros of RxBinding

  • Provides a comprehensive set of bindings for Android UI widgets
  • Offers type-safe bindings, reducing the risk of runtime errors
  • Simplifies UI event handling with a declarative approach

Cons of RxBinding

  • Larger library size compared to RxLifecycle
  • May introduce unnecessary complexity for simpler UI interactions
  • Requires additional learning curve for developers new to RxJava

Code Comparison


    .subscribe { /* Handle click event */ }


    .subscribe { /* Handle event */ }

Key Differences

  • RxBinding focuses on UI event handling and widget interactions
  • RxLifecycle primarily addresses the issue of managing Observable lifecycles
  • RxBinding provides more granular control over UI events
  • RxLifecycle is more lightweight and focused on a specific problem

Use Cases

  • RxBinding: Ideal for complex UI interactions and reactive UI programming
  • RxLifecycle: Best suited for managing Observable lifecycles and preventing memory leaks

Community and Maintenance

  • RxBinding: Actively maintained by Jake Wharton, a respected figure in the Android community
  • RxLifecycle: Part of the Trello archive, indicating less active development


  • Both libraries can be used together in a project
  • RxBinding complements RxLifecycle by providing UI-specific reactive extensions

RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.

Pros of RxJava

  • More comprehensive and feature-rich, offering a wide range of operators and utilities
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and improvements
  • Larger community support and extensive documentation

Cons of RxJava

  • Steeper learning curve due to its extensive API and concepts
  • Can be overkill for simpler reactive programming needs
  • Larger library size, which may impact app size and performance

Code Comparison


Observable.just("Hello, RxJava!")


    .subscribe(/* ... */);

Key Differences

  • RxJava is a complete reactive programming library, while RxLifecycle focuses specifically on managing Observable lifecycles in Android
  • RxLifecycle is designed to work alongside RxJava, providing a solution to prevent memory leaks in Android applications
  • RxJava offers more flexibility and power for complex reactive scenarios, whereas RxLifecycle addresses a specific use case in Android development

Use Cases

  • Choose RxJava for comprehensive reactive programming needs across various platforms
  • Opt for RxLifecycle when specifically dealing with Android lifecycle management in conjunction with RxJava

RxJava bindings for Android

Pros of RxAndroid

  • More comprehensive and widely adopted in the Android community
  • Offers a broader set of reactive programming tools and operators
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and improvements

Cons of RxAndroid

  • Steeper learning curve due to its extensive feature set
  • Potentially higher overhead for simple use cases
  • May require additional configuration for lifecycle management

Code Comparison


Observable.just("Hello, RxAndroid!")
    .subscribe(text -> textView.setText(text));


Observable.just("Hello, RxLifecycle!")
    .subscribe(text -> textView.setText(text));

Key Differences

  • RxAndroid focuses on providing Android-specific schedulers and utilities for RxJava
  • RxLifecycle specifically addresses the issue of managing Observable lifecycles in Android
  • RxAndroid is more general-purpose, while RxLifecycle solves a specific problem
  • RxLifecycle can be used alongside RxAndroid to enhance lifecycle management

Use Case Considerations

  • Choose RxAndroid for a full-featured reactive programming solution in Android
  • Opt for RxLifecycle when primarily concerned with solving Observable lifecycle issues
  • Consider using both libraries together for a comprehensive reactive Android development experience

Automatic binding+disposal of RxJava streams.

Pros of AutoDispose

  • More flexible and can be used with any reactive type, not just RxJava
  • Provides a simpler API with less boilerplate code
  • Offers better integration with Android Architecture Components

Cons of AutoDispose

  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to RxLifecycle
  • May have a steeper learning curve for developers new to reactive programming
  • Less established in the community compared to RxLifecycle

Code Comparison


    .compose(RxLifecycle.bindUntilEvent(lifecycle, ActivityEvent.DESTROY))



Both libraries aim to solve the problem of managing disposables in Android applications, but AutoDispose offers a more modern and flexible approach. While RxLifecycle is specifically designed for RxJava, AutoDispose can work with various reactive types. AutoDispose also provides better integration with Android Architecture Components, making it a more future-proof choice for many developers.

However, RxLifecycle may be easier to implement for teams already familiar with RxJava and looking for a quick solution. It also has a longer history and more established community support.

Ultimately, the choice between these libraries depends on the specific needs of the project and the team's familiarity with reactive programming concepts.

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This library allows one to automatically complete sequences based on a second lifecycle stream.

This capability is useful in Android, where incomplete subscriptions can cause memory leaks.


You must start with an Observable<T> representing a lifecycle stream. Then you use RxLifecycle to bind a sequence to that lifecycle.

You can bind when the lifecycle emits anything:


Or you can bind to when a specific lifecyle event occurs:

    .compose(RxLifecycle.bindUntilEvent(lifecycle, ActivityEvent.DESTROY))

Alternatively, you can let RxLifecycle determine the appropriate time to end the sequence:


It assumes you want to end the sequence in the opposing lifecycle event - e.g., if subscribing during START, it will terminate on STOP. If you subscribe after PAUSE, it will terminate at the next destruction event (e.g., PAUSE will terminate in STOP).


Where do lifecycles come from? Generally, they are provided by an appropriate LifecycleProvider<T>. But where are those implemented?

You have a few options for that:

  1. Use rxlifecycle-components and subclass the provided RxActivity, RxFragment, etc. classes.
  2. Use Android's lifecycle + rxlifecycle-android-lifecycle to generate providers.
  3. Write the implementation yourself.

If you use rxlifecycle-components, just extend the appropriate class, then use the built-in bindToLifecycle() (or bindUntilEvent()) methods:

public class MyActivity extends RxActivity {
    public void onResume() {

If you use rxlifecycle-android-lifecycle, then you just pass your LifecycleOwner to AndroidLifecycle to generate a provider:

public class MyActivity extends LifecycleActivity {
    private final LifecycleProvider<Lifecycle.Event> provider
        = AndroidLifecycle.createLifecycleProvider(this);

    public void onResume() {


RxLifecycle does not actually unsubscribe the sequence. Instead it terminates the sequence. The way in which it does so varies based on the type:

  • Observable, Flowable and Maybe - emits onCompleted()
  • Single and Completable - emits onError(CancellationException)

If a sequence requires the Subscription.unsubscribe() behavior, then it is suggested that you manually handle the Subscription yourself and call unsubscribe() when appropriate.


The rxlifecycle-kotlin module provides built-in extensions to the base RxJava types:

    .subscribe { }

    .bindUntilEvent(myRxActivity, STOP)
    .subscribe { }

There is an additional rxlifecycle-android-lifecycle-kotlin module to provider extensions to work with LifecycleOwner's.

    .bindUntilEvent(myLifecycleActivity, ON_STOP)
    .subscribe { }


implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle4:rxlifecycle:4.0.2'

// If you want to bind to Android-specific lifecycles
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle4:rxlifecycle-android:4.0.2'

// If you want pre-written Activities and Fragments you can subclass as providers
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle4:rxlifecycle-components:4.0.2'

// If you want pre-written support preference Fragments you can subclass as providers
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle4:rxlifecycle-components-preference:4.0.2'

// If you want to use Android Lifecycle for providers
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle4:rxlifecycle-android-lifecycle:4.0.2'

// If you want to use Kotlin syntax
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle4:rxlifecycle-kotlin:4.0.2'

// If you want to use Kotlin syntax with Android Lifecycle
implementation 'com.trello.rxlifecycle4:rxlifecycle-android-lifecycle-kotlin:4.0.2'


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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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