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anuraghazra logogithub-readme-stats

:zap: Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes


Top Related Projects


📊 An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON!

🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README

Better GitHub statistics images for your profile, with stats from private repos too

🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your readme

It counts how many times your GitHub profile has been viewed. Free cloud micro-service.

A tool to generate your github summary card for profile README

Quick Overview

GitHub Readme Stats is a dynamic stats generator for GitHub profiles and repositories. It allows users to display various statistics, such as GitHub stars, commits, and contributions, directly in their README files using customizable SVG images.


  • Easy to implement with a simple URL-based system
  • Highly customizable with themes, icons, and layout options
  • Provides real-time statistics that automatically update
  • Supports both user and repository statistics


  • Relies on GitHub API, which may have rate limits for frequent requests
  • Some advanced features require setting up a personal access token
  • May slow down README load times if multiple stats are included
  • Limited to GitHub-specific metrics

Code Examples

  1. Display GitHub stats for a user:
![GitHub stats](
  1. Show top languages used:
![Top Langs](
  1. Display a repository's stats:
![Repo Card](

Getting Started

To use GitHub Readme Stats in your README, simply add the following markdown to your file:

[![Your GitHub stats](](

Replace yourusername with your actual GitHub username. You can customize the appearance by adding query parameters to the URL, such as &theme=radical for a different color scheme or &show_icons=true to display icons for different stats.

For more advanced usage, including private repositories and deploying your own instance, refer to the project's documentation on GitHub.

Competitor Comparisons


📊 An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON!

Pros of metrics

  • More comprehensive and customizable, offering a wider range of statistics and visualizations
  • Supports plugins for extended functionality and integration with various services
  • Provides detailed insights into coding habits, languages, and contributions

Cons of metrics

  • More complex setup and configuration process
  • Requires self-hosting or using GitHub Actions, which may be less convenient for some users
  • Higher resource usage due to its extensive features

Code comparison


- uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
    token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
    plugin_languages: yes
    plugin_habits: yes


![GitHub stats](


metrics offers a more feature-rich and customizable solution for displaying GitHub statistics, but requires more setup and resources. github-readme-stats provides a simpler, more straightforward approach with easier implementation but fewer options for customization and detailed insights. The choice between the two depends on the user's needs for depth of information and willingness to invest time in configuration.

🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README

Pros of github-readme-streak-stats

  • Focuses specifically on contribution streaks, providing a motivational tool for consistent GitHub activity
  • Offers more customization options for streak statistics, including theme selection and custom text
  • Lighter weight and faster to load due to its specialized focus

Cons of github-readme-streak-stats

  • Limited to streak-related statistics, lacking the broader range of GitHub stats provided by github-readme-stats
  • Does not include language statistics or repository-specific information
  • Less widely adopted compared to the more established github-readme-stats

Code Comparison


[![GitHub Streak](](


[![Anurag's GitHub stats](](

Both repositories provide easy-to-use markdown snippets for embedding statistics in GitHub profiles. github-readme-streak-stats focuses on a single, specialized statistic, while github-readme-stats offers a more comprehensive set of GitHub metrics. The choice between the two depends on whether users prioritize detailed contribution streaks or a broader overview of their GitHub activity.

Better GitHub statistics images for your profile, with stats from private repos too

Pros of github-stats

  • Offers more detailed and customizable statistics, including language breakdowns and contribution calendars
  • Generates static SVG images, reducing server load and improving performance
  • Provides a more comprehensive overview of a user's GitHub activity and contributions

Cons of github-stats

  • Less visually appealing and modern design compared to github-readme-stats
  • Requires more setup and configuration to get started
  • Limited options for quick, pre-designed stat cards

Code Comparison


def get_stats(username):
    user = github.get_user(username)
    repos = user.get_repos()
    stats = calculate_stats(repos)
    return generate_svg(stats)


const getStats = async (username) => {
  const user = await fetchUserData(username);
  const stats = calculateStats(user);
  return renderStatsCard(stats);

Both projects aim to provide GitHub statistics for user profiles, but they differ in their approach and features. github-stats focuses on comprehensive data and static SVG generation, while github-readme-stats offers a more user-friendly experience with dynamic, visually appealing stat cards. The code comparison shows that github-stats uses Python for backend processing, while github-readme-stats utilizes JavaScript, likely for client-side rendering.

🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your readme

Pros of github-profile-trophy

  • Offers a unique trophy system to showcase GitHub achievements
  • Provides a visually appealing display of user accomplishments
  • Allows for customization of trophy appearance and layout

Cons of github-profile-trophy

  • Limited to displaying only trophy-based statistics
  • May not provide as comprehensive GitHub stats as github-readme-stats
  • Requires more setup and configuration for optimal display

Code Comparison




![GitHub stats](

github-profile-trophy focuses on displaying achievements as trophies, while github-readme-stats provides a more comprehensive overview of GitHub statistics. The former offers a unique visual representation of accomplishments, while the latter provides a broader range of data points. github-readme-stats is generally easier to implement and customize, whereas github-profile-trophy may require more setup for optimal display. Both projects enhance GitHub profiles, but cater to different preferences in showcasing user activity and achievements.

It counts how many times your GitHub profile has been viewed. Free cloud micro-service.

Pros of github-profile-views-counter

  • Focuses specifically on tracking profile views, providing a simple and lightweight solution
  • Offers customizable badges with various styles and colors
  • Provides detailed analytics and view count history

Cons of github-profile-views-counter

  • Limited to profile view tracking, lacking other GitHub stats features
  • May require additional setup compared to more comprehensive solutions
  • Less frequently updated and maintained compared to github-readme-stats

Code Comparison


![Profile views](


![GitHub stats](


github-profile-views-counter is a specialized tool for tracking GitHub profile views, offering customizable badges and detailed analytics. It's lightweight and focused but lacks the comprehensive features of github-readme-stats. The latter provides a wider range of GitHub statistics and is more frequently updated. Choose github-profile-views-counter for simple view tracking or github-readme-stats for a more comprehensive GitHub stats display.

A tool to generate your github summary card for profile README

Pros of github-profile-summary-cards

  • Offers a wider variety of card types, including language-specific stats and productivity time charts
  • Provides more customization options for card themes and layouts
  • Supports integration with multiple version control platforms (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket)

Cons of github-profile-summary-cards

  • Less frequently updated compared to github-readme-stats
  • May require more setup and configuration to use all features
  • Has fewer stars and contributors, potentially indicating a smaller community

Code Comparison




![Anurag's GitHub stats](

Both projects aim to enhance GitHub profile READMEs with dynamic statistics and visualizations. github-profile-summary-cards offers more diverse card types and customization options, while github-readme-stats has a larger community and more frequent updates. The choice between them depends on the specific needs of the user, such as desired card types, customization level, and preferred community support.

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GitHub Readme Stats

GitHub Readme Stats

Get dynamically generated GitHub stats on your READMEs!

Tests Passing GitHub Contributors Tests Coverage Issues GitHub pull requests OpenSSF Scorecard

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Please note that documentation translations may be outdated; try to use English documentation if possible.

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India has recently suffered one of the most devastating train accidents, and your help will be immensely valuable for the people who were affected by this tragedy.

Please visit this link and make a small donation to help the people in need. A small donation goes a long way. :heart:


Important Notices

Since the GitHub API only allows 5k requests per hour per user account, the public Vercel instance hosted on could possibly hit the rate limiter (see #1471). We use caching to prevent this from happening (see You can turn off these rate limit protections by deploying your own Vercel instance.

Uptime Badge

We're a small team, and to prioritize, we rely on upvotes :+1:. We use the Top Issues dashboard for tracking community demand (see #1935). Do not hesitate to upvote the issues and pull requests you are interested in. We will work on the most upvoted first.

GitHub Stats Card

Copy and paste this into your markdown, and that's it. Simple!

Change the ?username= value to your GitHub username.

[![Anurag's GitHub stats](](

By default, the stats card only shows statistics like stars, commits, and pull requests from public repositories. To show private statistics on the stats card, you should deploy your own instance using your own GitHub API token.

Available ranks are S (top 1%), A+ (12.5%), A (25%), A- (37.5%), B+ (50%), B (62.5%), B- (75%), C+ (87.5%) and C (everyone). This ranking scheme is based on the Japanese academic grading system. The global percentile is calculated as a weighted sum of percentiles for each statistic (number of commits, pull requests, reviews, issues, stars, and followers), based on the cumulative distribution function of the exponential and the log-normal distributions. The implementation can be investigated at src/calculateRank.js. The circle around the rank shows 100 minus the global percentile.

Hiding individual stats

You can pass a query parameter &hide= to hide any specific stats with comma-separated values.

Options: &hide=stars,commits,prs,issues,contribs

![Anurag's GitHub stats](,prs)

Showing additional individual stats

You can pass a query parameter &show= to show any specific additional stats with comma-separated values.

Options: &show=reviews,discussions_started,discussions_answered,prs_merged,prs_merged_percentage

![Anurag's GitHub stats](,discussions_started,discussions_answered,prs_merged,prs_merged_percentage)

Showing icons

To enable icons, you can pass &show_icons=true in the query param, like so:

![Anurag's GitHub stats](


With inbuilt themes, you can customize the look of the card without doing any manual customization.

Use &theme=THEME_NAME parameter like so :

![Anurag's GitHub stats](

All inbuilt themes

GitHub Readme Stats comes with several built-in themes (e.g. dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, tokyonight, onedark, cobalt, synthwave, highcontrast, dracula).

GitHub Readme Stats Themes

You can look at a preview for all available themes or checkout the theme config file. Please note that we paused the addition of new themes to decrease maintenance efforts; all pull requests related to new themes will be closed.

Responsive Card Theme

Anurag's GitHub stats-Dark Anurag's GitHub stats-Light

Since GitHub will re-upload the cards and serve them from their CDN, we can not infer the browser/GitHub theme on the server side. There are, however, four methods you can use to create dynamics themes on the client side.

Use the transparent theme

We have included a transparent theme that has a transparent background. This theme is optimized to look good on GitHub's dark and light default themes. You can enable this theme using the &theme=transparent parameter like so:

![Anurag's GitHub stats](
:eyes: Show example

Anurag's GitHub stats

Add transparent alpha channel to a themes bg_color

You can use the bg_color parameter to make any of the available themes transparent. This is done by setting the bg_color to a color with a transparent alpha channel (i.e. bg_color=00000000):

![Anurag's GitHub stats](
:eyes: Show example

Anurag's GitHub stats

Use GitHub's theme context tag

You can use GitHub's theme context tags to switch the theme based on the user GitHub theme automatically. This is done by appending #gh-dark-mode-only or #gh-light-mode-only to the end of an image URL. This tag will define whether the image specified in the markdown is only shown to viewers using a light or a dark GitHub theme:

[![Anurag's GitHub stats-Dark](](
[![Anurag's GitHub stats-Light](](
:eyes: Show example

Anurag's GitHub stats-Dark Anurag's GitHub stats-Light

Use GitHub's new media feature

You can use GitHub's new media feature in HTML to specify whether to display images for light or dark themes. This is done using the HTML <picture> element in combination with the prefers-color-scheme media feature.

    media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
    media="(prefers-color-scheme: light), (prefers-color-scheme: no-preference)"
  <img src="" />
:eyes: Show example


You can customize the appearance of all your cards however you wish with URL parameters.

Common Options

NameDescriptionTypeDefault value
title_colorCard's title color.string (hex color)2f80ed
text_colorBody text color.string (hex color)434d58
icon_colorIcons color if available.string (hex color)4c71f2
border_colorCard's border color. Does not apply when hide_border is enabled.string (hex color)e4e2e2
bg_colorCard's background color.string (hex color or a gradient in the form of angle,start,end)fffefe
hide_borderHides the card's border.booleanfalse
themeName of the theme, choose from all available themes.enumdefault
cache_secondsSets the cache header manually (min: 21600, max: 86400).integer21600
localeSets the language in the card, you can check full list of available locales here.enumen
border_radiusCorner rounding on the card.number4.5

We use caching to decrease the load on our servers (see Our cards have a default cache of 6 hours (21600 seconds). Also, note that the cache is clamped to a minimum of 6 hours and a maximum of 24 hours. If you want the data on your statistics card to be updated more often you can deploy your own instance and set environment variable CACHE_SECONDS to a value of your choosing.

Gradient in bg_color

You can provide multiple comma-separated values in the bg_color option to render a gradient with the following format:

Available locales

Here is a list of all available locales:

zh-twChinese (Taiwan)
pt-ptPortuguese (Portugal)
pt-brPortuguese (Brazil)

If we don't support your language, please consider contributing! You can find more information about how to do it in our contributing guidelines.

Stats Card Exclusive Options

NameDescriptionTypeDefault value
hideHides the specified items from stats.string (comma-separated values)null
hide_titleHides the title of your stats card.booleanfalse
card_widthSets the card's width manually.number500px (approx.)
hide_rankHides the rank and automatically resizes the card width.booleanfalse
rank_iconShows alternative rank icon (i.e. github, percentile or default).enumdefault
show_iconsShows icons near all stats.booleanfalse
include_all_commitsCount total commits instead of just the current year commits.booleanfalse
line_heightSets the line height between text.integer25
exclude_repoExcludes specified repositories.string (comma-separated values)null
custom_titleSets a custom title for the card.string<username> GitHub Stats
text_boldUses bold text.booleantrue
disable_animationsDisables all animations in the card.booleanfalse
ring_colorColor of the rank circle.string (hex color)2f80ed
number_formatSwitches between two available formats for displaying the card values short (i.e. 6.6k) and long (i.e. 6626).enumshort
showShows additional items on stats card (i.e. reviews, discussions_started, discussions_answered, prs_merged or prs_merged_percentage).string (comma-separated values)null

When hide_rank=true, the minimum card width is 270 px + the title length and padding.

Repo Card Exclusive Options

NameDescriptionTypeDefault value
show_ownerShows the repo's owner name.booleanfalse
description_lines_countManually set the number of lines for the description. Specified value will be clamped between 1 and 3. If this parameter is not specified, the number of lines will be automatically adjusted according to the actual length of the description.numbernull

Gist Card Exclusive Options

NameDescriptionTypeDefault value
show_ownerShows the gist's owner name.booleanfalse

Language Card Exclusive Options

NameDescriptionTypeDefault value
hideHides the specified languages from card.string (comma-separated values)null
hide_titleHides the title of your card.booleanfalse
layoutSwitches between five available layouts normal & compact & donut & donut-vertical & pie.enumnormal
card_widthSets the card's width manually.number300
langs_countShows more languages on the card, between 1-20.integer5 for normal and donut, 6 for other layouts
exclude_repoExcludes specified repositories.string (comma-separated values)null
custom_titleSets a custom title for the card.stringMost Used Languages
disable_animationsDisables all animations in the card.booleanfalse
hide_progressUses the compact layout option, hides percentages, and removes the bars.booleanfalse
size_weightConfigures language stats algorithm (see Language stats algorithm).integer1
count_weightConfigures language stats algorithm (see Language stats algorithm).integer0

Language names should be URI-escaped, as specified in Percent Encoding (i.e: c++ should become c%2B%2B, jupyter notebook should become jupyter%20notebook, etc.) You can use to help you do this automatically.

WakaTime Card Exclusive Options

NameDescriptionTypeDefault value
hideHides the languages specified from the card.string (comma-separated values)null
hide_titleHides the title of your card.booleanfalse
line_heightSets the line height between text.integer25
hide_progressHides the progress bar and percentage.booleanfalse
custom_titleSets a custom title for the card.stringWakaTime Stats
layoutSwitches between two available layouts default & compact.enumdefault
langs_countLimits the number of languages on the card, defaults to all reported languages.integernull
api_domainSets a custom API domain for the card, e.g. to use services like Hakatime or
display_formatSets the WakaTime stats display format. Choose time to display time-based stats or percent to show percentages.enumtime
disable_animationsDisables all animations in the card.booleanfalse

GitHub Extra Pins

GitHub extra pins allow you to pin more than 6 repositories in your profile using a GitHub readme profile.

Yay! You are no longer limited to 6 pinned repositories.


Copy-paste this code into your readme and change the links.

Endpoint: api/pin?username=anuraghazra&repo=github-readme-stats

[![Readme Card](](


Readme Card

Use show_owner query option to include the repo's owner username

Readme Card

GitHub Gist Pins

GitHub gist pins allow you to pin gists in your GitHub profile using a GitHub readme profile.


Copy-paste this code into your readme and change the links.

Endpoint: api/gist?id=bbfce31e0217a3689c8d961a356cb10d

[![Gist Card](](


Gist Card

Use show_owner query option to include the gist's owner username

Gist Card

Top Languages Card

The top languages card shows a GitHub user's most frequently used languages.

By default, the language card shows language results only from public repositories. To include languages used in private repositories, you should deploy your own instance using your own GitHub API token.

Top Languages does not indicate the user's skill level or anything like that; it's a GitHub metric to determine which languages have the most code on GitHub. It is a new feature of github-readme-stats.

This card shows language usage only inside your own non-forked repositories, not depending on who the author of the commits is. It does not include your contributions into another users/organizations repositories. Currently there are no way to get this data from GitHub API. If you want this behavior to be improved you can support this feature request created by @rickstaa inside GitHub Community.

Currently this card shows data only about first 100 repositories. This is because GitHub API limitations which cause downtimes of public instances (see #1471). In future this behavior will be improved by releasing GitHub action or providing environment variables for user's own instances.


Copy-paste this code into your readme and change the links.

Endpoint: api/top-langs?username=anuraghazra

[![Top Langs](](

Language stats algorithm

We use the following algorithm to calculate the languages percentages on the language card:

ranking_index = (byte_count ^ size_weight) * (repo_count ^ count_weight)

By default, only the byte count is used for determining the languages percentages shown on the language card (i.e. size_weight=1 and count_weight=0). You can, however, use the &size_weight= and &count_weight= options to weight the language usage calculation. The values must be positive real numbers. More details about the algorithm can be found here.

  • &size_weight=1&count_weight=0 - (default) Orders by byte count.
  • &size_weight=0.5&count_weight=0.5 - (recommended) Uses both byte and repo count for ranking
  • &size_weight=0&count_weight=1 - Orders by repo count
![Top Langs](

Exclude individual repositories

You can use the &exclude_repo=repo1,repo2 parameter to exclude individual repositories.

![Top Langs](,

Hide individual languages

You can use &hide=language1,language2 parameter to hide individual languages.

![Top Langs](,html)

Show more languages

You can use the &langs_count= option to increase or decrease the number of languages shown on the card. Valid values are integers between 1 and 20 (inclusive). By default it was set to 5 for normal & donut and 6 for other layouts.

![Top Langs](

Compact Language Card Layout

You can use the &layout=compact option to change the card design.

![Top Langs](

Donut Chart Language Card Layout

You can use the &layout=donut option to change the card design.

[![Top Langs](](

Donut Vertical Chart Language Card Layout

You can use the &layout=donut-vertical option to change the card design.

[![Top Langs](](

Pie Chart Language Card Layout

You can use the &layout=pie option to change the card design.

[![Top Langs](](

Hide Progress Bars

You can use the &hide_progress=true option to hide the percentages and the progress bars (layout will be automatically set to compact).

![Top Langs](


Top Langs

  • Compact layout

Top Langs

  • Donut Chart layout

Top Langs

  • Donut Vertical Chart layout

Top Langs

  • Pie Chart layout

Top Langs

  • Hidden progress bars

Top Langs

WakaTime Stats Card

Please be aware that we currently only show data from WakaTime profiles that are public. You therefore have to make sure that BOTH Display code time publicly and Display languages, editors, os, categories publicly are enabled.

Change the ?username= value to your WakaTime username.

[![Harlok's WakaTime stats](](


Harlok's WakaTime stats

Harlok's WakaTime stats

  • Compact layout

Harlok's WakaTime stats

All Demos

  • Default

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Hiding specific stats

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Showing additional stats

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Showing icons

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Shows Github logo instead rank level

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Shows user rank percentile instead of rank level

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Customize Border Color

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Include All Commits

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Themes

Choose from any of the default themes

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Gradient

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Customizing stats card

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Setting card locale

Anurag's GitHub stats

  • Customizing repo card

Customized Card

  • Gist card

Gist Card

  • Customizing gist card

Gist Card

  • Top languages

Top Langs

  • WakaTime card

Harlok's WakaTime stats

Quick Tip (Align The Cards)

By default, GitHub does not lay out the cards side by side. To do that, you can use this approach:

<a href="">
  <img height=200 align="center" src="" />
<a href="">
  <img height=200 align="center" src="" />
<a href="">
  <img align="center" src="" />
<a href="">
  <img align="center" src="" />
:eyes: Show example

Deploy on your own

On Vercel

:film_projector: Check Out Step By Step Video Tutorial By @codeSTACKr

Since the GitHub API only allows 5k requests per hour, my could possibly hit the rate limiter. If you host it on your own Vercel server, then you do not have to worry about anything. Click on the deploy button to get started!

Since #58, we should be able to handle more than 5k requests and have fewer issues with downtime :grin:.

If you are on the Pro (i.e. paid) Vercel plan, the maxDuration value found in the vercel.json can be increased when your Vercel instance frequently times out during the card request. You are advised to keep this value lower than 30 seconds to prevent high memory usage.

Deploy to Vercel

:hammer_and_wrench: Step-by-step guide on setting up your own Vercel instance
  1. Go to
  2. Click on Log in.
  3. Sign in with GitHub by pressing Continue with GitHub.
  4. Sign in to GitHub and allow access to all repositories if prompted.
  5. Fork this repo.
  6. Go back to your Vercel dashboard.
  7. To import a project, click the Add New... button and select the Project option.
  8. Click the Continue with GitHub button, search for the required Git Repository and import it by clicking the Import button. Alternatively, you can import a Third-Party Git Repository using the Import Third-Party Git Repository -> link at the bottom of the page.
  9. Create a personal access token (PAT) here and enable the repo and user permissions (this allows access to see private repo and user stats).
  10. Add the PAT as an environment variable named PAT_1 (as shown).
  11. Click deploy, and you're good to go. See your domains to use the API!

On other platforms

This way of using GRS is not officially supported and was added to cater to some particular use cases where Vercel could not be used (e.g. #2341). The support for this method, therefore, is limited.

:hammer_and_wrench: Step-by-step guide for deploying on other platforms
  1. Fork or clone this repo as per your needs
  2. Add express to the dependencies section of package.json
  3. Run npm i if needed (initial setup)
  4. Run node express.js to start the server, or set the entry point to express.js in package.json if you're deploying on a managed service
  5. You're done 🎉

Disable rate limit protections

Github Readme Stats contains several Vercel environment variables that can be used to remove the rate limit protections:

  • CACHE_SECONDS: This environment variable takes precedence over our cache minimum and maximum values and can circumvent these values for self-hosted Vercel instances.

See the Vercel documentation on adding these environment variables to your Vercel instance.

Keep your fork up to date

You can keep your fork, and thus your private Vercel instance up to date with the upstream using GitHub's Sync Fork button. You can also use the pull package created by @wei to automate this process.

:sparkling_heart: Support the project

I open-source almost everything I can and try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can use this service for free.

However, if you are using this project and are happy with it or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are a few ways you can do it:

  • Giving proper credit when you use github-readme-stats on your readme, linking back to it. :D
  • Starring and sharing the project. :rocket:
  • - You can make a one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. :tea:

Thanks! :heart:

Contributions are welcome! <3

Made with :heart: and JavaScript.