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Export Django monitoring metrics for


Top Related Projects

Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications

Silky smooth profiling for Django

A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.

Dynamic Django settings.

Quick Overview

Django-prometheus is a library that integrates Prometheus monitoring with Django applications. It provides automatic instrumentation for Django views, models, and database operations, allowing developers to easily collect and expose metrics for their Django projects.


  • Easy integration with existing Django projects
  • Automatic instrumentation of key Django components
  • Customizable metrics and exporters
  • Supports both synchronous and asynchronous Django applications


  • May introduce a slight performance overhead
  • Limited documentation for advanced use cases
  • Requires additional setup for Prometheus server and alerting
  • Some features may not be compatible with all Django versions

Code Examples

  1. Basic setup in Django settings:

  1. Adding custom metrics:
from prometheus_client import Counter

api_requests_total = Counter('api_requests_total', 'Total API requests', ['method', 'endpoint'])

def my_view(request):
    api_requests_total.labels(method=request.method, endpoint='/api/example').inc()
    # View logic here
  1. Exporting database query counts:
from django_prometheus.db import connections_total

def get_db_stats():
    return {
        'db_connections_total': connections_total.collect()[0].samples[0].value
  1. Adding Prometheus export URL:
from django.urls import path
from django_prometheus import exports

urlpatterns = [
    path('metrics/', exports.ExportToDjangoView, name='prometheus-django-metrics'),

Getting Started

  1. Install the package:

    pip install django-prometheus
  2. Add django_prometheus to INSTALLED_APPS in your Django settings.

  3. Add the Prometheus middleware to your MIDDLEWARE setting:

        # ... other middleware
  4. Add the metrics export URL to your

    from django.urls import path
    from django_prometheus import exports
    urlpatterns = [
        # ... other URL patterns
        path('metrics/', exports.ExportToDjangoView, name='prometheus-django-metrics'),
  5. Restart your Django application and access the /metrics/ endpoint to view the exported metrics.

Competitor Comparisons

Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications

Pros of client_python

  • More general-purpose, can be used with any Python application
  • Actively maintained with frequent updates
  • Comprehensive documentation and examples

Cons of client_python

  • Requires more manual setup for Django-specific metrics
  • Less out-of-the-box integration with Django features

Code Comparison


from django_prometheus.models import ExportModelOperationsMixin

class MyModel(ExportModelOperationsMixin('my_model'), models.Model):


from prometheus_client import Counter

c = Counter('my_counter', 'Description of counter')     # Increment by 1  # Increment by given value

Key Differences

  • django-prometheus provides Django-specific metrics and integrations
  • client_python offers more flexibility for custom metrics in any Python application
  • django-prometheus simplifies setup for Django projects, while client_python requires more manual configuration

Use Cases

  • Use django-prometheus for quick and easy Prometheus integration in Django projects
  • Choose client_python for non-Django Python applications or when more customization is needed

Community and Support

  • client_python has a larger community and more frequent updates
  • django-prometheus is specifically tailored for Django users but has less frequent updates

Silky smooth profiling for Django

Pros of django-silk

  • Provides a detailed web interface for analyzing request data, including SQL queries and profiling information
  • Offers more comprehensive request/response inspection, including headers, cookies, and session data
  • Supports storing profiling data for later analysis and comparison

Cons of django-silk

  • May have a higher performance overhead due to its extensive data collection and storage
  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to the simpler prometheus-based approach
  • Less suitable for real-time monitoring and alerting in production environments

Code Comparison


    # ... other middleware

    # ... other apps


    # ... other apps

    # ... other middleware

Both projects require adding middleware and including the app in INSTALLED_APPS. django-silk's setup is slightly simpler, while django-prometheus requires two middleware entries for optimal metric collection.

A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.

Pros of django-debug-toolbar

  • Provides a comprehensive set of debugging tools directly in the browser
  • Offers detailed information about database queries, templates, HTTP headers, and more
  • Easy to install and configure for development environments

Cons of django-debug-toolbar

  • Primarily focused on development and debugging, not production monitoring
  • Can impact performance when enabled, not suitable for production use
  • Limited in terms of long-term metrics and data collection

Code Comparison


    # ...

    # ...


    # ...

    # ...

django-debug-toolbar is primarily designed for development-time debugging and provides a rich set of tools accessible through a browser interface. It excels at providing detailed information about the current request and application state.

django-prometheus, on the other hand, focuses on exposing metrics for production monitoring and integrates with Prometheus for long-term data collection and alerting. It has minimal impact on performance and is suitable for use in production environments.

Dynamic Django settings.

Pros of django-constance

  • Focuses on dynamic Django settings management, allowing for easy configuration changes without code deployment
  • Provides a user-friendly admin interface for modifying settings
  • Supports multiple backends for storing configuration data (database, Redis, etc.)

Cons of django-constance

  • Limited to configuration management, lacks broader monitoring capabilities
  • May require additional setup for more complex configuration scenarios
  • Does not provide metrics or performance monitoring features

Code Comparison


from constance import config

# Accessing a dynamic setting
value = config.MY_SETTING

# Updating a dynamic setting
config.MY_SETTING = new_value


from django_prometheus.exports import ExportToDjangoView

# Adding Prometheus metrics to a view
def my_view(request):
    # View logic here

While django-constance focuses on dynamic configuration management, django-prometheus is tailored for monitoring and metrics collection in Django applications. django-prometheus integrates with Prometheus for comprehensive application monitoring, whereas django-constance provides a solution for managing dynamic settings. The choice between these libraries depends on whether the primary need is for configuration management or application monitoring and metrics collection.

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Export Django monitoring metrics for

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This library provides Prometheus metrics for Django related operations:



  • Django >= 3.2
  • Python 3.7 and above.


Install with:

pip install django-prometheus

Or, if you're using a development version cloned from this repository:

python path-to-where-you-cloned-django-prometheus/ install

This will install prometheus_client as a dependency.


In your


    # All your other middlewares go here, including the default
    # middlewares like SessionMiddleware, CommonMiddleware,
    # CsrfViewmiddleware, SecurityMiddleware, etc.

In your

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('django_prometheus.urls')),


Prometheus uses Histogram based grouping for monitoring latencies. The default buckets are:

PROMETHEUS_LATENCY_BUCKETS = (0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, float("inf"),)

You can define custom buckets for latency, adding more buckets decreases performance but increases accuracy:

PROMETHEUS_LATENCY_BUCKETS = (.1, .2, .5, .6, .8, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5, 9.0, 12.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0, float("inf"))

You can have a custom namespace for your metrics:


This will prefix all metrics with project_ word like this:

project_django_http_requests_total_by_method_total{method="GET"} 1.0

Monitoring your databases

SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL databases can be monitored. Just replace the ENGINE property of your database, replacing django.db.backends with django_prometheus.db.backends.

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django_prometheus.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),

Monitoring your caches

Filebased, memcached, redis caches can be monitored. Just replace the cache backend to use the one provided by django_prometheus django.core.cache.backends with django_prometheus.cache.backends.

    'default': {
        'BACKEND': 'django_prometheus.cache.backends.filebased.FileBasedCache',
        'LOCATION': '/var/tmp/django_cache',

Monitoring your models

You may want to monitor the creation/deletion/update rate for your model. This can be done by adding a mixin to them. This is safe to do on existing models (it does not require a migration).

If your model is:

class Dog(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
    breed = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
    age = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)

Just add the ExportModelOperationsMixin as such:

from django_prometheus.models import ExportModelOperationsMixin

class Dog(ExportModelOperationsMixin('dog'), models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
    breed = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
    age = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)

This will export 3 metrics, django_model_inserts_total{model="dog"}, django_model_updates_total{model="dog"} and django_model_deletes_total{model="dog"}.

Note that the exported metrics are counters of creations, modifications and deletions done in the current process. They are not gauges of the number of objects in the model.

Starting with Django 1.7, migrations are also monitored. Two gauges are exported, django_migrations_applied_by_connection and django_migrations_unapplied_by_connection. You may want to alert if there are unapplied migrations.

If you want to disable the Django migration metrics, set the PROMETHEUS_EXPORT_MIGRATIONS setting to False.

Monitoring and aggregating the metrics

Prometheus is quite easy to set up. An example prometheus.conf to scrape can be found in examples/prometheus.

Here's an example of a PromDash displaying some of the metrics collected by django-prometheus:

Example dashboard

Adding your own metrics

You can add application-level metrics in your code by using prometheus_client directly. The exporter is global and will pick up your metrics.

To add metrics to the Django internals, the easiest way is to extend django-prometheus' classes. Please consider contributing your metrics, pull requests are welcome. Make sure to read the Prometheus best practices on instrumentation and naming.

Importing Django Prometheus using only local settings

If you wish to use Django Prometheus but are not able to change the code base, it's possible to have all the default metrics by modifying only the settings.

First step is to inject prometheus' middlewares and to add django_prometheus in INSTALLED_APPS

    ['django_prometheus.middleware.PrometheusBeforeMiddleware'] + \

INSTALLED_APPS += ['django_prometheus']

Second step is to create the /metrics end point, for that we need another file (called in this example) that will wraps the apps URLs and add one on top:

from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = []

urlpatterns.append(path('prometheus/', include('django_prometheus.urls')))
urlpatterns.append(path('', include('myapp.urls')))

This file will add a "/prometheus/metrics" end point to the URLs of django that will export the metrics (replace myapp by your project name).

Then we inject the wrapper in settings:

ROOT_URLCONF = "graphite.urls_prometheus_wrapper"

Adding custom labels to middleware (request/response) metrics

You can add application specific labels to metrics reported by the django-prometheus middleware. This involves extending the classes defined in

  • Extend the Metrics class and override the register_metric method to add the application specific labels.
  • Extend middleware classes, set the metrics_cls class attribute to the the extended metric class and override the label_metric method to attach custom metrics.

See implementation example in the test app